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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

- "Broken Crown" by Mumford & Sons

Sirena moved slightly to where she was fully in Millicent's line of sight, and she arched a pale blonde brow at the woman's lack of response. She would have simply assumed that the woman was more or less rudely ignoring her if it were not for the distracted look on the woman's face. It was as if Millicent could hear something Sirena could not. And then there it was, a strange voice forming out of thin air. Her brows furrowed in bewilderment, and she glanced around for the source of the voice, the voice that called itself Hecate, but to no avail. Her blue eyed gaze returned to Millicent only to be left feeling even further confused by the woman's strange demeanor.

And then in an instant everything seemed to change. Millicent's once blue eyes snapped open to reveal their now eerie dark purple glow. Sirena let out a gasp, eyes widening as she scrambled backwards in suprise. A wariness filled her own eyes as the voice of Hecate continued on. It began to dawn on her then that the flask was in essence its own entity, or at least that it contained an entity. So then to drink from the flask was to possess Hecate herself, and only those who were deemed as worthy could survive to tell the tale? That seemed messed up, but it seemed things were only going to get more messed up from here on out.

Sirena inhaled sharply and her blood ran cold at Hecate's declaration of freedom. No sooner did Millicent's body begin to shake. The dark purple glow of her eyes now seemed to travel down her body before suddenly exploding outwards in a fiery display. Sirena flinched and instinctively shielded her face with her arms as if that could possibly save her. She slowly lowered her arms, and her blue eyed gaze darted around for the potential threat that had just been released upon this earth.

When her gaze finally landed back on Millicent, she found that the woman had crumpled to the ground. Right then the flask caught her eye. That's not to say that she desired its power, as she most certainly did not. She simply did not trust it, and instead she felt strongly that it needed to be destroyed. Hecate was released and the likelihood of returning her to the confines of the flask seemed slim to none. Perhaps though by breaking the flask it would release their souls and possibly break Hecate's tie to her power as well. One could only hope. While Millicent was still regaining her breath, this was the opening Sirena needed.

She quickly seized the moment, and without a moment's hesitation, she lurched forward to grab the flask. Her slender fingers grasped the accursed flask. A sly smirk came to her features, but her pride was short lived. The flask wouldn’t budge. It was as if it was melted to the very floor below it. A distant cackling sound then filled her ears moments before she felt herself being violently thrown backwards. A gasp left her part lips, and she ended up fazing through Édouard on her way “out.”

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

Edgard stood there at the edge of the docks, waiting all too impatiently. His demeanor could be described as menacing, and his eyes were a dark stormy blue. "What the hell is taking them so long?! I don't have all day!" he growled irritably. He basically glared at the stationary form of the Styx. Why hadn't they sent out a landing party yet?! Ironically, it would seem that both Alisanne and Edgard were similiarly annoyed and impatient with the captain. This was a war, was it not? Sure they were winning by a landslide, but one would still do well not to get so easily distracted.

He could see movement on the ship and then the clear form of his dear fiancee Alisanne kicking some poor unfortunate soul overboard. A devilish smirk came to his features as he was filled with a sense of pride. He then quickly remembered that he was suppose to be angry with her. The smirk fell from his face and was replaced by a somewhat forced scowl.

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, a streak of light caught his attention. His harsh gaze whipped to the side in time to see some werid sort of light fall from the sky. It was like lightning, but it wasn't. Odd. He shrugged it off, not really caring about anything else in the moment apart for his own selfish desires.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Tortuga

Elissa listened as Aravis told the story of Hecate and the flask. It was not a tale that she was familiar with, but that didn't really surprise her. She wasn't as familiar with stories as her friend, and probably never will be. After she told the tale, Elissa watched as their bodies appeared once more. Considering that they were supposed to be buried underneath a bunch of rubble, it was surprising.

She watched as Anastasia knelt down, trying to regain her body once more. Elissa looked over at Aravis, and gave a little shrug. She wasn't too sure this was going to work at all. Glancing down, she looked at her body, unsure of what to do. Eventually, she decided to go along with Anastasia, and try to take control of it. "Zis might not vork, put zere is nein boint in not trying I zuboze," she said, before trying to regain her body again, much like she had seen Anastasia do it before her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Caribbean: April 9th, 1719 - 4:51 PM Local Time

Harlianne James

Location: Port of Tortuga Docks

According to legend, pirates are hardly the most fearsome creatures to roam the seas. There are witches, awaiting to ensnare your mind and befuddle your senses. If you ask the Greeks, there are sirens, luring you to your ultimate death with their beauty and grace. And those sailors, they swear that Davy Jones is constantly prowling the waters, looking for souls to join his crew of the damned. Yet there is another horror that lurks in these waters, one associated with the Devil's Triangle.

The kraken. Many thought that it was responsible for the deaths in the Devil's Triangle. It preys on ships, tearing them apart and devouring alive anyone (un)fortunate enough to not drown in the process. Yet it is silly to imagine that the kraken would confine itself to the Bermuda Triangle. Just as the flask is now at Tortuga, so is the kraken.

"What in the name of Davy Jones is this nonsense?!" Harlianne exclaimed. The sailors in front of her that were jumping overboard were rapidly vanishing, as if something was sucking them down to the bottom of the ocean. It was only as she felt a slimy tentacle curl around her leg that she understood - the kraken.

