Avatar of Mortarion
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 874 (0.22 / day)
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    1. Mortarion 11 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Sometimes I wonder whether or not my trust is misplaced or not, especially when it seems that the trust I place in some people isn't reciprocated.
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8 yrs ago
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.
9 yrs ago
Currently in exam periods at University after a full month of mobilization and a constant strike Things arent looking well so ill either be busy trying to save the semester or not because its lost
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9 yrs ago
I should re-read the Lord of the Rings one of these days
9 yrs ago
Is it wierd that, whenever I am stressed I want to RP? I don't know, helps keep my mind off of certain things. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


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Nicademus stared dumbstruck as what they all had previously thought to be a mere stone statue turned its head to look at the Skayleigh man currently perched on it's shoulder. Argon's sudden roar had the knight instinctively reaching for his sword, finely trained instincts immediately recognising the sound for the warning cry that it was. Still, Nicademus refrained himself from acting further beyond than gripping the handle of his sword; the stone giant had yet to take any action aside from turning to look at An-Hasst and the knight was keenly aware that, even with a mage on their side, their chances of taking on the giant in a fight and winning were slim at best, especially when they didn't know if there were more of its kin nearby.

The fact that the giant had allowed An-Hasst to jump down without harming the Skayleigh only helped to further convince the knight that it'd be best for him to stay his hand and so Nicademus stayed silent as the half-giant conversed with the stone giant. The mention of a game of Hide and Seek, one in which Calanon seemed to have wandered into unknowingly, worried the Andred man, especially since they had no idea how the other stone giants would react to the presence of the elven ranger. The one with whom they were talking to seemed amiable enough, and the fact that it would allow them to leave in peace was a relief, but who was to say that the other giants would share in their comrade's peaceful disposition?

The knight took a step closer to Alice as An-Hasst continued to talk with the stone giant. "I think," Nicademus began in a hushed whisper so that the giant wouldn't hear. "That it'd be for the best if the rest of us were to leave. I am admittedly not an expert on Stone Giants, but the fact that An-Hasst is partly a giant might play in our favor. At the very least I think he'd be more welcome than the rest of us if he were to venture further inside to look for Calanon....at least I hope so."

@POOHEAD189@The Fated Fallen@Fetzen@IcePezz@Gardevoiran@BCTheEntity@Stormflyx
Yeah, I'm gonna have to apologise for being so quiet on my end, I've been super distracted as of late with a lot of thigns and i couldn't wrap up my sheet in time. I wish you all the best of luck with the RP and, well, if there's an opening spot, gimme a call.
This is always a good rule of thumb.

Be like Dervish.

Love Dervish.

Worship Dervish.

Build temples to Dervish.

Start a doomsday cult to Dervish.


@Xanadu Ahhhh, don't worry, Stormy's mention of the deadline to submit the sheets being Friday kidna caught my eye so I decided to check again what you had said and, to be sure, to ask you. Hope everything goes well for you on Friday too btw.
@XanaduQuick clarification, is the deadline on Friday or Saturday? Like, you said we had until Friday June 1st but, well, the 1st of June falls on a saturday, unless my calendar is wrong.
<Snipped quote by Xanadu>
Just remember, even Aquaman can drown.

I don't suppose I can still throw my hat in and submit an application? Been feeling the itch for a ME RP for a while now.

EDIT: Looking a bit at the ooc and seeing that there is, well, a bit of a concern that a bunch of us have RP'ed together before and, in particular, about re-using characters and how that might affect how inclusive the RP is going to be, I should probably add that I'm not gonna re-use a character. Can't promsie htey won't be a Batarian tho.
@POOHEAD189I'm in the same boat as BC truth be told, plus I've been rather distracted the last couple of days. I'll try and get something up asap
Well, sorry for hte delay, but I finally got a post up.
With the group having decided to head deeper into the forest, Nicademus muttered a short prayer of thanks to Varden, the god of vigilance, for having watched over them as they fought against the Mantiraus before he resumed the march in silence. It didn't went unnoticed by the knight how the path they walked on began to change, growing wider and with the soil becoming more barren until they suddenly found themselves looking at the abrupt end of the treeline that had marked the scenery ever since they had left on their patrol. "What in the..." Nicademus muttered in disbelief as he stared at the barren terrain in front of them.

As the shock from the sudden change wore off, Nicademus' attention was drawn towards the two statues that stood at the entrance of the road in front of them. The knight approached the statues, inspecting the stonework that had went into creating the sculptures in front of him; he was no expert but, to his untrained eye, the stone figures seemed well built and placed were they stood with the intent of marking the entrance. "But the entrance to what? Some long dead kingdom?" The knight thought inwardly, but any further thoughts were interrupted when he heard An-Hasst speaking.

"Not that I know." He replied to the Skayleigh's question regarding if someone in the village knew about this. "But, admittedly, I've never ventured too far from the village since my arrival, it could be that the villagers simply thought that it wasn't worth mentioning anythign about this. For all we know, this place." He said, motioning with one arm to the area past the two statues. "Could have been like this since the villagers first arrived." The knight finished, frowning slightly as he pondered what would be the best course of action. "We could always return to the village and ask them about this place. See what they know and then return with more information."

@POOHEAD189@Stormflyx@Gardevoiran@BCTheEntity@The Fated Fallen@Fetzen
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