Race: Majin (beings created from ancient demonic magic that has been long forgotten).
Eve stands at five and a half feet tall, aside from what clothing that she's already shown wearing, she has black and gold trimmed wristbands, and black slightly pointed boots which her baggy gi pants are tucked into, her boots are also gold trimmed.
Ability Type: Demonic - Though she doesn't know it herself, Majin Eve's abilities and powers are partially fueled by demonic magic/energy since she herself is a being created from ancient demonic magic.
Ki Energy - Though Majin Eve is naturally strong, fast and durable, by using her Ki energy she can increase her strength, speed and durability greatly, as well as use it to fly at incredible speeds.
Ki-Blasts/Beams - Using the well of Ki energy that dwells within her, Majin Eve can fire blasts or beams of Ki energy.
Ki-Sense - Eve is able to sense the location, life force (Ki energy, which is in every living being), and power of anyone if she focuses on it, the stronger and closer the being, the more powerful the sensation.
Candy Beam - Majin Eve fires a beam of magical energy from her center hair head tentacle that can change seemingly anything as small as a pebble to near the size of a large truck into various possible food items, most of which will possibly be desserts or candy, this can be used in battle but it's not nearly as effective at hitting it's target as a Ki Blast/Beam.
Regeneration - Majin Eve has the ability to heal herself and regrow entire limbs or even her whole body in a matter of minutes if it somehow got completely vaporised, but depending on how serous the injury the more energy it takes her to heal herself, and the lower her energy the slower she heals. (this ability does not mean she doesn't feel pain)
Self Biological Manipulation - Majin Eve can stretch her limbs and body to seemingly almost any length and even control parts of her body if they were ever separated from her (from losing an arm to having her body cut in half horizontally from her waist), doing so takes a small amount of her energy.
Healing Power - Majin Eve can heal others but at the cost of her Ki energy, the more serious the injury she's trying to heal, the more energy she uses trying to heal it (the person she's healing has to actually be alive for her to heal them).
Adept Mixed Martial Arts - pretty self explanatory, she knows how to kick butt.
Instant Transmission - Allows her to teleport instantly to any Ki energy signature that she can sense if she focusses on it.
Kaioken - A power boost that draws on her stamina to increase her strength, speed and Ki energy, but puts her at risk of exhausting herself for prolonged use of it.
Energy Charge - By concentrating deeply and drawing from inside herself Majin Eve can recharge her Ki energy, doing so takes time and leaves her vulnerable for attack.
Aside from her durable clothing that would appear to be enchanted as it stretches and heals along with Majin Eve, she has what can be guessed as a glorified technological monocle, the device covers her left ear allowing it to function as a communication device, while the red (presumably) glass piece that covers her left eye acts as V.I.S.R (Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance) or H.U.D (Heads-Up Display) with scanning technology allowing it to pick up thermal or energy signatures.
Majin Eve is cheerful and or happy almost 65-70% of the time when she's not fighting, but when she is fighting, depending on the situation, she can get serious, she's also caring about her friends and doesn't like it when she see's innocent people get hurt, she has a liking towards fighting and sparring, and she happens to have a serous sweet tooth. She doesn't like giving up, especially if she's fighting to help save innocent people.
But despite the fact that she tries to be good, she has a darker side to herself that she has some fear towards, being a creation of ancient demonic magic she developed a split personality that is more of less the opposite of herself that is brought out in rare moments of extreme anger or stress, she respectfully called this split personality her demon within, of which she found out that they both had the ability to converse with each other through their thoughts.
Majin Eve doesn't remember much about where she came from, or what she is, all she knew is that one day, she woke up in a crater at night under the faint light of the stars in the middle of a forest miles away from civilisation. Over the course of two and a half weeks of walking through the forest alone in search of something besides more wild animals she learned that she was incredibly strong and fast, not only that but she could manipulate her ki energy to make ki blasts and beams. Shortly after that she learned how to fly through rather painful trail and error, using that new found ability she made way for what seemed like the nearest signs of civilisation.
She learned of her regenerative abilities after her first encounter with some guys who were in a particularly bad mood and didn't want to deal with "a pink freak" like her and thought that they'd just shoot her and be on their way, big mistake on their part since it got the daylights beaten out of them, and then shortly after got them eaten, after having healed from her injuries and defeating the offenders she found out that she was quite hungry, that was when she discovered her Candy Beam. Through later events she also discovered that she could heal others and stretch herself to incredibly long lengths, as well as control her severed limbs, and that she didn't need to breath air, let alone breath at all to live like humans did, but out of habit she does anyway.
Due to Eve's magical biological makeup she's strongly resistant to hazards that would normally kill a human in seconds, like toxins or radiation.
Race: Majin (beings created from ancient demonic magic that has been long forgotten).
Eve stands at five and a half feet tall, aside from what clothing that she's already shown wearing, she has black and gold trimmed wristbands, and black slightly pointed boots which her baggy gi pants are tucked into, her boots are also gold trimmed.
