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Alexandra Andonova

If I'm going to be a mess,
I might as well be a hot mess, right?

Location: Ville au Camp - Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

A lot of conversations were happening almost simultaneously, and in a way you could say that Alexandra was having a harder time trying to keep up with it all. Her dark brown eyes darted around the room for a moment. She was really only gathering bits and pieces of conversations outside her immediate circle, a circle that now consisted of three what with the reappearance of Gilbert. Nevertheless, she seemed perfectly content simply living in the moment. And at this moment, she found that the giant man's smile was downright infectious. And perhaps swoon worthy. The corners of her lips pulled up into a wide grin, and there was a lively twinkle to her eyes.

Her gaze went back over to Bart as the two men started conversing. While the two seemed to be having a more or less serious conversation, Alexandra was anything but serious. She playfully stuck her tongue out at Bart before a giggle escaped her lips. Yeah, maybe the alcohol was kicking in. Or maybe, maybe she was just happy. Yeah, she was happy. A content smile came to her features before she took another sip of her alcoholic beverage. She winced and gritted her teeth slightly as it burned down her throat. She then glanced back over at Gilbert, giving him a soft smile.
>TFW you are working on your 100th something new character idea and you find yourself falling in love all over again

Location: The Crypt - The Palace

Lyra's eyes fluttered slightly as she pulled her entranced gaze away from the precious object in her hands to look over at Emperor Taj. Her eyes widened slightly and a small breath left her parted lips when he stated that the "object" was in fact a real dragon egg. Her pale blonde brows furrowed as she looked back down at it. What is something so precious doing down here of all places? Surely, such a relic should be treated with more respect than to be simply left to collect dust, she thought to herself, her head tilting to the side as she reverently caressed the smooth surface of the egg. I wonder if you're still alive in there, just waiting for the right moment to hatch.

Emperor Taj's voice penetrated her thoughts as he inquired about her earlier statements. "Yes, of course," she replied, nodding her head. She gently placed the dragon egg back in the linen and satin lined chest before turning to face Emperor Taj fully. She laced her hands in front of herself before speaking. "I vaguely remember feeling that same aura years ago when I was just a little girl back in the Land of Long Nights. There was this stranger who came into town who only seemed to be able to speak a very old dialect. I remember feeling that aura reverberating off that person," she explained, looking up at him.

Location: Port Witch Coven House

Malekith gave the two women a dashing, lopsided grin that was sure to melt their hearts. He chuckled lightly. "An honest mistake, really. It's easy to underestimate one's own power," he stated, seemingly playing off his blunder with a practiced ease. "My sincerest apologies for making a mess of things. It was not my intention to do so. Nonetheless, no one was hurt and the children are appeased. And that is what truly matters, is it not?" His carefully, and yet so eloquently, placed words appeared to have its intended effect as the women's features softened once more. They nodded their heads in seeming agreement of his words. A smile lit up the features of the younger of the two women as she looked over fondly at the children, who were still cheering happily at Malekith's Magykal display. He gave the children a playful, overly exaggerated bow as they already eagerly requested an encore.

As he straightened back up, his gaze locked once more with the two women. His charsimatic display after all was more for their benefit than for that of the children. He wanted to remain in the women's good graces, and by default Fleur's. "I am afraid it will have to wait until another time, children," he replied to the children's pleas, much to their disappointment. He looked back over to the two women and gave them one last charming smile before inclining his head in farewell. He then pivoted on his heels and exited the room, closing the door softly behind him. He promptly headed down the hall to the privacy of his own room. He made a mental checklist of what he would need. Other than a change of clothes and the weapons he always kept on his person, not much else came to mind in way of provisions. With a sharp intellect and Darke Magyk at one's fingertips, one need not for much else.

