Avatar of mollymay5000
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    1. mollymay5000 11 yrs ago


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In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I'll update this as soon as I have the time to actually write it!!
(RIP me living in the center of virus outbreak)

But short answer, timing is basically that - generic fantasy timeline LOL

Lots of civilization! The village I pictured is moderately isolated and in the mountains with a large river. There are other villages but they aren't really that close and I would say that the general education of people in the area is low because they are so isolated. But not so isolated that there wasn't a violent murder....and a sexual encounter was that consensual or not (haven't decided).

The water child is something that isn't common knowledge outside of that village. If it weren't obvious, there are three others will similar titles but for the other elements. At this point, the lore isn't known to my narrator (who will be Maya for now in the time jump) but there is someone that knows it in more detail - someone that shouldn't (the mom, hint hint). In the village that I started in, they don't know about the others but I am going with those that are connected to fire MIGHT know more - at least someone does. Maybe it is a little less isolated, maybe the information has been lost to the water child'S village population. Idk yet.

I would say the lore of each place that has a person like this though is probably a bit different, though the origin is obviously the same. Like, maybe they aren't "fire child" "wind child", etc. They could be called by something else but I would think they would be cherished in the same impersonal way. It's definitely in the blood of the people in their respective area though.

Excuse my word vomit. Apparently I had more to say than I though LOL
In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Finally got to the thing! It's vague as hell but I guess we are being honest in OOC so I can clarify or confirm anything you don't catch from my post XD

Some things, like the outsiders and Kai's death have been left unclear on purpose...partially because I haven't decided yet and partially because most of the villagers don't know - including Maya. Who I plan on introducing in the next post. Names will probably be explained in the next post too but for your general information I'll tell you now.

Maya 舞夜 =night dancer/dancing night (not related to water in this meaning of the name)
Kai 櫂 = oar/paddle (it related to water)

I picked Japanese style names but I picked ones that exist in other languages too to keep the world open since I didn't really do any world building. LOL
In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The small village bustled with a level of excitement that only the oldest villagers had ever seen in their lifetime. There were rituals to perform and food to be made; the water child was coming. Ten years had already passed since the last person of that name had died. He had been old, but still healthy, as most of his nature were. Even in his late sixties, the man, Kai, had been sturdy and full of strength, just as his given name suggested. But there had been an accident. Outsiders had entered the village and Kai, along with many others, had been killed protecting the village.

It was an unheard of disturbance in the cycle, the cycle that for over 1000 years had gifted the village with the presence of the water child. Nobody in the village knew of any story that suggested that any water children had ever been killed, or even died for that matter – they just disappeared when the time came. And everyone always knew when the time had come. There were always two signs. The water child would start to slowly lose their vitality, though never to the point of being sickly. The shine in their eyes would dull and the coolness that surrounded them would gradually fade. That was the first sign. The second sign came later, with an announced pregnancy. The water child knew immediately, the villagers, with the pregnancy – the water child they all knew and loved would be leaving them soon. Preparations would be started and rituals prepared though the why of the tasks had long been forgotten. The moment the new child was born, everyone in the village would immediately know that the previous had gone. They didn’t know where to and the sorrow was short-lived. After all, someone had already come to replace them.

However, when Kai had died, there had been a body and there hadn’t been a new child. The villagers were unable to forget and they mourned deeply. Gradually, the people who knew the customs best and knew the joy the water child brought grew older and they died. The misty air full of rainbows disappeared and became dry. It rained less and the villagers continued to mourn their loss, though it wasn’t for Kai. He had been buried in an unmarked grave and soon most forgot his name. His death had done something to disturb the cycle and it frightened the villagers. No, what was missed was the water that the water child always carried with them. Adults longed for their children to experience the misty and beautiful childhood they themselves had experienced.

Finally, after ten years, on an early February morning, a sign came and then the next day another. The first was this: the first rainbow anyone under ten years of age had ever seen. The second: a pregnancy announced by a youth in the village, still unwed and not yet promised. Those old enough to remember the process commanded preparations begin immediately for the water child. However, many of the rituals required a living water child to perform. A solution was found. While rare, the woman who had birthed Kai still lived. She was now of an advanced age, the oldest woman in the village. She would perform the rituals she had said in a crackly voice. There was only one other villager old enough to remember that she had been the one to give birth to the water child. It was decided. The rituals would go as planned.

Now, as final preparations were being completed, it started to rain, and a scream rang out in the village. The water child was coming. The villagers gathered around the hut that the youth lay in, panting and groaning in pain. She was a youngling still, only 15 years of age. No one in the village was really sure how she had gotten pregnant. None of the men, older or younger admitted to anything and the girl herself had remained silent for the length of the pregnancy. Nobody dared ask. The fear of losing the child was too great. The weather worsened and the sky grew darker. Hours went by and the villagers waited. Dinner passed and the villagers waited. And then, there was one final groan of pain from the young girl and the villagers heard a cry – a baby.

