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    1. mmidnight 11 yrs ago


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Sarah Paulson? I like her, but I didn't like her Freakshow character. Then again, Freakshow was pretty horrible. I'd switch to Scream Queens but that one from Glee is in it and that's a big nope too.

Sure, that works. Do you want me to put him in the tribute list?
Behind dehydration, infection was just as deadly as any tribute. Haymitch didn't like that he and Katniss were without a clean piece of cloth, even if the bites on her legs and ankles were miniscule compared to some of the other wounds he had witnessed in the past—his own included. Still, it was difficult to tell what the base of the mountain held and stomping around through the weeds, dirt and grass was never the most comfortable or sanitary thing in the world. Knowing that there was no sense in complaining about it, Haymitch did his best to put Katniss' safety out of his mind. For now, he could only physically look after her, and she was doing on hell of a job in looking after him as well.

Now that they were both leech-free, attention could be given to the grassy field ahead. It seemed to stretch on for miles, the shoots taller than he or Katniss, who couldn't even jump high enough to find a point of reference. “I think we're going to be food for whatever's out there,” he said, not seeing a point in trying to sugar coat their situation. The marsh had been one thing, but at least they had been able to see their surroundings—this was blind spot after blind spot and if someone, or something, wanted to hunt them down and kill them, it would only be too easy.

Unfortunately, there was no other way to the mountains and if they were careful, he and Katniss would come out on the other side in one piece.

Gripping his ax, Haymitch hacked at the tall grass in front of them, but the heavy blade, sharp as it was, didn't do much but bend them out of the way. “I think we're just going to have to wade through it,” he said, sounding dissatisfied, “it's probably going to take all day.” There would be no stopping for naps that day, no way to rest when they were sure to be waiting like sitting ducks for whatever lurked in the grass. “Let's get going,” he added, keeping hold of his ax with one hand and giving Katniss's shoulder a squeeze as he stepped into the grassy sea.

Just as he suspected, visibility was low and seeing more than a few feet ahead at a time was asking too much. “Stay close,” Haymitch said, his voice low as he looked to Katniss. “If we get separated out here, just keep heading for the mountain and I'll meet you there.” His life wasn't important, not the way Katniss' was and there were two other people out there who could help get her to the end. Even if Haymitch wasn't fond of Gale, he trusted the other man to do the right thing.

Stress was a funny thing. Although one shirt sleeve wasn't going to be the difference between life and death, it felt that way, and worse, the thought of losing Gale to some accident was starting to get to her. The blonde took a few deep breaths as she finally got the knot tied and did her best to remind herself that they had already made it farther than so many other tributes; they were still alive, still moving and sleeve or not, they had a plan to carry out. Glancing around, Prim hoped that she hadn't made more work for Peeta by letting her weaknesses show. Regardless, she swallowed her bubbling panic and prepared to head deeper into the arena.

Stepping into the tall grass, the rope between them dragged over top of the blades, which made the area feel less confined. It was a nice change from the marsh, no matter how unpredictable, and it was a relief to feel dry land under her boots as they walked along. “Sorry about before,” she whispered over to Gale as they went on, wanting to reach for his hand, but the middle of a strange field was no time for romance, “but I didn't get this rope for nothing.” It was just a joke, something to make the situation a little less tense but Prim quieted herself after. Aside from the sounds of their own feet moving through the grass, it was eerily quiet.

The progress was slow, but eventually, Gale stopped after hearing something. Shaking her head, Prim furrowed her brow, having not heard anything herself. “I think it's just us,” she said, but gripped the knife in her hand anyway, her fingers blanching around the handle as she strained to hear something among the grass. When Gale began to undo the knot between them, Prim reached to stop him, not thinking that it was a very good idea, but a shadow in the corner of her eye stopped her.

Behind them, there was the faintest rustling sound and whatever was out there, was making quick work of the grass that had slowed their pace. “Back to back?” she suggested, hoping to work out some kind of strategy before whatever was out there pounced. The centipede from the night before instantly came to mind, and Prim suppressed a shudder as she looped the rope out of the way and armed herself.
I'm on the fence, tbh. I can't stand Lady Gaga and I think having her on there is really gimmicky and kind of insulting to the show in general but AHS is pretty much the only thing I watch during the fall, so I'm torn. I didn't finish Freak Show, so if everything is going to connect in Hotel, then I'll obviously be out of the loop. I pretty much just want Zachary Quinto back I: what about you?

