Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Roxas glances at Ophelia as she says "I love you, Roxas." It took him off guard for a second. He already knew that she did, but had never said it to him. He didn't know if he should say it back or not because he did love her too. He blinked then took a short breath. "I love you too, Ophelia." He smiles at her and squeezes her hand gently, leaning close to her then kisses her lips gently.

After a bit Roxas brings his free hand to her cheek and holds it there as he continues to kiss her. "How do you feel?" He looks at her with a bit of a worried look.
Roxas looks at Jax and just smiles. Repecting her wishes then quickly looks back at Ophelia as her and Morthos walk away. He looks at Ophelia and runs his fingers through her hair again before picking her up gently and starting to take her home. "Don't worry my love. I'll take care of you and make everything much better."

As Roxas starts towards the door, the medic walks up to him and stops him. "Excuse me, but you can't take her from here. She needs medical attention and YOU aren't the one to give it to her." He smirks at the medic then continues to leave. She walks in front of him again. "Sir I told you to put her back now." Roxas stops and glares at the medic, now annoyed. "If you don't move right now, you are not going to like the outcome." The medic doesn't budge and keeps looking right up at him. Roxas holds Ophelia steady in his arms and glares more angerly at the medic. "Move you're sorry excuse for a medic ass out of my fucking way or I will unleash all of hell on you right here and still be holding MY girlfriend in the exact same spot as I am now." His eyes turning red and his voice cold as ice as it peirces the medic's heart. She starts to shiver then swiftly moves out of the way, leaving them behind and not looking back.

Roxas laughs to himself then continues walking with Ophelia. "Upside of having the king of hell in your head. He takes your side in situations like this." He laughs as he takes Ophelia home.

Once he reaches her house, Roxas opens the door and brings Ophelia to her bed. He finds the teddy bear and places it next to her then tucks her in. After making sure she was comfortable, he walks into the kitchen to find a knife and a bowl. "I don't know if I'll be here when you wake up, but if I'm not then you'll have this to satisfy until I can be with you again. I hope." As he says that he slices his wrist over the bowl and pours blood into it at a fast rate. His body reacting quickly and healing up to fast for him to finish. He cuts again, draining more blood into the bowl, this time enough to fill it up. His body heals up again and this time he puts the knife down and growns.

"What're you doing?' Ifrit growls at him in his head. 'I'm trying to save the woman I love.' Roxas retaleats. 'Bitch you just met her you can't love her right away.' Ifrit laughs. 'Shut up I can love her if I want. She's the only thing that keeps me sane no thanks to you.' Roxas grimaces then looks at Ophelia. 'Whatever kid just remember we share the same head now no thanks to YOU.' Ifrit jabs then disappears.

Roxas finds a chair and sits next to Ophelia, taking her hand and looking at her gently. "I wish we could go back to my house. I have better medicine than even the medics have and way better than anything Jax can find." He links his fingers with hers then closes his eyes. Drained from all the blood he gave up.
After the medics took Ophelia off the arena, Roxas zoomed down to the medical ward. He saw Ophelia laying there with a gash on her torso and he cursed to himself. He runs over to her, takes her hand and looks her over for more injury's. "You know I wish you told me you were going to fight him. I know a lot about him and this could have been avoided." He continues to look her over. After a few minutes of checking her body, roxas takes a deep breath then try's to relax. "I should kick his ass for doing this to you." He grunts to himself. He keeps her hand in his then kisses her forehead. He was more happy that she was safe than anything but still angry about what happened. "I'm glad you're okay." He smiles gently at her. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you too." He runs his fingers through her hair and keeps looking at her. After a few minutes he finds a chair and sits next to her and links his hand with hers.
Roxas didn't really have anything to do that day so he just decided to follow Ophelia around. Turns out she wanted to fight as well. He didn't really know how to feel about it since the last woman in his life died in a fight. Different circumstance though. After a second of thinking about it he dashed that thought from his head and knew she was going to win. Well, that was the hope at least. Once Ophelia left to grab her daggers and get ready, Roxas ran up to the arena and grabbed a seat in the front row. He had to push a few people out of the way, but lets be honest, who's going to mess with him after his "show" the day before.

