Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
5 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 6 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 7:13 A.M. - Dusk at 6:30 P.M. - High: 71F, Low: 59F - Winds SW at 3mph - Gusting to 14mph - Clear Throughout The Day - Cloud Cover: 19% - Visibility: 10miles.

Date: February 21st, 2013

The Beach: The Professor looked up from her paperwork from time to time to check on the kids over all. Things were going smoothly if a little noisy for her personally but that was to be expected. While the winter wasn't a hard one for them it did rain a lot which meant the kids were inside a lot of the time and beach time had been cut down to nearly nothing until today. It was to be expected that they had a lot of energy pent up and needed to burn it off. It was one of the reasons that this little outing had been planned. As long as no one was bleeding or drowning she wasn't about to say anything. No reason to dampen the day. They needed this, everyone did.

As Amelia came over she looked back up from her paperwork once again. "Nikki is struggling with her classes and failed some of her finals for this past semester. I don't believe it is because she can't understand the material, just that she doesn't want to do the work for some reason or other. Manny and Nigel have said they will talk to her but if you want to join in on it, feel free to speak to her later. She won't listen to me, I get an eye roll," she said before resting her hands on top of her papers as the winds picked up a little. "Though might want to see how things go with Nigel and Manny first, she might feel attacked if anymore speak to her currently." Looking down at her watch the checked the time. "Another hour and we should get the kids back to their homes so they can clean up before dinner.

The Jail: Nikki stood there as Manny spoke before smirking. "Maddog is one of the oldest here and I'd put him against anyone but hey, you wanna place your skeet shooting against him I'd pay to see that," she laughed before plopping down. "But no, was just meaning you aren't part of Safety and Security," she added as she tucked her legs under neath herself. Then he hit her with the real reason he was there.

Nikki had gotten a little better about holding her tongue but she completely failed at hiding her facial expressions. The eye roll was dramatic as was the scowl. She was not happy to be confronted about this. She knew she had failed the tests. She knew before she had even gotten the grades back the day before. She had known when she turned them in that it would have taken a miracle for her to pass. What she hadn't expected was Manny showing up asking about it. Picking at a spot of fluff on the couch, Nikki shrugged. "Don't have anything to tell. I took the tests, I failed. No big mystery," she said in a snarky voice. "Don't matter anyways. I will either retake the class next semester or just take something else. What's the big deal? Ain't like I need to know the area of a triangle or how to write a paper on the history of plumbing to kill a Deadie."

Medical: Mary nodded and let Lisa take care of things. She had a few more batches of blood work to finish today and Doc needed the results. "If you need me I will be in the lab." It wasn't long until she was down in the basement doing just that. One of the computers beeped and the results came up on the monitor. Her eyes darted over the numbers that were being displayed. Shaking her head, she sighed. "This isn't good," she said to herself as she started writing down the results on their handmade charts. They used to try to print them up and while paper wasn't a hard thing to come by, printer ink had become so. It was just more responsible doing it this way.

Jotting things down, she pushed away from her desk and stood up, heading back to the main floor to find doc. She didn't say anything, simply handing over the file. Doc looked over them and sighed. "We knew it was coming to this." Mary nodded. She did, but the camp didn't. "Have Lisa prepare a new room in the Hospice Ward," he said. "I will go inform him." Michael turned and headed out of the hospital. Mary sighed but nodded. She was glad she wasn't the one that had to deliver the news. She didn't exactly have the best bedside manner.

Walking up to the next floor, she waited for Lisa to finish up with the patient she was dealing with. Once Lisa had come back into the hallway and the coast was clear she took a breath. "I need you to prepare a room in the Hospice Ward." The Hospice Ward, where little Lilly had been before she passed. It was the most comfortable ward in the their small hospital, set up for those there was no hope left for, meant to try to make them as comfortable as possible. "We should be getting a new patient this evening, if they cooperate." She rubbed her face. "We need to make The General as comfortable as possible."

Administration: Dr. Freedman took a small breath, hoping that Hunter didn't end up shooting himself in the foot when he opened his mouth. He had come a long way since he the court martial but that was under a controlled environment with as little outside interference as possible with a trained psychologist. Being out again was like moving from the Pee Wee leagues to the Major Leagues overnight. This could end up blowing up horribly and the way Hunter started talking it didn't look like it would go well. He was still so unsure of how to deal with people in just general conversation and he seemed to be rambling a little. Granted it wasn't as bad as it could have been, he wasn't threatening anyone but then again this was supposed to be him at his best.

Gunny sat there, listening and not interrupting. He simply sat there, watching Hunter as he listened, every so often picking up his pen and jotting something down in his file. When Hunter was done speaking he sat up a little more and flipped a page in the folder. Going over it for a moment before writing something and signing his name. Closing the cap on his pen and then shutting the file he sat back and looked Dr. Freedman. "I think we are done here, I don't need to see anything else," he stated flatly. Standing up, he picked up the file and handed it back to Freedman. Freedman quickly stood up and took the file. He looked worried.

Stepping out from behind his desk he walked over to Hunter. Freedman was quickly opening to the file to see what was added to it. Gunny didn't wait for Freedman to find it, he simply stated it. "It is the decision of Administration that Hunter Monroe is to begin a 60 day probationary period, he will return to Supply for duties starting tomorrow. Residence will continue to be in the Ward in the Hospital, at night it will be in usual lock down. During the day he will be free to come and go as he needs or pleases. Any further infractions, even the smallest, will result in immediate eviction or execution depending on the gravity of the situation. No weapons or access to them shall be granted, nor will any training sessions until 60 probationary period has concluded successfully." Holding his hand out to Hunter, he added one more thing, "Good luck son."