Malekith made quick work of removing his weapons and changing into more suitable attire. Though he had a fondness for his black leather, it just wasn't quite right for the occasion. It would only serve to make him stand out more, and not in a good way. He settled for a black and burgundy ensemble that he felt was striking yet still didn't make him stand out too much. He replaced his weapons as a precautionary step. Hopefully the guards wouldn't check for weapons, but in case they did, he already had a contingency plan for that. He straightened his collar as he looked himself over in the mirror. Looking good as always, he thought to himself. He then turned and left his room to meet back up with Fleur and Nera.

Thalken Talink

Location: Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park) - Main Tent
Skills: None, clearly.

The sound of Ludwig incessantly jabbering on was grating on Thalken's last nerve. He turned to fully face the obnoxious German, intending to glare at the man in hopes of silencing him, but even that slight movement made his head spin and his stomach lurch. He staggered forward to keep himself from falling over, causing some of the liquor to slosh out of his cup. It seemed that the negative effects of the alcohol were already kicking in and god awfully fast. So much for liquid courage. It felt more like waking up from a liquid coma. Either this insanely potent stuff or he was just a total lightweight. Or maybe it was just a volatile combination of the two. "Goosghm damnitsghes," he attempted to curse but it only came out as a slur. He lifted a hand to hold his head but only ended up smacking himself in the face with the wrapped meat. One thing was certain, if his twin sister Thalcona had been here, she would be highly amused by this turn of events.

The sounds of rope snapping vaguely penetrated his haze but not nearly as much as The Great Bazhooli's shouting did. His head swiveled to face the direction that he thought Vlad was in. It was really hard to tell at this point because everything just looked like something more akin to abstract art. "Whaa--?" he sputtered as he swayed on his feet. Through squinted eyes, he could barely make out people staring up at something. He cocked his head upwards just in time to see, well sort of see, thick cloth falling down from above. Considering how unsteady he was on his feet as is, there was nothing keeping him upright when the heavy weight of the cloth hit him. The items he was somehow still holding onto in his stupor were wrenched from his grip as he face planted onto the ground. He let out a low groan after the ground seemed to come up fast to smack him hard in the face and the cloth quickly enveloped him in a not so loving embrace.

Alexandra Andonova

I might be crazy, but at least I keep it interesting...

Location: Ville au Camp - Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"Oooooh a mystery, nov I vant to knov even more," Alexandra stated in response to Bart's poor attempt at dissuading her curiosity. She wasn't so easily deterred. She practically bounced after him on her still bare feet into the Kitchen House. She was a picture of bliss, or maybe it was insanity. Whichever. It was really open to individual interpretation. Her dark brown eyes took in the group congregating inside around the containers of strong alcohol. It wasn't much unlike home really. She quickly brushed aside the emotions that that notion stirred up within her. Now was not the time for melancholy. Now was the time to drink!

She reached over and picked up one of the mason jars of white liquid that Alicia slid over. All the while, she kept Bart in her peripheral view, gauging his reaction to the strong liquor. Why? Because it was amusing, obviously. She turned back to face him fully and smirked at his reaction. "I bet I could out drink you. I could probably out drink you all," she jabbed with a note of cockiness. "After all, I'm tougher, stronger, more Russian!" And with that she took a sip of the mysterious substance.

Though she had had strong liquor before, she admittedly wasn't quite prepared for the punch that this one packed. "GAH!" she sputtered. She coughed and covered her mouth with her free hand as the liquid burned its way down her throat. Damn. "Я не достоин. Я не достоин," she muttered in Russian under her breath. She gave Bart a weak grin as she coughed a few more times. She then squared her shoulders, bracing herself for the next sip. Maybe it would be easier the second go around, she thought as she took another swig. Nope. Nope. Not at all. She let out a small hiss between her gritted teeth, shaking her head.

Right about then, the giant man, aka The Hat, aka Gilbert, chose to make his reappearance. "G-giant--man--y-ou're back," she exclaimed between poorly concealed coughs.

