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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas wraps his arms around Ophelia as she kisses him back. Her lips cold, but somehow warm against his. He keeps her close to him and lifts her off the ground a little. Roxas pulls away for a little only to kiss her nose and rests his forehead on hers. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you pinned me down last night." He smiles and rests her on the ground gently. His hands now holding hers and linking his fingers with hers. "Please tell me Ophelia. Why didn't you tell me and why did you drink from me if you knew this was going to happen?" He looks at her, wanting to kiss her again, but really wanting her to answer him. Even though he really wouldn't complain if she did kiss him again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"Lucifer's Soul huh...." Morthos trailed off, surprising Jax would be a lot harder if each scythe was custom made to compliment the users power. He'd be able to get her height and weight through educated guesses, and she told him how much she could lift, but someone's magical signature was something you could only get from them. He wouldn't be able to just go to this guy and tell him what Jax's strengths were, he'd have to see her for himself. Morthos was so busy thinking about how to get her that scythe he only half heard what she asked him.

"Hm? Sorry, was thinking about...something else, what can I do?" He ate some more of his food as he thought how to answer that, "I guess long story short, I blow things up?" He gave a little shrug, "it's a bit hard to explain. As you may know, most demons are good at one of two types of magic. Fire magic, and Enchantment magic, charm types spells and the like. Basically I took a liking to fire from an early age, and from there I just honed my art. I know some other spells, couple useful ones, like Mage Hand," to demonstrate he flourished his hand and made a spectral hand appear behind Jax and tap her on the shoulder, it them waved and disappeared. "That one I usually use to grab books I can't reach or are far away when I don't want to stand. Most of my spells however are pretty destructive, so it's a bit hard to show them off. Just trust when I say if we team up, you may want to invest in something to make you fire resistant, my spells aren't the most group friendly."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

The pasta was amazing as usual when Ophelia cooks, and the conversation was light, as Jax listened to Morthos talk about his skills. She looked behind her at the tap of a hand on her shoulder and waved back to the ghost hand before it disappeared. She turned back looking at Morthos as he continued.She took another chug of wine, feeling a little tipsy as she laughed,"I might have some fire-resistant gear, but you have to beat 'Honey' first before we get to that!" Hargul perked up,"Hargul has firepower too!" He lifts up his small claw a tiny purple fireball growing in his hand. He closed his fist extinguishing it after a few moments, and Jax smirked,"He was actually a servant to some high-level demons at some point before I nabbed him."

She stood up her plate empty as she brought it to the sink, letting the water run over the leftover sauce. She looked up a window to the outside street slightly clouded by the hot steam from the pasta. She was just about to walk away when she noticed Roxas and Ophelia embrace and kiss. She turned around, gripping the edge of the counter for a few minutes before she grabbed the plate and threw it at the wall breaking it. She looked up noticing Morthos confusion, "Sorry...I don't know why I am so bloody mad tonight. I just am tired of being the only god damn adult in this fucking house." She walked over and grabbed the wine, chugging most of it until her throat started to burn,"You know what Morthos. I warned her before about being careful with bonding. Our mother warned her and what does she do, go and bond and now KISS a guy she just met last night. I JUST MET YOU YESTERDAY AND MY TONGUE ISN'T DOWN YOUR THROAT! I just don't understand why she is being so irresponsible!"

She went to sit back down beside Morthos chugging her wine again, "PLUS I AM NOT A SLUT! IF I WANT TO FUCK RANDOM GUYS ONCE IN A BLUE MOON. THAT IS MY DAMN PEROGATIVE..." She looked over feeling horrible,"Oh god, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be unloading like this. God..You just happened to meet me at a really bad time."

She sunk down onto the table, Hargul coming over to pat her on the head quietly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos could tell Jax was getting a little tipsy, he considered taking the bottle but decided she'd be fine, a decision he would soon regret. Hargul showed off a bit of his power and Jax mentioned he used to serve some high up demon lords, "well I'm glad you could join us on the mortal plane Hargul." Morthos chuckled as he finished off his food, Jax was already cleaning off her plate. He was going to get up when he heard a smash and saw plate shards on the floor by the wall. She went off on a bit of a rant, Morthos wasn't entirely sure what to do, so he just sat quietly and nodded when it seemed appropriate. When she was done and had sunk down in her chair he carefully grabbed the bottle away from her. It was nearly empty at this point but he'd rather hold it than let her keep it in case she decided to smash it.

