Avatar of Narukami228
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  • Posts: 204 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Welkins started making his way home only to find himself talking to Isara again at the markets. He loved interacting with everyone, but today he just really wanted to get home. He was tired and wanted to hurry up and meet this new girl. "Have you seen the new girl yet Welks?" As if Isara already knew what was on his mind. "Not yet. When did you see her?" He was a little shocked about this. Isara got to meet the new girl but he didn't? Damn it. "I haven't met her yet, but I saw her walking down the street towards the stream. Who knows maybe if you run you'll catch up with her." She giggled to herself at the though of Welkins running after some girl.

Welkins didn't want to look or sound weird to the new girl so he just shrugged it off and continued his way home only to stop at the weapons smith to buy more ammo for his rifle. He never really used iit except on hunts, but he liked to be prepared. That what his father would always say. "Son." He would start. "No matter what is going on you should always be prepared for the worse to happen." It was good advice and he always followed it.
Welkins walked up to the main building and noticed someone new through the glass double doors. He had never seen this woman before in his life. Maybe she was new. He'd just have to ask Wendy at the front desk. Once he walked in, the girl had turned around slightly as if to see who had entered. He smiled just to be nice and was only able to catch a glimpse of half her face. From what he saw she was cute. He couldn't wait to meet her, but before he could walk up, she left looking down at a map. She must be looking for her classes.

Once the girl was out of earshot he made his way up to Wendy. "Hi Welkies, how are you?" Welkins sighed, but smiled at Wendy. "Wendy you know I hate it when you call me that." All she did was smile and laugh. "Oh I know, but it's because of that that I do it." She put her pen down. "I'm guessing you're here to report in? I'm also betting that you want to know about that new girl too." She winked. "Umm well yes to both of those." He blushed a little thinking that he made it to obvious. "Well you know I can't tell you much, but what I will say is that she just moved here and you will have her in one if not more of your classes starting tomorrow." Welkins was both excited and disapointed at what Wendy said. Excited to meet the new girl and dissapointed because he couldn't meet her now. Oh well he was ready to go home and call it a day. Who knows maybe they will stumble into each other at some point today.

Welkins said thinking you Wendy and started to make his way home.
Welkins was making his rounds through the small town of Galia. Not much happened often, but it was still one of his jobs in the Order of Galia to fulfill. As usual he greeted everyone he saw with a smile and wave as he had his rifle slung across his chest and his sabers by both his sides. Welkins was a young man just starting out in the guild. His father had been a guild master and he wanted to be just like him one day. Not many people got to make their way up in the ranks that often like his father did, so it would be rally cool if he could do it too.

"Nice day for a stroll isn't it Welks." One of the towns folk said to Welkins as he passed by. "Just doing my rounds for the guild today Isara." He smiled and waved at the woman. She was maybe a few years older than him, but he never asked since it was a very rude thing to do. "When are you going to get that hair cut our of your eyes Welks?" Isara poked fun nowing full well that He liked the way his hair was. Welkins had thick brown hair that covered his right eye slightly. It didn't matter much since he had a glass eye patch over his right eye. There was nothing wrong with his eye at all if anything the eye patch helped when he had to aim down the sights of his rifle. The glass made it easier to look out of. "When it get's a little longer I'll take a few centimeters off." They both giggled and Welkins was on his way. Galia was small and everyone in the town knew everyone, which was nice when someone needed help.

Welkins finished his rounds and started to head back to the guild to let the guild master know that he finished the walk around. It has been a long day and he just wanted to get home and lay down. "Should be a smooth rest of the day." He smiled to himself and walked on into the main building.
Name: Darien Welkins (Only goes by Welkins)
Age: 20
Affinity/Power (if magic user): None
Race: Wood Elf
Weapon of choice: The Gallian-2S Rifle and two Sabers

Right before he could even say anything, Ophelia pulled Roxas to the dance floor. He was quite surprised at her reaction and started dancing with her. He grabbed onto her hips and ran his hands up and down her sides as they danced together. The biggest smiled crossed his face for a while, thinking about the fact that this was maybe the second time that a beautiful woman had danced with him. The way she danced wasn't like herself though, but figured it was the drugs. All he did was smile and dance with Ophelia until Jax came up and started talking about her friends and that they needed to find Morthos a lady.

