Sirena moved slightly to where she was fully in Millicent's line of sight, and she arched a pale blonde brow at the woman's lack of response. She would have simply assumed that the woman was more or less rudely ignoring her if it were not for the distracted look on the woman's face. It was as if Millicent could hear something Sirena could not. And then there it was, a strange voice forming out of thin air. Her brows furrowed in bewilderment, and she glanced around for the source of the voice, the voice that called itself Hecate, but to no avail. Her blue eyed gaze returned to Millicent only to be left feeling even further confused by the woman's strange demeanor.
And then in an instant everything seemed to change. Millicent's once blue eyes snapped open to reveal their now eerie dark purple glow. Sirena let out a gasp, eyes widening as she scrambled backwards in suprise. A wariness filled her own eyes as the voice of Hecate continued on. It began to dawn on her then that the flask was in essence its own entity, or at least that it contained an entity. So then to drink from the flask was to possess Hecate herself, and only those who were deemed as worthy could survive to tell the tale? That seemed messed up, but it seemed things were only going to get more messed up from here on out.
Sirena inhaled sharply and her blood ran cold at Hecate's declaration of freedom. No sooner did Millicent's body begin to shake. The dark purple glow of her eyes now seemed to travel down her body before suddenly exploding outwards in a fiery display. Sirena flinched and instinctively shielded her face with her arms as if that could possibly save her. She slowly lowered her arms, and her blue eyed gaze darted around for the potential threat that had just been released upon this earth.
When her gaze finally landed back on Millicent, she found that the woman had crumpled to the ground. Right then the flask caught her eye. That's not to say that she desired its power, as she most certainly did not. She simply did not trust it, and instead she felt strongly that it needed to be destroyed. Hecate was released and the likelihood of returning her to the confines of the flask seemed slim to none. Perhaps though by breaking the flask it would release their souls and possibly break Hecate's tie to her power as well. One could only hope. While Millicent was still regaining her breath, this was the opening Sirena needed.
She quickly seized the moment, and without a moment's hesitation, she lurched forward to grab the flask. Her slender fingers grasped the accursed flask. A sly smirk came to her features, but her pride was short lived. The flask wouldn’t budge. It was as if it was melted to the very floor below it. A distant cackling sound then filled her ears moments before she felt herself being violently thrown backwards. A gasp left her part lips, and she ended up fazing through Édouard on her way “out.”

Edgard stood there at the edge of the docks, waiting all too impatiently. His demeanor could be described as menacing, and his eyes were a dark stormy blue. "What the hell is taking them so long?! I don't have all day!" he growled irritably. He basically glared at the stationary form of the Styx. Why hadn't they sent out a landing party yet?! Ironically, it would seem that both Alisanne and Edgard were similiarly annoyed and impatient with the captain. This was a war, was it not? Sure they were winning by a landslide, but one would still do well not to get so easily distracted.
He could see movement on the ship and then the clear form of his dear fiancee Alisanne kicking some poor unfortunate soul overboard. A devilish smirk came to his features as he was filled with a sense of pride. He then quickly remembered that he was suppose to be angry with her. The smirk fell from his face and was replaced by a somewhat forced scowl.
Just then, out of the corner of his eye, a streak of light caught his attention. His harsh gaze whipped to the side in time to see some werid sort of light fall from the sky. It was like lightning, but it wasn't. Odd. He shrugged it off, not really caring about anything else in the moment apart for his own selfish desires.