He took a swig of his own before talking, "so, let's go in order. First, I'm not sure why she's acting how she is, but she's already bonded, so that can't be undone. No matter how badly you want her to unbond, unless you can find a spell, it's not happening unless you kill Roxas. Second, you can have sex with whomever you please, no one is calling you a slut. And third, I think I met you at a great time, you seem like you could use someone to talk to." Morthos realized that was ridiculous as he finished the bottle, Jax clearly had plenty of friends, but for some reason he felt like may she wasn't incredibly close with any of them, but maybe that was just him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax let him take away the bottle and looked over at him with frustrated eyes. She listened patiently, her body feeling light and her brain was sore. She sat up and leaned against his shoulder,"You're right. You're right. I know you are right. I just...she could get hurt. I don't know this guy..and I think he's hiding something. I...can't put my nose on it, but he has a darkness within him." She lifted her head up slowly,"I can't deal with this on top of everything else. It's too much." She started to lean back and forth, shaking a bit due to the booze,"I do appreciate you listening. I shouldn't unload so much so fast, but you are just really easy to talk to. Also thanks..for not thinking I'm a slut. Which I am not! You really could become my best friend." She leaned forward a bit when suddenly the door opened. She saw Ophelia walk in with confusion on her face.

She saw her eyes rest on the plate then come back to her and Jax kept her face cold, "Ya know Ophelia, I knew you were desperate for love but I didn't know you were stupid too." She stood up resting a shaky palm on Morthos' shoulder,"Come on, I want to show you something in my room. AND IT IS NOT MY VAGINA, AS MUCH AS MY SISTER THINKS IT IS."

She walked towards her room on a shaky foot, before opening the door and basically falling in. She came down on her bed and clawed her way to the pillow completely forgetting everything about everything but the comfy pillow beneath her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Please tell me Ophelia. Why didn't you tell me and why did you drink from me if you knew this was going to happen?" Roxas had said just before Ophelia pulled away from him, suddenly startled by the sound of ceramic breaking, following by Jax's voice shouting, muffled through the wall. She turned to look into the window and saw Jax shouting again, and Ophelia chewed on her lip slightly. She didn't want anything to do with Jax at the moment, let alone be inside their house all night with her. "One second," she finally whispered to Roxas, looking at him for a moment before going inside to grab some things.

Ophelia moved purposefully slow, wanting to see if Jax would take another stab at her, which she did. "Ya know Ophelia, I knew you were desperate for love but I didn't know you were stupid too." Instead of responding though, she decided to be the bigger person and simply smiled at Jax, noticing her eyes were glazed over, most likely from the mixture of alcohol and pain killers she was on. Jax could be mean sometimes, but Ophelia loved her always. She knew Jax didn't, and wouldn't understand right away no matter what, and figured she would let her sleep off some of the alcohol before bothering to speak with her again. Ophelia knew she wasn't the most popular, or the smartest, or strongest person on the planet, especially compared to Jax, but she did know however that she had a kind soul.

Ophelia finally moved to her bedroom and grabbed her cloak and whip, and went back outside with plans to answer Roxas finally, and make her way eventually to one of her favorite places to go, when things were rough. "I didn't tell you because I thought it would just be better if I didn't put a burden on someone like that. I figured I could go a while without telling anyone. But I guess I suck at hiding things. I hope you're not upset. And like I said, you can walk away at any time. I really would understand," she spoke matter-of-factly, her eyes watching the ground as she moved from the porch to the cobblestone street, heading towards the piers. The moon was high and round in the sky, not a single cloud around to block it's light.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'm not going anywhere." Roxas followed Ophelia, wondering where they were going. "It's a beautiful night out right now." He stops and looks up at the sky. The stars lighting up the sky with the moon. Roxas closes his eyes for a bit the looks back at Ophelia. He pulls her over to him and wraps his arm around her. He leans down and gives her a kiss gently, then continues to follow.