Immediately, the rain eased and the clouds rolled away, showing a bright sky full of starts. The crying had stopped but nobody came out of the hut. The villagers began whispering amongst themselves.
“Wonder what his name is going to be?” a young boy mused.
“I just want to see another rainbow,” another child murmured.

Then the door to the hut opened and the midwife walked out, holding a small bundle in her arms. Everyone fell silent. For many, it was the first time they had ever seen a water child.
“The lass has safely birthed the child, “the midwife began softly. “It was a long labor and I’m sorry to say she didn’t make it through herself.”

Nobody made a sound. Even the girl’s poor mother remained silent. The mother almost never made it and even when she did, had no part in the raising of the water child.
“She did give the child a name though, using her dying breath,” the midwife continued, pulling back the fabric covering the water child’s face. “Her name be Maya.”
“Her? It’s a girl?” the villagers whispered collectively, panic in their voices.
“I thought there were only boys. Maybe this isn’t the child after all,” called another.
“It be rare but possible. My mother birthed the last and gave the knowledge to me. This definitely be the child,” replied the midwife, raising the child for all the villagers to see.

The infant’s eyes were wide open, though birthed only minutes before, and their piercing blue colour glowed in the darkness. This settled the affair among the villagers and they soon left to the food and celebrations. The water child and her dead birth mother were left to the midwife, who quickly returned to the birthing hut. Had there not been a celebration taking place, another villager might have heard the quiet sobs of the midwife from the hut. If anyone had entered, they would have seen her place the child next to the body of her birth mother shakily and seen the vicious burns covering the palms of both her hands. The midwife covered her face with her scalded hands and cried harder, remembering the last words of the poor pale girl beside her.

Indeed the child did have the eyes, there was no mistaking that. Maya was their long-awaited water child with her icy blue eyes. Only instead of being cool to touch, she was as hot a burning fire.
In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
So, I have come up with a basic concept to start off with. Since apparently it is my muse, I will be doing main character design based on the five elements as described in Japanese philosophy. Enjoy the sparse Wikipedia page, that's as far as my research went.

HOWEVER, unlike Story RP, I am not taking control of all of the elements. I haven't quite decided how I am going to set us up so I'd wait on making your own character until I do that, but I will definitely be taking water (not fire?! crazy I know). All five of the elements will also be essential parts of the initial set up of the story line. And I know I said weekend, but my weekend consists of Sunday and Monday so I'll try to find my muse and write up an effective introduction tomorrow so you can get on your own character situation!!

Get pumped :)
In Our New RP 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Deciding how to start is the hardest part...
In Our New RP 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Before I brainstorm further with you how do I apply to join?
Yasha nodded more to herself than anything before she realized that she needed to respond to what Thanos had said. It was true; she didn’t have any money at her. Her clothes were disgusting and she had no idea how she was going to get back on her feet by herself. She had never been alone before. There had always been an adult presence to make sure that she had everything that she needed. A thought nagged at the back of her mind though. She didn’t even have the comforting presence of the Majo anymore. It seemed that everyone had left her alone to fend for herself. It didn’t matter though because she was going to be able to handle because she had to. It was after this that she remembered that she still hadn’t responded to her new companion.
“Oh, yeah, I don’t have any money, so it would be, uh, good if you could help me a little bit? I’ll pay you back as soon as I can!” Yasha said with hesitation in her voice.

She did feel bad that she had to rely on this man that hadn’t even intended to come across her. She knew that she would owe him a lot for this help, but she needed somewhere to collect her thoughts and push the rest of the baby her to the side. For the first time she looked at her surroundings. The place they were in was small, but not so small as to be empty. There were people around but not so many. The people that were there were giving them strange looks, or rather, her strange looks. She was momentarily annoyed until she thought about it. She did have a violent rash and bright red hair, so she probably looked out of place in such a small community. She smiled to herself. She would be okay, she knew it.

~ ~ ~

Yochi didn’t say a word throughout the whole drive to Greenhaven. While Teguchi made small talk with their drivers she looked out the window, trying to absorb what had happened to them that day. The timing of the year of was off; she had never lost control like that in the spring before. It was something that she hadn’t thought about in the moment but now that she had a moment to catch her breath and think in blissful silence she was confused. Spring was Kai’s time of year, but then again, Kai wasn’t really around. Yochi didn’t know why it had happened, but she assumed it was because Kai’s soul had faded to almost nothing; she was just physically not there. She assumed that it had thrown off the balance and was messing up their internal chemistry, but then again, everything about this cycle had been weird, so nothing really made sense anyway.