Over in the Generals Office, Aeron took the list and nodded. "I think we can make that happen, I will make sure that Auntie get the list and informs the supply teams when they go out on runs," he said as he read over it a few more times. "I am not seeing a problem with any of these requests, seems rather standard," he added before placing the paper down.

Lifting a brow, he nodded slightly. The two of them had talked a lot over the last few months but for Aeron things were starting to run together. It wasn't anything against Alexander, Aeron was just having a harder and harder time keeping his mind focus over the last weeks. Aeron sat up a bit more and gave his attention as best he could to his friend. "Then let us talk," he said but only a few short seconds before there was a knock at his door. "In just a moment," he added as he looked towards Alexander. Turning his head slightly he spoke up as best he could and straightened himself in case it was someone that didn't know about his condition, which was most of the camp. "Yes?"

Doc opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind him. "Aeron, sir, it's time," he said as he held a file in his hand. He looked distraught with having to give the general words like this.

"Are you sure?" Aeron asked, hoping that there was another route.

"Aeron, normally I am one to keep pushing but the numbers don't lie. You need to be moved to hospice as soon as possible. I promised to let you go as long as you could out of the hospitals direct care but we've reached that time. You wanted just enough time to say goodbye." Micheal sighed and held the file out, the General shook his head. He didn't need to see the paperwork. He trusted Michael for one, and two he didn't know the medical meanings behind the numbers.

"Very well," Aeron said as he stood up and picked up his cane.

"Sir, let me go get a wheelchair," Michael said quickly.

"No, I will not let the camp see him being pushed in a wheelchair. They will have enough to deal with soon enough. Thank you Michael but Alexander will walk with me, we will be there shortly. Dismissed son," he said. Michael sighed but nodded before stepping out of the office and closing the door behind him. "Now, let's talk once I get settled in, would you walk with me?" Aeron asked his friend.

Gaskins Still (Intersection of 381 & 71): The Bus pulled to a stop at the corner of two highways in front of a food mart that looked rather worse for the wear. Everyone disembarked the bus and it was locked up tight. "Remember your teams are to stay together. We have 2 observers per team, observer pairs cannot split up as they serve different purposes, so if a member of your team breaks away they will not be observed. Basic Military Procedure for a small squad," Maddoc barked out to both groups as he saw Team B already splitting up before they even had gotten out of the parking lot. Shaking his head he looked at Hank before looking at Team A.

"Alright Team A, you are working North first. That means that food mart is your jurisdiction. Move out," Maddoc said to them as he held a clipboard. Hank had one as well. Maddoc was there to judge their abilities, Hank was there to judge their mental status under pressure.

(We will begin random encounters soon, this round you are to assess the location. Location can be brought up on Google Maps. Line of sight is showing nothing and no walkers at this time. Now, until I post the Random Encounters Table later this week just go off of this - Each person roll 1d100 - 1-25 you spot a walker, 26-50 is two walkers, 51-75 a shot is fired and hits at your feet, there is a person on top of a building trying to pick you off, 76-99 - there is nothing going on, 100 there is a group of 10 walkers coming from the tree line. Remember to use skills, all skills at this point are considered combat since you are in a military set up situation for judging. Keep in character. You may roll against abilities if you are unsure how your character would react to something.)
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 6 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 7:13 A.M. - Dusk at 6:30 P.M. - High: 71F, Low: 59F - Winds SW at 3mph - Gusting to 14mph - Clear Throughout The Day - Cloud Cover: 19% - Visibility: 10miles.

Notes: This should be a rather simple round. Those within the walls and out dealing with general NPC's, continue to have fun with it. Those dealing with Named NPC's or PC's, make sure to check details and add to the script as we push the flow of the RP forward. Remember to check your sheets if you need to, reference personality changes and skills so you are ready when you need them. That should cover everything.
Date: February 21st, 2013

The Beach: There wasn't anything for the Professor to go over that she hadn't said. She really didn't know how to reach Nikki. Not that a book education would keep her from advancing around these parts. There were many adults that didn't graduate or didn't have higher educations in the camp and they did well but something was itching at the Professor for Nikki to at least do a little better. She was glad to see someone was going to take up the cause. Nikki might blow it off but it was worth a try. Seemed that both Manny and Nigel would speak to Nikki, she wondered if either of them could get through to her. Nigel did have a way of getting the kids involved with things, he was a natural teacher and more hands on. Perhaps Nikki would listen. Then again, maybe she wouldn't.

Turning her attention to Amelia, The Professor was glad the girl was working in Education now. She wasn't sure of her at first but she did well with the kids and made them happy. Perhaps she wasn't the best person to get the kids to put their noses in a book but she kept them in order and out of trouble which was more than she could same for others dealing with the younger ones. She wasn't going to complain. It was odd to her that Amelia stuck with Education. The woman had a sheet that spoke volumes to be in security or on runs with her skills yet here she was. She couldn't fault her though, some people just didn't want to deal with those things if they didn't have to, plus having someone skilled around the kids if something went down was always good.

The Jail: The Jail was quiet, they had no one in holding cells currently. Nikki was mostly there just to do some cleaning during her shift, which she hated. It reminded her too much of her time in supply but it had to be done and like hell she was going to give Auntie something to yell at her about. Sure her official part of being at the Jail was in case someone did something stupid but the camp had been calm the last few weeks, nothing big to speak about. Only person she could think that could end up behind bars today was Hunter since he was being reviewed. She hoped it wouldn't come to that. She hadn't seen him since the trial and something about seeing him now made her nervous. Would he blame her for him being locked up? She wasn't sure. He had been rather weird about things before his lock up, who knew how he would progress now.

