Toby's explosion of agitation did nothing to Inadi as he fixed his glasses. The boy had just joined them and had little knowledge of these people in the end. They were just as dangerous as anything else in Nowhere, they just preferred to hide their faces for the most part. Letting a quiet sigh he turned back to Harper who was questioning the group again for their reasons for wanting to help them and join forces to find the rest of the list.
The mention of losing memories went right over Inadi's head as he simply thought it was a way for the hooded figures across from them to change the subject off of their past actions. But his eyebrow was finally raised and his nerves put on lock when they told them the fate of human's who failed to finish the list. They became bunny guards?! The same they had seen for so long in the Queen's castle every time they were there for a feast or to learn of the next thing on the list? Those guards?!
Inadi quickly shook his head back and forth trying to make sense of it. It seemed too outlandish to be true, but then again the Queen had never fully explained what happened to those who came before them and those who failed. And she even said it herself that they had gotten the furthest than any other group in the history of Nowhere. And yet every single time they came back from a successful fetch.....she would hold a dinner for them and keep them at the castle longer than she probably should if she knew they were turning into bunny guards.
The pounding in the man's head became heavy as he forced himself to stop thinking about the guards. If you lost all your memories you would turn into one of those guys right? Inadi began quickly going through his mind to try and remember all that he could. His first thought was back to his book he was working on back home. Thinking back to the title of it, it was.....it was......Inadi suddenly shot his look up across the table, but he was not looking at anyone. His eyes went wide as he realized that he couldn't remember the name of the damned thing he was resting his whole life on. He wanted to be a great author! That much he remembered. But how could he become that if he didn't even remember the title of the first book he was writing?
Instead of his title he decided to start thinking back to other things about it. The genre. Surely he remembered the genre of it. It was a romance novel if he thought back....wasn't it? No, no it couldn't have been. Inadi hated those kinds of stories. Maybe it was a science fiction novel? Or perhaps it was some kind of adventure book. Quickly realizing that he didn't even remember that made the man shoot out of his chair and walk away from the table and into the cover of some of the trees of the forest behind him. Hiding his face in his hand to keep everyone from seeing his frustration and stop the pounding of his mind. Looking back at the hooded figures, Harper, Ace, Riley and everyone else made him only quicken his pace.
His breathing became much heavier now that he was alone. How could he forget those things? Simple details that shouldn't take more than a few seconds to sort out. And here he was struggling to figure them out. Thinking back, he couldn't even remember the name of the coffee shop he went to when he wanted to find a place quiet to write away from his home. His mother always bothered him about it because of how much hot chocolate he would drink since he couldn't stand the bitter taste of coffee. She told him it would rot his teeth faster than anything. He could see her now saying it to his face....
Inadi's breath caught in his chest as he realized a terrible truth. He COULDN'T see his mother's face in his mind. He remembered her, her name and what she would say. But suddenly the face of the woman who brought him to this world was just a giant white silhouette in his mind's eye. Feeling his hand twitch on the grip of Kain the boy began trying to think of his father. The man who always told him that the writing was a great idea....or was it that he thought it was better for him to find something else to do with his life? Inadi quickly grabbed Kain and swung violently at the trees next to him, the clanking of the steel on the wood and the slashing of the air as in his rage he missed on more than a few swings. He couldn't remember his father's face or what he was like towards him. He had spent so much time focused on just the situation in Nowhere, he rarely thought back to his life back home since they arrived back in Sol practically. And it was clear what the affects were now.
His rage subsiding he looked up at the tree he swung at and saw cleaves in it that went deep and scattered randomly along the trunk. Feeling a strange moistness on his face he reached up to realize he had been crying all the while he was lost in his rage. Quickly wiping them away, he could not see the redness in his eyes or the shine on his cheeks. Coughing to clear his throat, he looked back at where the group was and felt a pang of disgust strike him. Walking back slowly, he eventually returned with his glasses low on his nose and his eyes closed slightly, as if he was trying to hide them from everyone.
Shooting glances at all the others at the table, he couldn't help but wonder just how much they had all lost on their journey. He had only recently joined and he already was losing so much. He hardly talked about his life back home, and now thinking back to how the others would mention their past selves he now saw it as some kind of therapy to keep those thoughts fresh. Then his eyes fell on the hooded figures and the scowl returned to his face.
“No matter where we go now....we've been used by someone. The hooded figures used us to complete the list so they could go home. And the Queen,” Inadi said as his head shook with frustration. “The Queen has been using us to practically entertain herself. She knew we would turn, and said nothing of it to us. And all those feasts. Maybe that was her way of trying to keep us here longer so we would lose our memories.” Inadi said looking back at Harper and then to Leila, as he knew she was very scared of the whole idea. None of them wanted this, but this was their life now. It was either go home, or stay here forever as something they weren't.
“Well I'm sick of being someone's pawn. I'm no tool to be used for someone else's desires,” He said with a defiant look in his eyes. Turning to Lesley and seeing his arm again only brought back the memory of what happened in the cabin with Avian. Back then he said that the human's shouldn't trust the Nobodies. And now learning about the Queen.....he knew he was right. Turning to the hooded figures and walking towards the group, he stopped near the one called C. “But you give me one reason or one idea that says you aren't as true to your word as you say, I'll be sure to laugh when the train door closes and you aren't on it.” He told her with a scowl as he went back to his seat. He pulled it out and looked over to Harper and then to Riley with an ashamed look in his eye. At the start of this he seemed like the one human who went in here with the least open minded about this group. But learning how empty his mind actually was, he saw that he needed to change.
He began dragging the chair over towards Jasper and slowly sunk into the chair. His eyes began to burn again, but he did what he could to keep it in. A few slid out, but with his head as low to the ground as it was, it was difficult to tell. Looking out of the corner of his eye and seeing Jasper was similar made him even more upset. “Pick your head up. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Not like me...” He told her as he began desperately thinking back to his mother. He tried remembering if it was her or his father that wore glasses like he did. But still, both figures just stood as silhouettes in his mind. The glasses on his face suddenly grew heavy, and they felt like they burned at his skin. Another tear streamed out and landed on the lens. The weight and lack of footing it had on his face made the pair fall from his face. In his desperate searching of his mind, he refused to even acknowledge that they had fallen. But staring at them with his clouded vision only reminded him of the shaky memories he had of his parents. He picked them up slowly, but merely rested them on his knee, his eyes burning even more than they had prior.