Location: The Crypt - The Palace

Lyra pulled her gaze away from Asha the Magykal to look back at Emperor Taj, the ruler of the Big Wild Land Over the Ocean, as he spoke to her. She glanced over at Prince Myrus for a moment, her lips thinning at the sad, broken expression on his face, before she reluctantly returned her attention to the Emperor. Her heart went out to Myrus, but at the same time, she couldn't just ignore the Emperor's question or the dark aura that seemed to overshadow this sacred place. They were both just too important to ignore. She nodded her head slightly in response. "I believe so. I mean, I don't exactly know what it is that you speak of; however, I do feel this uncomfortable, yet oddly familiar, aura coming from the queen's casket. The two must be related, I imagine," she explained, looking to the Emperor for confirmation.

Though she was conversing with Emperor Taj, Myrus had never truly left her thoughts, or her heart. With that in mind, her gaze went back to the young prince when he desperately asked his question again. Her heart clenched inside her chest. She had a bad feeling that he wasn't ready for the answer he would receive. Her intuition was soon proven correct when Asha dropped the bombshell of a lifetime for poor Myrus. His mother, Queen Meliscente, truly had been murdered. Lyra instinctively rushed forward as the prince crumpled to the ground, but of course, she was once again beat to the punch, this time though by Asha. She stopped short, as Asha clearly had it handled.

Lyra looked away with a sadness to her green/blue eyes. Her heart truly hurt for Myrus's plight. One thing was certain. She would be here for him if he ever needed her comfort, guidance, or simply her friendship. She glanced around the interior of the crypt as she slowly and reluctantly turned back to face Emperor Taj. Yet, as she did so, something else caught her eye. Off in the far corner of the crypt, her perceptive gaze caught sight of a dull glow coming from within a partially cracked open chest. Her pale brows furrowed slightly. She carefully slipped the book that she was still holding into her satchel so that she would have her hands free. She then walked across the room, her eyes trained on the dull glow as she weaved in and out of the different caskets. She stopped before the small chest, which was laid on top of a table tucked away in the far corner of the crypt. She wiped away the dust that had collected over time before carefully opening the chest the rest of the way. It's hinges creaked dully as she opened it to reveal a smooth and oval shaped egg of sorts that gave off a slight glow in the darkness of the crypt. Her breath left her as she found herself in a state awe at the sight of the beautiful object. She delicately, and almost reverently, picked it up from where it was rested in old linen and satin.

Location: Port Witch Coven House

Malekith paused midstride at Fleur's comment. He turned back around to face her as he masterfully feigned a look of hurt at her words. "You think too poorly of me if you think I would actually harm our little protégés," he replied almost solemnly. "I assure you that I will see to it that they are properly satiated." With one last frown in her direction, he then turned back on his heels and continued on down the hallway as before. With his back to Fleur, the solemn expression soon faded away, as if it had never even happened. Now, back to the matter at hand. Children. Quite frankly, he would be perfectly satisfied if they simply disappeared altogether, or dropped dead, either one would work for him. They were just too needy for his tastes. Personally, he had a preference for those from mid-adolescence up to their early to mid-twenties. They were old enough to prove challenging but still naïve. Nevertheless, he would find some way to moderately satisfy himself in his required dealings with those loathsome creatures that were children. For one, he found that children's minds were still more or less a blank slate, thus they were easy to manipulate into one day doing his bidding. He could start them young, he supposed.

He took a few turns through the halls before he found himself standing outside what functioned as both the children's classroom and playroom. The muffled chatter and giggles of little girls reached his ears from beyond the closed door. He lifted his hand and knocked on the door. "It's Malekith," he declared his presence. Being one of the few warlocks meant he was pretty well-known around here. He heard shuffling inside before the door was opened a few moments later to reveal a young, fresh-faced woman.

"Malekith, please do come in," she stated in a slightly flustered manner, but otherwise opened the door wider for him to enter. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Malekith stepped into the decently sized room and looked around for a moment. There was another, slightly older, woman also in the room along with five or six young female children. When his gaze went back to the woman who had answered the door, he noted that there was a light rose tint to her cheeks. He tended to have that effect on women.