Hearing the knock at the door, she set the broom she was using up against the wall and cocked a brow. Maybe Hunter had gotten himself into trouble. That was quick she thought as she walked to the door and went to open it. Once it was open a surprised look came over her face. It was Manny. She leaned out the door and looked around. He was alone. "Okay, you can't be my relief... Why are you here?" she asked, looking rather confused.

Medical: Dr. Freedman stood there and waited for Hunter to finish the paper work. He wasn't surprised when he asked about the dog. He had an attachment to the canine, probably the closest attachment the man had in the camp, it made sense. Freedman would have been worried if he didn't ask about her from time to time. Once Hunter was done speaking to Lisa, he motioned towards Roy and lead the way. It was time to get this over with. Freedman wasn't sure what Gunny was going to do about Hunter, he just hoped whatever it was would be best for both the camp and Hunter, sadly sometimes things didn't work out in favor for both sides.

Mary watched them go before looking over at Lisa. "Medic requested a day, so he isn't going. Major is going with the new people, she has enough medical training, as does the Padre if anything goes down. Well at least enough training to wrap things up and get them back there," Mary said before looking down at her paper work. "The flu cases seem to be doing well, most fevers are broken. As long as they have been without fever for 72 hours you can discharge them and send them back to their place on bed rest for another 3 days. Shouldn't be anything too horrible. I figure most of our day will be cleaning and sanitizing rooms of those that get checked out today." They had about a dozen patients but no one was critical and over half would be discharged today. "You take care of discharges today, bring me the final paperwork to review," she said, letting Lisa get some time in by herself to see if she could handle it. Looking at her watch she checked the time. "You should be done by the end of your shift, just before dinner."

Administration: Aeron smiled weakly at his friend. Over the last months his time spent talking to Alexander had made things better for him, at least mentally. It was one thing to have his family near but talking about his cancer was not something he wanted to do with them. He pretty much avoided his Granddaughter all together, which had been made rather easy since she was caught up with catching up with Ash. His sons knew what was up but he didn't talk about it. Resting his head back at the question he sighed. "Michael, bless him, tries to paint a beautiful landscape to give hope. The picture he has painted spans a lovely couple of weeks," he admitted. Lifting his head slowly he looked so tired, his cheeks were getting more hollow and the darkness under his eyes was hard to miss. "Practicality tells my old bones a few days." It was not an easy thing to say but they knew it was coming. "Now, let's not worry about what we can't change. Let me see your list, let us focus on things we can change."

Dr. Freedman opened to the door to Admin and held it open for Hunter and Roy to pass through before letting it close behind him. Rolodex was there and nodded, unlocking the door to the back. "Gunny is waiting on y'all, good luck kid," she said as she held the door open for them. She wasn't lying, Gunny was standing outside of his office with the door open. He didn't say anything but motioned for them to go ahead and come in. Dr. Freedman entered first and took a seat in front of Gunny's desk, there was a chair next to his for Hunter to sit in, Roy stayed standing by the door as he closed it and stood as a guard in case anything happened. Gunny walked around to the back of his desk and had a seat. Dr. Freedman handed over Hunters file and Gunny went over it for a few moments before clearing his throat. "Before we begin, is there anything you wish to say Mr. Monroe?" he asked as he leaned back in his chair.

Training Grounds: Over at the bus, Maddoc nodded as Nigel came up, motioning for him to go ahead and get on the bus. There were a few others from the camp that showed up as well, people who had been in the camp longer than the large group that went through Quarantine together but finally were either strong enough to want to try or perhaps were getting an itch and needing to get outside the wall. It happened. Sure, having the walls were nice but after a time some people found it was too much and they wanted to see open spaces again, Walkers or not.

Once everyone was on the bus, the doors closed and they headed towards the west gate - the opposite gate they were brought in through when they first arrived. "You will be divided into two teams. Ash, Thalia, Tati, Wayne, Nigel: Group A," he said before running through the others names and sticking them with group B. "Hank and myself will be in charge of observing group A. Major and the Padre will over Group B. This is how it will work. Twenty miles from here is a town that has not been cleared in sometime and one we have not scavenged. It doesn't mean it hasn't been gone through. We have a list of items currently needed by supply. Each group will get a copy. We will start in the center of town. Group A will work North and then back. Group B will work South and then back. This is not a competition. So don't rush just to try to sweep faster than the other team. You will be armed and we will be watching. Those of us observing will stay out of your way and you are to act as if we are not there. We will NOT help you. Consider us just birds. You have to get yourself through this, no matter what goes down."

Tati glanced over at Wayne and then Ash. She knew how Ash was outside of the walls. She wasn't worried. Wayne she felt could handle it, as long as he didn't start tripping about that unicorn. Thalia and Nigel, she wasn't sure about. It wasn't that she had doubts about them but she also hadn't seen them in action. Granted she hadn't seen Wayne in action either but she figured if it came down to it Wayne wouldn't hesitate to slit someones throat, he had nearly taken someone down in Quarantine. Wayne looked at Hank and grinned before blowing out a breath. He hadn't been this nervous since finals at the academy.

"Let's get you armed," Maddoc said as the bus moved outside of the walls and out onto the highway. The Major stpped over to him with two large duffle bags. Unzipping them he started calling out names and handing out weapons - Each Pc will get either 1 small side arm and a large sharp weapon (spear/sword/machete) or 1 large side arm (Rifle or shotgun) and a knife. Chose what is best for your character.
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 6 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 7:13 A.M. - Dusk at 6:30 P.M. - High: 71F, Low: 59F - Winds SW at 3mph - Gusting to 14mph - Clear Throughout The Day - Cloud Cover: 19% - Visibility: 10miles.

