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Banana Republic
<Snipped quote by DX3214>

Players representing their own nation or all the players as separate factions in the same country?

I would honestly prefer nations unless the separate factions were big enough.

Alp Tarkhan - Younger Years

Giving a man a musket is not enough to make him into a soldier. For a soldier not only wears his uniform and wields his weapon, but he is also a man first and foremost. A man that must be shaped into a soldier through training, obedience and spirit. To make a man bleed for his brothers in arms or his king is no easy task. The people of Khazaria know this well enough, for once upon a time nobody would fight for a king that didn't fight with them, nobody would lend their bows or swords to a man who couldn't show that he is a capable leader. As such, the free warriors of the clans were only led by the truly capable of a meritocratic tradition to last the ages.

However, times have changed. Many Khazars have gone from the saddle to the comforts of urban life, some to sail the seas and some more to make use of cannon. There isn't much else to say, the leaders of the once-proud noble warrior clans turned to business and luxuries and the great warriors of the Khazars were slowly but surely being transformed into soldiers at the command of an Emperor. The great plains were slowly but surely developed into lush farmlands and ranches. Filled with crops and animals as far as the eye could see.

There wasn't a better time to be alive in the Empire of Khazaria, but certainly, much of the tradition had been slowly been forgotten. Yet, something remains an constant in the minds and spirits of the Khazarians and that is the ability to wage war, become forces of nature that destroy everything in their path and that cannot be stopped by simple means. This is the spirit of Khazaria which remains asleep, not awakened until now.

The Emperor of Khazaria Şahin Macar had seen to it. He had appointed Alp Tarkhan as the commander of the forces to be sent to aid Stevata in their war against the Kingdom of Dorist, and he had a certain history to him that was well known amongst many in Khazaria and the clans to the east. For many, Alp Tarkhan was the stereotypical great general and warrior, someone who could be compared with Nursultan in terms of military genius and savageness. Someone who nobody wanted to mess with or face in one to one combat, and even with his age he was still as feared as ever. Nobody would want to disappoint him, yet his charisma made everyone want to be lead by him.

He was all in all a man that represented Khazaria's past spirits. Truly there was none else who could reign in the clans of the east into his army and control them, basically integrating the savage east with modern west of Khazaria into a single unified force. Truly a force that could put fear in the minds of any of its enemies.

Yet at this force was assembled in the border with Stevata, there were those that didn't believe in total victory and just wanted to go back to enjoy in their urban cities. After all, with the recent increments in allowances to recruiting officers, there was a certain amount of let's say "unlucky" recruits, who had been tricked into signing into the Imperial army. A good beer or a couple of them, a rousing speech of patriotism in a bar was enough to trick some into joining up in the army and by the time they had any lucidness, they were already on a camp receiving their bright yellow uniform and their musket.

One such young man named Khuterkin aged no more than eighteen had seen his normal life at home been put to a quick end when his signature was found on a document of signing up to become a soldier. He received a small pouch of coins, rather generous for his first pay but still not enough to truly remove the shock that was to be basically drafted into the army because he got too drunk one night at the tavern.

Regardless, what had been done could not be changed and he alongside probably hundreds of men from his city was now on the way to the border with Stevata. Khuterkin was a rather carefree man, not a lazy one though. He was known for his ability in the textile craft, but even then he expected to spend his life on his father's workshop not on the battlefield against the westerners. His training was rough to saythe least, the equipment was alright but not up to par. There were still many workshops within the Empire producing uniforms, clothing, boots, muskets that had yet to arrive at the hands of the soldiers.

Yet, before a month had passed he was already on the border. Marching in column formation, while he saw only from afar the general Alp Tarkhan on his bright gold and red uniform, he was a man of tall stature from what he had seen before. Very tall and with a strong presence amongst his soldiers, he had been sort of charmed by his lousy speeches against the Dorist calling them the rats and pigs of Europe. Overconfident, small and weak. Defeated a thousand times before by the likes of the great Khan Nursultan and his descendants.