Meanwhile, on the deck of the Styx, Alisanne stared disapprovingly down into the water. It was typical of the English - they were drowning, as far as she was concerned. The French-English prejudice was strong in her mind, even if she was using the resources of the English navy. As far as she was concerned, they were no more than a means to an end. "Qu'est-ce qui passe?" Alisanne muttered underneath her breath.

The tentacles then shot out from the water, wrapping themselves around the Styx, before tightening. The wood began to give slightly, and then, all at once as the ship was torn in two.

Édouard Riviere & Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

Aravis' eyes widened as she saw the bodies appearing all around them. There was no doubt in her mind that Millicent was inhabited by the being from the stories of the Cursed Flask. Yet if that was the case, then the English navy was the least of their troubles. There was something terrible happening in the Caribbean, and she had to assume its source was the flask still clutched in Millicent's hand. Would destroying it kill the goddess? Or would it only set Hecate free, allowing her to kill as she pleased?

"Can you restore yourself?" Aravis asked, though her question answered itself. It wasn't enough for the bodies to be there - more magic had to be done in order for everyone to return to their forms. Jean Waverly, the minder of Alisanne Riviere, looked down at her own body with a funny smile on her face.

"I suppose you conveniently forgot a restorative ritual," Jean pointed out. She had worked for Crypts long enough to pick up a trick or two. "Without that, these bodies will rot and such a magical expense would have been for nothing." Yet the magic could not be undone. The curse had been cast - and it resulted in the kraken appearing. Millicent brought back bodies from the Bermuda Triangle, yet she summoned the kraken as well. All magic has a price.

"Please help them," Aravis then said, as she looked towards Millicent. She didn't know if she was talking to the woman or the goddess. Édouard, of course, was nudging his own body with his toe with amusement. It seemed to be keeping him entertained, for the moment.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Tortuga.

Anastasia looked down at her body for a moment then looked towards those that were there she, grumbled slightly to herself as she paced around her own body. She was starting to get really impatient as she listened to one of the women hat was there who she didn't know or recognize mentioning something about magic and keeping their bodies from rotting. Her eyes wondered over towards Millicent who still held the flask in her hands. Her eyes wondering towards Aravis and Elissa as well she did wonder if her two new friends were still interested in even joining up with the crew.

Anastasia really wanted to go back and actually report to Harlianne and she had no doubt that she would end up tearing her a new asshole for not coming back sooner and dying. "Cud we really speed dis tin' up a bit, me captain is still oyt dare an' oi'm not sure if she is still alive or not, nade me body roi nigh an' don't want it rottin' away so quickly." She was really getting impatient she was grateful that her body was right there in front of her again and not crushed my the crazy witch Septima.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Millicent Clarke

Location: ???

Millicent felt the ebb of the force that pushed Sirena away from her. It felt...good. She was fully aware when Hecate spoke. It was like Hecate asked for permission to speak.

"I am no use without your body, Millicent. I must rely on you as you rely on me. Together, we can do wondrous things. Things, unlike anything you've seen." She heard Hecate speak in her mind and Millicent knew. It was a feeling she had ever since she drank from the flask.

Millicent finally stood up and dusted herself off. The bodies were back. Things seemed to be spiraling out of control, but Millicent merely shrugged it off. She couldn't die, it seemed. However, Aravis' plea hit her. With the curse of the flask safely out of her hands now, she was free to use its power. "Don't get used to this." With that, Millicent called forth the power to release the spirits and bring them back to their mortal bodies.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

- "Novocaine" by Fall Out Boy

Sirena went head over heels backwards to "land" several feet away. Had she been in a corporeal form, the dampness of the Misty Mire would have soaked through her clothes by now, weighing her down, and the grime of the marshy ground would have infiltrated every crevice. Had she been more than just a ghost, a wisp of something that once was, she would have been riddled with bruises and abrasions. But pain was mostly irrelative here, at least that of the more physical kind. Instead the mental torture of knowing you aren't alive but you aren't quite dead either was torture enough. Imagine what that must do to one's mind.

Perhaps that's why Sirena was at her wit's end. The patience she was once so adept at was quickly being thrown out the window. She was fed up with life. She was fed up with death. She was fed up with everything. Screw it all. She had nothing but perhaps the remnants of her sanity left to lose. A growl escaped Sirena's pale lips as she pulled herself up, glaring daggers in Millicent's direction. "Enough of this bloody madness! Hand over the flask, or I will pry it from you with my cold, dead hands!" she spat. She slowly stalked back in the direction she had been thrown from, her eyes trained on Millicent as the woman made her next move.

It had yet to fully dawn on Sirena that her body had been returned to her, but in the end, it wouldn't have truly mattered to her anyways. Her body was in pieces. Her life had been left in shambles. The damage seemed irreparable to her. What if the fragments left behind by the flask's curse were never truly meant to be put back together again?

Location: Docks – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

In an instant, in the blink of an eye, the tides had turned. Unbeknownst to Edgard, someone had dabbled with the power of the flask and had unwittingly unleashed a monstrosity upon the land of the living. The water immediately surrounding the Styx rippled ominously, almost imperceptiblely at first considering the tumultuous nature of the sea. A creature, a bearer of death, lurked within the water's depths. Edgard's ever stormy blue eyes widened as the Styx began to sink and crewmembers jumped overboard seemingly in desperation. The cowards. But no sooner did those words, those assumptions, pass through his thoughts did all hell break loose.

