Avatar of MurderVictim


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
I can't believe Shaggy was William Afton all along
2 yrs ago
me, watching the clock slowly tick down to my 30th birthday: send help
4 yrs ago
when I was a kid, I called someone a bitch on neopets and that's honestly the most hardcore I've ever been. I peaked there
6 yrs ago
Bring the chains
6 yrs ago
Eat him instead.


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Most Recent Posts

*Insert clever intro here*

Hello there! I figured it was time to make a new interest check, hopefully one that won't take so long to read through. Let's see if I can keep a post reasonably short for once!

About me:

- I prefer to play the main female character. I don't double, but I am open for the occasional MxM pairing. Most of my MxM cravings are with canon fandom pairings, however. I have no problems playing any other character. Side male or female? No problem. Antagonist? I'm your girl! Random NPC? No issues here! So, don't be afraid to ask me to play a certain non-main character!

* Nothing is set in stone, so feel free to pitch any idea. I can't promise that I'll agree to it, but I'm all ears for whatever you have!

- This is just a hobby for me. I would prefer to keep it relatively stress-free, meaning that some days I'm not going to be able to post. I don't expect any different from my partners. Life happens, and I'm more than happy to be patient as long as I'm not openly ignored.

- I have zero limits when it comes to language, romance, and violence. The only hang up I have is I refuse to RP romance between underaged characters. Period. Aside from that, I'm open about anything. Hell, I much prefer mature roleplays. The darker and grittier, the better! I will do my best to respect my partner's limits, however, if I am warned beforehand.

- I tend to type two to three paragraph posts, which can be more or less depending on what I'm given to work with. For the sake of my sanity, please don't give me a post length requirement other than "no one or two liners." If I don't fit any strict needs, then I'm not the partner for you. If a post needs to be longer, I will gladly make it longer. But please don't come to me thinking I can give set word amount-long replies and nothing less.

Who I'm looking for:

- I couldn't care less about whether my partner is a man or woman, as long as they have no problems playing the main male character. It would also be cool if my partner would be willing to split the other characters with me, so I don't have to juggle them all.

- Someone over the age of eighteen. I don't need to know an exact age, but roleplaying with minors makes me uneasy even if there are limits set. As an adult, I would like to roleplay with other adults.

- Don't be a jerk, and we'll get along fantastically.

Now for the fun part!

(Bold = preferred role.)

I am always up for suggestions! Don't be shy to ask! I also wouldn't mind mixing any of these together. :D


Not much is set in stone, so don't be afraid to suggest changes! The worst I can say is no, but I always try to compromise. c:

Welp, that's it. I guess this post was still annoyingly long, haha. Feel free to post here or message me. :)
I'll send you a PM :3
*blows off dust and cobwebs*

Since I'm too lazy to make a new thread, this one will work! Bump!
*bumps, then goes back to replies*
Hey there! After not posting an interest check in quite a while, I'm back on here with a new craving! Anyone up for playing a male angel character? Fallen angel, guardian angel, or just...an angel. I'll leave what type up to my RP partner. As long as the dude has/had feathery wings at some point, I don't care. As for myself, my character will be female, most likely human, and in her early twenties. The rest depends on the plot. Romance between the two would be nice, but it isn't a must. I'm looking to brainstorm with my partner, since I don't have any actual plot ideas at the moment. Personally, I prefer to create a plot with someone else. Makes things more interesting. :) Basic into about myself: - I'm pretty laidback. As long as you're cool, I'm cool. - My replies typically range from one to two paragraphs and up. If I'm given enough to work with, I'll do my best to match the reply length I'm given. - I do my best to reply as often as I can. I do have a job and other hobbies, so I might be slow at times. If you're getting impatient, feel free to give me a friendly poke. - I prefer RPing in private, through PM or email. But I won't turn anyone down if they prefer thread - we can do thread. - I have zero limits. Go nuts. - Though I do prefer playing a female main character, I can play any kind of side character or NPC, good or evil. At least, I can do my best. What I'm looking for: - Someone over eighteen. Even if we don't settle on something mature, RPing with a minor makes me a little uncomfortable. I'm sorry! - Someone patient, please! I can have all the patience in the world, and would like the same courtesy in return. - Someone who isn't too serious. We're doing a text-based roleplay. Don't be so uptight. :) Welp, that's it! PM me or post here if you're interested. Thanks for reading!


*bumps thread and explodes*
*pokes thread*
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