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A boy darted across the open waste, covering the distance between ocean and hive city as fast as he dared without tripping.

He had a bundle in his arms.

Behind him, slower, came his mother, supported on one side by her lover and the other by her sister, making her slow way from the ship.

The ship itself was a miracle, at first glance made of living plants. It wasn’t, of course, but the coaxing of the agricultural Verdant had paid off in mosses, lichens, and vines running wild over every part of the ship that didn't touch water, and what they didn't touch was painted brilliant green to match them.

The people, too, wore green. The three adults all had vines woven into their hair, and wore patchworked green robes that looked freshly washed. The boy wore simple green pants.

The bundle in his arms was wrapped in green silk brocade that had once been some fine lady’s gown.

They made it to the city. Or rather, what remained of the city. It had been abandoned long ago, so long ago that no one the Magpies had spoken to could remember its name. That meant they called it whatever they wished.

They didn’t know what had driven whoever had lived here to abandon it. Many of the structures still stood, although it had no power, no water, and no life. Except for the Family Verdant.

In the open space made by two intersecting throughways, the entire population of the smallest Verdant ship gathered, solemn and quiet. The boy placed his bundle in the center, alongside two larger ones- one wrapped in fine green cotton and the other in green silk embroidered to look like huge layered leaves. Having completed his job, the boy went to cling to his mother as she joined the great circle of green figures.

“Magpies of the Family Verdant.” The man who spoke did not step from his place in the circle, but reached out to take the hands of those on either side of him. The rest of the circle followed suit, until the circle was complete. He spoke softly, but the empty city heard his words. In the quiet, they could not be missed.

“Magpies of my Family. Magpies of the now, and the then, and the when.” He paused as his voice shook, took a deep breath and continued. “We come from the sea to say goodbye. We come from the sea to make our final promises to those who leave us. We come from the sea to mourn.”

A woman at a different part of the circle continued the words when he stopped, with practiced ease, her voice weary and bitter. “The life of a Magpie is unfair. The life of a Magpie is cruel. The life of a Magpie is short.” She stared up at the sky. “And yet we do not give up.”

A teenager cut in, tear tracks obvious in the green designs painted onto her face. “And yet we do not give up.” She shook as she continued. “We do not give up our ships. We do not give up our names. We do not give up our dead.”

The mother, next, clutching her son’s hand. “We do not give them up in our hearts. We do not give them up to our enemies-”

There was a pause. A held breath. Her eyes were closed, hands shaking, but just when the Magpies began to look around for someone else to complete her part, she found her strength.

Her son said the words with her. “We do not give them up to the sea.”

And then back to the man who had begun this. “We will not allow the sea they have struggled against their entire lives to take them in death. We will not allow them to give up, even in death.” He stepped into the circle, the people on either side of him closing the circle behind him. He walked slowly to the first of the bundles on the ground, pulling back the cloth to reveal an old woman’s face. “Grandmother Teia.” He revealed the next corpse, a young man with wild green-dyed hair. “Cousin Marit.” And finally to the small bundle, within which was a child no older than 3. “...little Quess.” He stood straight. This time the entire circle joined him in his words.

“We leave you here, our beloved dead, that you will not be disturbed by wave or human hand. We swear to you that we will not give up. We will not bow to the sea, nor will we forget you, as long as we live. We swear to you that we will live. As you said goodbye to many…”

The little boy stood up tall. He had been given a job. He would say his words right, and say goodbye to the little sister he could have had. To his grandmother, and his cousin. He was frightened, in this abandoned place, but he had to do it. And he had to do it by himself.

“Now we say goodbye to you.”
The Magpies of the Great Ocean

The Magpies are a nomadic society living in reinforced boats on the Great Ocean. They survive by trading with settlements of all sizes along the coasts, as well as by trading with each other. They are broken up into 10 Families, each one recognizable by the colors they wear and decorate their ships with.

A Magpie's loyalty is first to their Family, then to the other Magpies, and only lastly to anyone else. Because of this they do not reveal their names to those outside their Family, instead asking that outsiders call them by their Family's color. Different Families are of different sizes, with some all living on one boat and others having a fleet of, at the largest, 15 ships. Certain Families have picked up unique reputations, such as the Crimson Magpies, who are in some places known as Vultures due to their tendency to seek out battle-ravaged towns- they take from the dead and trade supplies with the survivors.

Each Family has a Captain (often but not always the oldest surviving member of the Family) who leads them, but common Magpie superstition says that it is bad luck for a Captain to step ashore. Each Family then also has an Emissary who speaks for the Captain when required off the ship, and generally is responsible for handling authority figures when the Family is ashore trading.

Although they live and operate entirely within the Pan-Pacific Empire, the Magpies do not consider themselves citizens of it, and the PPE themselves largely consider the Magpies to be common criminals due to their disregard for tariffs and other regulations on trade. The Magpies take great pride in their avoidance of consequences- and those citizens of the PPE that trade with them appreciate the access to cheaper goods.

