Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Roxas glares at Hargul when he hears him talk about him being a demon. 'See what you did?' He thinks to himself. 'Heh heh.' The voice speaks back. "No thank you Jax." He comments back to Jax and trust to smile, trying to be nice.

Roxas takes a seat next to Ophelia and smiles at her. "Thank you for the meal Ophelia." He says before starting to eat. 'This is amazing.' He takes another bite and tries not to eat quickly.

After he finishes his meal, Roxas takes his plate and goes to clean and put it away. After he goes to sit back down next to Ophelia again, smiling gently. "That was fantastic Ophelia, thank you very much for having me." He looks over at Hargul again, feeling a pit in his stomach then quickly looks away. "Umm if it would be okay with you, can I talk to you for a moment Ophelia? I have a question about tomorrow of like to ask." He looks at her for a second, but not waiting for a response and goes grab his blazer and bag.
Roxas glares at Jax for a moment then gets up to go to Ophelia. "Do what you want. You'll outlive me more than likely." He whispers only loud enough for Jax to hear then walks to Ophelia. "Is everything okay?" He places his arm arnd her back softly and stand next to her. "Here let me help." He smiles at her and takes off his blazer then rolls up his sleeves. 'How can I help?" He smiles wide at her, hoping to get a smile out of her.

"Hey." He says under his breath. "You don't have to tell me anything now, but after dinner would you please explain to me what that was about?" He takes his hand and places it back on her waist.
Once the two girl disappear into the bedroom, Roxas could hear the yelling already start. He didn't understand why Jax was so mad about Ophelia drinking his blood. It's not like it killed him or anything. He then thought 'okay will Jax doesn't seem to like me all that much anyways.' Whatever it doesn't matter. As long as they don't get in a fist fight. He did not have the energy to stop them. Not that he really wanted to get in the middle of that in the first place. For some reason he couldn't help but feel mad at Jax for yelling at Ophelia.

“I will kill you, so help me God, Jax Penelope, if you lay a finger on him.” The second he heard that, Roxas arched his back. 'Why would she want to protect me?' He though again as the fight seemed to continue. Something was wrong and he had to get to the bottom of it. Before a fight breaks loose.

"What do you think the problem is?" Roxas looks over at Morthos, feeling like he might have some answers. 'Never mind' he thought. 'He's to close to Jax. Why would he tell me anything?' He tries to get up, but the little demon was looking right at him. ”You get shitspoon...It’s okay...Hargul make your bones into necklace. Hargul bought bedazzler at Micheal’s. Skull can be on princess castle.”

"You do realize I'm more of a demon than you are." Roxas whispers to Hargul. "I am the worst kind of demon." He threatens as his inner voice starts to come out again. "Shut up me." He says to himself. Then he looks over at Morthos. "Forget what you heard out of my mouth. That wasn't me." He goes to sit down again and waits to see if Morthos will answer his first question.
Once Jax walks into her room, all Roxas wanted to do was sit down. He felt drained and needed to sleep, but he didn't want to be rude or anything. "Thank you for the water Ophelia." He sits down and looks up at her, smiling gently, trying not to close his eye. He glances at Morthos, not really sure what to say to him. "Glad you two had fun." Is all he could really get out at this point. It hurt to talk a little, but maybe that was because he thirsty as hell. He trys to lift his arm up again to try and drink the water, but he still couldn't raise it that high. "Ophelia could you please help me raise my arm so I can drink this?" He looks at her again still trying to be polite and smile, not that he didn't want to be anyways. She was hella pretty.

Before Ophelia could help him though, Jax walked out and was standing next to him. For a moment he forgot about the bite mark. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Jax yelled at him. 'Shit' He thought to himself, realizing that he forgot to cover up the bite mark now. "What's what?" He slowly turns to look at Jax, knowing he'd have to come up with some excuse. "Oh you mean this?" He points at his neck. "I'm surprised you didn't see it before. It's an old snake bite from a few nights ago. On one of my hunts I ran into one and it bit me. Hurt like a bitch let me tell you." Roxas tries to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal, but somehow knew it was a long shot that she would believe it.
Roxas blushes a little and hides his face behind his hand. "This one has a mouth doesn't he?" He looks at the creature for a bit then looks over at Jax. "Shopping was... interesting to say the least." He lifts his collar up a little to try and hide the bite mark on his neck. "Can I have a bit of water? I'm a little tired from all the walking." He quickly glances over at Ophelia then back at Jax. "How was your 'date'?" He laughs a little only to stumble a bit, still feeling wary.
Roxas stares at Ophelia as she walks off to find a dress. "Not how I meant for that to go."

Ophelia walks out with a blue lace dress on and Roxas has a double take. His words get stuck in his throat. "You look beautiful." He can't help but keep staring then quickly looks away, blushing. "I'm sorry for staring. I think you should get that one." He looks again and can't help but try to hold back a smile.
<Snipped quote by Narukami228>

Ophelia watched as Roxas struggled to get up, though eventually making it to his feet, and listened as he apologized for the night before, and the episode he just had. "You were bleeding. I don't normally pay too much attention to humans because there are so little of them, but maybe that's wrong of me. I just didn't expect anyone to be quick enough to fight back." She spoke matter-of-factly and they eventually made their way to the change area for Roxas to grab his clothes. He was gone for a short bit and then returned, wearing glasses and a blazer with pants to match. She smiled a little, almost not believing he was the same person she had met the night prior. "You look nice."

