Pepperm1nts said
Hopefully nobody read my post before I fixed the spelling/grammar. Some of the stuff I said made no sense before I fixed it.Anyway[EVERYTHING INTENSIFIES]
Remove Kebab?
Pepperm1nts said
Hopefully nobody read my post before I fixed the spelling/grammar. Some of the stuff I said made no sense before I fixed it.Anyway[EVERYTHING INTENSIFIES]
Pepperm1nts said
But who will grace the RP with a hint of realism?
AegonVI said
I'd like to point out that literally EVERY Player Nation is in debt.EDIT: Would it be out of place for me to want to play Nicaragua when I'm done with the CSA? Or should I go with Portugal like I had planned to?
Dedonus said
While I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the screenshot, I can say that it was not taken today. Pasta showed me that image to me yesterday. With that said, I cannot say whether it is authentic or not, although, after looking at the images proved to me, I do see some differences that have not been stated in this thread.
Pasta Sentient said
I'm sick and tired of this game ruining OOC fun.
solamelike said
Im just giving a reason why that could be the case.I feel that evidence isn't good enough to spark that its a fake.I cant tell the difference to be honest between the two, Nexerus post was edited in his screenshot but that doesn't really say much. Also Nexerus's font is different than actual font on the website, but this could simply be his screen or my screen displaying the font slightly differently (Size of screen and what not) So to be honest I don't see any evidence pointing to one or the other at the moment of writing, if each party could release more screenshots, that would help there case.
solamelike said
The picture was probably taken yesterday.
Pepperm1nts said
It's kinda ridiculous that this level of distrust and potential ass-hattery exists in an RP. I don't think I've ever seen an RP where people are so hostile to one another outside of the IC. Whichever side is lying needs to just man-the-fuck-up and come clean. Seriously, guys, this is very unsportsmanlike of you all and it's pretty baffling.
Pepperm1nts said
I can't say whether it's photoshopped or not, but if it is, that is really quite shitty to do. If not though, the other side is lying, which is almost as bad. Again, there is no damn point in doing so OOCly and it does it start these arguments.