Notes: I was amazed to see the new posts. Seems there is a bit of a re-invigoration in the posting, which is awesome. Remember that now you have more control over all. You know the basics of how the town works and what is and isn't allowed. You are free to have NPC's that are not in the grid, of your own making, do things - such as random folk or the children if you would like to help you push things along. I am wanting you to take more control and push yourself and your story lines. I will be taking care of over all big plot points I have in the works but you are going to be more in control of your personal progress.

Remember, as long as it isn't combat and you have a score of 30 in something you can pull it off. If you do not have the skill default to the correct attribute. Or roll against luck. Now combat doesn't always mean a fight so if you are worried just ask and I can let you know.

For anyone that wanted to get their PC's outside of the wall either with runs or the military, or both, make sure to have your character where Ash and Thalia are before the end of this round. This will be the day for that.
Date: February 21st, 2013

The Beach: The Professor held a stack of papers in her hands as she found a place to sit down. While it was a day for the kids to play the woman was far from taking it easy. Paper work seemed to be more on her mind than building sand castles. "Most of the children are coming along well. I am worried about Nikki though," she admitted as she pulled out Nikki's midterm for her in both her English and Math courses. They were both failing grades and the classes were not advanced. "The girl isn't book smart but I know she can do better than this," she said handing them off to Manny. There were simply mistakes, common words misspelled, and nearly a third of her math mid term wasn't even filled in with an answer of any kind. No, Nikki wasn't book smart. She was anything but that. The girl was good on the streets and handled herself well but if she was actually trying to get a degree in anything back before the world fell she might have either had to drop the idea or taken 8 years for a four year degree at this rate. "If tried talking to her but she just ignores me, perhaps one of you should try," the Professor added. Neither of them had Nikki in their classes but didn't mean they couldn't help.

Nikki of course wasn't at the little picnic. She was at the jail, taking over for Cade while he took his day off. The rest of the kids that were there were having fun splashing and swimming and building the sand castles that the Professor had no interest in. There were a few more students missing but they were all over the age of sixteen and over with Maddoc and others trying to either enlist or get granted access to outside of the wall.

Training Grounds: Wayne stood there looking a sight better than he had when he first arrived in the camp. The man had actually shaved today. To which Tati was staring at it oddly over. He looked at her and his brows went up. "What I got something on my face?" he asked as he started to wipe his mouth, maybe he missed some eggs this morning.

"No, you're missing something," Tati said with an eye roll before rubbing her chin like she would have if she had actually grown a beard. "You look like, hov you say... dandy."

"Oh kiss my ass Tinkerbell," Wayne scowled, huffing a bit. Tati smirked and poked him before he put her in a head lock. There was a quick exchange between the two of them before they backed off and eyed each other. The two gave a bit of a smile before Tati leaned against the man like she would if he was her big brother. It was obvious the two were close these days. Closer than she was with most, at least verbally but then again he did watch over Jamie a lot.

Maddoc just stood there, he watched the scene but it was nothing that hadn't happened a dozen or so times over the last months. The near brawls seemed to do both of them well so he never broke it up. He waited a few more minutes (Giving anyone else that wants to show up time to show up now, so have your character in place by this moment) before starting.

"Right let's get started. Whether your are going military or just wanting to get on a team the testing is the same. The results are what determine things. You will be judged both mentally and physically. Now I already have a good idea about most of you, at least inside the walls. So, this test will take place outside of the walls. You will be armed, fully for this exercise. How you handle yourself will determine what happens when we get back. Remember, just because this is a test doesn't mean it will be a safe test. Outside of these walls is unpredictable, Walkers and other problems could arise. So you will follow orders and I will put any of your down if you become a danger to the group as a whole." Maddocs words were hard as he spoke but it was how things were.

"Due to a few changes in duties today, instead of Gunny joining us to watch you all, Hank will be. He, the Padre, and Major will be here shortly in the bus to take us to our testing location. We will arm you on the way. If you wish to back out, now is the time," he added. A few moments later the bus that had brought so many of them into town pulled up and the door opened. Atticus was in the driver seat waved as he waited for people to get on. The others that were joining them were already there on the bus waiting.

Tati stood there and looked at the bus, giving a nod to Thalia before heading onto the bus and finding a seat. Wayne let out a sharp breath before climbing onto the bus and taking a seat next to Hank, he gave his hetero life mate a smirk before looking straight ahead.

Medical: Mary rubbed her eyes and set her glasses down on the desk. The flu that was getting around wasn't as bad as it could have been but it was keeping the medical staff busy. The fact they had two people in psych right now wasn't making it easier. It wasn't that Hunter had been a problem over the last months, or even Wayne for the matter when he wandered in and lock himself up, it was just one more thing they had to tend to. One more are to watch over, one more ward to check up on and hand out meds if needed, one more set of vitals to take, one more ward to deliver meals to and that needed cleaning daily. Looking up she spotted Freedman. "Todays the day?"

Freedman nodded. "That it is," he said as he carried his briefcase and then nodded towards Lisa. "Well, if you two would bring up his papers with me so I have witnesses, we can get this rolling," he added before making his way up the stairs.

Mary picked up her glasses and handed off the paper work to Lisa. "Be good for you to do a psych discharge so you know the drill. I doubt it'll be our last," she said before following Freedman. It wasn't a full discharge as of yet since he would need to speak with Gunny first and see where this went but it was the beginning of the end.

As it was Roy was up there waiting and as Freedman came towards him he unlocked the ward. "Doc," he said before pushing the door open. His mind was there and on his duty now but before he had arrived earlier he was still mulling over what Thalia had said to him. It had caught him off guard and that was rare. The woman had a way about her that was for sure.

