@MtnRose No, we're waiting on @CutUp (who hasn't been on in ages). If you want, you can gave the girls interrupt and we'll slowly make Ty slink into the shadows and never be seen again. (GODDAMNIT CUPCAKE MAN.)
Okay. I'll reread and try to figure out a good place to work them in. :D
Y'all aren't waiting on me, are you? I'm so sorry if you are. I'm having to go back and reread everything each time there is a new post so that I can remember what happened.
I'll be honest, with not knowing the game...could someone explain the layout of the city to me better? I've gone back through and reread the posts, but I'm getting lost as to where everyone is. *Sheepish Grin*
I know how you feel. I've lost many, many a pets/furry four legged children in my life. That's the one thing that really sucks about rodents, they don't have a long lifespan. Mice are far worse than hampsters.