Thinking about Kai made her think about what it had felt like when she had disappeared, but she stopped this thought before it had fully begun because she did not want to cry in front of Teguchi, let alone some random strangers that they were hitching a ride with. Thinking of Teguchi made her look over to him. He seemed like he was deep in thought and when they stopped to let the man out of the truck, he seemed rather troubled. Absorbed in her own thoughts, Yochi hadn’t really caught why he was leaving, but she also didn’t really care. She was in a bad enough mood as it was and the longer she was in the truck and the closer she got to Greenhaven, the crankier she became.

After travelling for quite some time, she shifted her weight and cleared her throat. She noticed that it had become rather sore from her lack of speech yet she managed to speak strongly and clearly.
“You can drop us here, that’ll be great thanks,” she managed confidently.

She could see the confusion on the young woman’s face. Where she had asked her to stop was on the side of the road. Since leaving Lochshore they had turned off the main stretch and turned onto a small dirt road that led to Greenhaven. Greenhaven was a very small village rather out of touch with the rest of the world. Despite the bizarre location she pulled over and let them out without question. Yochi slid out of the truck and just assumed that Teguchi would get out after her, not that he needed to, she would be fine by herself. He did follow her out of the truck but did stop to thank the young woman for the drive; her name was Cecila, Yochi discovered. The two stood in silence until the truck disappeared. Yochi knew that Teguchi was probably curious, but she didn’t feel like speaking, rather than that, she felt sick to her stomach. Where they stood was as rural as it could get even though the dusty road that they were on was pretty close to the main highway that led out of Lochshore. On one side of the road was an open field of hay and on the other side was a dense forest; that was the side that they were on.

With a deep breath, Yochi jumped into the ditch and made her way into the forest. Even though she hadn’t been there in 100 years, the forest still had the same feeling to her as it always had. It chilled her to the bone and the hair on her arms stood on end. It was worsened by her impatience with the location period. The trees were extraordinarily large with thick foliage, making maneuvering through the trees nearly impossible. The sticks kept scratching her and tearing at her clothes and it was pissing her off. She remembered when the trees had danced for her when she made her way here to Kai. She was so lost in these thoughts that when they broke through the trees it took her a moment to absorb what she saw before her.

When Yochi finally settled her gaze on the large home in front of them her stomach twisted and she felt the bile rise in her throat before she managed to force it down. Memories flew at her from every direction but he brushed them to the side which only made her nausea increase. She took a deep breath and sighed. It was harder than she thought to be in this place even though she knew that it was safe. In an effort to forget her rolling stomach, she continued forward to the mansion that stood before them. It was a huge three storey brick home with white trim around the windows. The front door was guarded by large white columns. The garden in front of the house was extensive with two large trees sitting comfortably within that. None of this was as apparent as it would have been later in the year though; the spring was still evident in the lack of flowers and leaves on the trees, though the birds chirped happily. It brought feelings of nostalgia.

Yochi began moving towards the house in silence, maneuvering around the various objects easily. When she reached the front door she opened it; there was no lock. The inside of the home was a grand as the exterior. The entryway had extremely high ceilings despite the evident historical age of the home. It was also very bright and for the most part, updated. The entryway was large and in front of them there was a large staircase that led to the second level. At the top of those stairs there was a magnificent oil painting. It consisted of two young women and a young man. The women had with black hair and green hair and the man with blue hair. They wore clothing from the 1800’s and all looked beautiful and youthful. The bile rose in Yochi’s throat again and this time, the vomit hit the floor.

~ ~ ~

Mahoko listened to the two quietly as the taxi brutalized them while driving but her thoughts were a little conflicted. She was paying attention to the yes, but she was also paying attention to Yasha’s presence, which was challenging without the girl knowing that she was there. She knew that Yasha was safe at the moment but she felt dark aura near her, and that was concerning. They weren’t that far, but they also weren’t that close either. She hoped that they would make it before anything bad happened to the girl but at the same time, almost thought it would be better if they left her to her own devices.
“This situation is complicated. We need to act carefully to cause the least amount of damage to the people in the surrounding areas. Anybody that doesn’t have awareness of the darkness in the world should be kept from it. Not only that, but if your companions do not desire to assist, they do not have to. It will end this year regardless of what anybody does. I am merely attempting to reduce the amount of blood that will be spilled,” she said in a gentle tone. “This is dark enough a story that the ending will not come out scotch free. There will be stains regardless of the outcome. I fear for the people that need not be involved. It is unfair that any of you were involved in the first place. I am genuinely conflicted about what would be the best source of action and appreciate any opinions you may have…However, we need to leave this taxi to do so,” she finished in a hushed tone, out of hearing reach of the driver of the taxi.
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