"I was just checking in to see how things were going with the children," he responded. A small look of disappointment flitted across the woman's features, to which he smoothly added, "But, of course, seeing a face like yours certainly never hurts either." The corners of the woman's lips curled into a smile, and she blushed once more. The corners of Malekith's lips similarly curled up into a charming smile that only served to deepen the woman's blush. He then turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

"So, is everyone doing alright in here?" he asked, raising his voice slightly. "Everyone's happy and having fun?" He suddenly felt a small tug on his pants leg. He looked down to see a little girl who couldn't be much older than five gazing up at him with her big blue eyes.

"Are you a boy?" she questioned in her tiny little voice. "I thought this place was just for girls." Malekith's brows rose slightly, and he glanced over at the two babysitters, before looking down at the toddler again. He let out a small sigh before squatting down to where he was closer to eyelevel with the little girl.

"Well, yes, I am a boy, but you see, I am a special kind of boy. I'm like a witch but rarer. I'm what's called a warlock," he explained.

"Does that mean you can do Magyk?!" the little girl suddenly exclaimed excitedly as she started bouncing on her feet. Malekith's eyes widened slightly at the girl's reaction but otherwise nodded his head in reply.

"Here, let me show," he stated as he stood back up. He cleared his throat in an attempt to garner the attention of the other children. "Do watch children." His gaze met the babysitters' once they had corralled up the children to watch the Magyk show. A smirk came to his features before he cast the spell. Now, bare in mind, that he was intending to create a small ball of Darke energy in his hand, but well, that's not quite what happened. He didn't manage to contain the brunt of his power, so instead of creating a simple display, his Darke Magyk shot out to burn a considerably large hole in the ceiling.

A collective gasp went through the room, before all of the little girls suddenly erupted into cheers at the "incredible" display. Malekith's gaze came back down and looked over at the babysitters to find that they were thoroughly less amused. "I meant to do that," he interjected.

Thalken Talink

Pouring the fuel, fanning the flames
Breaking the habit and melting the chains
Embracing the fear, chasing the fight
- "Point of No Return" by Starset

Location: Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park) - Main Tent
Skills: N/A

Thalken's dark eyed gaze turned to Ludwig as the lanky man bobbed, buckled, and stumbled over to him. It was hard to initially decipher what his thoughts were on whom he assumed was the proclaimed Master Zimmer. His whole body remained tense, though he kept his facial expression purposefully blank in an attempt to hide how vulnerable he felt. The hair on the back of his neck rose as he could basically feel everyone's eyes on him like unrelenting knives, and then, of course, there was the matter of the armed guards circled around him, which only served to further unsettle him. He was holding himself together, but only by a thread.

One thing was for sure, if Ludwig truly wished to cheer Thalken up, he really needed to reevaluate his methods. Because while some would probably look on at the spectacle that was Ludwig in shock, bewilderment, or maybe even concern, the mad man that was Thalken was only getting madder. His eyes narrowed dangerously. What. The. Hell. he thought irritably. Is this some kind of sick joke? Do they think this is just some kind of game to me?! His hands, which were still clenched into fists at his sides, began to shake. His increasingly tense and shaking form only made it seem as if there was an internal struggle warring inside him, but that's because there was.

Holding onto a mere sliver of his sanity at this point, Thalken was about to let rip some potentially nasty words when The Great Bazhooli's voice penetrated his haze. His gaze swung over to openly glare at the imposing man. "WHAT?!" he spat. His gaze then went down to the outstretched cup of alcohol, and some of the air, and with it his anger, whooshed out of him. Oddly enough, he wasn't usually the type to drink, as he preferred to keep his wits about him at all times. However, right now, a drink couldn't have come at a better time. He needed to take off some of his edge, and he could most certainly use some liquid courage right now.

