Avatar of Mute Cannibal
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2 (0.00 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Mute Cannibal 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Oh, hey! I'm slightly operational!
8 yrs ago
Meh. I'll set this up when I'm not on mobile. In the meantime, enjoy this blank profile


Oh, um...hi there.


I am a roleplayer with about 7 years of experience. I enjoy anime, writing, video games, table top gaming, and executing heretics. I'm open to just about anything in terms of roleplaying, but I only have a few caveats:

-I will rarely play a male character. granted, there are exceptions-perhaps if I have to play a minor, supporting character for a little while in addition to my main character, for instance.
-On that note, I don't do straight or yaoi romances. I do not liek guys, okay?
-No matter the genre of the RP, I'd appreciate it if all involved where mature enough to handle swearing, intense gore, and delicious adult themes like reasonable adults.
-No furries. I'm not sure how many of those annoying fucks are on this site, but they've infested every other roleplay site I've been on.
-Length matters not, so long as you advance the plot. however, please keep a modicum of grammar. the occasional mistake is absolutely fine. but don't make me bust out the decoder rings everytime I have to read your post.
-any mention of "Ermagherd dank memes" will be grounds for brutal execution. however, if your that rare breed that can make a chuckle-worthy meme, please post them often.

anyways, I guess thats all for now...I'll probably update all this later.

Most Recent Posts

In Murr! 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Baklava Really? Anyone I want? Thats good. I was wondering what this sites policy on cannibalism was. I looked all over the FAQ and they never really address it.
In Murr! 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Why hello there!


You'll have to excuse me for being a bit shy and reserved. its in my nature. but don't worry, soon I'll be comfortable on this site and you'll wish I would just shut the fuck up.

AAAAANYways I'm a fairly experienced roleplayer/writer. Genre-wise, I usually stick somewhere between post-apocalypse, horror, science-fiction, and romance. I particularly enjoy playing cannibals or creatures that mainly dine on human flesh. something about being a man-eater...intrigues me. as such, no matter the roleplay, you can usually expect a fair amount of gore from me.

In terms of established universes, my tastes are pretty much what you would expect: Video games like Fallout, Bioshock, Borderlands, etc. Animes like Tokyo Ghoul, Cowboy Bebop, Higurashi, etc. something I'm really looking for, at the moment, are roleplays centered around obscure japanese horror RPGS like Yume Nikki and Mogeko Castle. I love shit like that.

I also do a fair amount of table top gaming, on both sides of the Dungeon masters screen. I've played more systems than I can remember, but I mainly play Pathfinder, Shadowrun, World of darkness (Both old and new) and Modern D20. I'm also into really obsucre shit, so if you need someone to run a campain of Rifts or Cyberpunk 2020, I'm your gal. hell, I'm even up to play terrible RPG's just for sciences sake-stuff like MAID RPG and the ever-so-infamous FATAL.

so yeah, I guess that covers pretty much everything...
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