Avatar of NacNak
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  • Old Guild Username: NacNak
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@Samebito ..... that image disturbs me on a number of levels I can't even begin to comprehend... *goes to work on NS*
Bisexual, then?
nope =3 I've just seen to much anime for my own good XD
Don't be gay, son
1: just because one blushes doesn't automatically mean they are 'gay' (which I'm not) =3 2: for all you know, I could be a woman. (which I am also not) =3 *pours ice cold water over my head and shakes my head* right, still fixing NS *goes to continue fixing NS*
Go with God, my son, and be a better man. Spread the good word about "intelligence" and "consistency", and one day all will be well and all things will be well. I am proud of you. <3
*blushes slightly with a smile and nods*
@rextremendum .... I must say, that even though your criticism is 'a little' harsh, I appreciate it =3 since it showed me how much of a fool I was being with my disregard to how unrealistic my NS was, so..., thank you =3 now if you'll excuse me, I have a NS to continue to fix up =3
That RP must of had a pretty poor sense of balance then. Like as in worst then the very first Star Empire RP back on MCF as a few of you old-timers might remember.
if I had to describe it... it was like the RP was directed by Michael Bay on steroids....
As a response to your edits: jesus christ, I didn't mean a car literally! I meant some sort of rugged artillery carrier that is protected by infantry with guns to shoot hostile wildlife that would be all rights be scared shitless by the deafening sound of heavy artillery. Also, bigger round does not necessarily mean "necessary to kill big things". Why you can't have a fast round that penetrates and then explodes. You don't need a large cartridge when you have mushrooming lead or just kaboom, but even if you do want something big F*CKING EIGHTY MILLIMETERS IS REDICULOUS! The biggest round the US uses in a machinegun is the 30x173 on the GAU-8, and that is meant to kill T-90s, which I f*cking bet are better armored than some wild animal. Also, dear god in heaven how long will the round be? The 30x172 is already a really long round by necessity, so imagine an 80mm one! Motherfucker would be half a meter long!
1: I could have thought that through more X3 2: fair point, overkill against the wild life =3 but what if the Mecha Tank is going up against another Mecha Tank, the reason Tank is in the name is because their built like a Tank, well, not in shape but you know what I mean, also (pretty sure) The reason why modern day Tanks fire 120mm or 125mm projectiles is because that is what you need to defeat modern tank armor and do damage once inside. the same goes for a Mecha Tank, also they could use said 80mm rounds to shoot down flying enemies =3 granted they'd have to be stationary to aim properly to shoot down flying targets thus making themselves a target so.... yeah, I didn't think it through entirely, as I fail to do with other things....
And he is right NicNack, it is kinda of looking like you did this to to be OP as fuck. Everything needs to be toned down about 1000%
.... to be fair, my NS was based of a previous rp where it was accepted without hesitation and even then I was considered underpowered against almost all the others in the rp.... it was... difficult... that aside~, I must tone it down more! *goes to edit*
If something gets past the planetary defense cannon, what is stopping the people with nuke-tipped rockets blowing them out of the fucking skies? They would do it for a fraction of the cost, just as well or even better than the cannons. I guess their people like being bled dry by oppressively high taxes that are wasted on extravagance. You sound like Mitt Romney saying we need to tax the people to make more battleships. "Lets make something worse than the much cheaper more elegant versions for no reason other than to wave our dicks around"
*scratches chin with narrowed eye's* you know, I wouldn't be against the idea of switching out the planetary defense cannons for hand held nuclear tipped warhead launchers if it didn't radiate the atmosphere...
A planetary defense cannon is f*cking retarded, when you can have man-portable anti-orbit weapons that fire nuclear-tipped warheads from the roof of buildings to keep low orbit clear of hostiles. Instead, your nation decided to spend a trillion billion dollars on worthless anti-ship tanks that will miss a retarded % of the time, because of the lack of course correction. Also, good luck shooting lasers underwater. That'll go well. The f*ck do those tubes go to on the shotgun? They're not even direct impingement, they're just bullshit.
1: the planetary defense cannons are made in case something gets past the orbital defense cannons, also, they don't have hand held nuclear-tipped warhead launchers, on that not nukes in atmosphere are bad, you know radiation and what not. =3 2: it's their money they's gonna spend it how they want it X3 and they have super computing A.I.'s for the anti-ship tanks for course correction =3 3: ... lasers don't work under water? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, after all the only example I have of lasers working under water is from starwars XD 4: they just there because meh, they make it look different =3 *edit
Why is your artillery piece so f*cking massive when you could get the gun on a car-pulled trailer and move it around for a trillion dollars left. JESUS CHRIST 80MM MINIGUNS? that is f*cking deafening! It is a f*cking sound weapon at that point, and if those f*cking beasts can stand upright while shooting them, I don't even want to f*cking KNOW how strong they are.
1: having it on a car pulled trailer would cost less, but there are big animals on alien worlds that can rush a small car with an artillery trailer and crush it.. 2: .... really big animals X3
*nervously fidgeting* so... I edited the NS... *looks up slowly* .... any better?... *lowers head slightly*
7 by 13 meter rounds? Let's assume that humans are all 2 meters high because fuck it I don't have time to do math with those weird misplaced periods (Seriously, those go at the end of sentences, not in-between numbers. God). If we assume this, then these rounds are 3 (Plus numbers behind one of those misplaced period things) people wide and 6 (Plus numbers behind one of those misplaced period things) people long. If we assume that a standard story is three meters high, we find that these rounds are 2 (Plus numbers behind one of those misplaced period things) stories wide and 4 (Plus numbers behind one of those misplaced period things) stories high. In other words, that's f*cking ridiculous. I mean, I've made mistakes, but I never had a ship 27 kilometers long with 6,000 cannons that could each destroy a planet.
*is making changes to NS as this is typed*
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