Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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When they got back to SPA, Ophelia was standing there waiting. She came up to Roxas and slid her hand into his. He smiled down at her and kissed her cheek. "Everything's okay." He flashed his charming smile at her. "Don't you two have a fight to go to?" You could hear the crowd at the arena from the gates. It sounded like there was going to be a huge fight. "I have something I need to do. I'll try to make it to the fight."

Roxas kissed Ophelia then nodded at Jax. There was something he needed to talk to the guild leader with. Making his way through the crowd, Roxas worked up to guild master Rays. Ray was a nice man, but incrediblely powerful. He also ended up being the only friend Roxas had left. Aside from Ophelia and Jax that is. He still didn't know how to feel about Morthos yet but was willing to give him a chance. If Jax could become his friend then probably anyone could.

Once he made it past everyone, Roxas finally made it to Rays. he knocked on the door and then entered. "Hey Ray how's it going?" Ray looked up from his desk and smiled. "Long time no see Roxas. How have you been. Haven't seen you since.... Well you know." Roxas smiled and took the chair in front of Ray. "I'm doing okay Ray. Don't worry about it I met a few people who might be able to help me." He told him everything that had happened in the last few days. He even told him about what happened with Ophelia.

Ray listened to Roxas. "I think you should go for it. Now that you have a woman in your life you shouldn't waste your life keeping in the king of hell. You need to get rid of him and kill him." Roxas crossed his arms. "How do you propose I do that? We have you and me. We can't do this alone."

"Roxas you just said that you have two new friends. Ask them." Roxas didn't want to get Ophelia involved. "I'll think about it." Ray sighed then leaned over his desk. "Okay. Well you better get going. Your friends are probably waiting for you at that fight." Ray and Roxas got up and shook hands. Roxas walked back out and made his way to find Ophelia and Jax.
Roxas complemented Ophelia on the pie then waved at Morthos as he left. "Guess I'll be there too." He said as Morthos left. Once Jax left the room, Roxas turned to Ophelia and kissed her gently. He then took the plates to the sink and started to wash them. "She can't get mad if you're not the one who did them." He smirked. Ophelia asked him about what Jax was talking about abd he remembered what she had said earlier. "She's head over heals for you." Kept running through his brain and he couldn't help but blurt it out. "I'm a walking prison for the king if hell...." He stopped washing and turned around to look at her. "I was running into the store to find some asprin to stop my headache when I ran into Jax and almost died. She helpped me lock him away again, but I don't know for how long."

Roxas started to bite on his lip a little worried what Ophelia might be thinking. He didn't want to lose her, but he couldn't keep this a secret any more. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't know how to tell you or what you would think. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me any more. I'm dangerous and I could go off any time. I don't want to hurt you. I.." He paused, still not used to the words. "I love you." He closed his eyes, waiting for her response. Not sure what to expect he went and sat down.
Roxas kissed Ophelia back after she kisses him then nodded towards Morthos. He followed after Ophelia helping her set up the pie. He was caught off guard by Jax's comment, but realized she was trying to cover for the incident. "Yeah I wanted to stock up on my suplize, so I asked what she might think woukd be good." He smiled then quickly glanced over at Jax with a 'thank you' written on his face. Roxas wasn't sure hkw everyone woukd take their sudden friendship, but hey as long as Ophelia was happy. He was also pretty sure that he and Jax would have a great friendship too. His happy thoughts didn't last that long though. Roxas started to think about how long the chains would hold together this time. Once they broke it wouldn't be the same kind of pain he felt before. It could be worse. Enough of that though. He wanted to enjoy his time with everyone and would worry about that later.
Roxas started to stand up and smiled. “Yeah I’ll be fine. Nothing new on my end anyway. How about you? That seemed to do a number on you too.” Roxas held out his hand to Jax to help her up. He looked around and saw ice cream everywhere. “Hmm. Guess we’re going to have to pick this up.” He laughed a little. “Or we could just leave it for that asshole to clean.” He smirked.

Jax stood up slowly grabbing Roxas’ hand, she picked up her scythe as well trying not to groan as the kinks in her body began to whine at her. After she stood up she let go of his hand, looking down at the ice cream, "I say we leave it for the asshole.” She walked forward opening the freezer and taking out a new tub. She looked it over and chucked it over her shoulder before grabbing the one behind it, "That one too.” She smiled then moved closer to Roxas, sighing, "You like pumpkin pie?”

