Name: Xandu - Giver of Quests, Maker of Things
Height: The Maker of Things is 300 feet long from snout to tail.
Weight: 16 Ton
Age: Ancient
Race/Species: Dragon
Tier/Influence: 4 (
national); Able to cast complex augmentation spells that range from temporary illusion to permanent creation.
Group(s): unaffiliated.
Appearance: Xandu is an ancient old Dragon with the scars of a hard-lived life to show for it. His scales have started fusing together in old age and inhibiting his movement while becoming so hard and brittle that large cracks and gaps have opened to create countless weaknesses along the length of his body. His once great wings have become broken and bent, no longer able to support his colossal weight they mostly lay around limp and useless.
Personality: Fearful of the world outside of his cave he refuses to venture out into the world alone. Barely able to defend himself against attackers he has forced himself, much to his own chagrin, into creating a sort of symbiotic relationship with the mortals around him. As such, he trades his services for theirs. Xandu is also extremely wise, simply from the pure nature of longevity and the racial tendency to remember things perfectly, or so they think.
Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:(4) Augment Reality -- Xandu can warp the fabric of reality to make things different than they are. The permanency and the extent of transformation creates a cost. Never something from nothing, a physical cost must be paid for such things as this. These spells range in intent from temporary illusion to permanent material manipulation. The more the real physical change the more the spell costs to accomplish. The costs range in value, and the materials used must have at least one of the attributes needed in the end result.
For example: A person wants to have a sword that spews fire on command. Xandu must have the materials needed to make the sword, as well as whatever materials needed to give it the attributes needed to make it spew fire on command. So Xandu would need Iron, Carbon, Wood, Leather, Jewels (for adornment, because why not?), and the tongue of a giant salamander.
Items: (3) Dragon's Lair -- A Labyrinth of a cave deep into the foot of the Morgus Mountain. It contains the usual things one might expect to find in a Dragon's Lair: Mountains of treasure, magical items of local renown, piles of bones and armor. The standard fair.
History: Once upon a time there was a terrible and fearsome Dragon of great renown. Tales were told of him throughout the ages, for as far back as mortals have recorded history by the oral traditions. Tales of death and destruction. Tales of broken armies carrying their dead champions back to their mourning widows. These were the stories about Xandu. Once so great a being that he was once praised as a local deity, his reality augmenting powers were so great that he could bend the very terrain to his advantage, this is the creation myth of Morgus Mountain. But like all things, it all must come to an end, and while a Dragon will continue to age indefinitely unless slain, it does not mean that they do not decay or deteriorate as they do so. Xandu's powers have begun to wane, his true physical form is broken and battered, and a deep-seated fear of mortal demise has taken root within his hearts. With great reservation, Xandu took to the caverns that he had created and laid there dormant for many years, hoping for an end to come. When a warrior did finally arrive, it was not as a challenger and not as a parishioner. They came in search of Xandu's fabled abilities to request of him his services. Xandu was threatened with death if he did not assist this young stalwart knight, but the Knight did agree to do something for him in exchange. The Knight came hoping that the Dragon could make for him the finest of blades, stronger than steel and lighter than so much silk. Capable of wielding with one hand or two, from horseback or on foot. Capable of healing its own edge from damage and keeping itself sharp. Xandu had everything he would need to transmute such a weapon except for one thing; A Sun Stone from the Pale Sea. And so Xandu sent the Knight off in search of the last component while accompanying a small human girl, perfectly normal and average in every way. The sort of girl who you wouldn't pick out in a crowd. The sort of girl you forget about after your first and only glance. The girl proved to be innocent and shy. Unwilling to let the Knight touch her, the paid traveled mostly in silence. The girl was a temporary transmutation of reality in which Xandu folded space in around himself to make his form fit within the space of a Human, look like a human, and behave as a human. The Giver of Quests was born. When the Knight returned with the girl with more than enough Sun Stone to complete the task, Xandu went to work creating the extremely complex spells needed to create the desired object. Afer two weeks time, the Maker of Things was born. The Knight went on to sing the praises of Xandu's services to anybody who would listen.