With a sigh, he took the drink from Vladimir. He then quickly took a potentially larger gulp of the potent liquor than he should have. He sputtered, barely managing to get it all down, as it quickly burned a path down his esophagus and into his stomach. God damn, that's strong. he thought with a grimace. He glanced around as he got his coughing under control. Upon remembering again why he was here, he gladly took another generous gulp of the alcohol. Soon after, he took the wrapped food that Vladimir handed to him but didn't speak until he was certain he could keep his alcohol down. "I-I'm not here to play games," he finally exclaimed as he once again found his voice. "I am here to--make amends, if that's even possible."

Alexandra Andonova

If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius.

Location: Ville au Camp - Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

Alexandra was walking towards the formerly blonde, but now invisible, chick when she was distracted by something else yet again. Man, this was really becoming a habit of hers. Maybe she should be concerned that she was becoming more of a ditz than usual. Eh, maybe later. She slowed down to a stop as her brown eyed gaze turned at the sound of Alicia chewing out some poor unfortunate soul. Her gaze followed the more experienced Paradox's gaze to take in the woman's victim of choice, the blonde boy Bart from Cal-i-forn-ia. Her gaze then went back to Alicia in time to see an odd haze come over the woman. Her brows furrowed slightly in confusion before her gaze went back to Bart to find that he was also the same way. As if things weren't complicated enough! What the hell was going on now?!

"Uhhhh..." she stated, her gaze going back and forth between Alicia and Bart. And just as quickly as it had seemed to come over them, they suddenly snapped out of their trancelike state. It was promptly punctuated by Bart vomiting all over himself. Alexandra's nose wrinkled up slightly in disgust, but she walked over to him nonetheless. "Vhat happened to you tvo?" she asked, glancing back at Alicia before returning her gaze to Bart. She stopped a few feet away from him, seeing as Sophia was already quickly tending to the boy.

She snorted slightly at Bart's comment about wanting a drink. "Da, that sounds like a great idea if you vish to vomit again," she commented sarcastically. She gave him a lopsided grin, in perhaps a hopeful attempt at making sure her sarcasm wasn't construed in a negative light this time around.

Location: The Crypt - The Palace

Lyra watched Asha closely, as she was filled with a sense of certainty that the Magykal woman had the answers to all the questions surfacing in her mind. What was that aura that even she, a wholly Non-Magykal being, could detect? Could the others in the room sense it as well? And what bearing, if at all, did it have on the untimely death of the dearly departed Queen Meliscente? Perhaps considering her station as a mere servant, it would have been more befitting for her to hold her tongue on the matter, but she wasn't most servants. Perhaps considering the solemn circumstances, it would have been more appropriate to not ask probing questions. Then again, she was infamously known to throw propriety to the wind without a moment's notice. Nothing and no one would stop her from seeking and speaking the truth.

"Do you feel that, that--" she spoke up unabashedly, before pausing just as soon as she had begun. Bear in mind, her pause of speech was not at all due to a sudden dip in her confidence. No, it was that when Asha turned back around, Lyra caught the Magyk dancing in the woman's eyes and the glowing intensity of the woman's gemstone. She would have found herself once again mesmerized by it all if it weren't for the fact that in those same eyes was a look of a grave seriousness. It was a look that only preceded bad news. Her lips thinned, and she glanced back over at Prince Myrus, her heart clenching in her chest. She didn't like to see him, or anyone for that matter, hurting, particularly when there was little that could be done to truly console them.

Nevertheless, she was grateful when Emperor Taj stepped in so quickly to comfort Myrus. She met the Emperor's gaze as he glanced over at her, and her blue/green eyes were filled with empathy. She winced the slightest bit when Myrus broke the momentary silence by asking if his mother was murdered. He was too young to have to ask such questions. He was too young to have lost so much in his life already. She closed her eyes for a moment as she sadly shook her head. When her eyes finally opened again, her gaze landed back on Asha as the woman spoke up.

