Avatar of Mute Cannibal
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Mute Cannibal 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Oh, hey! I'm slightly operational!
8 yrs ago
Meh. I'll set this up when I'm not on mobile. In the meantime, enjoy this blank profile


Oh, um...hi there.


I am a roleplayer with about 7 years of experience. I enjoy anime, writing, video games, table top gaming, and executing heretics. I'm open to just about anything in terms of roleplaying, but I only have a few caveats:

-I will rarely play a male character. granted, there are exceptions-perhaps if I have to play a minor, supporting character for a little while in addition to my main character, for instance.
-On that note, I don't do straight or yaoi romances. I do not liek guys, okay?
-No matter the genre of the RP, I'd appreciate it if all involved where mature enough to handle swearing, intense gore, and delicious adult themes like reasonable adults.
-No furries. I'm not sure how many of those annoying fucks are on this site, but they've infested every other roleplay site I've been on.
-Length matters not, so long as you advance the plot. however, please keep a modicum of grammar. the occasional mistake is absolutely fine. but don't make me bust out the decoder rings everytime I have to read your post.
-any mention of "Ermagherd dank memes" will be grounds for brutal execution. however, if your that rare breed that can make a chuckle-worthy meme, please post them often.

anyways, I guess thats all for now...I'll probably update all this later.

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