It all seemed to occur in slow motion before Edgard's eyes. The massive tentacles shooting out from the water, sending sprays of water every which way, and wrapping around the ship as if it was only pencil thin. A dull creaking noise of wood giving and inevitably snapping, a sound that could quite possibly be etched into his mind forevermore, could be heard even from where he stood on the docks. His gaze locked onto Alisanne, his beloved fiancée, the only person who ever truly meant anything to him in this world, as her ship was torn in two. His blood ran cold as it dawned on him that she was in the eye of the storm. The only shred of humanity, of love, he had in his heart was about to be destroyed along with his dear sweet Alisanne.

"NOOOO!!!!" he yelled, his primal scream echoing above the sounds of carnage. "ALISANNE!!!!" His now wild gaze desperately looked around for something to put a stop to this. To destroy the beast. To save her. His eyes landed on the Bellona. The ship was miraculously intact after the barrage of cannon fire dealt by the combined forces of the English and French, and more importantly, its cannon was still usable and almost perfectly in line with the Styx. Edgard hightailed it across the docks and onto the deck of the Bellona as adrenaline pumped through his veins.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Tortuga

The group was definitely an interesting bunch. Millicent with the flask, and her conversations with Sirena were interesting to say the least. The whole thing was weird, all of this talk about using the flask's magic, and restoration rituals or whatever, it was all really confusing for her. This whole thing was weird, and the fact that something was going on in the Caribbean because of some small flask, that just made her wonder.

This was definitely not the time to ask a bunch of questions. They didn't have time for it, since something was clearly going on down at the docks. They needed to head there and help out. Anastasia mentioned her captain still being down there, and since they hadn't seen her ghost yet, she took that as a good sign. It meant that they potentially had a ride out of there, but that would require them to have their bodies back, and hope that the ship is still there when they show up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

The Caribbean: April 9th, 1719 - 4:59 PM Local Time

Harlianne James

Location: Port of Tortuga Docks

The kraken tossed the remnants of the Styx aside, sending a near shower of people falling down into the water. The entire crew that had remained on the Styx hit the water like pebbles, sinking quickly beneath the water. An eerie calm settled on the surface until it was broken by a bare hand. A moment later, a woman emerged in a now ragged and tattered dress. It was impossible for anyone to identify her from this distance - but she seemed to have been the only survivor of the Styx. She then began to quickly make her way towards the docks, swimming as fast as she could to avoid another bout with the kraken.

"OI! THAT'S MY SHIP!" Harlianne exclaimed, seeing a figure board the Bellona. The tentacles of the kraken dragged her underneath the surface of the water before she could ascertain who the intruder was. She had stolen that ship fair and square - she wasn't about to let someone else take the Bellona from her. She opened her eyes underneath the waves, looking around madly as the tentacle continued to pull her downwards. If she didn't act quickly, she'd drown. She grabbed her cutlass, thankful that she hadn't left it on the deck of her ship, and began slashing about at the tentacle.

Yet the kraken wasn't as dumb a creature as it appeared. It wrapped another tentacle around her neck, intending to keep the pirate from causing too much more damage. Had she not had only precious little air left in her lungs, Harlianne would have laughed. It was attempting to strangle her underwater. It was a bit much, wasn't it? She drove her cutlass down again, attempting to pierce the tentacle around her ankle. She hit true and the kraken loosened its grip on her, allowing her to swim up to the surface once more.

As for Edgard, he has a clear shot. The kraken's head has just emerged above the surface of the water. However, this window of opportunity won't remain there for long. And there is still no sign of Alisanne in the water.

Édouard Riviere & Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

Millicent's second spell was accompanied with a second curse. Each time she cast magic, she was given a choice - who paid the price? Yet on this occasion, as the dark light shot up into the sky and fell down once more near the docks, its target was already near death. The target simply lost the light in her eyes and let go, her body beginning to drift gently towards the bottom of the ocean. And in exchange for her death, new life was granted to those spirits. They were restored to their bodies - well, all except for one.

The damage to Sirena's body was too much. It would require another act of magic or the skillful hand of a surgeon for her to be able to inhabit it once more. Her head was detached from her body - she'd simply die again if sent back into it. Yet for Elissa, Édouard, Anastasia, and the others - they were alive once more. They were no longer bound to the flask and its powers.

"Elissa!" Aravis exclaimed, kneeling down by her friend. She felt Elissa's pulse and knew that she was alive once more. She grinned, though a few tears slid down her face. "Perhaps it would be best if we left Tortuga - maybe we can go to Naussau," Aravis suggested. It had been a safe haven for pirates up until about a year ago. Yet with the ruins Tortuga was in, there weren't very many safe havens left. "Or perhaps the Americas." It was obvious how relieved she felt to have her friend back once more.

Édouard, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel confused. One moment ago, he was standing. And the next, he was on the ground. He felt his face, before noticing that he felt a bit lighter - as if he had been freed from something. "Très bien!" he exclaimed before clapping his hands as he hopped to his feet. He then went over to Millicent and pulled her in for a quick kiss. "Merci beaucoup!" He gave a little bow and then a wink. "Est-ce que vous voulez sortir avec moi?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Tortuga.