Every time, he heard his speeches he felt empowered and confident. More than capable and willing to fight against the Dorist, confident on his return home and on the many women he would be able to charm with stories from the battlefield and everyone in his own battalion felt the same way. In barely a few months, Khuterkin had turned into loyal and obedient followers of the Imperial army that now sallied forth outside of Khazarian borders into Stevata.

Yet much like before, he had been tricked and fooled by the sweet words of a general. One that did fight alongside his soldiers but one that made use of his particular talents to ensure that he could gain more glory for himself and the emperor. Someone who was more at home speaking with the chieftains of the eastern clans than with his own officers and commanders. Regardless, the dice had been cast and Eastern Alliance of Stevata, Khazaria, and Teclav were now fighting against three other nations. Thousands would die and many more would suffer because of this war, a war that had begun due to the tricks and foolishness of Dorist. Who only sought to expand their nation even further against the expense of those whom they only saw as savages to be conquered.
"...Khazaria borders many nations as it is nature in the center of the Black Sea. It borders the nations of the North, the descendants of the Rosky Brothers and to the east, their cousins and brothers whom once upon a time were enemies and allies, they once had great khanates but their empire shave since then fallen into disarray and been disunited due to infighting. Only through change was the Empire of Khazaria able to remain as a cohesive nation and an empire that was deserving of great respect.

That respect had not been won out of simple shows of strength but rather out of the endurance of its people and rulers in all kinds of crises. From plagues, famines and the horrendous crusades that caused much bloodshed in the empire. But through defeat and victory, all remains the same for the people of Khazaria. For it is them and them alone, who will continue their legacy through the ages no matter who dares oppose them.

An oppose them, many nations will do and have done. The pieces on the board have begun moving like crows trying to find a weak side to the great empire of Khazaria. The movements of the Dorist and their allies have not gone unnoticed, their soldiers and generals too prideful to realize that they are about to fight the descendants of legends and heroes. Kommentiolos always seeking an opportunity to undermine the trade and influence of Khazaria. We cannot let our guard down and our soldiers will have to man every position, but if the emperor gives the order it shall be done.

It will a thousand more wars and a thousand more famines to put an end to our Empire. For the sky and land are our allies, as they shall always be so and never abandon us. The Great Riders of the Black Sea shall show their foes their true might..." - Imperial War Poems of the Court of Khazaria 1756
The stories of the great ballads and dances of the past were all true and the young emperor saw it with his own two eyes. The massive principal hall of the Winter Palace had been filled up to the brim with tables, wine, and food of all sorts for the guests that had come from the far reaches of the Empire. The guests who dressed in all sorts of manners from colorful green silk dresses from the richest of nomads to the simple greyish and brown styles of those who didn't have the same wealth. Many didn't know what to expect when the Emperor invited such a massive host of nomads to the city of Mel-Izar.

Hundreds of servants had to be hired and the whole city was basically put entirely to work to prepare for the incoming horde of guests. Food was shipped from various ports in the empire and the entire city was even more active than before. Indeed, this showed that if it was the will of the emperor, many things could be achieved. Parcels outside of the city were set aside for camping nomads and an entire section of the outskirts of the city had been prepared to accommodate a festival of sorts for the commoners, while the leaders of the tribes feasted alongside the emperor in the winter palace.

The tribes arrived at the city of Mel-Izar in droves and waves, most of the time escorted by the cavalry of the Empire as it had been planned. Many of them clearly showed signs that they had been going through a long journey to get here. After all, many of the nomads had settled in various provinces of the empire but mostly on the eastern side and suffice to say that it was quite vast already. Many farmers complained due to the horses eating their plants or grass and scaring the sheep away. But the provincial governors often found their uses to such nomads, hiring them as bodyguards or to hunt other bandit tribes in the countryside. Due to this, it was quite easy to send invitations and organize the feast instead of having to make contact with each one of the tribes that had come.

Also, one must not forget that it was an open invitation to any nomad tribe and of course, many of the traditional Khazar warrior clans also joined up. Many came with large retinues and many servants, the warrior clans of old had become quite rich after all. But not all of the warrior clans had come to the feast, for those who sided with the more modern faction of the house notables didn't see well the arrival of so many uncivilized nomads into their lands and while polite still saw the tribes as undesirables.