"I think we should go to the blacksmiths first to have a new arrow made. It'll take the longest. And while we wait for that we can go find a new dress, since you decided to be so nice and ruin my other one. I liked that dress, you know," Ophelia smirked, though she really was kind of upset about it. She never had much money, so everything she owned she treasured. Even though he had given her solars to pay for the things he wrecked, she still felt like it would be a big expense.

Ophelia was excited about this little shopping trip, though. She rarely got to go and she made her way with Roxas out of the SPA grounds, through the tall gate and towards the market part of the city. "So, tell me a little more about yourself. What does your mask do? And what is your power? Can you use magic?" She began to question him, curious.

"Well you shouldn't have attacked me then." Roxas laughs. "You know I'm never going to let you live that down."

As they walked out of the gates, Roxas agrees to going to the blacksmith first. This meaning he can go shopping longer. Roxas could see that Ophelia was excited to go shopping as well. "Well lets see. I live by myself and have a lot of money." Laughs. " Anyways I'm 28 years old and I'm an only child. My parents died when I was young and I've been on my own since. As for my mask? I don't really like to talk about it. You saw a little bit of what it does at the fight. Not the speed or anything that's all me, but when I have control, I can rip it off and it enhances all my abilitys. I can go faster and be stronger and not have to worry about much. It used to be painful when I took it off but now it's pretty normal to me now."

After going to the blacksmith and placing the order for a new arrow, Roxas sets his glaive on the counter and asks for a tune up. "And how will you be paying?" Before Ophelia can even touch the bag the Roxas gave her, he pulls out another bag of Solars and places it in front of the blacksmith. "That should cover both and have a tip in it for you." Before the smith could even say anything, Roxas grabbed Ophelia by the arm and struts off. Ophelia gives him a strange look and Roxas laughs. "Just play along."

Once they arrive at the store, Roxas goes ballistic. "Alright here's the deal. Now don't tell anyone this, but I used to love to come here and find cute dresses. Me and..." He stops for a second and thinks a little. Snapping out of it, "Anyways lets do this. Like I said I have a lot of money so get whatever you like." He smiles at Ophelia then takes off to try and find a fitting dress.
Roxas smile at Ophelia's comment and try's to get up. Struggling a little, but making it to his feet. "I'd love to grab a 'bite' with you." Roxas laughs to himself. "I am sorry for last night. You had just jumped on me out of nowhere and it surprised me. I had just finished a hunt and I just wanted to go home." He starts to walk back to get his clothes with Ophelia. "I'm also sorry you had to see that. I'll be okay though, it happens a lot." He looks at her and give a weary smile, being as tired as he is it's a wonder he can even walk at the moment.
Roxas didn't want to seem weak in front of the beautiful woman though, so he powered through it.

After they go and get the clothes, Roxas quickly changes into his normal outfit. After he comes out, he looks at Ophelia and smile. "What do you think?" He places his glasses on his face. "You'd never think that it was me." Roxas places his other clothes in his bag along with his mask, making sure that it was safe and still in his care. "Now where should we go first?"
Roxas looks at Ophelia for a second. "Yeah I'll join you." He get up and walks over to pick his mask and places it in his pocket. "I need to go pick up my clothes from the change room though. So if you don't mind there first then yeah I'll go with you." Roxas starts towards the archway and looks back to see if Ophelia was following him. After walking a ways down the walkway, he starts to get a splitting headache and has to lean against the wall. "You shoved me down again, why don't you want to use me?" The voice in his head comes back. "Get out of my head..." Roxas whimpers and grimaces, sliding down the wall, feeling alone. "Please just leave me alone..." The voice laughs in this head and the headache gets worse. "That vampire girl looks pretty. It would be a shame if she got hurt." The voice laughs again. "Leave her alone." Roxas collapses on the ground and presses his back against the wall, starting to sweat. "You know, all this pain would go away if you just accepted me. Put on the mask Roxas."

"No! Get out of my head!" Roxas screams and the voice disappears. He starts to try and breathe normally, keeping his eye closed for a bit. As the headache goes away, he opens is eyes only to see Ophelia standing over him.
Not to long after the others arrive to the room, Roxas snaps a little. "You think it's funny? I've accepted what the consequences are for my problem, but have you? You could die. I'm assuming this is your sister?" Gestured towards the other woman. "I lost someone very important to me because of demon summoning, and she was an S rank!"

Roxas notices how upset he's getting and trys to calm down, His eyes turning red. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get upset." He sits on his bed. He looks up at the woman adjacent from jax. "You're the woman from the other night. I see you got a new dress. It looks nice on you. I'm sorry for all the blood on the last one. Judging on how you reacted to it and attacked me, you must be a vampire." He looks her over quickly. "Was that enough to get a new arrow? If not I can give you more. Like I said the night before I have plenty to spare."
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