-Realm name: Children of Spear

''In your sibling you trust''
-Capital: Helapolita
-Government Type: Minor Kingdom
-Currency: Iron coins
-Population: 1 Million
-Realm Size: 30
-Unique Trait #1: The Finest....: Children of the spear (Or just known as Spearnites) are some of the finest warriors on the content. They train, no matter what gender, for the single purpose to fight, wage war, loot, pillage and then fight more, from the age of 10. Hence, nearly every single ''civilian'' is a warrior and its other chosen profession.
-Unique Trait #2: (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
-Unique Flaw #1:...And the fewest: The Spearnites are a nation in decline, several harsh wars has costed them greatly, and their currently suffering from a lose of territory and a lose of population. Their army have never been that big, but its smaller now then ever.
-Unique Flaw #2 (Created by me, mostly to reduce min-maxing)
GEOGRAPHICAL (will be filled in later)
-World-Realm Map: (Fill in desired blocks on world map)
- Geographical Trait:
- Geographical Flaw:
- Internal-Realm Map:
-Major Cities:
-Major Castles:
-Buildings of Interest:
-Geographic Features of Interest:
-Majority Race: Human
-Majority Race Appearance:

-Majority Race Characteristics: Most Children of the spear are well trained, usually more slim then overblown, and tend to be quite tall. Normal hair colours are brown,black and blond. Same goes for eye colours.
-State Religion: The Children of Spears are notoriously anti religion, several purges as more or less removed the notion of god-worship from the lands. They claim, unofficially of course that religion weakens men and women and forces them in to dogmatic bondage. Because of this, and the hefty tax for building shrines of any kind, religious practitioners are very very rare. The few that are tend to keep there religion ''behind closed doors'' to avoid harassments from the state.
-Total Military Size: 7000, where both men and female make up the ranks. The military has been largely the same for several hundred years, hence its more the skill then the weapons, tactics or armour that makes a Spearnite army so deadly. The army divides itself in to corps, and these corps are divided in to companies. A company has a own name, colour on their army and traditions. However, the corps still in forces the same weapons, hence making production easer to manage.
The Sun Corp: Also known as Blazing corp, or insulting ''Burning corpse'', these warriors usually make up the young members of the Spearnite society. Their battle-kits are often two hand weapons (Sword and hook tend to be popular for the reach) and light armour. In war, they tend to skirmish the enemy, harass and flank them. Seen as impulsive and sometimes foolish, The Sun corp is none-the less respected for their skill
The Frist Corp: Also known as Elder Corp or to mock ''The oldy Crop'', they are the opposite to the Sun Corp, only consisting of veterans. They fight with Spear and large shields, forming the backbone of most Speartine battle formations, and wear heavy armour. In battle, they are fearsome to face, since unlike the noisy regements that they face, First Corp is quiet, deadly quiet, quiet in a form of focus that few armies can match.
The Bravest Corp: The last and final Corp is the Bravest Corp, Also known as The Few, they are the Speartines answer to archers. Using longbows, these warriors dress up in leather armour and station themselves often away from the main battleline and fire their bows. The arrow of a Speartine bow is often dipped in mud, dirt and dead bodies to get as infectious as possible.
-Head of State/Monarch:
-Ruling Dynasty (If applicable):
-Constable Of The Army (If applicable):
-Religious Head (If Applicable):
-Persons of interest:
-History: (please include the reaction of your nation to the outbreak of the Dream Plague)
-List of Historical Grievances
-Cultural Notes