Stepping into the ward, Freedman took a breath and looked at Hunter. He noticed the boy messing with his wrist. "Take a deep breath, you're going to do fine," Freedman said with a small reassuring smile. The two had done a lot of talking over the last six months and Hunter had come a long way both mentally and physically. He still had a long way to go but at this point Freedman didn't think he was a danger to the camp. Whether he was a danger to himself, that was still up in the air. "We're going to talk to Gunny for a bit and then get the decision. Either way, things are going to change today so just take it a moment at a time," he said before motioning for Hunter to come with him. Roy looked at Freedman and tapped his belt where the cuffs were at his side. "No, no cuffs today."

Mary watched, she wasn't as sure as Freedman was about this but it wasn't her call. Doc himself had cleared Hunter physically and Freedman was clearing him mentally. "Okay, Lisa has some paper work for you to sign. It is just stating you are being released from the ward no and a quick questionnaire." The questions on the paper were simply enough - was he treated well, did he get enough to eat, was the place kept clean, was there any abuse, ect. Then a place to sign his name.

Once that was done, Hunter would be lead by Roy and Freedman over to Administration. Lisa and Mary would need to get back to the second floor to take care of those with the flu, meds needed to be given, vitals needed to be taken, and the place had to be cleaned again to keep the infection from spreading any further than it had already.

Administration: Guy was finishing up with filing some requisitions for his and Medics next sea run that was to be happening in a week. At least that was the plan. Medic had come down with the flu and was currently in the hospital. If he didn't get better in time they would either need to call off the run or he'd had to pull someone else from medical. He wouldn't mind Lisa coming with him but he knew she wasn't wanting to leave the safety of the walls. He couldn't blame her, inside the walls was safer. Guy just couldn't hold still, he was a backwoods boy born and raised. He liked being out but over the last months he had found he preferred the water to the forest.

Rolodex took the papers and filed them away with the ones that Thana had filed earlier that day. She had a worried look on her face as Guy left, glancing back at the door that lead to the back. The General had been so tired lately. It wasn't like him. Sure the man was in his 80's and one of the oldest members of the camp but he had always been full of so much life that if you didn't look at his face and just his actions you might think he was still a teen. Yet the last six months he had gone from spry to weak and it bothered her. There was talk but Doc wouldn't tell anyone anything.

Aeron sat up from the couch he was laying on in his office as there was a knock on his door. Standing up weakly he grabbed his cane and walked over to the door. Cracking it a bit before smiling in a weary fashion as he spotted it was Alexander. "Ah, yes, come in my friend," he said before moving slowly back over to the couch and sitting down. He pulled a tissue from his pocket as he started coughing, when he pulled it away there was a splotting of red on it before he wadded it up and slipped it back into his pocket. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but only Doc and Alexander had seen it actually happen. "What can I do for you today?" he asked as he leaned back a little and let his bone rest a bit, walking to the door and back had winded him as if he had ran a mile.

☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚛. 6 𝙿𝚝. 1 𝙾𝙾𝙲 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎


IC Date: February 21st, 2013 - New IC Is UP!
OOC Updates:
  • Year 6 IC is posted
  • Original OOC post has been updated
  • CMB CS has been updated
  • Cs's are open to update until next IC update, after which they are locked again, anything not added by then is null and void.
  • Counters are back up, currently all counters are at 0 - they will turn over to 1 tomorrow the 17th. After that you are on your personal counter.
  • Please do not ride your counters to start back. Had more than a month down time, let's do this.
  • If you have questions ask
  • We will be accepting new ppl into the RP after we finish up getting back into the swing of things.
  • Remember if you want to bring in another character you have to shelf one. Max 2 characters per person now, and only considered if you are not constantly pushing counters. No previous relations or knowledge of events in RP allowed - All fresh peeps now. We've got enough ppl related or knowing each other as it stands.
Date: June 16th 20201
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 6 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 1


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 7:13 A.M. - Dusk at 6:30 P.M. - High: 71F, Low: 59F - Winds SW at 3mph - Gusting to 14mph - Clear Throughout The Day - Cloud Cover: 19% - Visibility: 10miles.

Notes: This is our first post for the new year in The Walking Dead. Six months have passed since Hunters Court Martial. There will be a lot covered in the post and much that isn't. Remember that several holidays have come and gone during this time - Halloween, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day. Birthdays have also happened, so check your characters birthdays and see if you need to up their age at this time. You can continue to update your CS to put in important information for the next week.

We are back on counters now, everyone's counter is at 0 as of this post and will go to 1 tomorrow. Try to spread out the posts a little and do not wait until day 6 or 7 to post so you don't start out after our break already pushing the counter. If you have any questions, hit me up in discord or in PM here.

Please note that I will not be posting in headers for my PC's as I have to do full overview posts each round for setting but my characters will be worked into the posts over all. Just not using the World post header plus two character headers to just repeat half of the world post in each post lol.
Date: February 21st, 2013

General Weather During Time Skip: The summer heat was especially hard for the people of Camp Mexico Beach. August was just the beginning and it turned into a sweltering September. By the time October rolled in people were praying for some relief and it came but slowly. Even as fall turned into winter it never really got as cool as people were hoping for. The new year brought in a mild January. There was no snow being this far south but the rainy season hit and it hit hard. From October to the beginning of February there was barely a break in the clouds. The only good that could be seen was that the rain was steady and was not accompanied by any bad storms or hurricanes to hit the inner Gulf town. Due to the wet weather some jobs had to be adjusted but over all things are good.