Once they made it to the piers, Roxas stands by Ophelia and put his hand around her waist. "Alright. I can understand why Jax is so mad now. But it'll be okay. I know she doesn't trust me and I'm sure you probably don't either. I'm sorry I came off the way I did. Like I told you before I don't have any friends." He looks out to the water and leans over the rail. "I don't think it's going to calm down back there for a while so..." He pauses for a second, debating if he should even ask what he's thinking. 'It shouldn't matter at this point.' He thinks to himself. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" He looks down at her, smiling for a bit. "I have a second room so you wouldn't have to worry about me."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos figured he should stay silent as Jax spoke, she was calming down a little bit and he was scared if he said anything he may set her off again. She started leaning forward and Morthos was worried she might be falling over. But Ophelia entered the room and she stopped and looked at her. After some words she told Morthos to come see something in her room, which apparently was most definitely not her vagina. Morthos was feeling rather awkward so he quickly ran to the sink and rinsed off his plate before going to follow Jax, "um, see you later Ophelia." He wasn't exactly sure what else to say, he gave her a little comforting smile like it'll be okay before going to Jax's room.

She immediately collapsed on her bed and started cuddling her pillow. She seemed to have forgotten Morthos was there, he cleared his throat rather loudly to remind her he was indeed still here. "So, uh, nice room. What did you want to show me? Or did you just want to get away from your sister?" He sat on the edge of her bed, like, the very edge. He was barely on the bed, he was unsure how comfortable he felt sitting on a girls bed, as ridiculous as that may sound.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax felt a very light, depression in the mattress by her feet and looked over to see Morthos sitting there. She paused for a second, this is the first time a boy has been in her room. She looked around at the half-naked magic boys on the red and gold walls, and the clothes strung up on the carpeted wood floors. The books, candles and demon artifacts that littered her room had never been seen in this setting by the male eye. She even looked down at the art book, the graphic pencil shaving of a naked hot male elf visible for Morthos' eyes. She kicked the book off the bed quickly and sat up slowly,"I just needed out of there to be brutally honest. I can't even look at them right now." She eyed how he was sitting on her bed,"Look, dude, I invited you into my room, you can sit or lay down if you want."

She leaned back falling on the pillow,"I ain't going to try anything if that's what you are worried about." She heard the door open and Hargul walked in slowly with the bag of jewels and his glue gun,"Hargul finish now?"

Jax pushed her face into the pillow,"Ugh...I bet you want to go home now!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos noticed her kick the book with the naked dude off her bed, but decided to leave it. She clearly was not planning on having him in her room given how much of a mess it was. She mentioned how he was sitting and that she wasn't going to try anything if that's what was worrying him. "What? No, I just, eh, um, you know, it's....." He had nothing, so he just laid down on the bed, his back was starting to get sore from sitting with no back support. Given Jax was further up the bed and he was on the edge previously his head was now by her butt, but he tried to ignore that fact. Luckily Hargul came in to finish his bedazzling, Morthos had nearly forgotten his horns were sparkly now. "Yes Hargul, you can finish now."

Jax seemed to be under the false notion Morthos would want to leave. "Why would I want to go home? So I could be alone and do nothing? I live in my own place, when I'm at home it's usually because I'm going to bed." He sighed as Hargul worked, "I'm an only child, I actually don't even know my dad. Sure you and Ophelia may fight and not see eye to eye, but when it comes down to it you have each others backs. I know that if I was some nutjob and said you had to choose between me or her you'd choose her. And besides, I may be getting close to being your best friend, but you're my only friend. Hanging out with you has been the most fun I've had in a long while."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax looked up as he leaned down, listening patiently as he chatted with her. Her heart broke a little bit at his words. She sat up slightly turning around so her head was at his level but her body was the opposite way,"That breaks my heart a bit Morthos. People suck! You are such a nice guy, people should just give you a damn chance." She pushed some of her hair out of her face,"You do play the introvert well though. Not going to meet too many people behind the books, so you have to take some credit for the loneliness. That being said though.." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek,"I am glad that I can hold the role of your friend."

