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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas blushes a little and hides his face behind his hand. "This one has a mouth doesn't he?" He looks at the creature for a bit then looks over at Jax. "Shopping was... interesting to say the least." He lifts his collar up a little to try and hide the bite mark on his neck. "Can I have a bit of water? I'm a little tired from all the walking." He quickly glances over at Ophelia then back at Jax. "How was your 'date'?" He laughs a little only to stumble a bit, still feeling wary.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Hargul, don't you know Jax could damn you back to hell in an instant?" Ophelia mutters slightly, but notices that Roxas hid his face at Hargul's statement. "Shopping was good Jax. I got a new dress and a new arrow, with much thanks to Roxas. How was lunch? What did you eat?" she asked curiously, looking at her, grinning. Just then, Roxas asked Jax first for water, and then how her 'date' was, but stumbled. Instinctively now, Ophelia nearly reached her arm out to help him steady himself, but forced herself not to in fear of Jax noticing. In a way, she felt sad. She knew that it would happen. It was selfish, really. It's why she never fed from her victims first before killing them. She always killed them first, and then fed for the simple fact that a bond wouldn't be created. But now it's different. She wasn't sure what to do about it quite yet. Maybe she should talk to mom? No, she wouldn't want to do that. She could just hear the lecture already. She shook herself out a bit to focus on what was going on in front of her and she knew she had gotten herself into a world of trouble.

Instead of allowing Jax to get the water though, Ophelia walked bare foot over to the fridge and poured Roxas a glass of cold water, handing it to him gently, knowing Jax would still be in pain. "Here," she whispers, looking at his face for a long moment before looking back to Jax and Morthos.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax didn't notice the shrug of the neck or his pale demeanor because her affection was solely on the little creature in front of her. She did, however, narrow in on Roxas' talk of a 'date'. She eyed him sourly,"It wasn't a 'date'. Morthos and I are friends. Cold cut, and keep your eyes to yourself Sparky."

She turned to look at Morthos confirming her judgment, before hearing Ophelia whisper to Hargul. She nods to her sister but whispers quietly to Hargul,"I never would...sweetheart." She watched Ophelia pitter over to get the water as she turned back to Morthos,"Take a seat where you like. Also, the fridge is free if you want a snack. The only food in there is mine so help yourself."

She hobbled forward towards the hallway to her bedroom,"I'm going to change. I will be back in a few!"

As soon as she got to her door, she stepped inside and locked it behind her. She walked over to the small pink castle and dropped Hargul on it,"You are too cheeky for your own good Mister. Don't piss off Ophelia or she might demand me to get rid of you!"

She walked over to her bed, falling onto it so she could remove her boots and pants. She half-hazardly took off the rest of her clothes, pain searing through her as she removed her top. Hargul hissed,"HARGUL KNOWS MISS OPHELIA LOVE HIM. HARGUL WATCH OVER HER LIKE ANGEL. OUCH! KILL TITAN! RIP ORGANS FROM EYE SOCKET FOR PAIN! MISS JAX LOOKS SORE."

She looked over at the mirror and grimaced at the reflection,"Oh god...Great...how the hell am I going to nail down a guy when I look like a walking knife scraper. Let's just add to the scar count."

She looked away moving to her closet to pull out a long t-shirt and shorts. She took off the bra, not giving a shit if the boys got a look. She was in her home for crying out loud. She looked over at Hargul,"Okay honey, let's go socialize, and remember to be nice...to Morthos." She smirked, leaving the disaster of her room, Hargul moving up to her shoulders as she walked into the kitchen. She let down her hair from its ponytail and grabbed a glass of water before looking at Roxas from the corner of her eye,"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
Avatar of Narukami228

Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once Jax walks into her room, all Roxas wanted to do was sit down. He felt drained and needed to sleep, but he didn't want to be rude or anything. "Thank you for the water Ophelia." He sits down and looks up at her, smiling gently, trying not to close his eye. He glances at Morthos, not really sure what to say to him. "Glad you two had fun." Is all he could really get out at this point. It hurt to talk a little, but maybe that was because he thirsty as hell. He trys to lift his arm up again to try and drink the water, but he still couldn't raise it that high. "Ophelia could you please help me raise my arm so I can drink this?" He looks at her again still trying to be polite and smile, not that he didn't want to be anyways. She was hella pretty.

