Avatar of MojaveCourier
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    1. MojaveCourier 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current To those who I'm in talks with, or organising roleplays with - I will be gone for a couple days. I've had a mentally traumatising couple of days and need a break from everything to recouperate. Thanks


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Right then, that is 4 people (two in another thread, before i moved it here) that have said that they might be interested, if i am not being too presumptuous @ayzrules. Guess maybe I should think about starting the first post/ actual thread on the RP bit of the forum. :)
My personal opinion, is that there could be some form of dress style like that, but in practicality it would only be worn by those who are rich enough to not need to work. The way I personally understood it, and the movie seems to agree, is that the majority of people wear "common" patched up hand-me-down sort of things/ function over form, and only those with money (like Valantine in the trailer) can afford proper clothes. Hope this answers your question.
Co-GM wanted to help show me the ropes.


"London. A moving mound of metal which rose in seven tiers like the layers of a wedding cake, the lower levels wreathed in engine-smoke, the villas of the rich gleaming white on the higher decks, and above it all the cross on top of St Paul's Cathedral glintjng gold, two thousand feet above the ruined earth" Philip Reeve, 2001.

The dry dirt cracks and shifts lazily beneath the weight of the monstrosity, leaving behind deep chasms that allow hunters to track their prey. "There's always a bigger fish"; Municipal Darwinism dictates that only the largest, or the fastest can survive with towns eating suburbs and static settlements (Mossies), cities eating both, and some cities even eating each other. East of the mountains in what was known as pre-war as 'Asia' lies Shan Guo. Here no Traction Cities reside, or ever will as long as the Anti-Traction League survives. To get into Shan Guo, they'd have to pass the shield wall, an endeavour that no city has yet returned from...

(Note - I do know this isn't the 'official' map, or at least what the wiki depicts as the world map, but this actually looks more presentable)

The biggest fears for Traction Cities is the Anti-Traction League, a network of spies and saboteurs (often posing as air traders) that work to destroy any City that threatens static settlements, and water (although some Cities/towns such as Turnbridge Wheels had no problem with wet, marshy places and there are even fact cities which float on the water).

Airships are a big part of the series too, with traders traveling from City to City with Airhaven (a floating any City with gas filled balloons keeping it aloft). Many Anti Tractionists use air travel as an alternative to cities.

TLDR; after a big explode war known as the "60 minute war", towns and cities got put on wheels and eat each other.
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To celebrate the movie coming to cinemas this winter (December 14th!!), and being partially directed by the amazing Peter Jackson, I would love to be part of a role play based in the world of Municipal Darwinism and Traction Cities.

As of yet, no plot. Could possibly either work with the traction cities in trying to penetrate the shield wall, or with the ATL in defending it/ protecting settlements. Am open to other plot ideas if you have any. In my personal opinion, I want to avoid the events of the book/soon to be film as not to spoil it for those that want to watch and enjoy it for the first time.

Can't remember if I've ever written a post like this before, if I have it probably wasn't that successful if i can't remember it lol
Hope this is the right sort of thing though. Toodles.

Update 4/8 - I do have one plot semi planned. Characters participate as an advanced scouting/ disabling party that stops Traction Cities in their... well tracks so to speak, that their native town can catch up. This goes successfully as it always does, until the crew fails to disable the town; it escapes and the crew get captured.

Update 12/8 - moved to a different forum in hopes to attract more people, added character sheet.

Basic Character Sheet to start with. May make minor edits farther down the line

Any questions, feel free to ask here or pm me (I'm normally on every few hours except when I'm napping).
@Nohbdies @FoxFire

Gonna try moving this thread over into the casual checks to see if there is any more interest. Will leave a link below once I've made it
Well, I'm sure as every culture is different across the world; every tribe would be different if the space between them was sparse and far enough. So I think i can only speak for one tribe
Wow lol. The bit you wrote about the remote tribal north is almost exactly what i wrote about in my character bio😂
*Updated* Added one potential plot idea and am bumping the thread for good measure.

@FoxFire I think I'll wait for 2-3 more people before I make an opening post/ characters sheets/ thread etc. Please bare with :).


"London. A moving mound of metal which rose in seven tiers like the layers of a wedding cake, the lower levels wreathed in engine-smoke, the villas of the rich gleaming white on the higher decks, and above it all the cross on top of St Paul's Cathedral glintjng gold, two thousand feet above the ruined earth" Philip Reeve, 2001.

The dry dirt cracks and shifts lazily beneath the weight of the monstrosity, leaving behind deep chasms that allow hunters to track their prey. "There's always a bigger fish"; Municipal Darwinism dictates that only the largest, or the fastest can survive with towns eating suburbs and static settlements (Mossies), cities eating both, and some cities even eating each other. East of the mountains in what was known as pre-war as 'Asia' lies Shan Guo. Here no Traction Cities reside, or ever will as long as the Anti-Traction League survives. To get into Shan Guo, they'd have to pass the shield wall, an endeavour that no city has yet returned from...

(Note - I do know this isn't the 'official' map, or at least what the wiki depicts as the world map, but this actually looks more presentable)

The biggest fears for Traction Cities is the Anti-Traction League, a network of spies and saboteurs (often posing as air traders) that work to destroy any City that threatens static settlements, and water (although some Cities/towns such as Turnbridge Wheels had no problem with wet, marshy places and there are even fact cities which float on the water).

Airships are a big part of the series too, with traders traveling from City to City with Airhaven (a floating any City with gas filled balloons keeping it aloft). Many Anti Tractionists use air travel as an alternative to cities.

TLDR; after a big explode war known as the "60 minute war", towns and cities got put on wheels and eat each other.
----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

To celebrate the movie coming to cinemas this winter (December 14th!!), and being partially directed by the amazing Peter Jackson, I would love to be part of a role play based in the world of Municipal Darwinism and Traction Cities.

As of yet, no plot. Could possibly either work with the traction cities in trying to penetrate the shield wall, or with the ATL in defending it/ protecting settlements. Am open to other plot ideas if you have any. In my personal opinion, I want to avoid the events of the book/soon to be film as not to spoil it for those that want to watch and enjoy it for the first time.

Can't remember if I've ever written a post like this before, if I have it probably wasn't that successful if i can't remember it lol
Hope this is the right sort of thing though. Toodles.

Update 4/8 - I do have one plot semi planned. Characters participate as an advanced scouting party/ disabling party that stops Traction Cities in their... well tracks so that their town can catch up. This goes successfully as it always does, until they are captured...
Do you also happen to have a Character Sheet that we (or I at least) can start preparing?
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