Millicent Wyndham

Location: Library, Heaton Hall, Heaton Park, Manchester, England
Skills: Class Knowledge (Peer), Court Etiquette, House
Skills: Class Knowledge (Peer), Court Etiquette, House
Millicent wasn't sure what to say at that point. The entire situation was making her rather uncomfortable as she stood there. Her fiance was there, being just as charming as he ever had been and in fact more so than he had been recently at Almacks, but underneath she knew or at least thought she knew what was going on through that mind of his and it wasn't anything she wanted to think about or focus on.
Yet as much as the situation was bothering her she knew it was something that she would have to grow accustomed to in the future. She would soon be a bride. She would have to host many events, put on a smiling face as they entertained hoards of the ton. It was never anything she wanted for her life. To be that person. She wanted to read, she wanted to paint. It was almost funny to think on it now. That she had ever held hopes that her father would return and this nightmare would come to an end. To think that she ever would have had the life she dreamed of. This time period did not pay well to dreamers.
Rutherford looked over towards Colette and gave her a charming smile as he stood there. "A woman need only hold her tongue when it is to her benefit. Many would be surprised just how much further their own desires could carry them if they held until just the right time. Yet that can be said for men as well," he said answering Colettes question. Glancing he looked over towards Millicent for a moment before turning his attention back to the French woman. "I was just coming to inform my fiance that they were beginning to seat for dinner, would you care to join us?" he asked as he offered his arm out to his fiance.
Millicent wasn't sure what to think of what Rutherford was saying but something was off to her. "Oh yes, please do join us. Your company would be most welcome," she said as Rutherford offered his other arm to Colette. If anything perhaps she could keep Colette close and give her warning to not let her guard down around Rutherford. If anything perhaps he would keep acting like a human being with Colette in their presence. Either way, it was the best she had right then.
Elizaveta Romanova

Location: Main Tent -> Her Private Tent, Russian Tent City, Regent Park, London, England
Skills: English, Diplomacy
Skills: English, Diplomacy
The Grand Duchess nodded towards Vlad. She knew exactly what she was doing. "Yes ve vill form our ovn council. Germany vill be joining us as vell as others I hope in the future. Master Ludvig has spoken in moments of clarity of others. Ve shall seek them out and bring them into the fold. It is time that all those vho have been outcasts to have their time at the table," she said as she stood there.
Then came the news that a Talnik was at the gate. Elizaveta who rarely showed much emotion wise suddenly had a grin on her lips as devious as any gypsy while she stood there. Her brow arcing slightly. "That is very interesting. Please, bring him into the main tent." It was odd that she would suggest such a thing, even now with the council on their way to making an exit. Yet why she wanted the man in the main tent soon became clear enough.
"Master Zimmer remains in the main tent at this time. Do make sure to introduce the tvo," she suggested before she continued. "Nov if you vill excuse me. I have a meeting with Sister Mary and Lady Crypt in my tent. James is vith Adam in the main tent, do ensure there is plenty of security for our nevest family," she added before turning and promptly leaving the staging area.
The smile remained on her lips for a moment as she made her way towards her own tent. It slowly faded away as she spotted Mary and Virginia making their way to her tent. Her feet sped up but not enough to appear hurried until she caught up with them. "Talnik is here, Circus is dealing vith him. He is to be taken to master Zimmer to speak vith currently. Nov is the time to make haste," she said before her fingers began to snap in an odd melody. It wasn't long after she reached her tent and held back the flap that Myska came bounding towards them and slipped into the tent as well.
Ludwig Zimmer

Location: Food Table, Main Tent, Russian Tent City, Regent Park, London, England, Europe, Northern Hemisphere, Planet Earth
Skills: English, Observation, Mental Stamina, Unacknowledged Soulless/Countries
Skills: English, Observation, Mental Stamina, Unacknowledged Soulless/Countries
A council, a table. So round. Round and round it goes, where it stops no one knows. All around the mulberry bush the monkey chases the weasel. Such a silly thing. Why chase the weasel when ferrets were so much better to handle. Especially Dieter, the ferret not his brother. Still his brother would have been more fun to chase around the mulberry bush than a weasel. Hrm, did hid father smell of mulberries. Or perhaps it wasn't mulberries, perhaps it was elderberries. Silly elders, thinking he was mad. He wasn't mad, he was happy, nearly joyful. Well at least one elder wasn't silly. He was joyous. He understood Ludwig. Others would in time. It seemed some did, that was good. Good not bad, no mad. He wasn't mad. They were all mad here but he wasn't. He was glad, glad, glad, glad, glad.
Looking at the table he smiled, for he was glad. He had not only food before him, and a ferret with him. Not a hamster. Not his mother. Ni! He also found one to mentor. Didn't he? Where was that little scamp. Glancing around, he spun as he knees buckles, his shoulders dropping. Worried, not mad, but worried. Then no more worry. There he was. Listening, listening well. Stories being spun as he heard James telling of the Bermuda Triangle.
"Blow me back to Bermuda! To the shores where they cast anchor. Black flags waving in the air. Skulls on the weavings and poop on the decks. Cawk! Polly want a cracker! One more moldy cracker and pow! I'll swab the deck with him I will. Dive, down deep to Davy Jones locker, straps to boots. They call the merfolk ad the kraken, slithering around the ships and crushing them. All for the gold, glorious gold. Black hair and eye patches, wooden legs and salt. Oh what fun they have," he said as his voiced went this way and that. Oh it was a day to speak like a pirate it was.