Avatar of Moonshadow
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 291 ( / day)
  • VMs: 4


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Shiii~ was gone *WAY* longer than anticipated. Unintentional ghosting occurred & now I'm anxious about even trying to check in :<
3 yrs ago
After nearly 2 grueling weeks of nonstop work stress, I finally have the next 2 days off!!
3 yrs ago
Career changes happening, exciting yet time consuming. Life has been a continuous series of strange situations lately
3 yrs ago
Stay-in date night. Replies shall happen tomorrow after work
3 yrs ago
._. Medication changes disrupting brain power. I promise that I'm working on replies for everyone. It's just going a lot slower than anticipated.


5/2022: [Explicitive language] What I thought would be a week or two long phase of AFK-ness turned into two [almost three] months. Totally my bad for this happening. If you are reading this and have/had an RP going which still interests you, please let me know.

3/2022: Barely treading the waters of life right now - Replies will be much slower than usual. I'm extremely sorry and appreciate any patience and understanding offered from my RP Partners.

Welcome! I'm a girl who has been RPing and doing a lot of other nerdy things for 20 years. PM if you want to know even more!

I try not to just disappear but clearly have failed in this before. Real life gets the better of me and depression+diabetes+anxiety have a tendency to sap time away. Best way to reach me is Discord, touch base if you notice I haven't responded. I truly appreciate those who have helped keep me interested through OOC conversation!

I am also:
• Working Full-Time and struggling to maintain decent blood sugars
• Female, poly, demi/pan, and typically very difficult to offend
• A video gamer (primarily WoW, STO, ESO, Fallout4, 40k:Inquisitor - PC & XB1)
• A rennie (two guilds; First is Landscknecht group called Heiligensturm and the second is a Baroque French Privateer group called Clan Dark Sail)
• A Warhammer player/painter (gasp! 40k armies include Eldar/Ynnari and Thousand Sons::AoS Gloomspite Gitz *squee*)
• A seamstress (historical clothing and quilting primarily)
• A cook! Well, home cook. Recipes are more like guidelines anyways

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