Before Ophelia could help him though, Jax walked out and was standing next to him. For a moment he forgot about the bite mark. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Jax yelled at him. 'Shit' He thought to himself, realizing that he forgot to cover up the bite mark now. "What's what?" He slowly turns to look at Jax, knowing he'd have to come up with some excuse. "Oh you mean this?" He points at his neck. "I'm surprised you didn't see it before. It's an old snake bite from a few nights ago. On one of my hunts I ran into one and it bit me. Hurt like a bitch let me tell you." Roxas tries to shrug it off like it wasn't a big deal, but somehow knew it was a long shot that she would believe it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia's attention was disrupted by Jax shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" She was looking right at the bite mark on Roxas's neck. Damnit, Ophelia thought to herself. Quickly though Roxas came up with an excuse, and Ophelia knew Jax wasn't stupid enough to believe him. Instead of waiting for Jax to answer, Ophelia moved instantly toward Jax, picking her up without any trouble and disappearing into her own bedroom. She put Jax down on the bed and stared at her intensely. “It’s not what you think,” she says, chewing the inside of her bottom lip slightly.

Jax’s eyes turned green as she was about to speak. Suddenly she found herself on Ophelia’s bed, Hargul absent from her shoulder and left with the boys. Her rage was visibly apparent but her voice was calm,"Oh because it’s a snake bite. That’s a very reasonable explanation. Ophelia. Why would I be angry about that...oh wait. BECAUSE I’M NOT A FUCKING IDIOT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING! YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW THAT ASSHOLE!”

She leaned forward, clutching at her chest for a few minutes in pain,"DO YOU BOTH...UGH...DO YOU BOTH THINK I AM STUPID. IS THE WORD RETARD ON MY...UGH...FACE!” She leaned forward trying to catch her breath as she was getting worked up.

“Jax he’s not as bad as you think. Calm down, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack for goodness sake. I know I fucked up. He doesn’t know about it. Please, don’t say anything…” Ophelia’s voice was barely a whisper in response to Jax’s shouting. “I don’t think you’re stupid. He offered… It’s not like we had sex. Just, relax for five seconds. It doesn’t mean I even need to be with him. You know that.”

Ophelia looked at her sister with pleading eyes, the blue grey of them turning silver. She felt bad that the boys could probably hear her shouting at Ophelia through the walls, and as she waited for Jax’s response, she changed her clothing into something more comfortable.

This is the moment when Jax would usually simmer down, talk rationally to her sister, because to be honest, her response was reasonable..but in this moment, Jax was not herself. She was beaten, she was angry and she was on drugs so this is what her mind came up with,"DON’T SAY ANYTHING! DON’T SAY ANYTHING. I SHOULD RELAX BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T BANG HIM! OH WELL GOLLY! LET’S SING TO THE ANGELS MY SISTER DIDN’T BANG A DUDE SHE BARELY MET….OH...AHHHHH.”

She had stood up in her tyrant and tried to raise her fists, but pain shot straight into her spine and she leaned over feeling as if she was going to puke. She paused, her tone turning softer but the anger still visible,"The fact he doesn’t know about bonding only makes it worse Ophelia because it’s not fair to..to...THAT...I COULD FUCKING KILL HIM RIGHT NOW. YES I KNOW I SOUND CRAZY! BUT I AM PISSED OFF, that you are making me feel bad for HIM! Urghhh...ow ow ow.”

Ophelia simply watched and listened in silence while Jax went on her tirade. Until she said she could kill Roxas that instant. Suddenly, all rational thoughts left Ophelia’s mind and she shifted into an angry crouch, a snarl leaving her lips towards Jax, her fangs bared. “I will kill you, so help me God, Jax Penelope, if you lay a finger on him.” Her eyes burned angrily, and she shifted in front of her bedroom door as though to block the way, though knowing Jax was injured and too slow to reach it without taking her time.

“Plus, I have a feeling you seem to be pretty good at keeping secrets anyway as of late.” Ophelia took a stab at Jax, bitter that she had hid the fight against Titan from her. And despite that having nothing to do with this situation, Ophelia was angry now too.

