
Shin'ichi Aino | TrueLove
❣T I T L E❣
❣G E N D E R❣
❣A G E❣
❣R A C E❣
❣B A C K G R O U N D❣
Shin'ichi was born into a wealthy family, in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo,Japan. He is the youngest of a set of identical twins (by three minutes). His father is a world renowned fashion designer and founder of Aino -a worldwide brand of perfumes, skincare and clothes. His mother is a model and actress. They are a busy couple, but they valued family and the time spent together; often making family trips out of events held in fashion capitals in other countries and such.
Shin'ichi and his brother were home-schooled, until they entered middle school. Shin'ichi became interested in science and technologies at a young age because of their complexities. His free time was spent on reading or playing video games (which accounted for most of his social interactions). Upon entering middle school, Shin'ichi would find that the outside world was not as caring as his parents were. He was quickly labeled a nerd or geek and his family name would only paint a larger target on his back. He was constantly bullied, while his brother on the other hand elevated his social status and became one of the popular kids.
Shin'ichi's brother eventually grew tired of having to defend his "lame sibling". During the summer break, before their freshman year of high school, he managed to convince Shin'ichi that it was time for a change. Shin'ichi would stop playing video games, but refused to neglect his studies. With that, he reinvented himself and followed his brothers lead; to join him amongst the popular kids at the top of the social ranks.
Shin'ichi and his brother were home-schooled, until they entered middle school. Shin'ichi became interested in science and technologies at a young age because of their complexities. His free time was spent on reading or playing video games (which accounted for most of his social interactions). Upon entering middle school, Shin'ichi would find that the outside world was not as caring as his parents were. He was quickly labeled a nerd or geek and his family name would only paint a larger target on his back. He was constantly bullied, while his brother on the other hand elevated his social status and became one of the popular kids.
Shin'ichi's brother eventually grew tired of having to defend his "lame sibling". During the summer break, before their freshman year of high school, he managed to convince Shin'ichi that it was time for a change. Shin'ichi would stop playing video games, but refused to neglect his studies. With that, he reinvented himself and followed his brothers lead; to join him amongst the popular kids at the top of the social ranks.
Shin'ichi graduated high school, near the top of his class, earning his acceptance into the University of Tokyo. It wasn't long into his freshman year that a girl from his class wpuld catch his eye. Most would ignore her because she always had her face buried in her hand-held. Shin'ichi saw her beauty, she also reminded him of his former self; this posed a problem for Shin'ichi. He knew that she was likley a loner and feared that she wouldn't bother giving him the time of day. He would be written off as another brainless, cool, guy with too much of mommy and daddies money to play with.
One day during lunch, Shin'ichi spotted the girl in the courtyard. She was sucked into a game on her hand-held, per usual. Though she was quickly brought back to reality after a small group confronted her. One of the females drew first-blood for the bullies when she slapped the hand-held out of the girls hands. One of the males would then step on the hand-held and commence harrassing her. Shin'ichi immediately intervened, pushing the male away.
Thanks to his parents public status, Shin'ichi's popularity had already began to explode within the school. So, after exchanging a few words, the group decided that bullying the girl was not worth the trouble; if Shin'ichi was going to be involved. After they left, Shin'ichi picked up the broken hand-held and promised to buy the girl a new one. She refused the offer, but he surprised her with one the next day. With time, the two became an inseparable couple.
Eventually, the girl had reawakened a part of Shin'ichi that he kept dormant. His love for video games resurfaced. If the pair wasn't together in the real world, they surely would be in-game. After a fully-emersive game by the name of Talrae was announced, they were excited. Shin'ichi pre-ordered two copies and even bought the wave gears. The day before Talrae's release date, Shin'ichi's girlfriend made him promise that he would JUST pick up the copies and not play without her. She had prior arrangements to spend time with her family.
Shin'ichi made the promise, but with the copies now in-hand he couldn't contain his excitement. In his mind, he knew she wouldn't be too mad at him and he could always make it up to her. Plus it would have been easier to help her in-game if he had a little head start. So, he popped the game in and began the character creation. Maurader was his most obvious choice, since it would allow him to hold down aggro and protect his girlfriend. After everything was set, the last thing to do was enter a username. Shin'ichi punched in his usual in-game handle "TrueLove", which was simply the english meaning of his full name. With that, he dove into the world of Talrae; but little did he know he wasnt going to be leaving anytime soon.
