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    1. MysteriousPanzer 11 yrs ago


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Shards of ice blasted into Zach's skin. They ricocheted off the floor and into his body. His regeneration kicked in and he healed. "That stung a bit, but it felt good." He was smug until he looked down. "Aw! Look at what you did to my shirt! Just because I can heal, doesn't mean I can patch my shirt." He giggled a little, then got up. In seconds he was behind her. "Peek-a-boo!" He slammed into her; but not enough to be lethal. "Don't want to kill the one paying for my drinks, do we now?"
Zach rose an eyebrow. "Hmph. You're not human." He seemed nonchalant at that fact, but interested. "This could be interesting. Go ahead, make your move. Ice won't hurt me. In fact, it'll probably feel good." He bared his fangs. "Plus the fact that with my speed, I can probably dodge whatever you try." Zach snickered and sat down, just waiting for her to make a move.
"Doesn't concern me? But I'm sure it does. If you can beat me in a fight, then fine. "This doesn't concern me". But if I win..." His eyes twinkled with a devilish excitement. "My next round of drinks is on you. And I drink. A lot."
Zach saw a woman confronting a man. He looked genuinely scared. "Heh. What a chump. What the hell, lemme go intervene, cut the guy some slack." He walked over. "Lady, gent. What the hell's happening over here? Looks like you're about to get in a cat fight from over there." He pointed to the tree he was in. "I suggest you leave this guy alone, or we're gonna have problems." All humor dissipated from Zach's voice. He gave her a cold stare.
"Eh, I'm ok with swords. But melee and dark arts are for me." Zach accidently smiled a devilish grin. "I love magic, and take pride in my strength." Zach stopped for a moment, like he was pondering something, but then went back to normal and followed his friends.
Zach sat in his tree. Every once in awhile he'd pluck and eat an apple. He was like a shadow to others. Never really noticed by anybody. He saw some other people nearby. No doubt they wouldn't see him. He dangled his feet. He was feeling a emotion that was common to him; loneliness.
In Spliced 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
"What the hell is happening here?" Zach thought everyne had forgotten the new arrival. "Is that really what being spliced is making me? I thought it would look more... Human." His heart was racing. Was he mad? Why did he sign up for this; the electric chair would have spared him this horrific sight.
"Oh, hey Flint." Zach said as he walked up and joined the group, so he didn't have to run down the halls. "What clubs? I haven't seen the bulletin." Zach admitted. "And I haven't seen the classes yet either." Zach let out a soft, embarrassed laugh. "Ah. Nice to meet you, Aldruin. I'm Zach. Vampire." He stuck with the group through the winding hallways.
If someone wants, Zach is just venturing around, so you can get to meet him then.
Zach, after drinking his beer, took a walk to the local park. He sat on a bench and started reflecting about things past. "Ah damn. The curses upon my eternal life!" He started to whine to no one in particular. He got up and climbed a nearby tree. He picked an apple and crunched into it, the delicious sweetness filling his mouth.
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