Avatar of Jotunn Draugr
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 767 (0.23 / day)
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    1. Jotunn Draugr 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current I'm so horny, the crack of dawn better be careful around me.
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8 yrs ago
Kinkshaming other kinks is my kink, so don't kinkshame my kinkshaming kink.
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8 yrs ago
Grab life by the p***y
8 yrs ago
Fitness? More like Fit'n'ess whole pizza in my mouth!
9 yrs ago


Canadian English Teacher
Deep fascination with anything relating to medieval Europe, or ancient Greece

Most Recent Posts

(comes back from long hiatus)... Ooo a political thread! What's the topic right now? Manlets upset women don't find them attractive?
@Jotunn Draugr It's been going for over 2 years. It's not going to die any time soon.

And yes, he's still alive. We've just sorta been ignoring him. Currently he's with the squad who have regrouped and are in the process of taking over the second floor of the imperial command post to kill the commander.

You are more than welcome to join back in if you want.

Alright, sorry for the inactivity. Life's been getting in the way. If he's still alive and around the action, I'll read a bit and try to jump back into the action. What could I be doing now, if you don't mind me asking?
Holy fuck, this thing is still alive? Is my character still alive? What's up?
These are horrible XD

You remind me on the Mona Lisa, because I want to mount you against my wall.
Inb4 @Weird Tales and @Jotunn Draugr and @j8cob come in with the Gawker Quinnspiracy and NYtimes stuff.

This some kind of back-handed bitching on your end?

Not sure why I'm tagged, or what you're on about.
Nation: Canada (Under the National Socialist Party of Canada)

Population: 35,000,000


Territory: Canada (will fill in later)

Army Size: 350,000

Other Military Information: Recently expanded greatly, so still largely under-trained.

Culture: Western Anglo-Franco-German. Very conservative, very repressive, very nationalistic.

Following the loss of the war, the UK fell greatly as a world power. As ties between Britain and her colonies grew weaker and weaker, nations such as Canada became increasingly weak to outside propaganda. While American propaganda poured over the border, the Canadian people overwhelmingly rejected it, due to bitterness at America refusing to aid in the war effort. Instead, to the victors went the spoils. Canada, one of the "whitest" nations in the world, became the home of a massive white-nationalist uprising. From the early 1970's, to the early 1980's, the entire country was ravaged by a series of horrific vigilante purges and riots. Finally, by the mid 1980's, the police began to get the situation under control, and the Canadian Nazis began pursuing alternate means to power. Rallying behind a political figurehead, in a country that was split between countless political parties, they soared to victory in the next election, with 35% of the popular vote going to Peter Trumbauer of the National Socialist Party of Canada.
Under Prime Minister Peter Trumbauer, the nation was transformed. He amended Canada's constitution, adding a Bill of Rights, protecting the human dignity of all "white-blooded Canadians", created a new Canadian flag that severed the country's ties with Britain, and began transforming Canada into a heavily socialized military state.
Two and a half decades after the "Trumbaur Reforms" began taking effect, Canada boasts a healthy military, with strong economic ties to both Germany and the UK, and one of the world's fastest-growing fossil-fuel based economies. The grand factories and refineries of the Canadian Energy Corporation (CEC) are world-renowned, towering over the landscapes of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories.
Very interested, but I'll wait to see if anyone else is.
<Snipped quote by Jotunn Draugr>

I did provide a map (http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3747993) at the beginning of the battle, showing where everything was located. I realize now, that it might be a bit hard to follow with text descriptions, so I made some quick annotations (also edited my post because I noticed I had my team on the wrong side of the street).

Red = Lilly's team's path
Green = potential mortar firing locations
Blue = Charlie Section's general path
Black = James' team's path (I think)

Orange = imperial command post

Hunt has given us directions as to where you're supposed to be going, and you're up against standard imperial soldiers. There's still a significant number of them around, though, just about everywhere.

If you want more events and things to react to, unfortunately that's up to you guys. I can't micromanage the entire battle to give everyone something specific for them to do because:
1) I'm not that good of a writer
2) That would balloon my posts to a truly staggering length. I simply do not have the time for that.

I might be able to do that if the RP only had 4 characters + NPCs, but on things of this scale that's not an option. You guys will need to generate some events in your posts to allow your characters to play off each other.

Jotunn, you're the only player in Charlie section, so you're actually in the best position for writing. You can pull minor encounters and events out where ever you want without needing to wait for other players.

Do you want to fight someone? Have your group bump into a couple imperials on the way. Want to help the other group? Find a house with a sniper in it that's taking aim at the guys across the street. Etc.

Roleplaying is collaborative storytelling, so I do need you guys to collaborate. If you want something to react to, make it happen (provided it isn't too world shattering).

I'm not sure people are biting with this.

Personally, I think that if you want us to write our own adventures... what do I need this site for? Surely, the whole point of RP is interacting with other people. If you're not willing to help with that experience on a more detailed level, what's the point?

I'm just saying this because I'm pretty sure this RP is dead anyway. Like every fucking RP on this site.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm still the last one to actually post anything. I'll post again when someone gives me something to respond to.

If that doesn't happen, this RP might as well die, just like every, other, single, one.
@secretlydiscord Well, for one, the characters should get a lecture (perhaps passively?) about the rules of the facility. Perhaps they can get that in the morning before/after breakfast. Also, they should get schedules of what they're going to be doing at the facility. I'm not exactly sure what my character is allowed to do at the facility, so...

Haha so many questions. Would you be against everyone furthering the plot while you're not there to weigh in? Or would that be fine if we're in agreement?

Exactly this. If this is essentially a school, when and what are our classes? Where are we allowed to go?

We can write our own interactions, but we still need a scene.
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