Personal Information
Name: Max [Last name to come]
Alias/ Nickname (If Any): Sarpedon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Cabin: One, Zeus
Appearance (Prefer Picture):

Godly Parent: Zeus, The god of The Sky and Thunder
Human Parent: Europa
Legacy: Eirene, The Godess of Peace
General Information
Personality: He likes to stay away from others as his childhood was rather rough and he ended up on the streets. He almost always listen to music and ignore most other people who tries to talk to him, more or less a lonely douchebag. He only wears dark clothes and stay in as much darkness as possible, trying to remain as invisible as possible...
Likes: Getting shocked, pain, beeing for himself
Dislikes: Huge groups of people, water, warm weather
Talents: Can manipulate electricity
Biography: Max is one of the sons of Zeus, the God of The Heaven and Thunder. Although it may seem cool to be in his current position, he hates it. He hates everything that has to do with his family or background. He just want to forget everything. He killed many people as a child while he was still unable to control his abilities which surely made an impact on the person Max is now. He doesn't care about others and he tries to distance himself from others as much as possible. He is now 18 and was sent to this camp by Zeus himself. Before he came here he had a special sword forged for him by the best smith in Japan. Max was interested in japanese culture so he wanted the sword to be a katana, thus the japanese smith. The sword has the ability to absorb Max' eletricity, making it easier for him to control his own powers.
Theme Song:
Weapon Information
Weapon Name: Raikiri [Thunder Cutter]
Weapon Type: Katana
Weapon Appearance:

Attributes: Mainly improves Max's own ability to manipulate electricity. Blade is able to absorb massive amounts of electricity and send it out as a wave in the direction which he swing the blade.
Other: No friends, what so ever.