Avatar of MissFortune
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 621 (0.19 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. MissFortune 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current "I've been saving all my summers for you." - Froot


🍇🍏🍒!! Attention !!🍍🍌🍑

Thanks for reading my profile, since you are here why don't I tell you about myself! I am a Veteran member of the Roleplay Guild, actually quite a bit more than two years old on these forums since I had an account by the name of Buy_The_Stars before the site had a 'spring cleaning'. I am over 18, a league of legends enthusiast and when the plot is good I love to bring ideas to life in the form of writing. I'd consider my own writing style Casual - High Casual, I make minor mistakes here and there but all in all I'd like to think I am a good writer! I am currently in college for 3D Conceptual Design so if that doesn't put into perspective how creative I am, what will? I play submissive roles in MxM RP's and am consistently looking for partners since most are only one a few times a week! If you choose to RolePlay with me, just know that I'm a total goofball and I like to have fun in the OOC but I am on consistently! You can expect up to 3-5 replies per day! Honestly, whatever you'll type in a day I'll do my best to match!

If you are interested in RolePlaying with me, please check this topic for rules and guidelines!

Most Recent Posts

There faces become all distorted the longer you stare at the cross in the center, but when you look at them clearly they are just normal pictures!

Weird how our brains work!?!
'Red' and The Wolf sounds interesting, PM me if you are interested in sorting everything out.
Tick Tick Tick.

That's the sound of me waiting! Haha!
Just wondering if y'all know where we can continue to find more groups of people to RP with, sometimes it helps to post your interest checks on other sites too so you can find that perfect RP partner! Anyone got any good ones?

The time period I am more interested in is the original series, but the industrial age could be interesting as well? There are pros and cons to both.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you are interested in discussing this further.

Hi there ~

My username is Miss Fortune and I am over 18, are you? I'm looking for a partner who has medium-high casual writing style, more writing is always preferred over less but 2-3 paragraphs per post is what I am aiming for! I've had a hankering for a slice-of-life RolePlay and maybe some fantasy elements depending on what we decide upon. First, lets get some bullet points out of the way and then I'll have a few plots I'd like to hash out with whomever is interested!


Some guidelines I have:

- Please post often, I usually post about 3-4 times per day but please post at least 2-3; it is very easy for both parties to lose interest if the momentum is stopped for prolonged periods of time.

- Please be 18+ for mature themes and scenes, but do not allow the RP to be completely taken over by sexually explicit scenes; 90% Story and 10% Smut is about what you are signing up for. Additionally, I only play the submissive role because I simply can't get in the head space of a dominant person.

- Please write like an adult, spelling errors or using incorrect capitalization/punctuation is a big pet peeve of mine as well as overusing using a descriptive word; if you are unsure on how to spell something look it up and if you keep using a word too much find a synonym, you have the whole internet and it only takes a second.

- Please keep a happy balance of inner monologue as well as interactive dialogue, I like to see what is going on in your characters head at certain times but I can't have my character play off of thoughts as they are not a mind reader. I can play off interactive dialogue as well as actions, just a kind reminder!

- Please be expressive if something comes up or if you are no longer feeling the RP, I get very bothered by people who just up and leave or don't respond for weeks on end before popping back up with no prior warning they were going to be leaving. Life happens, but be courteous to the person you are writing alongside!

- Please do not try to plan the whole RP out in advance, it really gives the illusion that we are following a linear path and removes the genuine uncertainty of where things will go next which dilutes the fun. A bit of planning is always a good thing, and I prefer to be warned before something drastic happens - but just don't set an entire story to follow, this is an RP not a scripted play.

- Finally, please tell me your favorite color if you choose to contact me whether that be through PM or down below so that I know you've read these above! It is nice to know my typing didn't fall on 'deaf eyes', now I'll get off my soap box and stop my rambling!

Below will be a list of RolePlays I am interested at the moment, with 1 being what I am craving above all to 5. Bonus points if you choose my #1 RolePlay at the moment, I know it is a somewhat niche market I am pandering to!


Current Favorites:

1. Average Person OC (Me) x Markiplier (You) *✴* Current Desire *✴*
2. Human OC (Me) x Werewolf OC (You)
3. Human OC (Me) x Vampire (OC or an existing character)

4. Human OC (Me) x Superhero (OC or an existing character)
5. Human OC (Me) x Rick Grimes (You) **Hot Topic!**

Now, I will be providing some fandoms I am subscribed to which I'd also be up for!

- League of Legends
- Grimm
- Once upon a Time
- The Walking Dead
- Avatar (Movie)
- Avatar the last Airbender
- Batman
- American Horror Story
- Being Human (US Version)
- Firebreather

If you have another idea please tell me! Perhaps we can make something work, I'm sure I'll love your ideas! Hope to chat with you soon, whether that be through PM or down below whatever makes you most comfortable.

Thank you for reading this wall of text!

- Miss Fortune
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