Roxas smiled then took the ice cream from Jax. “Yeah, but not this one.” He tossed it behind them then grabbed two more. “Wanna see something funny?” He smiled and brought the Ice cream to the check out. “Hi yes I’m only buying this one.” He handed over the one ice cream, “And this I’m taking as compensation for your shitty service.” He took in and put it in the bag. Roxas looked over at Jax and smiled. “Come on, I think we deserve this.” He found two plastic spoons and handed her one then opened up the ice cream in front of the whole store.

Jax watched as Roxas spurned the employee and tried to repress a laugh. She covered her mouth trying not to ruin it as the employee’s face went from red to redder. She took the spoon then dug in taking a scoop from the tub. Jax smiled, "Oh shit. Yeah that’s good!” She nodded towards the door, "Come on demon brain..let’s go back home. There’s pie and for the moment I don’t mind your existence.” She stuck out his tongue took another scoop and then headed out the door into the night, enjoying the cool breeze on her cheeks. She noted that he followed her and she turned, "I’m sorry about your friend by the way...I would have loved to meet her. She probably could have taught me alot.”

Roxas took a bite of the ice cream and followed behind Jax. “It’s okay… There’s nothing I can do about it now. I’m doing everything I can right now. It’s a bit late, but it’s something…” He stopped and whispered. “Even if it is killing me.” He paused for a second then had some more ice cream. “Shitty thing is I used to be content with that, but now I can’t die.” He walked over to the fountain and sat down with the tub in his lap. “You really would have liked Celti. She was a lot like you. It’s kinda scary how you two are alike.” He laughed to himself. “Hey we really got off on the wrong foot the other day. I hope we can start again sometime. I also greatly appreciate the help. Don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t perform that in time. Each day gets worse and worse. The only time I feel like nothing’s going to happen is when I have my mask on.”

Jax listened quietly, blushing a bit when he mentioned the similarities between the two of them. She walked over to the fountain sitting beside him and taking another spoonful of ice cream as he talked about his affliction. Jax waited until he was finished before she turned serious, "Honestly Roxas, I have no idea how the hell you have kept..him..locked up for so long without being an exorcist yourself. As I said I work for an..unconventional god so my methods may be a bit off field from Celti’s..work, but if you need me to do that again I will. I also meant what I said. When you are ready I will help you destroy him.” She leaned forward, "You know what this means though. I think it means we have to become friends god damnit. I was just starting to hate you to.” She smiled over at him, "Plus I have to watch your ass if you’re going to be ‘dating’ my sister. Bonded to my sister.” She crinkled her nose a bit, “I really was being an ass earlier to. Honestly...it’s a good thing we met the way we did. I probably would have hit on you and pissed off the hell out of my sister.” She laughed taking another spoonful of ice cream, “By the way what are your intentions with my sister…”

Roxas laughed at her comment about hating him. “Yeah well I seem to give that impression to a lot of people. To answer your question though I’d have to show you.” He grimaced then stood up, turning around so his back was facing Jax. “You’re not going to like this.” He took his blazer off then unbuttoned his shirt. As he took it off, a large pentagram covered his whole back. “This is how I hold him in my head. My mask helps a bit, but it also doesn’t at the same time.” He took his shirt and buttoned it back up, then put his blazer back on. “Don’t tell Ophelia yet please. I haven’t had a chance to tell her and I want her to like me before I freak her out.” He smiled slightly at Jax. “As for my intentions, I just want to be there for her. I’ve never been needed by anyone my whole life so it’s kinda nice to have someone who needs me for a change.” He sat back down and had some more ice cream. “Well hey let’s meet up in the arena and take out all our frustrations with each other then start a new. I think we could be really good friends if we tried to be.” He laughed then smiled over at Jax.

Jax’s eyes widened as Roxas started to take off his shirt. She was about to comment on his inappropriate behavior when she saw the pentagram. She stood looking at the intricate work, noting how much it reminded her of the cross she bared on her own back. She kept that thought to herself though and listened patiently as he pleaded with her not to tell Ophelia about his current state. She spoke evenly, her tone slightly restrained, “I don’t like holding things back from her. I’m a terrible liar, and I blurt out things when I get angry so I will promise that I will ‘try’ to restrain myself from telling her.”