Psych Ward During Time Skip: After the Court Martial Hunter was taken straight to the 3rd floor of the hospital and put into the locked psychward. It consisted of one large common room that was much like the quarantine rec room but with less things. No pool table or ques that could be used as weapons. Couches and chairs, bolted into place, a tv up high on a wall and out of reach that usually had some old vhs rerun of something like I Love Lucy or the original Addams Family on. A few tables with crafts and books that were rotated out each month. There was a short hallway that lead to a total of six rooms, three on each side of the hallway. The last two were padded rooms with steel doors. The other four were simply done single bedrooms with bolted down furniture and a few items to brighten up the place. There was one more room, a shower and bathroom that would have to be shared if there were others but Hunter was the only patient at this time though every so often Wayne would wander in, without a word, just nodding to one of the guards who would lead him back to one of the padded rooms and lock him away for a day usually, like he needed the quiet or peace away from people. Though over Christmas he did self isolate himself for a full week.

Safety and Security kept 2 guards on staff twenty four hours a day on eight hour shifts. Meals were brought in from the Mess Hall three times a day and eaten either in the common room or in the patients room, whichever they preferred that day. Doc placed Hunter on some of the few anti anxiety meds they had for the first month to help him sleep if needed but it was not forced. Dr. Freedman came in twice a day to see Hunter, once after breakfast and once in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. Some days he would stop by more often, some days he wouldn't leave and just spent the day there talking to Hunter or sitting watching tv until Hunter was ready to open up or vent or anything that day. Mary, aka SB, came in twice a day to take Hunters vitals and keep track of his weight and such, blood work was done once a month to make sure he was getting the nutrients he needed and keep track of any differences. Lisa was with her each time and over the course of the 6 months Mary took a larger and larger step back and allowed Lisa to do more and more of Hunters personal patient care as a nurse.

General Information For The Rest During The Time Skip: During the past 6 months of time the rest of the new comers to Mexico Beach have become a full part of the town. Their probation time ended at the 90 day mark and each person started to get integrated more fully into the community. Jobs are as follows:

  • Ash Holloway: Assigned to the Transportation Department, working beneath Rosie and Mizrahi in Mechanics to do major upkeeps and overhauls on the various modes of transportation in the camp over the winter.
  • Riley Ridgeway: Assigned to the Chaplin Department under Atticus. She is now incharge of the youth music program teaching vocals and guitar to kids as well as leading the choir.
  • Amelia Payne: Assigned to Education and after a 2 month crash course in early year education was placed as a teacher for children ages 5-12 during the week and one of the preschool teachers during the weekend during childcare hours for the youngest of the camp
  • Jack Newnan: Still having some issues with things so has remained in Supply, taking over Nikki's position as the main supply runner.
  • Tatiana Newnan: Has been working in Training for the last 6 months as Majors mirror learning the ropes and trying to position herself for Operations.
  • Alexander Polawski: Once the radio center was up and operational, Alexander was promoted to Administration and works as head of Communications between Camp Mexico Beach and 4 other settlements within radio range.
  • Thalia Carmichael: Works in Safety now and is under Roy's instruction to learn the ropes and methods of the camp when dealing. Has to take shifts in the jail twice a week for 12 hour shifts each so that Cage can have some down time.
  • Emanuel "Manny" Newman: Is working in two departments - Education and Medical. A dentist office has been set up for him in the hospital and he takes patients 2 days a week when there isn't an emergency. Otherwise he is in Education with the Professor teaching the next generation what medical knowledge he knows before they are put on as interns in the hospital itself. Lisa has spent time in his classes.
  • Erica Monroe: Assigned to Weather with Chase after a request was put in. Prefers the quiet.
  • Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper: Assigned to Education but works with Engineering much of the time teaching ancient techniques of battle and the weapons used. A blacksmith shop is being worked on as well as a tanning station to add to the camp, it is not complete yet due to the rains over the winter.
  • Wayne Maldonado: Currently assigned to Training along side Tatiana. Teach's street fighting and improvised weapons
  • Hank Wright: Works in Operations now as an interviewer for those coming up for job promotions and interrogator for those wanting to enter the Camp during their quarantine.
  • Nikki Warren: Transferred from Supply to Safety, working now as a rotation guard for the jail and the wall.
  • Lisa Mason: Officially assigned to Medical: Title - Chemist and Nurse

Now, you can take from these job assignments as you wish and do with what you want. In your first post back please make sure to post if your character is going to try to become part of the teams that go outside the walls. This portion of the Rp is going to be a lot more open to you controlling things if you are outside the walls. Will be primarily based on rolls for random encounters on top over an overall story arc I have planned for the town as a whole. A lot of fun things planned that will be fast paced.

There Is A World Beyond The Walls
The Papermill: Located south east from Camp Mexico Beach by roughly 20 miles. It is a moderate sized settlement that CMB does a lot of trade with for paper products. That being said CMB tries to limit contact with this settlement. They seem to be hung up on the Thunderdome mentality and are rather heathenistic with their ways, with a single leader known as Daft. CMB stays to the west and north to avoid contact with them.
Lavender Town: Run by a woman by the name of Christine, this is a laid back settlement of primarily women. They are farmers, most of them former hippys from communes. They are not to under estimated though, with heavy fire power. Much of the fruits that CMB gets is from the farm. They do not allow trades to go down with men in the groups. A rough history they are finally finding a harmony within their settlement and resources.
The Island: A settlement set up on Santa Rose Island. A small settlement of mostly fisherman. While the island itself is used for somethings, most of the settlement itself is boats tied together and floating off the coast. This is their main defense against walkers. Not much trade happens between them and CMB but they will send out for help if medical issues arise and will trade what they can. Jiles is the main sailing man, a former reef diver and tour guide. Laid back and easy going.
Angels: Set up on the old navy training base for the Blue Angels, this settlement is anything but angels. Almost all are former prisoners from various jails and prisons that broke out during the start of the break out. They do not have anything they grow or make, they are scavengers that raid various places and encampments to the west. CMB knows of them and did try to help them in the beginning but that has long been stopped. Crimson is the current leader but their leaders change faster than most can keep up with.

