Avatar of Nate1008


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5 yrs ago
Current "Two possibilities exist... Either we are alone in this universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying". -Arthur C. Clarke
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@RoadkilBanana @Memory @Interface 2 [@TheOdeoron]

*The horde suddenly halts their assault, calmly backing away as they turn behind themselves... There stands a feminine, dragonic figure, of the same ichor like the others, petting a much larger beast like it was a cat...*

"What are you doing in our domain?"

*Akaria hissed, her voice echoing over itself within the minds of everyone here...*
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

*As a sort of experiment, I send a void clone outside the barrier. It just stands there like a physical shadow, not moving or even showing signs of life besides the energy emitting off of it.*

*The creatures outside don't seem to acknowledge the clone, they simply keep assaulting the barrier; some begin vomiting purple sludge onto it... Whatever the stuff is, it seems to have a degrading effect on the protection spell...*
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

"I'm sure I could find a way to give you the freedom of speech... If you cease this... Attack?"

*Mumbles and roars echoed from outside the barrier, though they were difficult to make out, the words "join", "merge", "entwine", and "amalgamate" where recognizable enough; the swarm seemed to be chanting, beckoning while they continued their relentless assault on the barrier... While they felt quite stupid, there did seem to be some level of individuality amongst the horde; some preferred attacking with their tails while others liked their claws... Some of the dumber ones tried biting... The ways that they moved, sounded, and behaved seemed to indicate some level of personality, even if miniscule...*
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

Cyrus: "Λάμψη και Κενό Φως και Σκοτάδι Χαράζουν τον δρόμο προς την υπόσχεση Βεβαιώνονται ότι δεν υπάρχει θάνατος"

*I mutter to myself as a dark aura surrounds me, seemingly providing some sort of a protection spell.*

"Ahem..." *I speak up* "You seem to be a creature of deceptive mercy..."

*Once the creatures realize there's a barrier, they all begin trying to smash it, punching, tail slapping, clawing, and smothering their bodies over it, trying to pull their way through... However unsuccessful, the barrier is completely covered in them, engulfed in the swarm...*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*The ice stops behind me, almost like an invisible barrier is there.*

Cyrus: @Nate1008"Alright, let's see you in action!"

*What's left of the first wave of the swarm attempts to engulf Cyrus, wrapping their claws, tendrils, and even bodies over him; it doesn't really seem like an attack, but more of a really, really big hug...*
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Holds out my hands, spiraling pale blue runes around the planet*
*A subzero chill falls across the entire planet as it succumbs to ice*

*The spell flashes for a moment, before dissipating before it can have much of an effect... It seemed that an otherworldly influence beyond this planet seems to be protecting it's greater self... Smaller abilities and spells outside of it's awareness seemed to work just fine though...*
@Interface 2 @The Odeoron

*A whole swath of the horde evaporates, leaving chunks that quickly get refilled by the masses; the horde continues onward as if nothing had happened at all... They didn't seem to have any special abilities, though their sheer numbers seemed to be enough to keep things interesting...*
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

*I raise my left hand up, making a sort of halting motion.*

Cyrus: "You seem to be a sort of creature. Tell me, do you have the tendency to fight or talk?"

*One of the larger creatures, probably a leader of some sort, lets out a monstrous roar, raising one of it's claws out as the horde began to charge forward, a sea of bodies surging forwards with fangs, claws, and tendrils readied for an onslaught; it would seem that they are in fact, the former...*
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Cyrus: "You should be concerned for your life!"

*I yell out, continuing to walk towards the giant creature@Nate1008

*It doesn't take long for the swarm to notice you, the rear portion of the horde comes to a stop while the groups ahead start splitting off and slowing down... They take a good long moment to investigate, tilting their heads and sniffing the air; many of them make low growls, hisses, and snarls, though they don't advance further... They either don't seem intelligent enough to communicate, or they don't understand...*

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

OOH! Naughty reaction to a mere kiss... should i be concerned?

*I say as my hands light up in yellow violent lightning as i turn to look at the ocean of horrors @Nate1008*

*The horde seems too preoccupied with the interaction between Cyrus to notice, though you can make out at least a few thousand creatures in the swarm...*
@RoadkilBanana @Memory @Threads of Fate @The Odeoron

*One portion of the ichor ocean seems to catch your attention... A whole swath of the pool seems to be... Moving... It doesn't take any much more than a slightly closer inspection to notice that this section wasn't an ocean of liquid, but an ocean of liquified bodies, a horde of oozing behemoths traveling onwards... They do not seem aware of you yet.*

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