She paused, looking at him evenly, “However, tell her soon, and don’t worry..she won’t freak out. She is head over heels for you. Which is why I am freaking out. How people think that they can fall in love that fast is beyond me.” She thought about Morthos for a few minutes, feeling slightly hypocritical. She blushed looking at her hands for a few minutes before laughing at Roxas’ issue of a challenge, "Face each other in the ring eh? You are so on. Don’t think I’m gonna take it easy on you, because you’re dating my sister either.” She nudged him, beginning to feel more comfortable as she had another scoop of icecream, “Let me ask your opinion on something..Do you..no..nevermind. It’s a stupid question.”

Roxas laughed as Jax was talking smack. “You know I have the king of hell in my head right? A plus to that is I get to use his powers.” He laughed then ate more ice cream. He could definitely tell he was starting to feel closer to jax. He noticed Jax stumbling on her words though when she was about to ask him something. “Ask a way. I probably have an answer for you. I was once told there was no such thing as stupid questions. Then again that guy was killed in a hunt, but let’s not worry about that. So go ahead and ask.” He smiled at her and handed over the tub of ice cream. “Also on a side note. We’ve really hit this thing hard.”

Jax dug out a few more scoops, noting that she was close to hitting bottom, "Damn. You’re right..and okay. Here it goes. How long does it take...before someone gives up on liking you...romantically? For me it doesn’t take that long but as a guy..if you get rejected does it take you long to jump on the rebound…” She was blushing deep red now, "It’s just a question for another friend. Not me of course. I was just curious. Also you haven’t seen me go all out sir! I have a few friends up my sleeve.” She knew she shouldn’t be asking Roxas these questions after she literally just became his friend but she couldn’t shut down her thoughts, and she always found talking to someone about her problems made it easier. She suddenly looked over at him, "We should probably get back soon. Morthos and Ophelia are probably wondering where the hell I am.” She pulled out her phone and saw that Ophelia left a text. She sent one back saying, "Sorry. Met a...friend. Be home soon.” She looked over at Roxas handing him what’s left of the box.

Roxas immediately knew she was talking about her and Morthos, but didn’t say anything about it. “I would tell your friend that if the guy really likes her then he might keep trying. That’s just me though. Honestly Ophelia is the first and only girl I’ve ever been with so I can’t really say, but tell your friend she might have a bit of a hassle. Especially is she doesn’t like him back the same.” He smiled at her then got up with the tub. “Let’s get going then if they are waiting for you. We can make something us about me being there if you want. Because, you know, you hate me in all.” He laughed again then started towards Jax’s house. “Also we’ll see who’s the better fighter.” He turned around a winked at her.

Jax nodded, listening earnestly, "Hassle. So he might not give up..great.” She didn’t know how she was supposed to take that. She was a bif miffed that Morthos would keep trying, but she was also happy that he might try again. She blushed thinking about the kiss, eh wouldn’t be that bad...SHUT YOUR THOUGHTS DOWN! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! She stood up quickly, "YEAH! Let’s do that!” She laughed, "I could just tell them the truth. That like a beautiful princess you were in danger and I the fearless hero came to your rescue.” She stuck out her tongue at him as they walked home. She crossed her arms as he teased her and ran up behind him, so they were at an even pace. As they came up to their door she looked over at him for a few seconds, "By the way. Try not to threaten Hargul. He will literally shit in your shoes. I’ve seen it before.” She laughed opening the door, and walking in to see a slightly guilty looking Morthos and a smiling Ophelia, "I’m home. Also I hope you don’t mind. I brought home a stray."
After a few minutes of Jax' help, Roxas started to feel better. He looked over at her while she had her head in her lap. "Thank you." He gasped as he crawled over to her. The whole store was staring at the two of them at this point. One of the employees walked over to them and acted all annoyed at them. "I'm sorry, but if you two can't keep it down we're going to have to ask you to leave." Roxas looked up at the man and glared at him. "If you look at us wrong again, next time I'll let the king of hell out and take your soul." The man stumbled as Roxas spoke then quickly walked the other way. Roxas continued to crawl over to Jax. "Are you okay?" He looked at her gently trying not to pass out now.
Roxas stubbled across the hall to Jax. His headache getting worse than before making it so he can't even see straight anymore. He leans on the counter next to him for support. It didn't work though. As he leaned against the counter he collapsed on the floor, nailing his head against the edge of the counter. Blood poured down the front of his face. Roxas looked up at Jax. "Help me..." He grimaced. "I need aspirin." His eyes started to close, not caring about the blood on his face. "Please."
Roxas started to make his way to the grocery store. He didn't really need anything from there, but he just wanted to go. Having the king of hell in your head really does a number after a while. The whole way down Roxas's head was splitting. Maybe he could find some anti biotics or at least an asprin. He didn't make it that far before he had to stop and rest. He stopped at the fountan at the town center and sat down. His headache getting worse than before. "Come on what do you want now?" He said to himself, but only low enough for him to hear. After a few minutes of agonising pain, Roxas was able to stand again and make his way to the store.