Perhaps, their opinion would change after the swelling of the ranks of the army. A much-needed fact in these unknown times, where any single spark may set ablaze the kingdoms and empires of Europe. Truly, one can't ever truly be prepared for such things, except for the unity of the people. If there is unity then all can be overcome, this was one of the ideals of the forebearers of Sahin Marcar. But now, it wasn't time to reminisce it was time for the festivities to begin and for them to begin, there was a need to do an opening ceremony and what better way than with the ceremony of three crowns. The nomad tribes remember very well this ceremony, it is one where the leader of the tribe begins his rule or is seeking the approval of the rest of his tribe to engage in a future action.

For the Khazarians, it is now but a forgotten custom, but one that Sahin did well in remembering from his cousins to the east. Sevil and Yitzhak didn't know this about this at all, for it was planned in secrecy with Alp Tarkhan, who had returned from his travel to Stevata. This was truly a matter of honor, prestige, and legitimacy. The ceremony consisted of taking up a bow and only three arrows and hitting three targets each far away from each other and each representing, the crown of earth, sky, and water. The crowns of the three major gods of the Nomadic religions of the east.

Succeeding or failing in this ceremonial act could have consequences for the development of the ceremony and when Sevil realized what Sahin was about to do, she felt the tension in the air as she prepared to watch her nephew take up a recurve bow. One that had been crafted to precision by the finest bowmaker in Mel-Izar and then three fires were lit up on the wall that Sahin was facing. The entire host of guests gazed upon the emperor, drink on their hands and eyes set upon the young emperor's stance. He first drew an arrow and then aimed. A few tense moments and he released the arrow and he closed his eyes, when he opened he had hit the target. The same happened with the other targets and the guests after a moment of silence began cheering, as the Emperor returned to his seat at the top of the dinner hall. Once this was done, the festivities began in earnest.

A thousand stories would be told and made in the next days, all due to the magnanimity of the great emperor of Khazaria. And as such, in one stroke the Emperor had managed not only to unify his people but also to secure an army to protect the interests of the empire abroad. There was clearly still much more to do, but this step had been done well and it secured the Empire from within and also from without. Now, it was time to prepare for the next steps of the Emperor and his young career as a ruler, which seemed to only begin now.
At the Winter Palace of the city of Mel-Izar in Kumbag

The times had changed and the merchants on the streets knew it very well. Their supplies of gunpowder and iron being sold to the army rather than to hunters and blacksmiths. They knew far better what this meant than many others, for war was coming to the empire of Khazaria and every time there was an increase in the demand of gunpowder there was a chance of war coming. The army may not be big compared to the rest of the other countries but it could certainly be made bigger at any time if necessary and the empire showed its capabilities to do so, as entire caravans and ships began to load up on materials and supplies to increase the size of the army.

Meanwhile, while the economic gears of the city of Mel-Izar went to full throttle, the Emperor, the regent, and Yitzhak ha-Sangari discussed in the map's room. The new developments of the issue between Stevata and Dorist. The complications of war and much more regarding the position of the Empire of Khazaria and how to best expand its influence over its immediate neighbors, while also reviewing the army's capabilities to endure such a conflict with the kingdom of Dorist.

The Regent and the Emperor, Sevil and Sahin were next to each other in one of the sides of a big detailed map of the continent. One of the newest acquisitions and finished works of a famous cartographer in the city of Mel-Izar, the map itself had taken him years to finish and it showed. It was adorned and it had an almost carpet-like feeling due to the quality of the paper used and the length of the map. It showed the world from Hispalis to the lands further east of Khazaria and it also served to plan and visualize better the possible enemies of the empire.

Meanwhile, Yitzhak ha-Sangari was on another side of the map. Looking it at with a hand on his chin, clearly thinking about how to best maximize the use of his soldiers for unlike Alp Tarkhan he crunched the numbers every time it was time to fight. That was the way he had been able to solve the issues between the two clans last time and how he managed to rise so rapidly through the ranks of the imperial military to the point that he was now speaking face to face with the Emperor and Regent, a privilege that few had the honour of ever receiving in their lives.