Anastasia was about to try and intervene between Serina and Millicent she feared that the two of them would end up killing each other. Anastasia, felt her soul suddenly reenter her bod, she quickly then opened her eyes once more as she took her breath in for the first time since she had died, and quickly sat up running a hand through her hair looking down at her leg. She was relived to see that it was still there, having that weird shark take a chomp at it was bad enough. Seeing those that died were all now coming back to life as well Anastasia smiled happily as she slowly stood up and moved over to Aravis and Elissa. She reached over to feel a pulse from Elissa as well she was relieved to see that she was alive as well, her eyes then wondered over to Serina's body.

Her body wasn't fixed, like the others were and thought of a way to try and bring her friend back to life, eyeing Millicent for a moment. She couldn't ask the woman any more that she already had asked, and she was afraid that the woman would say no either, she heard Aravis mentioning of someway to try and get out of Tortuga. Which to her wasn't a bad idea either since the pirate safe haven is now currently in shambles.

"If me captain is still alive oi can ask 'er ter take yer ter wherever ye'd loike." Anastasia offered before eyeing her friends body once more. "Jist 'elp me git me lads body back ter de Bellona." Anastasia asked looking over at Millicent. "Yisser failte ter join as well."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

- "Sinners" by Barns Courtney

Before Millicent could give a reply to Sirena's blatant threat, something changed in the air. A spell had been cast, and a price had was to be paid. Sirena's steely gaze pulled away from Millicent, and she finally took in her surroundings, which had previously gone unnoticed to her in her tirade. Her blue eyes widened, and a small gasp left her parted lips as a dark light shot up into the sky. The bodies of the fallen then began to rise and seemingly come back to life. She glanced around in surprise, noting the incorporeal forms of the others had now disappeared. Her pale blonde brows furrowed in confusion as she looked down at herself. She didn't feel any different.

Sirena looked back up, and that's when her eyes landed on her still broken, lifeless body. Her heart sank into her stomach at the realization that the others had been resurrected but she hadn't. She swayed slightly on her feet, and her hands shook at her sides. Her gaze then hardened and swept back to Millicent. She glared openly at the woman. "You! This is your doing!" she growled, a bit of emotion uncontrollably seeping into her voice.

When Édouard came over and pulled Millicent into a quick kiss, the metaphorical daggers she had drawn pointed at him next. "Édouard!" she exclaimed sharply, before her voice turned into an unheard of growl at him. "Not. Now."

Location: Deck of the Bellona – Port of Tortuga

- "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Yacht Money

Edgard rushed across the deck of the Bellona, his feet sliding slightly on the slick wood. He slid to a stop in front of the nearest cannon and scrambled to grab what he assumed were the necessary packing materials lying nearby. Did he truly know what he was doing? Well, he got the basic gist of how to load and fire a cannon. So, in other words, not really. What he did know for a fact was that every second spent was precious. That monstrous sea beast was putting the life of his dear fiancée Alisanne in certain peril, and he would not just stand idly by and watch the beast seal her fate. He was no coward. He was no weakling. No, he was the Baron of Blood and Fire.

He kept glancing up to assess the kraken's position as he shoved various materials into the cannon. Powder. Ball of hay. Cannon ball. And it was ready to be ignited. He pulled out his pocket tinderbox that he always kept on his person and quickly set to work lighting the fuse. He let out a growl of annoyance as he struggled to get it to light. He didn't have time for this! He glanced up again at the kraken, an inkling of desperation seeping into his stormy blue eyes. Finally, second times the charm and the fuse ignites. A cocky gleam returned to his eyes. "Eat iron bloody kraken!!" he shouted at the top of his lungs before plugging his ears with his fingers.

The cannon let out a deafening BOOM as it hurled the cast-iron cannon ball straight for the kraken. He let out a triumphant shout as the beast was struck dead on. Miraculously, a single shot was all it took to take down the beast. A wicked smirk crossed his features as he watched the beast in its death throes before it sank below the waters depths. Yet his smirk soon faded and his face took on a note of graveness as he looked out at the vast ocean. Somewhere the ocean still held his Alisanne captive, assuming she was even still alive at all. And that. That hurt him more than anything.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Elissa Isley

Location: Tortuga

She felt herself being pulled into her body. After a moment, she took a breath, then another. Elissa never felt so happy to breath in her life. She let Aravis feel her pulse, before giving her friend a smile. It felt like ages ago that they met Anastasia in the tavern and helped out in a small brawl. The fact that they had died practically minutes later made it seem like so much longer than it actually was.

Looking to the others, she saw that Anastasia was back as well, but someone else in the little group wasn't. Sirena, the woman who had been fighting with Millicent about the flask wasn't alive again. It made her wonder if it hadn't been on purpose that she hadn't been raised. "Zat is kood, hobefully your Cabtain und zee schip are sdill zere ven ve arriffe zough," Elissa said, looking at Anastsia. It wasn't a lie or anything, but who knew what was going on at the docks, the ship might not even be there anymore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guest Writer: @FantasyChic
The Caribbean: April 9th, 1719 - 5:01 PM Local Time

It took a certain power Millicent hadn't realized she had to bring the bodies back and input their spirits. The one blonde woman who seemed intent on causing issues appeared to have no desire to get back in her body. In fact, the woman insisted she hand over the flask. What she intended to do with it was beyond her grasp. Hecate spoke in her head as the woman continued to annoy her "You humans are interesting creatures. You feel that you have any part in how things are shaped and molded. I do wish this woman would shut up for once. You, Millicent, are different and it is time you realize this."