One day during lunch, Shin'ichi spotted the girl in the courtyard. She was sucked into a game on her hand-held, per usual. Though she was quickly brought back to reality after a small group confronted her. One of the females drew first-blood for the bullies when she slapped the hand-held out of the girls hands. One of the males would then step on the hand-held and commence harrassing her. Shin'ichi immediately intervened, pushing the male away.
Thanks to his parents public status, Shin'ichi's popularity had already began to explode within the school. So, after exchanging a few words, the group decided that bullying the girl was not worth the trouble; if Shin'ichi was going to be involved. After they left, Shin'ichi picked up the broken hand-held and promised to buy the girl a new one. She refused the offer, but he surprised her with one the next day. With time, the two became an inseparable couple.
Eventually, the girl had reawakened a part of Shin'ichi that he kept dormant. His love for video games resurfaced. If the pair wasn't together in the real world, they surely would be in-game. After a fully-emersive game by the name of Talrae was announced, they were excited. Shin'ichi pre-ordered two copies and even bought the wave gears. The day before Talrae's release date, Shin'ichi's girlfriend made him promise that he would JUST pick up the copies and not play without her. She had prior arrangements to spend time with her family.
Shin'ichi made the promise, but with the copies now in-hand he couldn't contain his excitement. In his mind, he knew she wouldn't be too mad at him and he could always make it up to her. Plus it would have been easier to help her in-game if he had a little head start. So, he popped the game in and began the character creation. Maurader was his most obvious choice, since it would allow him to hold down aggro and protect his girlfriend. After everything was set, the last thing to do was enter a username. Shin'ichi punched in his usual in-game handle "TrueLove", which was simply the english meaning of his full name. With that, he dove into the world of Talrae; but little did he know he wasnt going to be leaving anytime soon.
In-game Info
❣C L A S S❣
❣S U B C L A S S❣
❣H E A L T H❣
18 (1800/1800)
❣M A N A❣
4 (400/400)
❣S T R E N G T H❣
❣A G I L I T Y❣
❣I N T E L L I G E N C E❣
18 (1800/1800)
❣M A N A❣
4 (400/400)
❣S T R E N G T H❣
❣A G I L I T Y❣
❣I N T E L L I G E N C E❣
❣L E V E L❣
❣R E N N❣
4 Renn
Starter Renn:
1 Gold = 100 Renn
4 Silver = 100 Renn
20 Copper = 100 Renn
9 Nickel = 9 Renn
Total = 309 Renn
Item Purchases:
Axe (Two Hand)(Common) -150 Renn
Leather Armor (Common) -100 Renn
Clothes (Common) -15 Renn
Shoes (Common) -10 Renn
Cloak (Common) -30 Renn
Total Purchase: -305 Renn
Total Renn: 4
1 Gold = 100 Renn
4 Silver = 100 Renn
20 Copper = 100 Renn
9 Nickel = 9 Renn
Total = 309 Renn
Item Purchases:
Axe (Two Hand)(Common) -150 Renn
Leather Armor (Common) -100 Renn
Clothes (Common) -15 Renn
Shoes (Common) -10 Renn
Cloak (Common) -30 Renn
Total Purchase: -305 Renn
Total Renn: 4
❣E X P E R I E N C E❣
❣S K I L L S❣
Axe Wielding: 15
Literature: 5
Unarmed Combat: 5
Firebuilding: 5
Cooking: 5
Fishing: 5
Literature: 5
Unarmed Combat: 5
Firebuilding: 5
Cooking: 5
Fishing: 5
❣S P E L L S❣
❣A C T I O N S❣
Sprint (1/Universal) - User's running speed increases by a bit for a few minutes. 50MP.
Stomp (1/Marauder) - User stomps the ground, briefly stunning all nearby targets. 50MP.
Tackle (1/Marauder) - User immediately tackles a nearby target, dealing damage and stunning briefly. User and target both moves forward a bit and user ends up in melee range with target. 50MP.
Stomp (1/Marauder) - User stomps the ground, briefly stunning all nearby targets. 50MP.
Tackle (1/Marauder) - User immediately tackles a nearby target, dealing damage and stunning briefly. User and target both moves forward a bit and user ends up in melee range with target. 50MP.
❣I T E M S❣
Axe (Two Hand)(Common)
Leather Armor (Common)
Clothes (Common)
Shoes (Common)
Cloak (Common)
Leather Armor (Common)
Clothes (Common)
Shoes (Common)
Cloak (Common)