From the perspective of Yitzhak, the emperor was but a boy and while he was only two decades older than him. Somehow he reminded him of himself, back when his younger self showed a passion and fire on his eyes that few could have matched, but that fire on his eyes was quite different from Alp Tarkhan, who had bloodlust. Instead, it was a curiosity and a desire to learn more than the great general saw in the eyes of the Emperor, but he could never look at the emperor in the eye for too long for soon the frozen gaze of the regent would haunt him, for this reason, he kept his eyes on the map. Thinking and thinking, until the regent spoke to him again in that soft yet frightening tone she learned to use so well to control the court and the house of notables with words alone.

"Marshall Yitzhak, I think you have had enough time to think. Can we resume what we were discussing earlier?" She said, her gaze clearly aiming at the eyes of the Marshall. He could try to avert her gaze but that couldn't be done, it would only make her angry at him perhaps further than she already was due to their previous encounter. "Of course, imperial regent. I am done with thinking, you must forgive me for taking so long but the situation is not very favorable to us at the moment." He replied, no fear in his voice of telling the things as they were and without any single touch to make it lesser, perhaps that was one of the reasons the imperial regent hadn't gotten rid of him?

The young emperor spoke, his voice still on the way to become that of a man but his voice's pitch still sounded like that of a boy. It didn't bother Yitzhak but it didn't comfort him either. "Not favorable? How can that be so! The Kingdom of Teclav is even willing to help us and our armies are marshaling properly. Is there something, we must be afraid of?" There was no sight of fear but the Emperor didn't speak of experience even his confidence was clear as water.

"Indeed, but my initial proposition was to scare off the kingdom of Dorist from further sending troops to the border. It doesn't to work and I doubt it will work with their ambitious king. I have no doubt that for the time being, they seek even more allies than before. We must guard our southern border as well as we look to the west, one never knows what's to come from the Kingdom of Kommentiolos either. Dividing up our forces will do us no good and not guarding our seas will do us no good either. Emperor, I don't think we are fairly prepared for any war at the moment and preparing for one will take some time, if you indeed wish to help our brothers in Stevata and Teclav. Then we must waste no further time." Yitzhak spoke directly and confidently. There was no way for the empire to be engaged in a war on the west without its southern border secured, the northern one was well enough but should the coastal cities fall. The whole economy of the Empire of Khazaria would fall with them too, Yitzhak didn't believe himself charismatic enough to deter the Emperor from war either and it seemed that the Regent had other plans in mind for supporting the Emperor's advances on the west. All he had to do was present the things as they were and present solutions to the Empire and the regent. That's all he could do for the moment.

"We don't have enough soldiers? How can that be, I have seen hundreds of thousands in our cities. The shipping lines as busy as ever, yet you say we don't have enough soldiers, how come our people aren't doing their duty to their emperor?" The Emperor asked, but this time the regent spoke first without allowing the Marshall to let his opinion be heard. "Well, it is quite simple your highness. The peace in our borders has kept us, let's say content with the current status quo and the wealth of our nation has attracted many indeed, but those who come often do so not to fight but to find a home and a good quality of life. Instead of fighting they find themselves with better opportunities, in the cities and sometimes even the countryside, because of that and our current laws it is harder for our recruiters to compete for recruits. As such, the numbers of our regiments have decreased and while the financials of that have helped our treasury. However, we can easily...change this all and even turn it around for our own benefit. It is very well that you did I as told you and invited the chiefs of the tribes from the east, the nomads may be a bit harsh at first and but they can be dealt with."

Suddenly Yitzhak had the urge to speak and advise the Emperor to do otherwise, allowing the nomads to join the military was a valid idea but it would simply take too long for them to be fully integrated into the military that Yitzhak had been building for years. He would much rather have a professional army like those in Europe than allow a ragtag of horse-riding nomads to become the vanguard of his new army. Yet, he also knew that it was far better not to interrupt the regent while she spoke with the Emperor. Sahin indeed, the boy that controlled a massive empire yet was still controlled by his aunt. The emperor needed advisors not simply puppeteers, that is what Yitzhak thought about the whispers to the regent to the emperor.