Ability Type: Demonic - Though she doesn't know it herself, Majin Eve's abilities and powers are partially fueled by demonic magic/energy since she herself is a being created from ancient demonic magic.
Ki Energy - Though Majin Eve is naturally strong, fast and durable, by using her Ki energy she can increase her strength, speed and durability greatly, as well as use it to fly at incredible speeds.
Ki-Blasts/Beams - Using the well of Ki energy that dwells within her, Majin Eve can fire blasts or beams of Ki energy.
Ki-Sense - Eve is able to sense the location, life force (Ki energy, which is in every living being), and power of anyone if she focuses on it, the stronger and closer the being, the more powerful the sensation.
Candy Beam - Majin Eve fires a beam of magical energy from her center hair head tentacle that can change seemingly anything as small as a pebble to near the size of a large truck into various possible food items, most of which will possibly be desserts or candy, this can be used in battle but it's not nearly as effective at hitting it's target as a Ki Blast/Beam.
Regeneration - Majin Eve has the ability to heal herself and regrow entire limbs or even her whole body in a matter of minutes if it somehow got completely vaporised, but depending on how serous the injury the more energy it takes her to heal herself, and the lower her energy the slower she heals. (this ability does not mean she doesn't feel pain)
Self Biological Manipulation - Majin Eve can stretch her limbs and body to seemingly almost any length and even control parts of her body if they were ever separated from her (from losing an arm to having her body cut in half horizontally from her waist), doing so takes a small amount of her energy.
Healing Power - Majin Eve can heal others but at the cost of her Ki energy, the more serious the injury she's trying to heal, the more energy she uses trying to heal it (the person she's healing has to actually be alive for her to heal them).
Adept Mixed Martial Arts - pretty self explanatory, she knows how to kick butt.
Instant Transmission - Allows her to teleport instantly to any Ki energy signature that she can sense if she focusses on it.
Kaioken - A power boost that draws on her stamina to increase her strength, speed and Ki energy, but puts her at risk of exhausting herself for prolonged use of it.
Energy Charge - By concentrating deeply and drawing from inside herself Majin Eve can recharge her Ki energy, doing so takes time and leaves her vulnerable for attack.
Aside from her durable clothing that would appear to be enchanted as it stretches and heals along with Majin Eve, she has what can be guessed as a glorified technological monocle, the device covers her left ear allowing it to function as a communication device, while the red (presumably) glass piece that covers her left eye acts as V.I.S.R (Visual Intelligence System, Reconnaissance) or H.U.D (Heads-Up Display) with scanning technology allowing it to pick up thermal or energy signatures.
Majin Eve is cheerful and or happy almost 65-70% of the time when she's not fighting, but when she is fighting, depending on the situation, she can get serious, she's also caring about her friends and doesn't like it when she see's innocent people get hurt, she has a liking towards fighting and sparring, and she happens to have a serous sweet tooth. She doesn't like giving up, especially if she's fighting to help save innocent people.
But despite the fact that she tries to be good, she has a darker side to herself that she has some fear towards, being a creation of ancient demonic magic she developed a split personality that is more of less the opposite of herself that is brought out in rare moments of extreme anger or stress, she respectfully called this split personality her demon within, of which she found out that they both had the ability to converse with each other through their thoughts.
Majin Eve doesn't remember much about where she came from, or what she is, all she knew is that one day, she woke up in a crater at night under the faint light of the stars in the middle of a forest miles away from civilisation. Over the course of two and a half weeks of walking through the forest alone in search of something besides more wild animals she learned that she was incredibly strong and fast, not only that but she could manipulate her ki energy to make ki blasts and beams. Shortly after that she learned how to fly through rather painful trail and error, using that new found ability she made way for what seemed like the nearest signs of civilisation.
She learned of her regenerative abilities after her first encounter with some guys who were in a particularly bad mood and didn't want to deal with "a pink freak" like her and thought that they'd just shoot her and be on their way, big mistake on their part since it got the daylights beaten out of them, and then shortly after got them eaten, after having healed from her injuries and defeating the offenders she found out that she was quite hungry, that was when she discovered her Candy Beam. Through later events she also discovered that she could heal others and stretch herself to incredibly long lengths, as well as control her severed limbs, and that she didn't need to breath air, let alone breath at all to live like humans did, but out of habit she does anyway.
Due to Eve's magical biological makeup she's strongly resistant to hazards that would normally kill a human in seconds, like toxins or radiation.
Thanks but it's N-not like I w-wanted to be accepted anyways b-baka.
@KoL umm... was I suppose to put my CS in the OOC first, or put it right into the Character tab? cause I kind of put it right into the character tab as soon as I finished it... eh-heh-heh... *scratches back of neck sheepishly*
@CallMeChaotix Well, your character seems ok. A bit dry, but still ok. Nevertheless, it's common courtesy to post them on the OOC tab first and wait for approval before placing them directly on the CS tab. Since you're new it's no problem, you're welcome to join anyway.