Dr. Freedman finished his breakfast and bussed his tray. It was a big day. Hunter had been doing well. It was a rough start but over the last six months the boy had made a lot of improvements. The original sentence was for six months and then to be re-evaluated. Today was that day. If it went bad, then Hunter would be facing eviction from the settlement, or worse. If it went well Dr. Freeman wanted to recommend that Hunter remain living in Psych for now so he had familiar surroundings but without guard and freedom to move around the camp with a job assignment. Taking the short walk from the Mess Hall to the Hospital he made his way up to the 3rd floor. Roy was there this morning for the escort over to Admin to speak with Gunny.

It was usual that The General would handle such measures but over the last couple of months Aeron had been more tired than normal and had turned many of his duties over to his sons. While he was still the final say in the camp, he was taking it as easy as he could recently. The man was in his 80's and survived the first six years since the world went to hell. He had earned it. Today he was sitting his office, resting on the couch in there and waiting on Alexander for his morning meeting with his friend. He had a small mission for Alexander he wanted to go over.

Thana sat next to Ash, finishing up her meal before giving him a quick kiss and heading out to the gardens for the day. She would see him tonight, like always. Thankfully today it wasn't raining and she could fully open the greenhouses. She had healed well over the last months. Her scars were starting to fade and she had regained a little slight in her damaged eye. It wouldn't ever come fully back but at least now she wasn't totally blind on one side. Her limp had faded and was hard to detect these days.

Wayne had finished his meal up early and went ahead and took Jamie off Tatiana's hands, taking the kid over to the day care for the day before heading over to the training grounds. Tatiana sat next to Thalia, her eyes darting about, still watching everyone but more these days for observation than anything. Tatiana had been doing far better than expected and was pushing for Operations. She would be going under review today along with others that wanted to join the military portion of the camp. Jack was anything but happy about it. He didn't like the idea of Tati going outside the walls again but Tati wasn't hearing it. Things between Tati and Jack hadn't been good for sometime now. It was more like they were still together simply for their child. They loved each other but neither of them were who they were three years ago. Somethings a person couldn't get back.

Nikki kicked her feet up on the porch of the Jail, it was her assignment today. She had a twelve hour shift today and Thalia would take over after dinner. Nikki was loving working in Safety now. No more listening to Auntie yell at her. She had missed it a little at first but once Amelia got transferred out of Supply it was all good.

Over in Mechanics was a large build going on. Rosie had decided she wanted more than one Hordebuster in the camp. When she found out where Ash's original had broken down she sent a crew out there to get it. They had brought it back and rebuilt it. Now that they had two, she wanted a third. Something larger with more fire power. With the numbers in the camp holding steady at just over 300 she wanted to make sure there were enough vehicles ready to go if they had to evacuate with enough fire power to keep them safe. Mizrahi was in charge of the operation but she had put in to have Ash on this as well. He had built the original.

Over in Education it was a big day. Mid Terms had finished up the week before for all grades and today thanks to the weather being kind to them it was a break day for the kids. All the staff in Education and the students would be spending the day down on the beach - having a picnic later on for lunch, swimming out a bit, and taking boat rides out for skiing and diving for the older kids. They had earned it and word from Chase was the good weather wasn't going to last so they were getting it in as quickly as possible. The students had been almost in lock down for months due to the weather, they needed time out and about to work out some of that built up energy. Other adults in the camp were coming down to help keep a better eye out on the younger kids.

In the hospital itself, things were quiet save for a few flu cases that were in quarantine to keep it from spreading to the rest of the camp. Lisa had been under mostly Mary's tutoring for the last six months and the medicine being used now was from Lisa. It had done well for the first round of flu cases during the winter so it was now Lisa's primary job to make sure it kept going. Having an antibiotic these days was almost as valuable as ammunition. While they didn't help with the flu they did help with the secondary infections that usually came along.

Maddoc stood at the open training grounds area just east of the Enlisted Housing Building. Today was the day that many that had been in training were going to be putting in for the military aspect of the camp or to be put on alternate teams to be allowed to leave the walls for periods of time to collect resources. If someone wanted either of these, they were to report at 0900 hours, their other jobs would be covered by someone else for the day to handle this. Wayne was already there and waiting on Tati to get there. He didn't want to be part of the military but since Tatiana was determined to get outside of the walls, he was going to try as well. he doubted it since he had that damn blue unicorn but it was worth a shot.
Wayne Roberts Maldonado
"My life is an ever swirling toilet that just won't flush"
- Shit doesn't stop

⚘ Looking Inside
Wayne is intelligent, driven, a force to be reckoned with. He sees the details where others might miss them and is ever the little helper. He is kind and loving, there for the common man as a protector. He is the hero we deserve. Okay, he was. A life time ago. Maybe two or three life times ago. He was once a great detective with the NYPD, but the harsh nature of the job got to him and he gradually slid into addiction and cynicism. Part of that good man who was a detective is still there, deep down. Deep DEEP down, somewhere in the cockles, maybe the sub-cockles, maybe even the colon. Today, Wayne is broken, down-and-out survivor who if he can finds it will live off a steady intake of drugs, booze, and sleaze. A sarcastic man with really no regard for his own life. The man goes through severe moments of trying to off himself only to have it back fire in his face. He says he is "Blessed with Suck." He believes he has pretty much seen it all, the worst that humanity has to offer and is genuinely surprised when he sees kindness. Every the cynic, he is skeptical of all around him.