"I invited, yes. But I did so to keep them content and to avoid further conflict with them within our lands. It is better for them to come all here and speak to me, recognize me as their authority rather than have them wandering around shepherded by our garrisons so that they don't cause any trouble. If we can use their men though, would that help tip off the balance on our favor?" The Emperor asked Yitzhak and he sighed in relief. Finally, he was able to give his advice to the Emperor and perhaps lead him away from ruining the structured army that he had built with so much effort over the years.

"Your imperial highness, the nomad problem is indeed an important issue to tackle. But I doubt that a bunch of ragtag soldiers will do us any help. Their cavalry may be good but they will be disorganized, they will just cannon fodder for the forces of Dorist if they were to fight them. I propose instead that we begin to pour funds into our recruitment efforts, let recruiting sergeants get bigger bonuses and larger purses so that they can attract more into the army. The clans we used to recruit from are no longer at their full strength, it is time to begin a recruitment effort to begin to increase the strength of our forces." Yitzhak looked at the Emperor in the eye but once again the gaze of the regent made him avert his gaze, the emperor clearly didn't show any signs of refuting his proposal but neither did he approve of it just yet. But unlike other times, he just asked Yitzhak to be sure.

"Indeed, marshall but it is about time that we put to use all the nomads. We can't forget them, letting them go wild or integrating them into the civil populace will take a long time, let them earn their stay here in the Empire through the force of their arms. If we integrate them into our cavalry forces, we can surely increase the size of our army considerably while also earning ourselves fewer troubles. In the long term, they will have to be a part of our country if we wish to pacify the eastern steppes. So taking this step is now considerably better than waiting for the steppes to continue to wander around our lands. We have once forged ties by iron and blood with our neighbors, we can do so again with our eastern brothers and sisters." Answered the emperor, the regent and Yitzhak look at each other for the moment, it seemed that the Emperor had indeed listened to both rather to only the regent alone. Perhaps, he wasn't as controlled by Sevil as he thought he was?

The tension was quickly brought to an end by the speak of Yitzhak towards the emperor. "Then it shall be so, I only require for the authorization to begin the recruitment efforts. Muskets, uniforms, the logistics of it all will cost money, which I believe the empire has plenty." Sevil looked at Yitzhak with a smile on her face, of course, a sly smile. "Of course, the empire's coffers are filled but don't forget that the money is to be used for the good of the empire and there should be no over expenses." She replied.

"Indeed, Marshall Yatzhik you may begin the marshaling efforts. I would rather be prepared than be caught with our pants down, let it be so. I will seal the orders later on." No more words were needed and Yatzhik's presence soon faded away as he left for the imperial barracks. Meanwhile, Emperor Sahin and Regent Sevil continued to look at the map on the floor. Their sights set on the kingdoms surrounding Stevata and then to Paranas. "Our Paranan friends will have some trouble coming to our aid, won't they?" The Emperor asked the regent, in his voice, it was clear that the news of the conflict within Paranas had reached his ears.

"It is true, the kingdom of Paranas has friends in both Altenten and in our country. The ties of blood are strong but let's not forget that our ancestral ties are stronger. Paranas won't forget a friend so easily.." The regent replied, knowing full well that Paranas would rather choose neutrality than ever picking a fight with their northern neighbors. Not because they couldn't but because they would lose decades of a working relationship that was beneficial to both countries. "Indeed, but I cannot force their king to make a decision. It wouldn't be fair of me as an ally, I will send a messenger with a latter of mine to the King of Paranas. Make him know that he is free to choose neutrality. Besides, this will calm their minds and well, it is better not to open another front if we are to fight against the Dorist. If the conflict gets larger, then we may require their aid. But until then, we will soon be prepared and further escalation is not needed." The Emperor said. The regent would nod and their discussion would be put to an end by the sudden arrival of the tea time, an ancient tradition in Khazaria. Too much political discussion had been had and it was time to rest for the ruler and unspoken ruler of Khazaria.