Jax stood straight, watching her sister snarl and get into a fighting stance. Her eyes widened, her palms beginning to glow out of instinct. Jax would never hurt Ophelia even if it could save her life. Hell she knew the odds of her even winning were slim, especially right now but her body reacted to threats. She grit her teeth, feeling guilty about lying,"YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER LET ME FIGHT HIM...and this is different and you know it! Look at you. You’re about to rip me to shreds because I threatened him.I’M YOUR SISTER. It’s already starting.”


Hargul sat on the coffee table as the girls screamed. He picked up an orange and bit right through the peel staring up at Roxas with juice streaming down his cheeks,”You get shitspoon...It’s okay...Hargul make your bones into necklace. Hargul bought bedazzler at Micheal’s. Skull can be on princess castle.” He bit into the orange again, looking over at Morthos,”Brotherkin let Hargul bedazzle horns?!?!” He asked in anticipation.

Ophelia took a step towards Jax as she stepped towards the door, her crouch loosening slightly so she stood more straight. “Well maybe if you actually weren’t so scared of my reactions, you could talk to me like you should be able to, sister,” she spoke, her words laced with venom. She stood now fully and stared at Jax, trying to calm herself down, the sound of Roxas’ heart beating in the other room loudly apparent to her.

“You don’t know the first thing there is to know about love anyway, Jax. All you ever do is sleep around. So why not mind your own for once instead of worrying about me?” Ophelia held her own, waiting to see if Jax would finally back off.

Jax grit her teeth, screaming back at Ophelia with a retort "I AM NOT SCARED OF YOU OPHELIA..I…” She stopped at the second sentence, taking a step back. She listened to what she said, and her expression turned inward. She spoke softly, her tone pulled in as she hid her emotions, although the pain was apparent,“That was below the belt and you know it...I shouldn’t..I shouldn’t have been so mad, but you don’t know him, and you knew what you were doing when you drank from him. What it could mean. You are absolutely right, you want to fling yourself into this, fine. I will keep my mouth shut, but don’t talk to me about…” She looked up, her eyes watery, “A slut like me, probably wouldn’t even know what to say anyway.”

Ophelia’s nostrils flared slightly in response to everything Jax said, but she didn’t have the heart to say anything else, knowing she had hurt her at this point. “Fine,” was all she managed, and she opened up the door, thankful for the fact she usually hid her emotions well, in this case she would be embarrassed and her cheeks, were she human, would be pink. She made the short way into the kitchen and began making dinner for the three of them.

“How’s italian?” she turned her head to look over at everyone, her face completely expressionless, her eyes dull despite her being fully energized from feeding. Without waiting for anyone to respond, she began making dinner, her back turned to the group of them.

Jax watched her leave, and shut her eyes, trying to calm down. A few seconds later she came out and moved to sit on the chair to the left of the boys. She watched Ophelia in the kitchen, not offering to help as Hargul hopped over to sit in her lap. She pet him, her expression cold as she looked over at Morthos whispering an, "I’m sorry about that...” Her eyes never touched Roxas but the tension was there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once the two girl disappear into the bedroom, Roxas could hear the yelling already start. He didn't understand why Jax was so mad about Ophelia drinking his blood. It's not like it killed him or anything. He then thought 'okay will Jax doesn't seem to like me all that much anyways.' Whatever it doesn't matter. As long as they don't get in a fist fight. He did not have the energy to stop them. Not that he really wanted to get in the middle of that in the first place. For some reason he couldn't help but feel mad at Jax for yelling at Ophelia.

“I will kill you, so help me God, Jax Penelope, if you lay a finger on him.” The second he heard that, Roxas arched his back. 'Why would she want to protect me?' He though again as the fight seemed to continue. Something was wrong and he had to get to the bottom of it. Before a fight breaks loose.

"What do you think the problem is?" Roxas looks over at Morthos, feeling like he might have some answers. 'Never mind' he thought. 'He's to close to Jax. Why would he tell me anything?' He tries to get up, but the little demon was looking right at him. ”You get shitspoon...It’s okay...Hargul make your bones into necklace. Hargul bought bedazzler at Micheal’s. Skull can be on princess castle.”