Millicent had been turning recent events over in her head. The flask was hers and it was hers to do what she wished. Hecate made that clear and it was like she knew this already. She faced the woman, her voice a dark echo. "Silence, bitch. I am no longer yours to order. The flask is mine and mine alone and you would do well to not anger me further. Go, deal with the petty annoyance." She referred to the Kraken as the blonde woman and the others rushed to deal with it. What did she care? She could not die.

As for Édouard. Millicent smiled sweetly after the kiss, placing a hand on his cheek. "Cher garcon," she said before she stood up and slapped him as hard as she could, "Je ne suis plus à ton niveau, imbécile. Inclinez-vous à votre nouvelle règle et je pourrais avoir de l'indulgence pour vous." With a flick of her wrist, a flush of her dress, and a flip of her hair, she turned to storm on to the beach. It was time to show the world.

Hecate seemed to smile inside of her. "Yes, Millicent. You now realize your station in life. Go, show the others what I mean." Millicent appeared on the beach, the Kraken having been taken care of. She walked past the others, ignoring their cheers, screams, and glances. She had no time for petty things such as they. They would be dealt with if they interfered (the blonde woman, especially). Millicent glowed purple again as she floated above and on to the Bellona. A beautiful ship, to be sure.

Such a shame.

Millicent spoke and her voice echoed inside the minds of those that heard her. It was as if Hecate spoke as well as Millicent. "Listen, mortals. I no longer require your aid. I am now above you. I require my true calling and I go to search for it. I leave you with this." After she spoke, Millicent held up the flask. The desired treasure, the thing that called her especially.

And she smashed it down on to the deck. Destroying the flask as well as the ship.

The deck cracked below her. It was as if a cannonball surged through. Splintered boards formed upward. The ocean began to swallow it whole. If anyone was on board, it was best they retreat, but it did not matter to Millicent anymore. "Now you see the power I wield. I bid you farewell, for now, mortals. Your queen desires her throne."

Harlianne James

Location: Port of Tortuga Docks

Harlianne ducked down into the water as Edgard fired off a cannon. While she was on principle irritated that he was on her ship - she had stolen it fair and square, after all - at least the bloody kraken seemed to be dead. Its form went slack and blood seeped into the water, with Mad Eyes doing her best not to inhale any of it. She wasn't a doctor or a scientist by any means, but she doubted it was healthy. She wanted to kill her liver with alcohol, not with kraken blood.

Harlianne broke the surface of the water, just in time to see a floating person hovering above her precious Bellona. "I've gone mad," Harlianne muttered. "For real this time." Yet her confusion changed to shock and anger as she saw what happened next. The figure threw a projectile at her ship and it tore the Bellona apart. She then unleashed a bout of swears as she fought to stay above the surface of the water, inhaling a healthy mixture of water and kraken blood in the process. "YOU LITTLE WHORE I'M GONNA KILL YOU. THAT WAS MY SHIP. WHY COULDN'T YOU WRECK A DIFFERENT ONE, EH? THERE'S A PERFECTLY FINE SHIP OVER THERE THAT ISN'T MINE YOU FUCKING SKANK!"

"You have spirit," the figure mused, her voice somehow audible to all. "Be grateful I have not decided to end you, mortal." And then Millicent looked directly upwards, her hand extended. A flash of light appeared as she was struck by what seemed to be lightning. And in the next moment, she vanished.

Harlianne squinted. "OI! FUCK! WHERE'D THE 'ARLOT GO?!" She managed to use a splintered piece of wood - which ship it was from was nearly impossible at this point - to give herself a rest from treading the water. Amongst the wreckage of the Bellona, Edgard was alive and well. Not too far away from him was a still and lifeless form. The woman appeared to have drowned, her eyes open with a glassy quality to them. Her body was still warm to the touch.

It was the body of Alisanne Riviere. Her corpse must have been disturbed by the new wreckage and drifted near Edgard. She had been the one to pay the ultimate price - her life had fueled Millicent's last acts of magic before she vanished.

Édouard Riviere & Aravis Zacharia

Location: the Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

Édouard gave Sirena a curious glance. Didn't she just hear the conversation he had had with Millicent? He was certain that he was madly in love with her and she now seemed to be some sort of goddess. There had always been a reason that he liked Millicent and now he was positive of it. He'd marry her in a heartbeat - as soon as he found wherever she had gone off to. Or was it one of those things where she would have to come and find him? "Tais toi," Édouard sneered at Sirena. "Tu n'es rien," he then taunted. "Mon cœur est à Millicent."

Aravis couldn't help but grin, despite the bleakness of the situation. She had her best friend back. They could start a new life together, far away from this island. And while she hadn't quite had her fill of adventure, she knew better than to continue to mess with these forces. She looked up as Millicent ascended, remembering more of the legends and stories that had been told. "There's more to the story of the flask," Aravis finally said. "I am certain that is not the last we will hear of Millicent...Perhaps only in this time."

She then offered a hand, pulling Elissa to her feet. "Come, let's go find a ship."

"Salut," Édouard said cheerfully to Sirena, his mood seeming to have changed vastly, before he began walking in no direction in particular. He happened to be heading towards the jungled terrain, where it was rumored that native tribes still lurked. It was a few minutes before he vanished from sight as well, off on his own next adventure in refusing to ask for directions.