PS. I'm suddenly really tired, so I'll get you something tomorrow. This is the first thing I'm going to do when I get up.
There are. Even up north is nice, the suburbs are just boring, haha.

Alright c: I'll probably give you a call later then. Just text me or something when you're free!
There's a lot of nice camp grounds in Michigan. Last summer, my friends and I were going to go to the UP and camp but there had been a lot of bear sightings, so we decided against it.

I think it's a local thing, yeah, or maybe just the midwest? I've never thought to investigate, haha. Aw, cats c: Now I'm jelly <3 they're so cute. If you're not busy later, maybe we can catch up?
The arena was the great equalizer. Despite how much the careers had trained over the years, Haymitch had witnessed lesser districts triumph over natural winners time after time and sometimes, it didn't matter how careful a person was—death came for everyone eventually. It was a sightly pessimistic outlook on things, to assume that he (probably) wasn't going to make it out alive, but that wasn't something that he planned to tell Katniss. The less she knew about everything, especially the plan that was currently hanging in the balance, the better because there was already enough stress plaguing all of them and Haymitch knew how worried she was about Prim out there. For now, he could only hope that Gale was protecting her.

“I was tired of you the moment I met you,” he quipped in return, offering her an easy smile as they walked along. It was the most natural they had been with one another since being thrust into the arena, and those small moments of reprieve were excellent motivation to keep going, to stay sane and not obsess about whatever may have been lurking around the next corner. As it was, Haymitch could nearly see the end of the marsh area and he was more than happy with the prospect of being back on dry, solid land soon. Unfortunately, artificial nature had other plans for them.

Up ahead, a swam of small, black bugs that resembled gnats hung in the air. Haymitch paused, hands on the straps of the pack around his shoulders as Katniss suggested trying to go around. It was, more or less, their only option, but the former Victor didn't think that the insects were simply going to stay in one place and let them pass without incident. There was someone behind those controlled, more than likely poised with a finger on the button and ready to send the bugs on the attack. “Where else can we go?” he asked, looking down at the narrow path they were already on—it didn't branch off anywhere else, but that seemed to be the idea.

At first, the plan of moving slowly and in the opposite direction seemed to be working but a loud humming noise soon caught up with them and forced the pair into a hard sprint. Haymitch felt his foot slip every few paces, dipping into the black water on either side of the path as the wheat field drew nearer. If they could just make it there, he thought, the bugs would stop the same way the dangerous mist had.

Diving, Haymitch slid onto a patch of dusty land, dirt rising around himself and Katniss who had turned onto her back. “Those?” he asked, catching his breath as he looked down at the few leeches that hung from her legs, “don't think that's a good idea.” With dirt-covered fingers, the aging Victor reached out and grabbed the wriggling, black body before sliding his finger across Katniss' exposed skin. A trickle of blood made its way down her calf, and Haymitch managed to say something soothing to her as he pulled the parasite free. The teeth were notable in size, ringed with red and still champing at the bit. With little consideration, Haymitch tossed it out into the field, hoping it would soon shrivel and die under the steadily rising sun.

“Do you have anything to wrap that with?” he asked, looking up at her as he reached for a second leech.

The time at the Capitol now seemed like a cruel trick. Before Katniss had won the games the year before, Prim was used to getting by on very little and making do with whatever Katniss happened to bring in from the wilds but all of that food that they had been offered the week before had temporarily erased a lifetime of struggle. Out in the arena, there was nothing prepared and every meal either needed to be caught or stolen from someone else. Prim knew what it was like to feel hungry, to bargain with herself that she could wait a little longer but hunger made people crazy sometimes. “Are you sure?” she asked, wishing that Gale would eat something if he needed it. Staving off the hunger pangs was easier than trying to fill up when times got desperate.