Roxas could't wait until Ophelia came out to fight. He was rooting for her all the way. Roxas knew the guy she was fighting. He's hunted with him once before and he knew what he could do. 'She's got a challenge ahead of her for sure, but she can do it. She almost took me down and that was only for food.' He thought to himself.

Once the fight broke out, Roxas well cheering Ophelia on. He was happy to see her fighting. Once she was pinned down though he got a little knot in his stomach. 'Shit there goes another outfit.' He thought as the sword ripped through Ophelia's clothes. 'Guess that means more shopping after.' He laughs to himself then starts to cheer her on again.
Roxas awoke the next day with Ophelia next to him. He couldn't help but smile at her. "I see you didn't want to use the guest room." He giggled a little as he pulled her a little closer to him. Kissing her gently before sitting up and walking over to get his clothes together. After he walked over to Ophelia who is now sitting on the side of the bed and hugged her. He held her for a few seconds then kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back. I'm going to take a shower then get ready. You're welcome to do whatever you'd like." He smiles at her then kisses her lips gently.

Roxas walks into the bathroom and starts to take his clothes off. He reaches over and turns on the water getting it boiling hot for a bit then sets it to the way he likes it. He was kinda hoping that Ophelia would come with him, but then he pushed that thought out of his mind. 'We just met each other.' He though then walked into the shower.
Roxas smiles and takes Ophelia's hand gently. "I think you'll like my place. It's not big or anything but the view is amazing." He starts to walk towards town with Ophelia right next to him. They walk through the market, all the stores now closed for the night except the few taverns. Roxas didn't care to much for taverns so he kinda just walked briskly past them without even giving them a glance. After making it past the city center, they start to head towards the woods and walk the line until they hit a path leading to a hill right outside the city.

On that hill was a little small cabin facing out over the wood. Once they got closer the cabin seemed like it grew a bit. That only being because the second part of the house was covered by trees. The cabin was actually fairly large. "I know it looks like overkill, but it's been perfect for me. Out of the way and I don't have to worry about people hearing me when I have my..." He pauses. "Well you saw it earlier. Anyways lets go inside I'll show you around." He smiles then opens the door, letting Ophelia in first.

Roxas showed her around the house for a while before reaching the rooms. "And this is the guest room where you'd stay anytime you'd like. If you want that is." The room was beautiful. The bed was a queen size with soft silk curtains around the outside of it. The closet was a walk in and it was pretty empty. "And after that we have my room." As they walk down the hall, Roxas opens the door to his room. It was a small room. The walls a dark oak color with a desk and another queen bed. This one not as pretty though as the other and the closet was very small. All the outfits mostly the same but in a few different colors. "It's not the best, but it's worked for me. I don't normally, if ever, have people over. It's kind of a first for me."

He sits on his bed and looks up at Ophelia. His hands linked with hers. "Make yourself at home. You're always welcome now." After a few minutes he gets up to put away his clothes and mask in the desk drawer. Once he finishes, Roxas turns around to look at Ophelia and has a grin on his face. "I hope you like music. I'm going to play for you one of my favorite songs." He goes over to the desk and pulls out a little cassette player and hits the play button on it. After a few seconds a little 'bum ba dum' starts to play and Roxas turns around quickly and starts to sing Tom Jones, It's not unusual. "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone." He sings. "It's not unusual to have fun with anyone. But when I see you hanging about with anyone. It's not unusual to see me cry, I wanna die." He keeps singing, his voice beautiful and perfectly in tune with the music. The sound of the instruments resonating heavenly with his voice.