Hargul leaned over and smooched Morthos on the forehead,"HARGUL FRIEND TOO! WE CAN GO DRESS SHOPPING LIKE BROTHERS."

Jax burst into laughter, clutching her stomach as she pulled her legs in,"Ahh Hargul....So an only child eh? That must have sucked. So you had no friends growing up? Omg did you have little horns when you were a kid? A little tail to! Gah..you must have been so cute!"

She bit her lip,"I was actually a bit fat as a child. It's okay...I am not ashamed. I had an addiction to sweets, and my dad liked the fact that I was bulky so he kept giving them to me. When I started training I lost the weight, but I still can't say no to cinnamon rolls."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos touched his hand to his cheek where she kissed him, he wasn't exactly sure how to react to that so instead he just responded to what she was saying. "I mean, you said it, people suck. When I was a kid I'd always get looks and get bullied, that just kind of turned me off of wanting to be a normal member of society. I guess reading all the time doesn't help, I can tell you about nearly any monster we might come in contact with, but until you I never really had someone to share that with, y'know?" He felt like he should say something about the kiss, but he wasn't sure what, "hey, uh..."

Once again Hargul to the rescue saving Morthos from his words. Morthos laughed and listened to Jax get all excited about how baby Morthos may have looked. "I mean, if you really want I could ask mom to send me some baby pictures...." He wasn't thrilled about that but he was sure he could find at least one that looked okay and wasn't him naked in the tub or something. "You don't have to be ashamed at being a little chubby as a kid, aren't most kids chubby and they grow in to it?" Hargul seemed about done with his horns at this point, "also, cinnamon rolls are pretty good. I can't say no to a lot of food, I just happen to burn off calories really easily, maybe it's the fire thing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'm not going anywhere." Roxas followed Ophelia, wondering where they were going. "It's a beautiful night out right now." He stops and looks up at the sky. The stars lighting up the sky with the moon. Roxas closes his eyes for a bit the looks back at Ophelia. He pulls her over to him and wraps his arm around her. He leans down and gives her a kiss gently, then continues to follow.

Once they made it to the piers, Roxas stands by Ophelia and put his hand around her waist. "Alright. I can understand why Jax is so mad now. But it'll be okay. I know she doesn't trust me and I'm sure you probably don't either. I'm sorry I came off the way I did. Like I told you before I don't have any friends." He looks out to the water and leans over the rail. "I don't think it's going to calm down back there for a while so..." He pauses for a second, debating if he should even ask what he's thinking. 'It shouldn't matter at this point.' He thinks to himself. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" He looks down at her, smiling for a bit. "I have a second room so you wouldn't have to worry about me."

"I'm not going anywhere," Roxas said to her as they walked. She thought about that for a moment, feeling a little confused. He commented on the nights weather and then stopped, pulling her close to kiss her again. She gave him a soft smile and then continued on toward the Pier. Finally once they were there, Roxas pulled her close my the waist. "Alright. I can understand why Jax is so mad now. But it'll be okay. I know she doesn't trust me and I'm sure you probably don't either. I'm sorry I came off the way I did. Like I told you before I don't have any friends." He spoke gently to her, and she watched his face as he talked before he moved to lean against the rail.

Ophelia finally spoke, her voice feather light, the tones almost sounding like music now that she could be calm and herself around him. "Jax just doesn't understand. She told me before I left that I was desperate for love, and stupid too. I ignored her, but maybe she's right. I don't know you really at all, and I'm sure there are things you're hesitant to tell me. I want to trust you. But, I won't do anything that is unwanted on your end. I honestly don't even know what's compelling you to stay."

Quietly she looked out at the water, watching the waves and ripples, the moons' reflection bright. She could hear boats in the distance and she smiled to herself, forgetting her surroundings for a moment, but quickly realizing that Roxas asked her a question. Her head turned so she could look at him. "Would you like to stay with me tonight?" He looks down at her, smiling for a bit. "I have a second room so you wouldn't have to worry about me." She blinked softly, her blue grey eyes sparkling a little, much brighter than they were at dinner. He had asked her to stay the night, and everything in her wanted to say yes. She knew Jax would be furious if she found out, but at this point, Ophelia really could care less. Jax was rude often to her, and she knew she meant well. Sometimes though it stung.

