Location: The Crypt - The Palace
Lyra pulled her gaze away from Asha the
Magykal to look back at Emperor Taj, the ruler of the Big Wild Land Over the Ocean, as he spoke to her. She glanced over at Prince Myrus for a moment, her lips thinning at the sad, broken expression on his face, before she reluctantly returned her attention to the Emperor. Her heart went out to Myrus, but at the same time, she couldn't just ignore the Emperor's question or the dark aura that seemed to overshadow this sacred place. They were both just too important to ignore. She nodded her head slightly in response.
"I believe so. I mean, I don't exactly know what it is that you speak of; however, I do feel this uncomfortable, yet oddly familiar, aura coming from the queen's casket. The two must be related, I imagine," she explained, looking to the Emperor for confirmation.
Though she was conversing with Emperor Taj, Myrus had never truly left her thoughts, or her heart. With that in mind, her gaze went back to the young prince when he desperately asked his question again. Her heart clenched inside her chest. She had a bad feeling that he wasn't ready for the answer he would receive. Her intuition was soon proven correct when Asha dropped the bombshell of a lifetime for poor Myrus. His mother, Queen Meliscente, truly had been murdered. Lyra instinctively rushed forward as the prince crumpled to the ground, but of course, she was once again beat to the punch, this time though by Asha. She stopped short, as Asha clearly had it handled.
Lyra looked away with a sadness to her green/blue eyes. Her heart truly hurt for Myrus's plight. One thing was certain. She would be here for him if he ever needed her comfort, guidance, or simply her friendship. She glanced around the interior of the crypt as she slowly and reluctantly turned back to face Emperor Taj. Yet, as she did so, something else caught her eye. Off in the far corner of the crypt, her perceptive gaze caught sight of a dull glow coming from within a partially cracked open chest. Her pale brows furrowed slightly. She carefully slipped the book that she was still holding into her satchel so that she would have her hands free. She then walked across the room, her eyes trained on the dull glow as she weaved in and out of the different caskets. She stopped before the small chest, which was laid on top of a table tucked away in the far corner of the crypt. She wiped away the dust that had collected over time before carefully opening the chest the rest of the way. It's hinges creaked dully as she opened it to reveal a smooth and oval shaped egg of sorts that gave off a slight glow in the darkness of the crypt. Her breath left her as she found herself in a state awe at the sight of the beautiful object. She delicately, and almost reverently, picked it up from where it was rested in old linen and satin.

Location: Port Witch Coven House
Malekith paused midstride at Fleur's comment. He turned back around to face her as he masterfully feigned a look of hurt at her words.
"You think too poorly of me if you think I would actually harm our little protégés," he replied almost solemnly.
"I assure you that I will see to it that they are properly satiated." With one last frown in her direction, he then turned back on his heels and continued on down the hallway as before. With his back to Fleur, the solemn expression soon faded away, as if it had never even happened. Now, back to the matter at hand. Children. Quite frankly, he would be perfectly satisfied if they simply disappeared altogether, or dropped dead, either one would work for him. They were just too needy for his tastes. Personally, he had a preference for those from mid-adolescence up to their early to mid-twenties. They were old enough to prove challenging but still naïve. Nevertheless, he would find some way to moderately satisfy himself in his required dealings with those loathsome creatures that were children. For one, he found that children's minds were still more or less a blank slate, thus they were easy to manipulate into one day doing his bidding. He could start them young, he supposed.
He took a few turns through the halls before he found himself standing outside what functioned as both the children's classroom and playroom. The muffled chatter and giggles of little girls reached his ears from beyond the closed door. He lifted his hand and knocked on the door.
"It's Malekith," he declared his presence. Being one of the few warlocks meant he was pretty well-known around here. He heard shuffling inside before the door was opened a few moments later to reveal a young, fresh-faced woman.
"Malekith, please do come in," she stated in a slightly flustered manner, but otherwise opened the door wider for him to enter. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" Malekith stepped into the decently sized room and looked around for a moment. There was another, slightly older, woman also in the room along with five or six young female children. When his gaze went back to the woman who had answered the door, he noted that there was a light rose tint to her cheeks. He tended to have that effect on women.
"I was just checking in to see how things were going with the children," he responded. A small look of disappointment flitted across the woman's features, to which he smoothly added,
"But, of course, seeing a face like yours certainly never hurts either." The corners of the woman's lips curled into a smile, and she blushed once more. The corners of Malekith's lips similarly curled up into a charming smile that only served to deepen the woman's blush. He then turned his attention back to the matter at hand.
"So, is everyone doing alright in here?" he asked, raising his voice slightly.
"Everyone's happy and having fun?" He suddenly felt a small tug on his pants leg. He looked down to see a little girl who couldn't be much older than five gazing up at him with her big blue eyes.
"Are you a boy?" she questioned in her tiny little voice. "I thought this place was just for girls." Malekith's brows rose slightly, and he glanced over at the two babysitters, before looking down at the toddler again. He let out a small sigh before squatting down to where he was closer to eyelevel with the little girl.
"Well, yes, I am a boy, but you see, I am a special kind of boy. I'm like a witch but rarer. I'm what's called a warlock," he explained.
"Does that mean you can do
Magyk?!" the little girl suddenly exclaimed excitedly as she started bouncing on her feet. Malekith's eyes widened slightly at the girl's reaction but otherwise nodded his head in reply.
"Here, let me show," he stated as he stood back up. He cleared his throat in an attempt to garner the attention of the other children.
"Do watch children." His gaze met the babysitters' once they had corralled up the children to watch the
Magyk show. A smirk came to his features before he cast the spell. Now, bare in mind, that he was
intending to create a small ball of
Darke energy in his hand, but well, that's not quite what happened. He didn't manage to contain the brunt of his power, so instead of creating a simple display, his
Darke Magyk shot out to burn a considerably large hole in the ceiling.
A collective gasp went through the room, before all of the little girls suddenly erupted into cheers at the "incredible" display. Malekith's gaze came back down and looked over at the babysitters to find that they were thoroughly less amused.
"I meant to do that," he interjected.