"You do realize I'm more of a demon than you are." Roxas whispers to Hargul. "I am the worst kind of demon." He threatens as his inner voice starts to come out again. "Shut up me." He says to himself. Then he looks over at Morthos. "Forget what you heard out of my mouth. That wasn't me." He goes to sit down again and waits to see if Morthos will answer his first question.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos took off his cloak and threw it on the back of the couch before sitting himself down next to Roxas. He was wearing a simple brown tank top underneath, inadvertently showing his somewhat muscular arms. Shortly after he sat down Ophelia stole Jax off to her room leaving the boys, Hargul included, to their own devices in the living room. Morthos didn't say much, he wasn't sure what to think of Roxas, they could also hear bits and pieces of the argument which made things minorly awkward.

Morthos only half registered Roxas asked him a question, he was too busy wondering what the problem was to tell Roxas what he thought the problem was. Hargul asked if he could bedazzle his horn, Morthos gave him a small smile and said, "sure thing man, do a design you think Jax would like." If he was going to be friends with Jax he knew he'd have to be on at least decent terms with Hargul. Besides, maybe his horns bring sparkly would get him some nicer looks, confusion was better than disdain.

Morthos gave Roxas a bit of a look when he heard what he said to Hargul, but he left the topic alone. Instead he gave Roxas his theory on the issue, "well, I've read a lot about a lot of different creatures. I'm guessing given the bite on your neck Ophelia fed on you?" Morthos didn't need an answer, he knew already based on his less than good excuse earlier, "anyways, I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that if a vampire feeds on someone a bond is created between them. I don't know the exact nature of the bond, but it's there. That's probably the big deal, considering you two just met and all."

Shortly after, Ophelia came out and started making dinner, "Italian is fine," Morthos said before Jax came out and apologized. He reached out and pat her shoulder gently, "don't worry about it," he said quietly, "if you wanna tell me what that was about you can say later." He sat back and looked at Hargul, "alright Hargul, let's get to work, yeah?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax felt Morthos' hand on her shoulder and she greatly valued him in that moment. Regardless of the outcome of the argument, she knew she would be outnumbered if he wasn't around. Funny how things worked out. She smiled feeling slightly better,"Oh we will definitely talk about it later." She winked at him then heard what he said to Hargul. Seconds later the little imp squealed with excitement as he ran to Jax's room. He came back moments later with a bag of plastic jewels and a glue gun,"MISS JAX, BROTHERKIN MOTHOS IS GOING TO HAVE GLITTER HORNS."

Jax eyed Morthos with wide eyes, noting he had also taken off his shirt. She bit her lip shaking her head,"You really don't have to..He can bejewel something else..can't you Hargul?"

The little imp jumped from her lap to his,"NO! Brotherkin said...he said.."

Jax looked up at Morthos,"I super owe you for this." She turned her gaze turning to Roxas and the little bite marks on his neck. She twitched slightly,"I don't want to talk to you, but I promised myself earlier I would apologize for being rude when you had lost your friend. Demonology is not an easy skill..and it kills most of us. There. Conscious cleaned..Now." She turned back to Morthos,"Pink or purple sparkles?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas glares at Jax for a moment then gets up to go to Ophelia. "Do what you want. You'll outlive me more than likely." He whispers only loud enough for Jax to hear then walks to Ophelia. "Is everything okay?" He places his arm arnd her back softly and stand next to her. "Here let me help." He smiles at her and takes off his blazer then rolls up his sleeves. 'How can I help?" He smiles wide at her, hoping to get a smile out of her.

"Hey." He says under his breath. "You don't have to tell me anything now, but after dinner would you please explain to me what that was about?" He takes his hand and places it back on her waist.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia holds back a smile as Morthos agrees to letting Hargul bedazzle his horns. She coughs slightly, keeping her focus on the food only. A few moments later, Ophelia could feel Roxas coming toward her, and her body tensed slightly. "I don't need your help," she says, her voice sharp. Instantly though she regretted the retort, but moved a step away from him, the arm he had placed on her back falling back to his side. She wanted nothing more than to be close to him though, but after the screaming match with Jax, she didn't have the energy.

She moved slightly to grab three normal sized plates, and a small plate for Hargul, and then placed them lightly against the counter. It had taken a lot of practice to move at human speed. Her reflexes were quick, so every move of hers was calculated to be precise. Roxas spoke to her again, this time in more of a whisper, "You don't have to tell me anything now, but after dinner would you please explain to me what that was about?" Once he finished speaking, he placed his hand back on her waist, and her expression remained neutral, but she finally looked up at him. "I don't really think that's a good idea," she says slowly. It took everything in her to resist telling him. She knew she would eventually have to, but for all she knew, he didn't know much about Vampires, and she hoped she could just play it cool and act as though their relationship would develop naturally, though that obviously wasn't the case.