"I think that could be nice. I'd normally just stay out here all night, or go hunting. But I think your company sounds much better."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
Avatar of Narukami228

Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas smiles and takes Ophelia's hand gently. "I think you'll like my place. It's not big or anything but the view is amazing." He starts to walk towards town with Ophelia right next to him. They walk through the market, all the stores now closed for the night except the few taverns. Roxas didn't care to much for taverns so he kinda just walked briskly past them without even giving them a glance. After making it past the city center, they start to head towards the woods and walk the line until they hit a path leading to a hill right outside the city.

On that hill was a little small cabin facing out over the wood. Once they got closer the cabin seemed like it grew a bit. That only being because the second part of the house was covered by trees. The cabin was actually fairly large. "I know it looks like overkill, but it's been perfect for me. Out of the way and I don't have to worry about people hearing me when I have my..." He pauses. "Well you saw it earlier. Anyways lets go inside I'll show you around." He smiles then opens the door, letting Ophelia in first.

Roxas showed her around the house for a while before reaching the rooms. "And this is the guest room where you'd stay anytime you'd like. If you want that is." The room was beautiful. The bed was a queen size with soft silk curtains around the outside of it. The closet was a walk in and it was pretty empty. "And after that we have my room." As they walk down the hall, Roxas opens the door to his room. It was a small room. The walls a dark oak color with a desk and another queen bed. This one not as pretty though as the other and the closet was very small. All the outfits mostly the same but in a few different colors. "It's not the best, but it's worked for me. I don't normally, if ever, have people over. It's kind of a first for me."

He sits on his bed and looks up at Ophelia. His hands linked with hers. "Make yourself at home. You're always welcome now." After a few minutes he gets up to put away his clothes and mask in the desk drawer. Once he finishes, Roxas turns around to look at Ophelia and has a grin on his face. "I hope you like music. I'm going to play for you one of my favorite songs." He goes over to the desk and pulls out a little cassette player and hits the play button on it. After a few seconds a little 'bum ba dum' starts to play and Roxas turns around quickly and starts to sing Tom Jones, It's not unusual. "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone." He sings. "It's not unusual to have fun with anyone. But when I see you hanging about with anyone. It's not unusual to see me cry, I wanna die." He keeps singing, his voice beautiful and perfectly in tune with the music. The sound of the instruments resonating heavenly with his voice.

After he finishes making a bit of a fool of himself, in his eyes, he sat down next to Ophelia and smiled at her, laughing a bit. "I hope that entertained you." He laughs. "i don't do that often in front of people." After catching his breath a bit he starts to move a little closer to Ophelia. "I hope you don't dislike me for the way the house is. Ever since I was a kid this house has been here. No one owned it. So I made a deal with myself. 'One day Roxas' I would say. 'One day you are going to live there.' So I worked my ass off and got the money to buy the house. It took me 17 years to do that, but I don't regret it. I made it look nice and beautiful then took the smallest room for myself. I still love it, but now I can share it with you." He lean over and kisses her cheek. "Like I said before, you're always welcome here." He smiles at her then kisses her lips.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
Avatar of KiraVanhelsing

KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax didn't like hearing that he was a lonely child but she laughed when he offered to send her baby pics,"Yeah! Tell her to send some! I will show you mine as well when your's come in." She looked over at his tank top and the muscles beneath it when he mentioned burning off calories easily and then looked at his hair and pants. She blushed looking up at her ceiling,"Yeah I can see that. Your muscle definition is not exactly on the plushy side. You know if you didn't dress the way you do, people might not think you were so creepy." She covered her mouth, "Sorry...that's the alcohol talking...I'm really not trying to be rude, but if you bought some more fitted clothes, and maybe cut your hair a bit, you could probably have girls fawning all over you. You have the goods, you could just show them better."