Location: Port Witch Coven House

Malekith's dark blue eyes looked between the two women, his witch mother Fleur and his more or less secret adversary Nera. He put forth a façade of cordiality, but it was just that, a façade, a mask with which to hide his geninue lack of interest and feelings. He had spoke his piece, and that was all that really mattered to him. Any rebuttal was inconsequential, or was at the very least of very little significance, in his eyes. Then again, he was a part of a "team," so he had to adhere to Fleur's final say so, lest he lose his current advantageous position in the Port Witch Coven. Blasted politics. Nevertheless, in the case that his witch mother made a stupid, potentially life-threatening (obviously referring to his own life) decision, he could rest assured that he would find one hell of a loophole.

To his surprise, and a bit to his disappointment, Nera actually had a solid escape route. Granted, he wouldn't let her take all the credit. After all, it had been his idea to take into account an escape route. She just so happened to know the means to which they could do so. Technicalities. He simply arched a brow in her direction with an expression that more or less said "oh really." He didn't bother to conjure up any more of a reaction than that lest he inflate her ego. His gaze then turned to Fleur as she gave her final verdict so to speak. She mostly agreed to what he had suggested, only dismissing part of it. Personally, he preferred to work alone, so the idea of having less people to deal with and manage had its appeal. Besides, it had been just an idea he had decided to throw out there. It was really no sweat off his back if it was dismissed.

Malekith gave a nod of his head in understanding and acceptance of Fleur's terms. He then met her mischievous grin with a sly smirk of his own. He certainly liked a woman with a dark side. His smirk grew and a hint of desire came to his eyes. It was quickly snuffed out though at what she asked of him to do. Gathering provisions was no biggie, but taking care of children, as in actually taking care of them, ugh. Unless it involved making them disappear, Malekith didn't do children. He had heard that there were apparently certain appealing qualities to children. Apparently. Truthfully, he just didn't get it. I mean, as far as he was concerned, they were just bags of pee, poop, and snot. Talk about gross. He blinked but otherwise kept his features intact.

"As you will, m'lady," he replied charmingly. He gave her a slight bow and then a playful wink, before grudgingly walking off in the direction where the children were housed.

Thalken Talink

The bridges are burning, the heat's on my face
Making the past an unreachable place
I know, this is the point of no return
- "Point of No Return" by Starset

Location: Russian Imperial Circus Tent City (Regent's Park) - Front Gate --> Main Tent
Skills: N/A

A tension pervaded Thalken as he was willingly escorted by armed guards into what felt like the lion's den to him. He had never before felt so hyperaware of his surroundings. Never before had he felt so vulnerable as he did now. His characteristic levelheadedness was most certainly being greatly tested just then. His dark eyes, which had dimmed in their intensity as his anxiety came to the forefront, glanced about. He took in quick glimpses of those around him, the squadrons of guards with their weapons at the ready and the musicians that followed along whilst playing a tune that seemed like it was leading him to his imminent death. It was all so unnerving, a feeling of which Thalken was not much accustomed to.

His gaze faced forward again, his jaw clenching with the effort of keeping his wits about him. Every survival instinct in him told him to run for the hills, not that he would get far. He took in a steadying breath as the main tent loomed ahead almost ominously. What or who would lie inside for him? What did fate have in store for him this night? So many questions, but as of yet no answers. He quickly took in the change of surroundings caused by entering the main tent. Instinctively he tried to mentally map out the place, looking for vantage points--and escape routes.

Thalken's gaze, and subsequently his attention, suddenly snapped back over to The Great Bazhooli as the man's voice rang out strong and clear. When his presence was announced to the whole of the crowd, he almost shrank back within himself, almost. Instead of faltering, his whole body stiffened. Well, basically that was more or less his version of faltering. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. He didn't like everyone's attention being on him. No, he preferred to meld into the shadows where he would reamin unseen. Out of sight, out of mind, basically. With that in mind, it was almost a relief when the floor was given to another, a Master Zimmer.
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