"Dinner is ready," She says, knowing her voice would carry despite it's softness.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos chuckled at how excited Hargul was, he supposed the little demon wasn't that bad, they'd just gotten off on the wrong foot. He was glad Jax agreed to tell him what all the commotion was about later, it felt good to be in the loop. When asked about pink or purple sparkles, "purple, I think it will match my red a lot better." Hargul excitedly got to work, and Morthos figured if it was really bad he could just cover up his horns as he usually did. Given they had some time before dinner Morthos asked Jax, "so what made you decide to fight with a big-ass scythe instead of a more conventional weapon like a sword?"

Morthos was always interested in hearing about why people fought the way they did. For him he used fire because it came more naturally to him than any other type of magic. Shortly after that point Ophelia called that dinner was ready, Hargul had not yet finished working on his horns. "Sorry Hargul, dinner's ready, you can finish up after we eat, alright?" The little guy was growing on him, despite being a few hundred years old he acted like a little kid.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax watched Roxas leave not hearing what he said. She then turned to Morthos and almost died of laughter as he sat there patiently letting Hargul glitter up his horns. Her heart warmed so much at the fact that he was placating her little beast. She smiled widely,"Oh the scythe. That is actually a funny story..if you want to hear it." She sat back and put up her feet smirking,"My dad has always been known for using two weapons in his career as an earth bender. He uses stone gauntlets and a war hammer. I was never so much a fan of gauntlets but that war hammer was beautiful. When he brought it down, the earth bent to his will beneath it. I envied that power from the moment I saw it. Ophelia and I were born without any power to our name. Our parents thought it was fine because sometimes as you know you grow into it. I was cocksure I was going to be an earth bender at the age of six so I told my dad I wanted to use a hammer like him. He said he would train me how to use it if I could pick it up."

She paused, as Hargul climbed onto Morthos shoulder to reach the upper tip of his horns, "So every day, when I got out of school I would go to our basement and try to pick that fucking thing up! But I couldn't. I could easily raise the bar, but the mallet would barely lift off the ground before it smacked back down on the concrete. I realized after two weeks that that stupid mallet was not going to move by brute strength. I had to get creative. So I decided to find something that would allow me to use my whole upper body strength. I went hunting and found this measly little sickle we used for the garden. Luckily for me, it was made out of steel instead of wood. So I hooked the blade underneath the hammer, placed the rod on my back and started rolling. I almost pulled my back out but I lifted that mallet so it was standing on its point. I kept the sickle in place only long enough to lean against the mallet, letting it fall against my back. I called my Dad and then stood up the war hammer on my shoulders. I almost tipped over three times before he came down to see me. He picked it up off my shoulders easily and then noticed the sickle,"Did you use that to do it." I wanted to lie but figured he would know so I said,"Well yeah...but I lifted it."

He leaned down and picked up the sickle,"This is the first weapon you grabbed so this is the one I will teach you how to use." Let me say I was fucking furious. Here I was with this dingy little garden tool as a weapon when I in my mind had completed the task of lifting that hammer. We fought about it for a month before I gave in and took the training he offered. I got better and more used to it, and over time he bought me larger bigger sickles and then finally I ended up with my Black Mamba. She is my one and only and I haven't looked back since. Although to be fair. I bet I could lift that freaking war hammer now. I was so angry when Ophelia became a vampire. She used to pick up that thing as if it was a doll." She remained quiet for a few minutes when finally she heard Ophelia say dinner was ready. She followed Morthos into the kitchen and took her plate. Hargul responded to Morthos request with bright eyes,"YES BROTHERKIN! EAT FIRST! SPARKLE LATER! You pretty like Hargul now. Very beautiful!" He hopped down and skittered to the kitchen hoping over to Ophelia,"MISS OPHELIA MAKE YUMMY FOOD FOR HARGUL! SHOW HARGUL NEW DRESS AFTER FROM OTHER BROTHERKIN!"