The coastal wind drove a multitude of smells alongside the fresh smell of the air from the sea and for a long time, such smells had never before been experimented by the people of Khazaria. At least, not by its ancestors that didn't know of the sea but rather of the vast expanses of the steppes filled with grass and the company of the Sun and the Moon in their long travels to find land to call their own. But for the modern Khazar, the smell of the sea was like that of any other. The fact that so many cities were now built next to it represented this fact the most.

Now, there were few Khazars who had not seen the Black Sea and Şahin Macar was amongst those who knew of the sea just as well as they knew the saddle of a horse. Truly, the sea was intriguing and a vast new unexplored ground for the Khazarians. A new world to be explored for the young emperor and for many more Khazars willing to make a living on the sea through trade and adventure. Was that the reason for his aunt's decisiveness of approving the construction of the large vessel that transported him to the city of Mel-Izar.

Mel-Izar was the jewel of the province of Kumbag. A city filled with foreigners and one of the main trading ports of the Empire. Şahin Macar knew pretty well the reason for his voyage to the city. It was to visit his aunt on the Winter Court of the Empire, for while the rest of the Empire braced themselves for the cold. The peninsulae of Kumbag remained a warm place to say and a comfortable one, no wonder his aunt when she was the regent stayed there most of the time and many began to notice that it was sort of the second capital of the Empire.

It would indeed be a nice place to stay for the rest of the winter, too bad that the summer vacations of the past wouldn't repeat once again. For now, Emperor Şahin Macar had holy duties towards his people and ancestors, and most importantly to himself. It would be bad to let his aunt do all the job herself of the managing of the whole empire looked bad on him and the wouldn't improve the health of his aging aunt.

Perhaps, that was the reason his Aunt had called him from the capital of Itil to the city of Mel-Izar. Truly reasons would soon be known as the Emperor when he disembarked on the city. One thing he picked up before returning to his quarters on the ship was the number of ships going and coming from various directions if it was a sign of something it was probably a sign of a prosperous nation. A true nation befitting of the Emperor's title. He could even see how some captains bowed from their decks to the ship when they saw the Imperial's Dynasty Sigil and Emblem painted on the ship's sails.


A few days later at the city of Mel-Izar

Truly, the summer palace was something worthy of an emperor or in this case an emperor's regent. The painted columns made of a bright mix of yellow and orange, alongside exotic carpets decorated every wall of the massive palace that sat next to the shore. It had four tall towers and several more living quarters where the servants of the Emperor and regent slept and ate. Truly, a magnificent sight to most kings and commoners.

Şahin though was rather bothered though. He was a young mind that wasn't used to waiting in a room for his Aunt to finish speaking to the Stevatan ambassador. He was an emperor and perhaps even a spoiled one at that, perhaps a result of his aunt wishing to keep him away from the political intrigue of the court by sending off hunting and traveling with the pretext of knowing the Empire, but certainly now that he had him right next to her things would have to change if she wished to maintain a certain level of decorum.

A few more minutes passed before Şahin received approval to enter the massive hall of the summer palace. At the center, he saw the European looking ambassador and his entourage of advisors and men. Their caucasian features all too clear for Şahin to recognize them, their hard defined features had become a usual sight throughout various cities in the Empire, a result of the rise of trade coming from north, south, west, and east that had the Empire at its center.

They modestly bowed to the Emperor dressed in his bright golden clothes and hailed him as Şahin walked through towards his aunt, who dressed in a similar colored dress look at both the Ambassador and his nephew from above. The throne of the regent sitting at the top of a tall pyramid-like structure that allowed however sat at its top a clear view over the whole hall.

"My emperor, it is a pleasure to have you here, I was just finishing talking to our honorable Stevatan guest" said Sevil Macar, regent in interregnum and matriarch of the imperial dynasty. "We were just about to finish, your imperial highness." Replied Ambassador Landon Jameson an old hand but experienced and competent, one that had seen to it that trade with Khazaria continued to increase over the past decade in a swift and continuous manner. Sahin though still looked a bit bothered but tried to hide in front of the honored guest, not knowing whether or not he successfully managed to hide the emotions inside of him. He nodded at the ambassador and replied to him in a calm tone. "As always, any Stevatan envoy and diplomat are welcome to our palaces if he wishes to discuss matters that concern both of our nations...now, I do wonder what kind of talks have been going between our most esteemed guest and the Imperial Regent."

