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    1. MysteriousPanzer 11 yrs ago


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Ok, to answer:
1) He was out on a mission when the bombs hit, his unit died and he had no way to communicate with anyone else.
2) "old M4A1" It's just his choice gun, he's had it for a while. In the words of a wise man; "This is my gun. There are many like it, but this one is mine."
Name: Rick Mason
Age: 24
Items: Old SAS uniform. Bag containing: 1 week food/water, quarter of a gallon fuel, 2 Double A batteries.
Weapons: Old M4A1, no attachments, only 20 bullets. (Equivalent to 2/3 of a clip.) A rusty KA-BAR military grade knife.
Bio: A confident former SAS soldier, proficient in melee and guns. Pretty smart, well rounded build. He was a Corporal in the army before the apocalypse struck, leaving him looking for civilization. Alone.
Other: Male. Can work well with others.
Zach got up. He fought off most of his dark thoughts, and besides, he had locked himself in his room for a while now. Zach got up, unlocked his door, and ventured back to the courtyard. Almost no one was there, so he decided to look around the school, maybe find a few classes he would like. As he searched, he saw Alex with someone else. He wasn't sure whether to approach them or not, but he started walking in the same direction as them. "Hey Alex... Who's, uh... Your friend?"
Hey, hey! Zach is a chill dude. Not how he used to be. But a infinite blood bank would be cool, if I had Flint's permission.
"Yeah... See you guys..." It was good they had their own agendas. Zach needed some alone time. He did have to recover his energy, but at the same time, he had to remove all the dark thoughts from his mind. It was a mental battle he had fought many times. In fact, he had to remove dark thoughts from his brain so often that he became rather skilled at doing so. He laid down on his dorm bed and began his intense battle. This time, it was against the time he attacked and turned Cynthia. Perfect.
"Well," Zach looked pale. Paler than before, which was bad. "I need some rest. My abilities really drain me, y'know?" He started off to the dorms. "Oh, and hey. When do classes start?" Zach asked, wanting to master his powers, and develop more. Just then, he had a quick flashback: (Unknown Girl) "Zach? What are you doing here? It's so la- Oh my God! What's wrong with your teeth?" (Zach) "What's wrong with you? You're just a pathetic human; nothing special about that. I can give you so much more!" (Unknown Girl) "Zach! Stop! *Screams*" In seconds, Zach returned to the present, and was listening to Alex. He tried to forget his past, but he couldn't...
"Ha ha! It worked! I've been practicing! You were controlled by my will for a minute or two. Don't worry, though, I didn't make you do anything stupid, and you obviously weren't hurt." Zach was genuinely happy, for the first time in a while. And it really showed through his grin, which spread from ear to ear. He put his glasses back on, careful not to look in Flint's eyes again. "Anyone else still need to show off their powers?"
Eh, I'll take a double room. Zach is pretty social, after all.
Instantly, Flint was under Zach's control. He tried to think of something to demonstrate his willpower, without hurting or embarrassing his new friend. "I'm now in full control of Flint. Jump." Flint jumped. "Sit." Flint sat. "This takes an unbelievable amount of energy, though it's my most prized power. It only works on humans, for now, but I'm working on other species. Flint, you're dismissed." Flint regained control over his will and body. Zach walked over to him. "Are you ok, Flint? You probably don't remember much from what just happened." He mused.
Zach entered a bar. Someone was in a brawl. "Humans are unbelievably stupid sometimes." He thought to himself. He sat at the counter, and ordered a drink. "ID, sir?" Zach passed the bartender his fake ID. He received his drink, then, hypnotised the bartender into letting him leave without paying. "Ah... A nice beer." He chugged it down. Vampires couldn't get drunk, but they could still like alcohol. He looked for a good place to eat.
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