She turned on her side, her green eyes looking at him patiently,"Seriously though, I don't mean to be judgemental. If this is your look I'm cool with it. I just have this thing where I shove my opinions down other peoples throat..So tell me when to shut up." She paused looking at his bedazzled horns,"Very Sexy Hargul good job." She shut her lips trying not to giggle, as Hargul finished up, and then moved to sit on Morthos chest,"YES HARGUL DID GOOD JOB! YOU NO LONGER LOOK LIKE SHITSPOON." Jax guffawed,"Hargul, That's so rude."

Hargul twitched his nose then shrugged, jumping over Morthos to curl in the crook of Jax's arm. His scales and plastic jeweled leotard scraped against her skin, but she patted his head whispering to Morthos,"Sorry..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Morthos had closed his eyes as he laid there, now that he'd gotten over his initial awkward feeling he was much more relaxed, he could probably fall asleep like this. He cracked an eye open and glanced at her at the creepy comment, but let her finish before responding. "No, you're right, I do it on purpose. People don't bug you when you're wearing a cloak and reading a book about the lower plains of hell." He closed his eye again and thought about something as Jax complimented Harguls job, apparently he looked good.

He didn't really mind the comment, but Jax apologized anyways, "nah, don't be sorry, that's just how he is I guess." He let out a big sigh, "you know something Jax? I've never really been comfortable with who I am, and because of that I just shut everyone out. I'd rather someone see me and think 'oh, that guy looks like trouble, I'll stay away' than actually have them find out who I am and judge me for real. But since yesterday when I bumped in to you I've been reconsidering things. You didn't recoil in horror when you saw what I was, that's why I was nice and walked you home with my fire. Maybe I should stop with the cloak, buy myself some normal looking clothes, maybe....."

Morthos trailed off and was quiet for a moment, then he started snoring lightly. Any kind of movement would wake him up, but alcohol did have a tendency to make him a bit sleepy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia walked with Roxas back towards his home, which was in the direction of the forest. She loved the forest. Even though she wasn't born with any magic or special abilities, she did however have a great fondness for nature and the like. She figured that was thanks to her father, being an Earth elemental. Finally they came toward a hill at the edge of the forest and she saw a little cabin, her eyes taking it in quietly. As they walked though, the size of the cabin grew and her eyes widened, feeling suddenly anxious. She really wasn't used to being around people with money. She was used to dealing with what she had, which was minimal. They reached the front door, and ROxas let her in ahead of him.

Roxas showed Ophelia the home and then showed her the guest room and his bedroom. They were both gorgeous, well decorated, but she could tell that it was only him here. The guest room was perfectly made up, the closet empty. And his room was small, but homey. He spoke gently to her and she listened in silence. "It's not the best, but it's worked for me. I don't normally, if ever, have people over. It's kind of a first for me." "Make yourself at home. You're always welcome now." She considered this. She really was still baffled that he had simply accepted what had happened without any thought. In her logical mind, she knew it was ridiculous, but in her heart she was glad. Suddenly though, he had turned on a song and began to sing and dance to it, and his voice was amazing. Her lips parted in surprise, and then grinned fully when he sat back down, her fangs fully visible and pearly white, though sharp.

He began to tell Ophelia a story and she listened curiously, learning something new about him. "I hope you don't dislike me for the way the house is. Ever since I was a kid this house has been here. No one owned it. So I made a deal with myself. 'One day Roxas' I would say. 'One day you are going to live there.' So I worked my ass off and got the money to buy the house. It took me 17 years to do that, but I don't regret it. I made it look nice and beautiful then took the smallest room for myself. I still love it, but now I can share it with you."

"You really are so sweet, you know? I wouldn't have guessed by your reaction to me trying to rip your head off. Though I suppose I would have reacted similar if it were me," she smiled again and looked at him for a moment, "And your house is beautiful, don't worry about that. It really is late though, you should probably get some rest." She leaned slightly toward him and kissed him back once his lips pressed to hers, and she breathed in his scent at the same time, instinctively. Finally after lingering there for a few moments, she got up from the edge of his bed and went towards the guest room. She would be up all night, but she didn't care. It was peaceful here, but better than being home with an angry Jax, for now. She took her cloak off, hanging it in the empty closet, placing her whip on the bedside table, and crawled onto the bed gently, laying on her stomach. She closed her eyes to relax, though she hadn't experienced sleep since she had been changed.