Jax's eyes turned to Roxas for a few minutes before turning back to Hargul,"He's a demon?"

Hargul nodded,"He said he more demon then Hargul. Worst Demon."

Jax remained quiet for a few seconds,"I need a fucking drink." She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine. She twisted the cap off and took out a glass,"Who else want's one?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas glares at Hargul when he hears him talk about him being a demon. 'See what you did?' He thinks to himself. 'Heh heh.' The voice speaks back. "No thank you Jax." He comments back to Jax and trust to smile, trying to be nice.

Roxas takes a seat next to Ophelia and smiles at her. "Thank you for the meal Ophelia." He says before starting to eat. 'This is amazing.' He takes another bite and tries not to eat quickly.

After he finishes his meal, Roxas takes his plate and goes to clean and put it away. After he goes to sit back down next to Ophelia again, smiling gently. "That was fantastic Ophelia, thank you very much for having me." He looks over at Hargul again, feeling a pit in his stomach then quickly looks away. "Umm if it would be okay with you, can I talk to you for a moment Ophelia? I have a question about tomorrow of like to ask." He looks at her for a second, but not waiting for a response and goes grab his blazer and bag.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia moves to sit while the rest of them eat, nodding to Hargul and handing him a plate of food as well. "Yes sweet heart, I'll show you the dress later, okay? But this one's mine this time. I can make a new one for you if you like, instead." She says to him, looking at the creature with adoration, despite how annoying he could get sometimes. He had definitely grown on her. Ophelia's attention was then brought to Roxas who had asked her a question. She was only partially listening, despite being hyper aware of him. "Hmm?" She said for a moment, before the question registered for her. "Umm if it would be okay with you, can I talk to you for a moment Ophelia? I have a question about tomorrow I'd like to ask." He had said.

She looked at him with partially narrowed eyes, "What would you like to know, Roxas?" she says, her voice low but even. She wondered why he was curious about the day to come, but then thought that maybe he only said that to get her attention, and then would ask something else. Her face was expressionless, her eyes still dull from earlier while she watched him grab his blazer and bag. Her shoulders slouched very slightly and she got up to follow him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Jax had had a long day so Morthos didn't blame her for wanting a drink, "ya, sure, that's red wine, right? I'll have a glass if you don't mind sharing, and I won't judge if you drink from the bottle," he gave her a cheeky wink before starting on his food. It was spaghetti with shrimp in it, and it was pretty good. Unfortunately, Morthos was terrible at eating spaghetti, he always felt like he was just twirling his fork forever trying to get the noodles on.

When Jax sat down beside him he asked her, "so what separates a good scythe from a bad one. I try to avoid melee if I can, I just have my staff and some simple defensive spells if someone gets in close." Morthos was genuinely curious, but also she had mentioned it was her birthday and she wouldn't hate the idea of getting a new scythe. Given he was from a family that was rather wealthy he could definitely get that for her, he just needed to know what to look for, or ask for if he got it custom made. He also couldn't just straight up ask her because he wanted it to be a surprise. He also wasn't sure what Roxas and Ophelia were doing, but he'd let them work out their own things.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas takes Ophelia outside and stops her after the door closes. He looks at her for a little bit before he takes her hand in his gently. "I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood.'" He looks at her and smiles a little. "Is there something you want to tell me?" He lets go of her hand and take a little walk down the front porch then takes his blazer off. "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?" He looks her in the eyes with intent to know.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia looked at her hand in Roxas's and she could feel and hear his heart beating again loudly. She avoided his eyes for a while, while he asked her questions. "I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood." "Is there something you want to tell me?" "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?"

Finally Ophelia looks up and him and her lips part for a moment before she speaks. "What I meant by that, is exactly what I said. If she touches you in a way meant to harm you, I will kill her. And no, there's nothing I want to tell you. I don't want to tell you at all, but I will," she smiles very faintly for the first time in a while, then continues.

"I don't know how much you know about Vampires. We aren't simple. The problem with taking your blood, is that it creates an indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person he or she is feeding from. I normally don't ever feed from anything, be it human, magic user, being, or animal, without killing it first, for the simple fact that the bond will be created instantly as long as the person doesn't die. I understand it was selfish of me." Ophelia took a few steps away from Roxas, putting distance between them as her stomach sank slightly. She felt uneasy, then looked at him again, "You can walk away from this. I would understand."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax gave Roxas a light smirk, still unsure about him, but she didn't have the energy to fight. She then looked at Morthos and poured him a glass, her mood immediately turning as she cheered him with the bottle,"How is it that we have only met yesterday and you already know me so well."