Happy doesn't think that at all. (Yeah you heard me. Happy!) Oh, did I forget to mention that the man hallucinates a little blue unicorn with white wings, a pink horn, and buck teeth? Yeah, there is that. What type of mental disorder the man has now is anyones guess. On the outside when you strip away the addiction, the self-loathing, the suicidal tendencies, the cynicism, and the sarcasm the man is actually very well adjusted. Except for Happy, Happy is something else.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Male 52 Italian-American
6'0" 198lbs Athletic Dad-Bod
Steel Blue Salt & Pepper Sallow






Character Trivia

Tatiana Lobov Newnan
"Protection comes in many forms."
- Strength isn't always about muscle.

⚘ Looking Inside
A cunning woman, Tatiana can act in a rather scheming and ruthlessly determined way. She is crafty and shrewd: being rather astute and having rather keen powers of judgement when it comes to people. She is clever and sharp-witted: perceptive and observant about her surroundings in both location and the people around her. Alert and ever crafty. Steady and resolute she is resolved in her determination and unrelenting in her perception. A persistent woman, she is steadfast and unyielding about matters. Capable of much, she is concerned about the safety of those around her and safeguards them as much as possible in her actions and plans. Mindful and vigilant she is wary and careful.

Tatiana can be cautious and has many reservations. Vague about details and reluctant to share. Noncommittal and discreet is perhaps not an obvious choice to describe her ways but they are more than accurate. She is leery: wary due to realistic suspicions. Skeptical and not easily convinced she is ever questioning. She is unpredictable and temperamental, having drastic changes in her mood and actions that come on suddenly and without warning. Volatile: she is liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. Strained by events, she is tense and uncomfortable around most. Suspicious, she is obsessively anxious and mistrustful, having an appalling dread in her that makes her overly cautious around people to an extreme.

Update: Tatiana has done well in therapy and has been able to deal with many of the issues that were plaguing her when she entered Camp Mexico Beach. That being said, it does not mean she is the bubbly girl she once was. She has hardened a lot and that cannot be undone. The world took its tole and somethings cannot be healed, only managed. She is still suspicious about new people but she isn't obsessively anxious anymore or cautious to an extreme. In fact she is more willing to take chances these days.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 30 Russian-American
5'4" 120lbs Curvy
Hazel Auburn Porcelain






Character Trivia

☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚛. 6 𝙿𝚝. 1 𝙾𝙾𝙲 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎


IC Date: February 21st, 2013
OOC Updates:
  • This is just a skills list update.
Advancement: Advancement For 6 month jump (20D10) for the following characters, those not listed were not present enough for advancement points or are shelved. There are some notes for some characters. Make sure to place accordingly with what was discussed about what the characters would be doing over the 6 month period:
  • Ashton: 119
  • Amelia: 103
  • Alexander: 69 (skills) - +5 dex/+1 willpower
  • Thalia: 78 (skills) - +1 dex/+10 luck
  • Manny: 100
  • Nigel: 111
  • Hunter: 27 - +9 str/+7fit/+1willpower/+2 att
  • Tatiana: 92 (skills) - +2str/+1 willpower
  • Thana: 76 (skills) - +5willpower/+3 per/+4
  • Nikki: 133
  • Lisa : 117
Rolls were made in TWD Chat.

Now - you may acquire a new skill - to buy a new skill you have to have enough skill points to make it what the stat it is based off of is. Example - Bow is based off dex. If Thana wanted to add bow to her skills, she would have to spend 28 points since that is her dex score to get it at all. Skill list is in the first OOC post. Skills must go with the character and what was discussed. Languages are the only exception - a new language currently can only be taught by someone in camp - limited resources - so you are limited to Arabic/Russian/French/Latin/Spanish - and you would need access to a person that teaches it. (There are French and Spanish language books but those are the only ones in the library. )

Special - Hunter being in the Psych Ward can only add skill points to either first aid or alertness. He may buy a new skill that is none combat based if he has enough skill points to meet the minimal requirements in the skill list and that can be figured something he was taught during his lock down - such as a new language or basket weaving or something reasonable. If not sure ask.

Get these added in by June 14th - that gives you a week. I am also calling that a cut off date for updating the relations. I will do an update for the IC soon that will give you a better idea of things over the winter so you can fill in your characters history as needed.
Date: June 7th 20201
General Update - June 5th, 2021:

CS tab is open so that players can update their character sheets until further notice.

☠ Information Update - 5/02/2021: The last post for Year 5 is up. We are not on IC hiatus until June 1st. Updates in the IC will start to come after this point. We will be working on updating the CS's starting next week - you do have your last post to get in - on normal counters before your IC hiatus in effect so do not let your counters run over. It is just reacting to this last post, nothing more.

Now, I will be determining Skill points next week as well - for now, once you post in IC your last post for YEAR 5, message me privately on discord about what you want your characters to be doing over the time jump - they will be rotating jobs and such (Minus Hunter, he will be in full psych lock down and only doing therapy and cleaning the ward under guard during this time, even meals will be taken in the ward. It will be a rather isolating time for him.) People will not be leaving the camp yet - so think about if your character is going to be focusing on training new skills or wanting to improve current skills. Are they going to be working on relationships, drifting closer to someone or apart from them, ect. (As we will be updating the characters history as well - so you will need to go over with me what you want so I can see what I can approve - so we have a broad outline of your characters life over the next 6 months

Questions - Ask me, in chat or pm only. That way I can keep track of things.
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