Avatar of MinervaOxblood
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    1. MinervaOxblood 6 yrs ago
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Thank you both very much @Harlequ and @svpernxva, I'm looking forward to being here.
Salutations, I am Minerva, and it’s been… an exceedingly long time since I’ve roleplayed in paragraph format on a forum. I think at one point I even had an account, but if I did I remember nothing of it; suffice it to say, I’m here now, and I’m interested in meeting partners vis a vis interesting stories.

I started roleplaying in the halcyon days of AIM and MSN messenger, ping-ponging between the two as one of the first generations to be labeled a digital native. I developed a lifelong adoration of writing, which has spilled over into my vocation as well.

I don’t know if I’d say I have hard and fast rules with regards to preferences. More or less I’m open to anything, but like anything ee there are caveats.

[Roleplaying Do’s]
+ I prefer one x one; it’s easier for me to keep up with, easier for me to build a story, and far easier for me to create what I love most about the game, namely the rapport between players. I’m much more likely to be engaged when it’s one or two people, versus an entire group.
+ Complex layered stories, huge intricate lore, and paragraphs of expository content. I want to be able to feel the world, to see it in my minds eye, to know the ins and outs of it’s denizens and why the NPCs respond the way that they do. I really prefer to have some brainstorming and world building together with a partner before the actual game; obviously some of it will be waiting in the wings, so to speak, but building a world is just as fun to me as actively playing in it.
+ My favorite genre skew to the weird, the dark, the strange: cosmic horror in particular is something I adore, but horror in general is right up there too. I love sci-fi, but as I’m not particularly gifted with science, I prefer “soft” to “hard” although if you’d be interested in teaching me about a scientific subject near to your heart, I love to learn. I grew up reading high fantasy, so I feel some pull towards it as well; I prefer, though, less chivalric heroes and simpering maidens, and more Fable or Dark Souls. Dystopia and Post Apocalyptic stories round out the list, but just because I listed them last says nothing of my love for them.
+ In all stories I like romance; whether that is 18+ or not, I don’t mind, but would prefer to speak of that personally in PM or Discord. I am bisexual, so my characters largely are as well. I have no real preference one way or another.

[ Roleplaying Don'ts ]
+ I’m not a huge grammar freak, in that most self described grammarians are operating from a “prescriptive lens” which has been on the outs within academia for decades now in preference for “descriptive grammar”. I won’t police what you spell or how you punctuate, and I expect that a partner would do the same in kind; if this bothers you please don’t contact me, my opinion on the matter is iron clad.
+ Real life often makes a mess of the best laid plans, and roleplay is no different. Be it stress, work/life balance, mental health, family stuff or you’re just bored, let me know, I don’t really care as stories are meant to be enjoyable, not a chore. In the same respect as the point above, I have a full plate; if you’re the sort of person who will be pounding down the proverbial door of my pm’s attempting to force me to post more, please do us both a favor and don’t seek me out as a partner.
+ There are certain forms of violence that are strictly off the table, and certain kinds of power structures I will not do. Please ask me via PM for a list of those.
+ I absolutely will not do fanfiction games. So if you have your heart set on a gritty retelling of Harry Potter, I’ve no interest in it and you’d be best suited looking elsewhere.
+ I’m in my early 30s, and find it really uncomfortable to be RP partners with people a whole lot younger than me. If you’re not around 28 or older, I respectfully request that you find someone else as a RP partner.

With the nitty gritty done there’s not much else to add; I’m a particularly creative person, and often my avocational activities skew along those lines. Writing, obviously, but also painting, creating and playing music, crafts and sculpture are all things I enjoy. I have a fondness for awful movies (RiffTrax/MTS3k style), thrifting and reading. I also rather prefer the company of animals, and I have a number of cats whom I would brag about all day if I were permitted to do so.

I hope to hear from you soon; I’m really pretty laid back, so, if you’d like to message me feel free.

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