The walk to the docks was fairly quick. There were people milling about in various states of confusion, having been restored to their bodies with Millicent's magic. A few of them were swearing up and down at they had seen Davy Jones, others were trembling with the remembrance of something dark and cold. None of the individuals paid too much notice to the small party walking through, yet when the reached the docks, Aravis' heart sank.

"They're all destroyed," Aravis said, yet it was unneeded. None of the ships at the docks had survived. It would take a full season to build new ships. A few of the sunken ships still displayed with flags weakly. The carcass of the kraken just barely floated above the edge of the water.

"More ships will arrive to take us from the island shortly," a sopping wet woman in yellow explained, walking over towards the small group. "My name's Margot - I can arrange for you to travel with me to Nassau if you would like," she offered kindly. She held out a hand, revealing the symbol of La Fraternité du Sang tattooed on her wrist. Yet there was a scar over it, an intentional gash. Had Edgard seen it, it would have all made sense then.

Alisanne had not been the true mastermind of the sisters. It was Margot.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Tortuga.

Anastasia looked towards Sernia and then Millicent as the powerful woman snapped at her friend, she wanted to do something to help Sernia she then watched as Millicent turned and started to head down the beach. Anastasia looked towards Ed for a moment the man was certainly on her last nerve and went up to him and suddenly kicked him as hard as she could in his nuts. Before deciding to see what Millicent was going to do next, and saw all the carnage that was in Tortuga's port. The remains of the kraken as well as all of the ships that were there, she wished that she was there in the middle of it and not being dead. As she made her way towards the docks, Anastasia watched Millicent magically float over on top of the Bellona amazed at what she was seeing. Being brought back to life was also a good thing, then she heard a familiar voice and spotted Harlianne in the floating wreckage of the remains of some of the ships that were in the water.

Then her attention turned back to Millicent when she threw down the flask onto the Bellona, taking several steps back Anastasia watched as her captain's pride and joy was now nothing more then floating debris in the water. Now they were truly stranded on the island, looking around Anastasia tried to find something of use to try and pull Harlianne onto the docks themselves. "'ey 'arlianne sorry oi missed de party wus yer nu dead!" Anastasia yelled out to her friend.

Then she watched Millicent just disappear in a flash of lightning, leaving everyone else who survived on the island alone, then she looked towards Aravis and Elissa. She was glad to see her two friends were still there, she was still curious about the flask and what she knew about it, which was now broken. "Waaat else do yer nu av it?" She asked. Anastasia's attention then was turned towards a soaking wet woman raising an eyebrow towards her. "Oi certainly wouldn't mind gettin' oyt av 'ere." Anastasia said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Elissa Isley

Location: Tortuga

As she let Aravis help her to her feet, Elissa watched as Millicent flew away after yelling at Sirena. There was nothing more they could do for her, she was stuck there, as a ghost. It made her pity the woman, but in a way, it did seem like she deserved it, Sirena had been fighting with Millicent about the flask ever since she had first gotten a hold of it. Guess that just goes to show that you shouldn't fight with everyone you see.

"Alright zen, let's get koing," she said, following the others down to the docks. The carnage, that was not something she had expected. So much destruction, as well as the body of the kraken, it was all messed up. It made her wonder what exactly had happened while they were in the Marshes, but all of that went away as Anastasia started speaking to a woman in the water. At least Anastasia's captain/friend wasn't dead, that was a good thing.

Another woman approached them and started speaking. She didn't really know who she was, but she hoped that what she was saying was true, that more ships were coming. Getting off this rock was a good idea, nothing good really happened here, so it would help if they all just left it behind them. "More schibs? I hobe more come. Hey Araffis, zounds like ve might not pe sduck here afder all."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

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Location: Deck of the Bellona – Port of Tortuga

- "King of Pain" by Valerie Broussard

A voice, or voices, pierced through the haze that Edgard seemed to be in. His once stormy blue eyes, which had all but been reduced to a more sullen blue, snapped upward to view a woman floating above the ship he was boarded on. His eyes widened in alarm, and his hand instinctively flew to the hilt of his cutlass. "What the bloody hell--" he exclaimed. The women's words made little sense to him, let alone did they truly mean anything to him. Yet the item clutched in her slender hand did in fact catch his eye. For a moment, just a moment, he forgot the stitch within his heart, that pain that only finding Alisanne alive and well could mend. His mind recounted the mission he had been sent on. No, not the one to kill Édouard, but the other one. The mission that his dearly beloved fiancée had requisitioned him for. The mission to find the cursed flask. Could that be it in the woman's hand? He had been told that it possessed great power, which would explain the woman's uncanny ability to fly.

But Edgard had little time to ponder such things, as the woman suddenly and carelessly cast down the precious treasure that so many men had fought and died for. "NOOO!!!" he shouted as he lurched forward. Everything that followed seemed to take place in slow motion. Before he could ever dare manage to catch it, the flask hit the deck to shatter into a million pieces, and then--chaos. The deck cracked and splintered, and the ocean swept in to swallow the ship whole. He was pulled under the waves for several precious moments before he was finally able to resurface again. He coughed up water and gasped for air as he franticly treaded water. He grabbed ahold of a piece of debris as the tumultuous waves pushed it towards him. His gaze then looked around sharply to take in the extent of the damage.