For a moment, a tense atmosphere formed up around the Emperor and the Regent. The request of the Emperor seemingly out of the blue and out of the ordinary, but nonetheless a valid one that regent Sevil was more than willing to grant to his imperial majesty. "We were just discussing a basic matter of arranging an imperial visit to the Stevatan capital send our finest riders and gifts to the king of Stevata will be a sign of respect to the King. It is about time don't you think, your majesty?"

Sahin thought about it for a moment, but he nonetheless gave a rapid answer agreeing with his aunt like many times before."Well, you are right, lest we forget that not so many moons the Stevatan king had sent his finest horse as a gift to my mother and father when they got married. We should return the favor now that I am emperor, I do not wish for the King of Stevata to think of me as an impudent ruler that forgets so easily about past signs of friendship."

The Stevatan ambassador smiled and Sevil did as well. Almost as a sort silent "well said" or "well done" kind of response. "Indeed your majesty, I knew you would approve of this and as such, I have already sent a messenger to Alp Tarkhan to select five hundred of his finest raiders to make the voyage. We are still descendants of the great Nursultan and we must show it to the world. Anyways, Ambassador Landon I think we are done for now. If you wish to discuss any other matter, you are more than welcome to send the Emperor a missive and we can arrange another visit for you and your entourage." Replied Sevil to the Ambassador, her long nails seemingly waving towards the guards to escort the ambassador outside.

"As you say, imperial regent. We will be keeping contact and your imperial majesty, it is always a pleasure to see you. You are truly young and healthy, how I envy you. Truly the spitting image of your father, I am deeply sorry that he wasn't able to see his son grow up to become such a fine man and emperor too." The ambassador excused himself and made his way to the entrance of the Palace, escorted by two guards in full ornamental armor that while fashionable and expensive was too heavy and impractical for anything beyond the ceremonial walkings. Perhaps, another thing that had changed for the Khazars was their change of practical things for more luxurious stuff, but this had slowly ingrained itself in the nobility and as such, few pay much mind to it. Except for those from the provinces that were also part of the house of notables, they wore a mix of modern and ancient armor. Practical to the brim and not good looking at all, but it also was a way of showing that they had not lost their ways unlike the rest of the notables.

"Now your grace, we can finally talk without the ears of foreigners listening to us. Please, come here I want to look at you closely my precious nephew." Sahin acknowledged his aunt's request and stepped forward as he climbed the steps towards the throne of the Imperial Regent with every step, the figure of his aunt looked less imposing and more fragile yet her imposing aura only grew stronger and stronger. Perhaps, age had made her frail but not stupid or any less frightening to her enemies, yet Sahin didn't fear his aunt or at least he had yet to find a reason to and as such moved forward with tranquility unknown to many of Sevil's closer advisors. "Truly, just like the Ambassador said. You are your father's son, I remembered his face when he was but a young teenage boy like you. Same face and same impatience, if it hadn't been for your mother I doubt someone would have put him in his place." Sevil replied reminiscing a past time and era one that she knew too well to forget.

"I know Aunt, but I didn't expect that an Emperor would have to wait out on his own meetings with foreign ambassadors and envoys." Replied Sahin to his aunt. "Well that is right, but the talks with the Stevatan ambassador were worrying, to say the least. I needed to figure out the true intentions of the ambassador, first of all, to know if he spoke the truth and see if his information could be corroborated with my informants." Sahin's face seemed to get sour, the mask he put out before seemingly broken at the words that his aunt spoke to him. "I am the emperor, I would have known how to deal with it regardless." Unlike Sahin, Sevil's face remained as calm as ever her voice unbroken or her tone not changing in the slightest. "I know, but just like your father, you are too brave but also reckless. The matter is as follows, the Stevatans are worried that the Kingdom of Dorist may take another attempt at their lands soon and whilst they have failed once already, they aren't willing to do so again. This time they will be prepared, but as prepared as they can be. The Kingdom of Dorist remains the stronger country and they require friends, you surely know about the Thousand Saddle Marches, don't you. Just like them now, we once also required friends and allies to defeat the great Bujir horde, it is time to repay the favor. But of course, favors don't come for free and a simple show of respect and friendship will be enough to tell the world that the Khazarians don't forget their neighbors. Five hundred raiders will suffice."