Magpies got their name from their extremely eclectic appearance. A magpie typically wears whatever they can find or trade for in their Family's color- whether thats a silken bedsheet they can repurpose, or a jacket bought from a townsfolk in exchange for fresh food. In addition, they tend to wear LOTS of accessories, often jewelry- collecting shiny things much like their namesakes.

-The Will To Survive
-Boats, I guess

Family Breakdowns
Not every family has been detailed as of yet, but here's a list of the families, with details and characters where they exist.

-Crimson Magpies
  • As previously mentioned, sometimes called Vultures due to their tendency to wait just off the shore during conflict and swoop in after. They trade with survivors and take what the dead no longer need.
  • Their Captain is, unusually, a young woman, about 25. She's the only one the whole Family is willing to listen to.
  • Her Emissary is her twin sister- rumor holds they've swapped places at times to allow her to leave the ship against tradition.
  • The Crimson Magpies are the only Magpies whose (adult) members regularly trade in sex work in addition to the usual goods and information.

-Amber Magpies
  • One of the largest fleets, they sail in small groups of two or three ships.
  • Their Captain is an old man now- the patriarch of the extended family tree, and a great-grandfather several times over.
  • His Emissary is the youngest of his grand-daughters, and only 8 years old, but a master of haggling, and frankly adorable.

-Gold Magpies
  • Not yellow, but a array of browns and metallics.
  • They are known for a tradition of jewelry-making- they'll buy a broken piece and remake it to resell, as well as using whatever materials they can get their hands on to make more.

-Dandelion Magpies/Lellow Magpies
  • The newest and smallest family, sometimes called the "Lellow" Magpies after the childish pronunciation of the word "yellow."
  • Recently split off from the Verdant Magpies after a family argument that had previously lasted decades came to a head.
  • Consists of one married couple, their siblings, and their children.
  • The Captain is the husband of that couple, and his Emissary is his wife.

-Verdant Magpies/The Family Verdant
  • One of the three "Strange" families, they have a passion for attempting to grow plants on their boat. interesting choice on a poison ocean.
  • Also they reproduce like fucking rabbits. Hands down the largest family- at least of the ones where numbers are known.
  • The Captain is a soft spoken old grandmother. Her Emissary is her son-in-law, a classic glasses-wearing agricultural nerd.
  • Some other families consider them snobs for their alternate name, the Family Verdant. They hold that it is an inside joke and you wouldn't get it anyway.

-Teal Magpies
  • Undetailed as of yet

-Azure Magpies
  • Second of the "Strange" families, they are... "fishermen" of a sort.
  • The fish of the Great Ocean are NOT safe to eat- unless prepared in specific ways. (Imagine pufferfish.) This is the family that figured those ways out.
  • They're all a little unhinged, but they WILL sell edible fish.

-Rose Magpies
  • Undetailed as of yet

-Lavender Magpies
  • Undetailed as of yet

-Mist Magpies/Magpies of the Mists
  • Final of the "Strange" families, the Magpies of the Mists take Magpie secrecy to an extreme. They veil their faces in grey cloth around outsiders, choosing to keep not only their name, but their entire identity for family members only.
  • Not even the other Magpie families know how many ships they keep, or how many Magpies sail on them in total.
  • Their colors are all tones of grey.

The Magpies of the Great Ocean

The Magpies are a nomadic society living in reinforced boats on the Great Ocean. They survive by trading with settlements of all sizes along the coasts, as well as by trading with each other. They are broken up into 10 Families, each one recognizable by the colors they wear and decorate their ships with.

A Magpie's loyalty is first to their Family, then to the other Magpies, and only lastly to anyone else. Because of this they do not reveal their names to those outside their Family, instead asking that outsiders call them by their Family's color. Different Families are of different sizes, with some all living on one boat and others having a fleet of, at the largest, 15 ships. Certain Families have picked up unique reputations, such as the Crimson Magpies, who are in some places known as Vultures due to their tendency to seek out battle-ravaged towns- they take from the dead and trade supplies with the survivors.

Each Family has a Captain (often but not always the oldest surviving member of the Family) who leads them, but common Magpie superstition says that it is bad luck for a Captain to step ashore. Each Family then also has an Emissary who speaks for the Captain when required off the ship, and generally is responsible for handling authority figures when the Family is ashore trading.

Although they live and operate entirely within the Pan-Pacific Empire, the Magpies do not consider themselves citizens of it, and the PPE themselves largely consider the Magpies to be common criminals due to their disregard for tariffs and other regulations on trade. The Magpies take great pride in their avoidance of consequences- and those citizens of the PPE that trade with them appreciate the access to cheaper goods.

Magpies got their name from their extremely eclectic appearance. A magpie typically wears whatever they can find or trade for in their Family's color- whether thats a silken bedsheet they can repurpose, or a jacket bought from a townsfolk in exchange for fresh food. In addition, they tend to wear LOTS of accessories, often jewelry- collecting shiny things much like their namesakes.