He was surrounded by broken pieces of wood from what was once the Bellona. As his gaze swept over the carnage, something, or rather someone, in particular caught his attention. His veins, which were once filled with Blood and Fire, just then went truly ice cold. Among the wreckage was the lifeless body of his dear sweet fiancée Alisanne. "No," he choked out, before his voice turned into a shout that quivered with emotional pain. "NOO!!!" He pushed away from the piece of debris he had been clinging to and desperately swam to where Alisanne's body floated. He grasped ahold of her body, his fingers curling around her sopping clothes. He then reached up a shaky hand to gingerly touch her face. Her skin was still warm to the touch, but nevertheless, all life was gone from her, as her eyes were open and glassed over. "Please--please come back to me. You're all I ever cared about in this world," he cried in despair. He caressed her face as a single tear slipped down his cheek.

He didn't know how long he clung to her as he attempted to keep his head above water. All he knew was that he was quickly growing weary. With what strength, physical and emotional, he had he began to drag Alisanne's body back to shore. He slowly attempted to navigate around the various pieces of debris with her dead weight in tow. He clenched his teeth from the effort as he determinedly swam along. He was successful--at first. It would seem that fate had no feelings for a man such as Edgard, but could you blame it? As he swam down and around a gigantic piece of debris that had once been one of the ship's masts, his clothes caught on the splintered wood and a large wave then pushed him under. His limbs flailed around in an attempt to dislodge himself, while foolishly still trying to hold onto Alisanne, but the effort only served to deplete what little precious oxygen he had left in his lungs. Soon enough he was as dead as his dearly departed fiancée, his body sinking into the same watery abyss that had taken her.

Location: The Misty Mire - Port of Tortuga

- "Demons" by Brian McFadden

Color drained from Sirena's face as the crushing weight of reality quickly came crashing down on her. The woman's words cut deep, yes, but not as deep as the sinking realization that she was now stuck in this form between life and death--forevermore. She had surely dug herself a grave, a grave that she could not crawl back out of. Not even death could save her now. "No, wait," she called out to Millicent, to Hecate, to whomever the woman truly was now. Yet it was clear as day that Sirena would be receiving no aid from the woman. No aid at all.

Her saddened blue eyed gaze turned to Édouard. She felt so helpless right then, not the powerful, alluring woman she had once been. It was a feeling she had hoped to have buried years ago, a feeling she had sworn never to feel again, especially not in the face of a man. But it was like the years had rewound and old wounds had been opened for all to see. She felt weak, tainted, like she was nothing. And it didn't take a language in common to see that Édouard felt the same just then. It was a low blow to her already wounded psyche.

Sirena's bottom lip quivered slightly as she watched Édouard disappear into the nearby forest, leaving her alone and thoroughly wounded. She eventually looked forward once more, in the direction that everyone had gone off to. She stumbled forward weakly, only to end up falling onto her knees. A sob was ripped from her incorporeal lungs as her eyes welled up with tears. She had lost everything. Her life. Her friends. Her sanity. But most importantly, her freedom. It was her biggest fear come true. And in this instance, it was all irreplaceable. "No. No no no," she cried out. "NOOO!!!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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The Caribbean: April 9th, 1719 - 5:06 PM Local Time

Once upon a time...

There was a group of women, noble and strong, along with two rather deranged men. For one reason or another, these strangers happened to come together in Tortuga, the last true haven for pirates in the Caribbean Sea. Their purposes all differed drastically but it does not matter. They all shared a story in the end. This is the story of the Cursed Flask, a flask thought to give the wielder the power of the gods.

Yet it was more than just that. Those who drank from the flask could not contain the power and soon died as a result of their newfound powers. Just as few knew of its existence, even less knew how to safely use its power. Mr. Alucard, a grieving widow, had become obsessed with raising his wife Caroline from the dead after the flask claimed her life. The English wished to weaponize it. La Fraternité du Sang wished to rule with it. Yet none of them held the flask at the end. No, it was a prostitute or assassin (depending on the day) who received its power...who became the new host of Hecate.

Now if you think this is where our story ends, you are surely mistaken, for it has just begun. The strange events at Tortuga have brought stranger tides to the Caribbean, changing the world forever. Gods, magic, and monsters are not the stuff of legend - they are real and vibrant, powerful and deadly, merciful and cruel. This is but a chapter in a never ending tale of strange new waters.

Sirena Ikaria: While the flask was destroyed, Sirena was not restored to life. She remained a spirit, adrift yet simultaneously chained to the island of Tortuga. By the year 1909, she had become famous as the Enchantress of Tortuga, rumored to be the ghost of a slain pirate cursed to forever walk the island. The best-selling graphic novel, L'Enchanteresse de l'île de la Tortue, is currently in talks to be produced by Walt Disney Studios in spring of 2019. There's a lot of speculation about who the Enchantress once was, with some suggesting that it could have been the lost Duchess of Albemarle, Harlianne James.

Harlianne James: For a while, Captain James sailed with Aravis, Margot, Anastasia, and Elissa in her newest stolen vessel, the Syren. Yet the others eventually moved on, leaving the Caribbean for new adventures. But the Caribbean was in her blood and Harlianne couldn't leave. Instead, she was offered a rare opportunity by the English government - a pardon. She was sanctioned to commit acts of piracy against the Spanish and the French. The alternative was to be executed.

