Avatar of moon princess
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    1. moon princess 8 yrs ago


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I generally like to write dreamy girls. I like romance, but I like them to be dramatic. I like good story - that's even more important than romance. I write lightly when it comes to having to interact with other characters, and solidly when I'm setting something up, like a scene, or backstory. We will either get along, or we won't~

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@McHaggisOooooh, audition-based. In that case, I think I have the perfect secret to test out. A general/random question, would not having played Life is Strange be detrimental? I'm aware of it, and the plot/ending, but I've never touched it myself.
HI. ✧ Do you have any spaces left? I'd love to play, I was admiring the coding/formatting that went into your lovely starter~ I'm thinking that I may have just missed the boat, though, if my maths is right. I hope it isn't, though, this looks like fun and I could have a sheet up today.
@Tsar GattoHi! I like your avatar. Tsar Cat? Tsar Cat! I would love to go to Toulouse. Or Arles.

I very dearly want to go to Japan, like, soon(ish). I want to eat food (as well as shop); trendy ice-creams or weird Halloween promotions.

Troll hunting along the Fjords sounds magical. I'd be going to Sweden to see a friend, though - if that happens I have been promised castles and possibly moose and a very old ship in a museum.

I only ever played the first gen on my playboy (also pink). Pokemon Red. And then I progressed to Pokemon Snap on a special edition pikachu Nintendo 64. The 3DS was an impulse purchase because of Animal Crossing. I like middling little games where you play someone in a quaint village and you decorate your house and dress up. But when the Pokemon game came out (I'm blanking on the name) I bought it immediately - I liked that you could customise your trainer. X&Y! That's the game! I got X. I liked it because it kind of felt like a super advanced version of Red - the same kind of discovery as you're walking through loads of grass or caves to get to somewhere signifcant. I think it helped that I went into it blind, though.
@BuddhaAustralia! In all honesty, I am way more likely to visit Japan and Sweden, actually, before France. I have heard the stories/realities/warnings, though, so I promise, no pessimism. I figure, I will either eventually want it enough to do it, regardless, or I won't~ Poor Paris. Being a big, romanticised mecha seems its' own pitfall.

Thirty is still a little bit away, for me. Not by too much, though. Either way, I will either change my mind, or I won't~ Nothing is certain, right? I'd finish that sentence proper and say that nothing is certain except death, except sometimes I feel immortal and hate it. I wonder if that's just a special kind of stupidity that comes with being young, though.

Thank-you for the welcome, though, Buddha. From what I can see, I will probably like it here, or at least like it enough to browse at odd hours in the morning.

@cloudystar Ha! Okay~ It has the better colour scheme, let's be honest.
I must have poor timing, I kept catching the site when the registrations were disabled. Bot crisis, huh?

But, hello, hello, hello. What could I possibly say about myself? I am a grown-woman, I like the colour pink, I like writing girls (of all ages) who face monumental changes, for better or worse, in any kind of setting - it just depends on the story. I like to draw; sometimes, when I'm not lazy, I'll sell my art. It's not something I take seriously. I'm joining because I want a distraction.

Some random things, off the top of my head as they come: the latest five songs saved in my Songs list on Spotify are 1) Girls, Girls, Girls - Sailor, 2) Take Me to the Riot - Stars, 3) I'm Still Here - Jem and the Holograms, 4) No Love - Death Grips, 5) Guillotine - Death Grips

The first/last five, at the bottom of the list are literally five different versions of Earth Angel.

I have all the CardCaptor Sakura omnibuses - except the last. I have been dragging my heels on buying that for about two years, now. I waste a lot of money on washi tape and stickers for my daily planner, and the letters I like to write. For a couple of weeks now, I've been waiting for a local store to get in a shipment of imitation gold leaf, because I have a vague idea about making a gold rose on an envelope and nothing else will satisfy this vision. I probably could've just order from Ebay, though.

I like to take polaroid pictures of my friends with my instax camera - it's pink. I like to take normal pictures with my phone of the sky. I used to post them on instagram but I've lost the drive, lately.

If I could travel anywhere, right now, it'd be to Japan (shopping and photo ops) and then France (macrons and photo ops). In another life, I would like to go to the Minnesota State Fair and eat deep fried cheese curds, that shit is fascinating to me.

I used to want to be a writer. Now I would settle for dying before I'm thirty. If I could swap with someone who wanted to live more than I do, I would. I don't believe life is unfair - I think it's just random, and in a weird way I do believe that that is what makes it cruel. Saying all that, I appreciate the little things in life, like the afternoon light or being in the passenger seat of a car with the windows down, the smell of fresh bread, and I'm grateful to experience them - I just also would not be devastated if you told me I had a time limit on enjoying it all.

When the new Pokemon game comes out, I may pick up Moon. I really liked the other one - not the last, the one before that. I hadn't played a pokemon game since Pokemon Snap; it was fun, I liked all the weird new pokemon, I'm hoping this new one will be the same kind of experience. I am probably the most casual of casual gamers - Pet Society was basically my speed - but I have a 3DS XL in white, and it has a clear case with swans and ribbons on it. It doesn't actually fit properly. It still hella cute tho.

I could go on forever, but I'll cut myself off there. Hi, bye, I hope we write together at some point, I look forward to being apart of the board in a weird, lurky-laughs-in-silent.jpg way.
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