-The Will To Survive
-Boats, I guess

Family Breakdowns
Not every family has been detailed as of yet, but here's a list of the families, with details and characters where they exist.

-Crimson Magpies

  • As previously mentioned, sometimes called Vultures due to their tendency to wait just off the shore during conflict and swoop in after. They trade with survivors and take what the dead no longer need.
  • Their Captain is, unusually, a young woman, about 25. She's the only one the whole Family is willing to listen to.
  • Her Emissary is her twin sister- rumor holds they've swapped places at times to allow her to leave the ship against tradition.
  • The Crimson Magpies are the only Magpies whose (adult) members regularly trade in sex work in addition to the usual goods and information.

-Amber Magpies

  • One of the largest fleets, they sail in small groups of two or three ships.
  • Their Captain is an old man now- the patriarch of the extended family tree, and a great-grandfather several times over.
  • His Emissary is the youngest of his grand-daughters, and only 8 years old, but a master of haggling, and frankly adorable.

-Gold Magpies

  • Not yellow, but a array of browns and metallics.
  • They are known for a tradition of jewelry-making- they'll buy a broken piece and remake it to resell, as well as using whatever materials they can get their hands on to make more.

-Dandelion Magpies/Lellow Magpies

  • The newest and smallest family, sometimes called the "Lellow" Magpies after the childish pronunciation of the word "yellow."
  • Recently split off from the Verdant Magpies after a family argument that had previously lasted decades came to a head.
  • Consists of one married couple, their siblings, and their children.
  • The Captain is the husband of that couple, and his Emissary is his wife.

-Verdant Magpies/The Family Verdant

  • One of the three "Strange" families, they have a passion for attempting to grow plants on their boat. interesting choice on a poison ocean.
  • Also they reproduce like fucking rabbits. Hands down the largest family- at least of the ones where numbers are known.
  • The Captain is a soft spoken old grandmother. Her Emissary is her son-in-law, a classic glasses-wearing agricultural nerd.
  • Some other families consider them snobs for their alternate name, the Family Verdant. They hold that it is an inside joke and you wouldn't get it anyway.

-Teal Magpies

  • Undetailed as of yet

-Cerulean Magpies

  • Second of the "Strange" families, they are... "fishermen" of a sort.
  • The fish of the Great Ocean are NOT safe to eat- unless prepared in specific ways. (Imagine pufferfish.) This is the family that figured those ways out.
  • They're all a little unhinged, but they WILL sell edible fish.

-Rose Magpies

  • Undetailed as of yet

-Lavender Magpies

  • Undetailed as of yet

-Mist Magpies/Magpies of the Mists

  • Final of the "Strange" families, the Magpies of the Mists take Magpie secrecy to an extreme. They veil their faces in grey cloth around outsiders, choosing to keep not only their name, but their entire identity for family members only.
  • Not even the other Magpie families know how many ships they keep, or how many Magpies sail on them in total.
  • Their colors are all tones of grey.
Portia, the Emperor's Secretary

Portia is a 19 year old human girl, totally ordinary in every way(mostly). Her parents, both high-ranking Sigilites, met and bonded over a shared love of the ancient writings of Shakespire, and particularly a shared belief in a poorly favored theory about his work. (They believe that some of his works may have been comedies, although only tragedies survive.) They named their only child after the heroine of one of the only pieces of evidence for this theory- Portia.

Being raised among Sigilites, Portia knows her way around all things old and outdated, and especially the written word. She developed a fondness for calligraphy- and then a penchant for typography in general, when others began to complain they could not read her more... embellished attempts. Her handwriting is fabulous, and she writes with a steady and confident hand, forgoing text-based writing programs for digital drawing software and physical notebooks for her work.

Portia's greatest fear is that she may one day finally fail to meet her parents' high expectations- or rather that they may one day discover that she already has. After all, she'd never tell anyone, but Portia far prefers Jain Ausstin.

Oh, and there's one thing nobody, including Portia, knows. She's immortal.
ooookay hopefully I'm not doing this wrong:

Portia, the Emperor's Secretary

Portia is a 19 year old human girl, totally ordinary in every way(mostly). Her parents, both high-ranking Sigilites, met and bonded over a shared love of the ancient writings of Shakespire, and particularly a shared belief in a poorly favored theory about his work. (They believe that some of his works may have been comedies, although only tragedies survive.) They named their only child after the heroine of one of the only pieces of evidence for this theory- Portia.

Being raised among Sigilites, Portia knows her way around all things old and outdated, and especially the written word. She developed a fondness for calligraphy- and then a penchant for typography in general, when others began to complain they could not read her more... embellished attempts. Her handwriting is fabulous, and she writes with a steady and confident hand, forgoing text-based writing programs for digital drawing software and physical notebooks for her work.

Portia's greatest fear is that she may one day finally fail to meet her parents' high expectations- or rather that they may one day discover that she already has. After all, she'd never tell anyone, but Portia far prefers Jain Ausstin.

Oh, and there's one thing nobody, including Portia, knows. She's immortal.
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