Roxas had completely forgotten about that. He was having way to much fun with his girlfriend to even think about Morthos finding someone. So much for being a wingman right off the bat. It didn't really matter though. Roxas never had much fun so when he did, he enjoyed it as much as possible. "I guess, but you're coming with me beautiful." He smiled then kissed Ophelia as he answered her. "Unless you want to go with your friends over there?" He nodded towards Jax and the other girls.

Still smiling, he looked over at Morthos and motioned for him to come over closer to him. Ophelia was still dancing against Roxas as Morthos got closer. "Is there anyone aside from Jax that catches your eye? I know this isn't really what you want to do, but it'll make Jax happy that you're trying. Maybe I really don't know what she will think, but still." Looking around Roxas didn't really see anyone that he himself would be attracted to, but that being said no one could be better than Ophelia. He was undoubtedly in love with her and he knew it. His lust for her was strong, but he could resist it. Besides they hadn't even been on a first date yet. 'Oh god' He though. 'Where would we even go for our first date?' Any thought of helping Morthos out went out the door as the thought of how many places they could go flooded into his brain. He tried to stay focused on Morthos, but was having a really hard time. 'We could take a walk out in the woods by my house or pack a picnic. There's also dinner and I'm sure she wouldn't mind shopping. Nor would I in that fact. No stop stop you can think about that later. Right now you need to focus on helpping Morthos.' The battle in his head was intence going back and forth between his first date with Ophelia and helpping Morthos. Roxas had never been on a first date before so it was a little overwhelming to him. Faintly he could hear Ifrit in the back of his head laughing at him. He paid him no mind though since his prison was now reinforced thanks to Jax.

Thinking about that snapped him back into reality. He owed Jax so the least he could do was help Morthos out for her. Noticing that Ophelia was still dancing, he just kept dancing with her waiting for Morthos to reply to him. Roxas was half expecting him to just say not to worry about it, that he just wanted to enjoy himself and have fun with Jax and her friends. It was a low chance he thought, but it could happen. Being the only sober one did have its ups. For one he could laugh at the others being all over the place and the other was that it would make it way easier to talk to the lady's for Morthos as he smoothed them onto him. He'd have to make sure Ophelia knew that he was just helping out Morthos so she didn't rip some random womans head off. He knew that sober Ophelia would't, but he wasn't sure about high Ophelia. Whatever she had was hitting her hard. Should be an interesting night to say the least.
Roxas watched as Jax took Morthos to dance. She was awful, but it seemed like she was having fun. 'Light weight.' He thought to himself and laughed. Roxas didn't care much for drinking. It took him to long to get drunk anyways, plus it seemed he was the one babysitting tonight anyways. So when no one was looking he tossed out the shot. Tequila was nasty anyways. Once no one said anything about his stupid ass sunglasses, he took them off and placed his glasses back on. Was a stupid gag anyways. After a few minutes of watching Jax make a fool of herself, Roxas turned back to Ophelia who seemed to have downed her drink already. "Be careful my love." He smiled at her as she ordered more. The Bartender came back with two more and claimed that the drinks were on the house. Obviously flirting with her.

Roxas leaned forward close the guy and smiled at him. "Just don't buddy." He said coldly still smiling as his eyes turn red. The bartender didn't say anything else and just walked away, a little rattled. "Bitch." He muttered to himself and turned to Ophelia again. He was kinda surprised by his reaction to the bartender though. Roxas had never really felt jealously before. Took him by surprise. Oh well didn't matter.