Once he got there Roxas spotted Jax in the ice cream isle. He felt like he should probably talk to her even though he was having a hard time. He wanted to make Ophelia happy and he knew that talking to Jax would do that. "Hey Jax." He walked up to her and tied to hide his pain.
After Roxas left Ophelia's, he began to walk home. He was thinking hard about what she said to him. "If you're going to be with me, you'll have to try to get along with Jax." This was hard for him since he could hardly stand Jax. People like her who seem to only want power. Sends them to an early grave. He hated the thought of Jax being killed and then leaving Ophelia alone. 'Let's not think of that shall we?' He thought to himself as he walked home.

Once home Roxas immediately started to undress and got into his shower. It was a nice warm shower just as he liked it. Just as he was about to turn the water off, his head started to hurt and it stopped him in his tracks. "What do you want this time?" Roxas growled as he went to sit down in his tub. The water still beating down on him. It felt warmer than usual, but this was no surprise to Roxas.

"I want some damn legroom in this stupid head if yours. You get all the space and I just get pushed back down." Ifrit complained. "If I'm going to be stuck in here then I expect some space." Roxas didn't really know how to deal with that. He only imprisoned Ifrit because he didn't want anyone else to go through the same pain he did. "No." He grimaced. "This is my head and you will listen to my rules." He started to get wary now. His head usually didn't hurt this much when Ifrit would talk to him. Actually he got used to it after a while. This time was different though. He could feel himself starting to slip a little. "You know you'd never have to deal with this pain again if you'd just let me out." Ifrit teased. "No we're not having this conversation again."
Roxas started to fight back and the headache slowly went away. "Okay fine then. I'll stay in here, but don't get mad at me when you slip up in front of your girlfriend and someone gets hurt." He started to laugh then went away. "Damn it. I need to get a better hold on him."

Roxas finally got out of the shower and put on some clothes he wanted to get some fresh air. And maybe find someone who could help him.
Roxas smiled at Ophelia and nodded his head. "You're fight was amazing. I'm pretty sure you won." He moved closer to her after she finished the bowl of blood and set it aside for her. He wrapped his arm around her gently. "I'm glad you're okay though, that gash looked really bad. Doesn't seem so bad now, but I'm sure you still feel it." Roxas got up after a few minutes and took the bowl into the kitchen. "I should go soon though. Even though we have a bit of a peace treaty right now, I still have no intrest in dealling with Jax and Morthos. If you want to come by though you know where I live. My door's always open for you." He smiled at her then gave her a gental kiss.
Roxas took Ophelia's hand and gave her the key to her house. "Jax is the one who told me to bring you back here. I wanted to take you to my house since I have better medical equipment than anything Jax could find or the medics could give you, but I didn't argue. Thought it better to stay quiet and just bring you home." He smiled at her and kissed her hand. "If you want though I can take you back with me after Jax gets home. I'll have to leave not to long after she arrives."

He stands up and gets the bowl of blood for Ophelia. "Thought you might need this once you wake up. I didn't know if you were going to be awake before I had to leave, so I did this for you." He handed her the bowl and sat next to her on the bed. "Also don't worry. I didn't look while I changed you." He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.
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