Just a note but I'm going to be uninstalling Skype from my computer soon! If you'd like to contact me outside of the OOC, feel free to do so via Discord or RPG PMs!
@Crimson Raven Honestly everyone can agree it's pretty good, or at least is made with great effort.
It's just that the vocal parts of the fanbase is absolute shit, just shits all over the game with shit, and smothers said shit on a wall more than my GratiaXLuke fanfictions would.
@HereComesTheSnow I actually prefer that class format over the current one we're using.
The main thing we'd have to deal with for this idea would most definitely be overhauling the class system as a whole, but I can see it being worked out. It wouldn't be out of the ordinary to have additional classes like Dust Apps be squeezed in to fill in for an optional class period without getting in the way of core classes.
This is considering that we don't flatout skip classes as a whole.