Hearing Ace complain about his complaining, Inadi shrugged it off and just continued his pout. “Well if you can find a way to get us out of this dreadful place I'll gladly staple my mouth shut. I was expecting a simple pick up and walk out,” Inadi said as he pointed in the direction of where the airship was. At least where he thought the airship was. Truth be told, he had completely lost track of which direction they had gone through and felt even more lost just thinking about it, which only made him more angry. “But now we suddenly got to head into this place. Talk about disappointment.” He groaned out as a quick and sudden arrival put him on edge.
A new Nobody suddenly appeared and graced them all with her presence. Inadi silently let out a sigh of relief as he saw it was just a small child. No doubt lost in this place like they were. Just as he was about to rest his spear to the side, the girl started spouting off something about being an evil witch or something like that. Inadi quickly rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Oh terrific. Another witch. At least this one has some color on her unlike the last one we ran into. That's an improvement.” Inadi complained to himself as he began walking away from the whole scene.
Japhet continued his little speech about arresting the girl and the screaming went back and forth between different members of the group. Then the girl, Nympha as it were, said something about summoning a turtle dragon. Turning his head slowly at the thought of a turtle dragon he began returning to the rest of the group. Trying to get Japhet to quit speaking, he waved his hand at the guide and tried leaning towards the small witch. Just as he got close enough that was when the ground started shaking underneath them. Inadi quickly spun in his place and looked at the great beast.
A towering monster, Inadi quickly felt his spit become caught in his throat. This thing was big. Really, really big. Thinking back on the old dragons from Sol, the turtle dragon was probably around their size. Remembering how bad those things whooped them until the last second Inadi knew the best plan was to just start running right away. As he was about to bolt, Japhet began screaming out orders for him to take the thing on. Going wide-eyed, Inadi leaned in on the guide and poked a finger in his chest. “What happened to the powers of technology huh? I got an old invention that will work just fine for this kind of situation,” Inadi said as he looked back at the dragon, who let out a large roar. “They are called legs. AND I USE THEM TO RUN!”
Inadi quickly flew past Japhet and began running and listened to Ace rambling behind him. “I don't know if they'll buy the idea that we have a dragon on our side since we seem to be running from it after all!” He yelled out as he began trying to navigate the best he could through the darkness. Jasper was with him the entire time and he use her as a second pair of eyes, seeing where she was running and figuring it to be the right way. “Somebody better get that little witch to do something about the dragon! This is her fault anyway! I don't know how, but I got a feeling it is!” Inadi yelled as he turned his head to see some kind of shield holding the dragon back. While it bought them time, it was clear that with the way the big nasty thing was fighting against it, that wall wasn't going to hold it long.
Jasper nearly crashed into Est, which made Inadi throw the brakes on his run. Good timing on his part too as bats suddenly flew right past him as he landed on the ground. Looking up, it seemed like a huge collection of what seemed like fifty bats flew right by him. Jasper and Est weren't as lucky as him though as they seemed to be giving the little guys a little bit of a fight. Inadi slowly picked himself up off the ground and missed Jasper slapping Est in the face while he did so. Hearing Ran in the distance, he began trying to figure out just how far away they were from the others. This was a bad time to be separated, but another strange occurrence suddenly caught his attention. He looked down at his feet and saw the forest floor that the bats had flown out of. For whatever reason it almost felt....warmer than the rest of the place. A strange feeling to be sure, but it had a strange calmness like a campfire attached to it as well. “Hey Est, any reason why this little indention would be generating heat like this?” He asked as he put his hand closer to the hole. The closer he got, the hotter it became. Inadi hated not knowing why things were the way they were, as they just made him uncomfortable. Deciding it was best not to get too close he continued following Jasper to where they thought Ran and the others were at.