Ophelia drained the other two drinks then looked up at Roxas. "What do you think of my outfit?" She said to him as she looked at his eyes then his neck and back. He was going to have to let her feed later after they all left. "I love it." He smiled and looked at the laced up outfit. No wonder that guy was flirting with her. Ophelia looked hot. Roxas blushed a little and looked a way real quick. He knew she was high at the moment, but he was still embarrassed to blush in front of her. He squeezed her hand and leaned in to kiss again. "You look fantastic tonight. I bet others would love to be me right now." He laughed then kissed again. "How would you like to dance with me?"
Roxas raised his eyebrow to Morthos' "buddy" comment. He didn't want to be rude so he just nodded his head. "We haven't really spent that much time together so how about we get to know each other first. That'll also help me be your wingman later tonight." He smiled. He wasn't sure how much he was going to tell Morthos about himself, but he figured it would be nice to know more about him. "So where would you like to go?"
Everyone walked into the tattoo parlor and the other three went to get their tattoos done. "What would you like sweetie?" The lady asked as Roxas watched Ophelia disappear into the other room. "I have something else I'd like to get too on top of the guild emblem." He smiled and handed her a piece of paper with an emblem on it. The lady looked up at him with a grin and took him into the back room. "Alright lets start on this." Roxas laied down and took off his blazer. "Put it on each arm please."

"So why the Phantom Thieve emblem?" As the gun hit his arm, Roxas didn't even flinch and then snickers. "Lets just say there's a reason why my outfit is the way it is." The girl Only nods and finishes up the tattoos. "Well I guess if you're going to be a Phantom Thief then you might at well make it known." He looked over at the woman and smiled. She had no idea what that meant to him and no one would. "Thank you for your time." He paid then put his blazer back on and walked out to see the other three on the couch. "Did you guys get what you wanted?"
Roxas snickered as the two girls left. He couldn't help but feel a little bad for them though. All they wanted was to get a little Morthos action. As Morthos explained that he and Jax weren't a couple, Roxas smiled again at them. Oh I know that, but they don't. He laughed then turned towards Ophelia. "Sounds great love." He smiled and kissed her again.

Jax agreed as well and then talked about going out that night. He knew what she was trying to do so he cut in. "Alright Morthos here's the deal. We go with the girls tonight. Once we're in though I will immediately become your wingman. Got it? You're not leaving without a date at least." He smiled then looked at Ophelia again. "Guess I better dress up nicer."

He really didn't want to do this, but he figured he and Jax became friends now so he might as well do something nice for her. Even if that meant being Morthos' wingman for the night. Well guess that means it's time to turn on the charm. All he really wanted to do was spend time with Ophelia at Cyanide though. "Like all wingmen though, I will ditch you every so often to spend time with Ophelia though." He kept smiling, but squeezed Ophelia's hand so she knew he really just wanted to be with her.
After getting back to Ophelia the fight was already over. Morthos had won and he was on his way to the medical ward. 'Looks like he did it.' Roxas laughs to himself. He was genuinely impressed that Morthos pulled ot off. Once Morthos was hauled off, the three of them when to go meet up with him. Once they got there, there was two women standing by Morthos, feeling him up. Roxas looked over at Jax and started to smile, excited to see what was going to happen. Jax shoved the two girls out of the way and was now next to Morthos. Trying really hard not to laugh, Roxas covers his mouth a little. He really started to have a hard time once the three ofthem started fighting.

"Before they offer up their phone numbers, you can do better. Believe me. Unless you want the quick lay...by all means." Once Jax had said that, Roxas knew it was on. He was only a few steps back from them. So he let go of Ophelia's hand for a second and smiled at her. "Watched this." He whispered at her then walked up to the two girls. He stalked up behind them then got real close and whispered. "It's never going to happen girls. He's 'taken' if you will." The girls seemed to jump not noticing Roxas, then he looked over at Jax and Morthos and winked at them. "Besides lady's." He put his arm around there shoulders. "That 'slut' you're talking about could rip your heads off in a heartbeat so best not to mess with her okay?" He flashed his charming smile then let them go, moving back over to Ophelia and giving her a kiss so the two girls wouldn't hit on him too. He may like to instigate, but he was notready to see what Ophelia would do to them if they came onto him too.
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