Aravis Zacharia: Aravis sailed the Syren with the others, before she began yearning for a new adventure in the Americas. She convinced Elissa to go with her, with the two making their way to the Massachusetts colony. For a while, all was well as they traveled from colony to colony, having grand adventures together and living their best lives. Yet that changed when during inflamed tensions with the native tribes, Aravis was mistaken for a Native American and shot by a drunken colonist. She died from an infection in the wound.

Édouard Riviere: Édouard remained in the Caribbean for a while, spending a fair amount of time in Havanna. La Fraternité du Sang had disintegrated, collapsing in on itself as a result of Margot's actions. Yet he was still rich and able to live with a certain amount of comfort and luxury. His engagement with Alice Blackwood was called off when his family lost their position of power and in late August, he was nearly murdered in his sleep. All rumors point towards Margot as having been the culprit.

Virginia Crypt, Jean Waverly, and Alice Blackwood: This unlikely trio made their way back to Europe as soon as ships were available. With her parents deceased, Virginia's brother inherited the family fortune. James Crypt and Alice Blackwood had an unlikely romance, with their being rumors of something coming between Virginia and Jean as well. The four of them are currently off on holiday, doing what Virginia referred to as the world's greatest tour of serial murders and atrocities.

Margot Riviere: Margot never returned to France. Her goal hadn't been to gain power in La Fraternité du Sang, but rather to destroy it. With her power mad sister dead, Édouard refusing to leave the Caribbean, and her father's sudden turn of health for the worse, war broke out amongst the various families. The bloodshed continues still but there is no hope of it ever reorganizing to what it once was. As for Margot, she currently works as a mercenary, putting her unique skillset to use. She sleeps without trouble at night.

Anastasia Ridgeway: After deciding to retire from piracy, Anastasia had booked passage for the New World. With every intention of starting a new life for herself, her pirate brand betrayed her. She was caught by an officer of the East India Trading Company and was sent to prison, where she is currently awaiting execution without trial. Whether or not she manages escape has yet to be seen, but she's Anna Nine Fingers. Anything is possible.

Elissa Isley: Elissa remained with Aravis, Harlianne, and the others for a little while before heading with Aravis to the Americas. After Aravis' death, she began to make plans to return to Prussia in order to kill her father and exact her revenge. Along the way, she ended up falling in love with a Bulgarian sailor named Petrus. They're planning to murder her father together. True love, right? And to make matters more interesting, she's expecting twins.

MI13 Academy: May 28th, 2018 - 9:41 A.M. Local Time

Were you wondering what happened to Millicent, my dears? Do not be afraid. It is now time to see what happened to her next in our story. Back outside of the lecture hall at MI13 academy, back where Abney gave a lecture on deviances and the discovery of the wreck of the Bellona, along with the shattered fragments of the glass, sits two individuals in plain clothes. If they are not already familiar to you, they one day will be.

The shorter of the pair glanced up from the pages of a book, shutting it closed. "They don't have any information on it," she explained. "Even if it was coded, I would know it...They can't hide things from me. You know this." She then paused, glancing upwards towards the other woman. "You do have a plan, right? After what happened to Hel...Even I couldn't reverse that."

Yet none of this seemed to phase the second woman. Millicent's lips curled slightly as she smiled. She hadn't aged a day since the events in the Caribbean. "They are mere puppets, and I, the puppet master," Millicent said slyly. She then reached into her pocket, pulling out an old ring. Its stone was missing. "That mortal had a knack for finding these treasures - it should only be that much easier for I, a goddess, to accomplish."

"Right...Well, it's not in Odin's treasure room," she replied, standing up from her seat. "The stones are scattered across the galaxy, the cosmos, maybe even the multiverse..."

"It'll be all the more fun, then. I could use a challenge."

Province of Carolina: September 28th, 1719 - 1:29 P.M. Local Time

In the Province of Carolina, a newly inhabited home stood not too far from the center of a well to do town. Its occupants were the new surgeon in town, a peculiar man named Mr. Alucard, and his only daughter. While his daughter appeared to be the ideal woman for the era, a strong and healthy schoolteacher who had traveled the Caribbean and much of Europe, Mr. Alucard was a recluse. He was hardly ever seen by the towns folks, with some rumoring that he had been involved the trade and production of illicit substances.

But the truth is far stranger than fiction.

At the end of the winding halls of the home, Mr. Alucard worked furiously in his study. His first attempts at restoring his dear Caroline to life had been futile. They had caused what pirates were referring to as the Tortuga Paradox - an event where individuals were both dead and brought back to life within weeks. Only a relatively few individuals on Tortuga had actually perished, despite mass reports that they too had gone to their watery graves.

"Tillater brukeren å stjele, kontrollere, manipulere og endre levende og døde sjeler. Soul Gem er også inngangsporten til et idyllisk lommunivers. Med fullt potensial, gir Soul Gem brukerkontrollen over alt liv i universet."

Mr. Alucard's eyebrows furrowed. His trembling hands reached into his desk drawer, opening it to reveal nothingness. He then carefully removed the false bottom, only to reveal a glowing ring. "Sweet Caroline, I will see you again," Mr. Alucard whispered. He turned the ring over in his hand carefully three times, tears sliding down his face. He glanced at the text once more, reading the Norwegian words.

"I've found the Soul Gem, my dear," Mr. Alucard whispered. "With it, I can control all life in this universe...I can raise the dead." He then dropped the ring back into the false drawer, replacing its disguise. "Only five more to go..."

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