After a little more time was spent plodding through the swampy marshland, the next area finally came into view. They were almost back where they had started and inwardly, Prim wondered if another calamity was on the verge of nullifying their progress, to send them back to the start. With the image of that centipede still in her mind, Prim didn't want to risk taking shelter in the town for another night.

“I'm okay,” she assured with a nod as they straddled the invisible line between each zone. The field was nothing but tall grass, easy to get lost in and it was sure to make a fantastic hiding spot for tributes and mutts alike. “A tether?” she asked with a raised brow, unsure of the idea. It was better than holding hands through the field, but if even two other tributes were to sneak up on them, fighting them off was going to be close to impossible. Before she could even say anything, Gale was cutting at his shirt.

“We have rope!” she objected with a huff and immediately reached into the pack to produce the coil she had salvaged the night before. “You can't keep cutting up your clothes like that,” Prim went on, sure that she sounded a bit like her mother when she nagged, “what are you going to if they—if the temperature drops? What if something sticks to you?” It was the first time that she had panicked since being raised up into the arena, but the heaving in her chest felt justified as her shaking hands began to reproduce one of the knots that Katniss had showed her during training.
I always write cheery instead of cherry. It's awful But yeah, it's really fun! I'm not much of a cherry person but there are these yellow/red ones that are just sweet enough and they're only around for a little bit every year. There's also a strawberry festival and I think there's one for Tulips as well. There's not a lot to do around me, but Michigan isn't totally boring, haha. You should come out here for fall sometime c: It's really nice if it doesn't snow super early.

Idk. I used to take a ton of turmeric and I was going to try shark cartridge but I found out that it's probably cruel to animals. I need to look into supplements again at some point, but I think I just need to sort out my messed up hip first.

WoW has been around since the 90s, I believe. I clearly remember having them when I was a kid, but then we switched for some reason. It's like you can only get service from one or two places these days, it's really annoying.
It really is. There's a lot of orchards around here and up north. We do the cherry festival and that's pretty fun and there's also some really nice wine. But yes, we have corn mazes for most of the fall, there's a huge one not that far from me and it's next to this really big and elaborate haunted house c:

Yeah, I don't think there's anything you can do once you get like ulcers and bleeding. Even OTC stuff can do a lot of damage, so I'm always really wary of what I take and I'm a horrible patient because I don't take my medication as much as I should, haha.

I thought there were laws against that? There's another company here, called Wide Open West but I don't know many people who have them. And I think AT&T just partnered with Direct TV and that's pretty much the only satellite you can get around here besides Comcast or Dish.
They want your money, haha. That's why you can't leave. But yeah, do you guys have cider mills out there? There's one by me that my friends and I just love and you can go and pick apples and then get little donuts rolled in cinnamon and sugar and it's really great. Fall is really just the ideal time for everything and yes <3 the leaves too.

They can, especially the narcotic ones. It blocks pain signals but it also slows down the signal in your colon (I think?) so things tend to move more slowly. But I was talking about the damage that NSAIDS can do to your stomach lining. And addiction runs in my family on my dad's side, so I tend to avoid pretty much every kind of pill even if it's just stuff you can't get addicted to. It's a weird complex, I guess.

Whyyy do these companies always want you to go to Best Buy and get something that isn't going to work? I used to have a speed problem with AT&T and it took so many phone calls to get them to come out here and fix it that I was eventually eligible to join some kind of lawsuit against them. But now they're fine, just expensive. It's pretty much only AT&T and Comcast in our area too, though. It's lame.
You got everything cleared up from last time right? So you're good to go now? c: And right? I miss hot tea but I'm waiting for hot apple cider and sugar cinnamon donuts. Fall is the best.

Alright. I was thinking some kind of plains animal that we just make ultra creepy or something? I love a good monster, haha. And kind of but not really? I feel like my leg is dead today with how humid it is, but I've also been taking a ton of the Motrin they gave me rather than my actual pain meds and I guess that's not good either because they can really tear up your stomach. So now I'm just trying to tough it out. I have the heating pad and the AC going, lmao. I can't wait to go back to the doctor, omg.

Wow, that sucks D: is something in the way or was it just set up wrong? I have AT&T and I agree, they're really expensive but they also have really shitty customer service. There's not too many alternatives where I live, though.
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