She took a chug of the wine, then sat down and began eating. She ate quickly, her jaw sore as she chewed. She was halfway through her food when she turned looking at him, surprised he was so interested in scythes,"Well I think durability is the key. The only reason I could face Titan with the black mamba is because it is strong enough to hold up against pressure. It was fine but I would need something of a way stronger material if I am going to face stronger foes. Also, it has to be lightweight. I can bench press about 200 pounds but I need something light enough I could work with. Something like..." She paused then bit her lip,"Lucifer's soul....It's a highly expensive scythe with demon blood inlaid in a new magnesium alloy. They are created by Hardon Valgotl, who by the way is a total hottie of a mage. It's lightweight enough that even I could carry it, but it is strong enough to cut through steel, let along bone and flesh. It's my dream scythe. Each is specifically catered to the user's power. The mage who makes them isn't cheap though, and he has to 'want' to make them for the person. Ugh..sorry I went on a tandem. I love scythes."

She took a few more bites of food,"So what exactly can you do? Sorry to be rude, but what do you specialize in? You don't do melee, so your skills in magic must be pretty good to get into SPA in the first place. Give me the deets dude!" She took another chug of wine from her bottle smiling at him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia looked at her hand in Roxas's and she could feel and hear his heart beating again loudly. She avoided his eyes for a while, while he asked her questions. "I heard what you said in the other room. I was just curious what you meant by 'you would kill her where she stood." "Is there something you want to tell me?" "What is the problem with you taking some of my blood?"

Finally Ophelia looks up and him and her lips part for a moment before she speaks. "What I meant by that, is exactly what I said. If she touches you in a way meant to harm you, I will kill her. And no, there's nothing I want to tell you. I don't want to tell you at all, but I will," she smiles very faintly for the first time in a while, then continues.

"I don't know how much you know about Vampires. We aren't simple. The problem with taking your blood, is that it creates an indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person he or she is feeding from. I normally don't ever feed from anything, be it human, magic user, being, or animal, without killing it first, for the simple fact that the bond will be created instantly as long as the person doesn't die. I understand it was selfish of me." Ophelia took a few steps away from Roxas, putting distance between them as her stomach sank slightly. She felt uneasy, then looked at him again, "You can walk away from this. I would understand."

Roxas stares at her for a second. The moment she said "indescribable bond between the Vampire and the person," he almost instantly knew what she meant. Ophelia was bonded to Roxas and she was in love with him. He didn't really know how to prosses this information and just stood where he was and looked at her. She was beautiful as always. The moonlight shining in her hair and making it as if it was glowing. Roxas walked up to Ophelia slowly and stopped right in front of her. He looked down at her then brought him hand up gently to her cheek, lifted her chin lightly then leaned down and kissed her softly. Her lips soft and smooth against his. He pulled away from her for a second and took her hand again, his other hand against her cheek still. He smiled at her softly then brought his hand to hold her other one. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" He looks at her gently and keeps up his smile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia waited in absolute silence for Roxas to answer. She didn't know what was going through his mind, but his hesitation to answer her began to make her worry. She wanted to move closer, reach out and touch him, but didn't. She could feel his gaze on her, burning against her skin with an intensity she never noticed before. Finally, without saying anything Roxas walked up to her and placed his hand on her cheek, making her look up at him. She breathed in his scent, stepping a little closer when his lips pressed to her cold ones. She could feel the warmth of his skin and her eyes widened for a moment, and he pulled away to grab her other hand, asking her a question, not giving her a chance to kiss him back. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

She was surprised at the kiss, and took a step back again away from him to think about her answer. Ophelia then looked up at him, he stood much taller than her, and she watched his lips turn into a smile. She closed her eyes for a quick moment, her bare feet pressing to the floor beneath her quickly to close the distance between them again, her movements a blur. Finally, for what seemed like minutes, though were only mere seconds, she made her decision to not answer him just yet. Instead, she brought her arms up around his neck, standing up on her tip toes, her lips pressing against his firmly.
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