After he finishes making a bit of a fool of himself, in his eyes, he sat down next to Ophelia and smiled at her, laughing a bit. "I hope that entertained you." He laughs. "i don't do that often in front of people." After catching his breath a bit he starts to move a little closer to Ophelia. "I hope you don't dislike me for the way the house is. Ever since I was a kid this house has been here. No one owned it. So I made a deal with myself. 'One day Roxas' I would say. 'One day you are going to live there.' So I worked my ass off and got the money to buy the house. It took me 17 years to do that, but I don't regret it. I made it look nice and beautiful then took the smallest room for myself. I still love it, but now I can share it with you." He lean over and kisses her cheek. "Like I said before, you're always welcome here." He smiles at her then kisses her lips.
"I'm not going anywhere." Roxas followed Ophelia, wondering where they were going. "It's a beautiful night out right now." He stops and looks up at the sky. The stars lighting up the sky with the moon. Roxas closes his eyes for a bit the looks back at Ophelia. He pulls her over to him and wraps his arm around her. He leans down and gives her a kiss gently, then continues to follow.

Once they made it to the piers, Roxas stands by Ophelia and put his hand around her waist. "Alright. I can understand why Jax is so mad now. But it'll be okay. I know she doesn't trust me and I'm sure you probably don't either. I'm sorry I came off the way I did. Like I told you before I don't have any friends." He looks out to the water and leans over the rail. "I don't think it's going to calm down back there for a while so..." He pauses for a second, debating if he should even ask what he's thinking. 'It shouldn't matter at this point.' He thinks to himself. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" He looks down at her, smiling for a bit. "I have a second room so you wouldn't have to worry about me."

Roxas wraps his arms around Ophelia as she kisses him back. Her lips cold, but somehow warm against his. He keeps her close to him and lifts her off the ground a little. Roxas pulls away for a little only to kiss her nose and rests his forehead on hers. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you pinned me down last night." He smiles and rests her on the ground gently. His hands now holding hers and linking his fingers with hers. "Please tell me Ophelia. Why didn't you tell me and why did you drink from me if you knew this was going to happen?" He looks at her, wanting to kiss her again, but really wanting her to answer him. Even though he really wouldn't complain if she did kiss him again.
Ophelia looked at her hand in Roxas's and she could feel and hear his heart beating again loudly. She avoided his eyes for a while, while he asked her questions. "I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood." "Is there something you want to tell me?" "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?"

Finally Ophelia looks up and him and her lips part for a moment before she speaks. "What I meant by that, is exactly what I said. If she touches you in a way meant to harm you, I will kill her. And no, there's nothing I want to tell you. I don't want to tell you at all, but I will," she smiles very faintly for the first time in a while, then continues.

"I don't know how much you know about Vampires. We aren't simple. The problem with taking your blood, is that it creates an indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person he or she is feeding from. I normally don't ever feed from anything, be it human, magic user, being, or animal, without killing it first, for the simple fact that the bond will be created instantly as long as the person doesn't die. I understand it was selfish of me." Ophelia took a few steps away from Roxas, putting distance between them as her stomach sank slightly. She felt uneasy, then looked at him again, "You can walk away from this. I would understand."

Roxas stares at her for a second. The moment she said "indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person," he almost instantly knew what she meant. Ophelia was bonded to Roxas and she was in love with him. He didn't really know how to prosses this information and just stood where he was and looked at her. She was beautiful as always. The moonlight shining in her hair and making it as if it was glowing. Roxas walked up to Ophelia slowly and stopped right in front of her. He looked down at her then brought him hand up gently to her cheek, lifted her chin lightly then leaned down and kissed her softly. Her lips soft and smooth against his. He pulled away from her for a second and took her hand again, his other hand against her cheek still. He smiled at her softly then brought his hand to hold her other one. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" He looks at her gently and keeps up his smile.
Roxas takes Ophelia outside and stops her after the door closes. He looks at her for a little bit before he takes her hand in his gently. "I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood.'" He looks at her and smiles a little. "Is there something you want to tell me?" He lets go of her hand and take a little walk down the front porch then takes his blazer off. "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?" He looks her in the eyes with intent to know.
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