Helping Hands Industries(Abr. HHI)
Helping Hands Industries was centuries ago, originally a company that provided funding for early colonization efforts snowballed quickly into a large megacorporation that helped influence everything. Being a megacorp they have their hands in a little bit of everything, however the mainstay products are in medical, biological and robotics. Up until the destruction of Sol HHI would have been second to none in terms of other corporations and had owned most of the parliament or at least enough to keep their name good. But when Sol blew, so did the main hierarchy of HHI, CEO, Board of Directors and other high ranking board members gone. Now it was up to the remaining staff to decide where the future lies.
Pre-Sol destruction the resources of HHI were limitless. Now, even with their specialty medicinal plant called Trifectum which could be used for any healing purpose sort of regeneration. The resources of HHI are extremely limited atleast in the short term. It would all depend on what the coming future holds and which captain will steer it.
Reginald Wolsen - The current Acting-CEO formerly an elderly VP of the newly opened Western markets, being one of the most senior both in age and company rank left. He took hold of the beast without a head and currently is holding it together. However with the power comes the stress already an old man and unambitious who never wanted command now has to lead the corporation for the future.
Interconnected ties with the confederacy:
HHI was an original investor of early colonial missions, which helped set the path that HHI and the confederacy were inseparable. It allowed HHI to gain influence and power everywhere from various governors, military leaders and rich people.
One of the more recent discoveries of HHI, Trifectum is an all purpose medical plant that is held as a monopoly by HHI. The plant acts as a painkiller, antiseptic and one of the best pieces of medical technology ever. Short of regeneration capabilities Trifectum is sought after everywhere.
Power Struggle:
Sol had all the leadership of HHI, from the CEO, Board Members, influential rich people. All of them were now gone and who was to lead, no one knew yet. That was what was dangerous, a ship without a captain could very easily crash.
Too connected with the confederacy:
While being connected to the confederacy had many benefits, it equally had many setbacks. Freedom fighters and separatists see HHI as a continuation of the evil that was SOl and the corruption. That was before SOL was destroyed, now all the years HHI and the confed spent together had vanished and now HHI had to set up a new path.
Upcoming Shareholder meeting:
Even before the destruction of Sol every shareholder meeting was nerve racking. Yet now with Sol and high leadership gone, this shareholder meeting would be unlike anything ever seen, more like an old political party congress with varying factions gathering support from rich and poor attempting to garner influence and power to become the next CEO.
Helping Hands Industries was originally founded pre-space colonization, originally a mere pharmaceutical company HHI grew assisting and eventually funding their own colony missions. Meanwhile internally the company grew, buying more and more different types of companies eventually becoming the first “megacorp” of earth. Focusing more on profits they expanded with the human race and eventually with the confederacy. Though many see HHI as old earth Authority it also holds the breath of new life with Trifectum and their various other new projects.