The face of Sahin was lighting up red just like a young kid feeling treated like someone younger. "That's it's not true, I would have done the same, but I would have sent our troops to the neighboring province just to be sure...those from the Kingdom of Dorist and perfidious, and their tongues do nothing but spill lies about us, I bet we could show them a real lesson in the plains of the Stevatan kingdom."

"See, this is why I didn't want to have here before. You still have much to learn my young emperor, it is better I continue to stay by your side to advise you well..." Sevil was interrupted by the sudden entrance of the second Marshall of Khazaria, Yitzhak ha-Sangari. A man who preferred wearing the "Sobkhata" a mix of western and Khazarian uniform, but more western than Khazarian. He came with several of his close advisors all dressed in similar uniforms and with a strange-looking face as was typical of him. "Imperial regent. Your imperial highness." He bowed to both before addressing them. "You will have to excuse me for interrupting your discussions, but I heard rumors that the Azhil and Telphal clans are preparing to engage in ritual combat in the outskirts of the city. I request your permission to take men from the palace to put an end to the violation of the public of order."

"Men from the palace? Aren't the soldiers of the city guard and the barracks enough to deal with this?" Asked Sevil, putting on a much more authoritarian tone than the one she was using with Sahir. "Normally, Yes. But the Azhil and Telphal clans are particularly aggressive and numerous, they also lead a host of minor clans who came from the east and if they begin fighting then the other vassal clans will fight too. I need a large enough force to dissuade them from such...and restore public order. I beg your forgiveness, I should have instructed the city guard to have put a stop to any altercation before it came to this." Yitzhak ha-Sangari kneeled and his face looking downwards towards the ground a sign of subservience to the regent and Emperor.

"Do as you please, Yitzhak but this better not repeat itself. The safety of the Emperor and his council should come first at all times, not the squabbling of commoners and peasants." Sevil replied showing anger but in her mind, she knew well of the situation of the Azhil and Telphal clans, but this time it was another sign that sooner or later she and the Emperor would have to tackle this issue of the incoming waves of nomads from the east. In ancient times, she would have considered them brothers and sisters but now they were more like unwashed cousins of the like that cause more trouble than benefit. Regardless, this played to her hand anyways and a little reprimand to the Marshall helped the Emperor understand that from his position, he was to be superior to everyone and bow to none. Not even on the of the mightiest generals of the continent.

"Before I go, your imperial highness. I did hear about the riders you requested for Stevata, I must advise you that repositioning our troops should be commendable should you truly wish to invest in our relationships with Stevata. The Kingdom of Dorist is no weak foe as you already know, I traveled there and I must say I am envious of their common soldier. Far better disciplined than one of ours, we must treat with caution if our path clashes with theirs. No precaution will be too much to take." Yitzhak then bid his farewells and went on to work once again.

"I didn't expect Yitzhak to have big ears out of everyone in the court, but whatever. He is right and I believe this will prove an important decision for you as well, but we shall discuss in detail later. But remember what I told to you, don't be too reckless but neither too trusting of our neighbors, believe me, I don't like the Dorist either. They are even more stone-faced than the Stevatans, but matters that involve the whole region. Precaution is key." And just like that, the Emperor was left to his own devices once again. Later on, he would take a peek at the intervention of Yitzhak from the wall of the city with a telescope, watching just how large the hosts of the Azhil and Telphal clans were. Truly, only someone of the caliber of Yitzhak could have put them both in the position to just go away and leave fields with no blood on either side.

Guess who is also here. I bet you wouldn't be able to tell from afar right.
@Murtoxso are you the boy horse king?


So, will this Khazaria be a Jewish (or equivalent) state as well?

Yep, pretty much.
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