Finally after a couple hours had gone by, Ophelia got up slowly from the bed, and silently in bare feet snuck into Roxas's room, still in the same outfit she left home in. She pushed the door open slightly and noticed he was asleep. She moved toward his bed and stood there for a few moments, simply watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. She smiled a little, then crawled silently onto his bed and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close to her. She closed her eyes to relax, and only opened them the next morning when the sun was beginning to rise and come through the window. Today was the day she would fight Suriel.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 11 days ago

Jax listened quietly, happy that she didn't insult him and sad again that he seemed so lonely at times. Jax didn't know what type of loneliness. No one ever judged her the way she judged him and on her part, she always seemed to make friends easily. She just did what she wanted to do and talked to whomever she pleased with unwavering confidence and friends followed. Even when she was a little chubby she was always one of the first to help the teacher or compete in sports. Being shy was something unnatural to her and being bullied was something she just never allowed happen. The one attempt led to her getting expelled for breaking the teeth of some young boy, but other than that she was always close to her family and friends. She saw loneliness through her sister. Ophelia was more timid, strong and serious but shyer when it came to people. Jax felt bad that she never even tried asking her sister about that. She paused hearing Morthos talk about getting new clothes and she smiled. She spoke softly,"Oh...I can help you with that...I'm great at..."

Suddenly she heard a snore and stopped dead in her tracks. She looked over at Morthos sleeping face and bit her lip. Must be the alcohol. She lifted up slowly trying not to wake him as she grabbed a blanket from her pillow. She placed it over him very gently, so at least he would be warm overnight. She then grabbed another that had fallen on the floor and pulled it over Hargul and herself. She snuggled back onto the pillow and then whispered very very slowly more to herself then Morthos,"I promise that I will get you friends and a girlfriend so that you don't have to feel alone like that anymore. I'm a hero you know. Saving people is what I do! It's what I'll always do."

She nodded to herself, not realizing that the last sentence said more about her own loneliness then she was willing to admit to herself. She shut her eyes letting the drugs and alcohol take her away, the dull pain finally fading away with conSciousness.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

At some point in the night Morthos stretched his legs and one of them cramped up. He immediately jumped out of bed, throwing the blanket to the floor and taking the pillow with him. He the proceeded to half walk, half jump around the bed, it was a very strange maneuver, and if anyone saw they'd probably be very confused as to why he was dancing. But he was for sure not dancing, and after a minute or two his leg relaxed and he could get back to sleep. Now, being that he was still mostly asleep, he didn't notice that he was not in his room or even in his house, or that the bed had another sleeping occupant in it. He simply set up his pillow once more, laid down and put his arm around the other form in bed because that was most comfortable for him.

Morthos awoke in the morning and wandered to the bathroom, he did his business then while washing his hands he splashed some water in his face. That's when it hit him, this sink had two taps, his house only had one. He went back to the room and sure enough there was Jax, sleeping there. He'd slept in the same bed as Jax, more than that, he was holding her while he slept. It's not like they slept together, but they were in the same bed all night. This was not something he had thought would happen. Now he needed to decide if he was going to wake her or not, he stood in the doorway as he pondered.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas awoke the next day with Ophelia next to him. He couldn't help but smile at her. "I see you didn't want to use the guest room." He giggled a little as he pulled her a little closer to him. Kissing her gently before sitting up and walking over to get his clothes together. After he walked over to Ophelia who is now sitting on the side of the bed and hugged her. He held her for a few seconds then kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back. I'm going to take a shower then get ready. You're welcome to do whatever you'd like." He smiles at her then kisses her lips gently.

Roxas walks into the bathroom and starts to take his clothes off. He reaches over and turns on the water getting it boiling hot for a bit then sets it to the way he likes it. He was kinda hoping that Ophelia would come with him, but then he pushed that thought out of his mind. 'We just met each other.' He though then walked into the shower.
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