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<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Waves to the fading universe*

@Stratocracy@Legend Begins@Memory@The Odeoron@Spiritblitz

Theme -->

As you all travel through the interdimensional chord outward into the vaster existence, you suddenly see, as you exit this multiversal cluster, a strong and powerful vision of a mighty bearded being weeping blue golden and glowing tears silently over a sphere he's holding.

In his hand, this sphere seems to contain an infinitude of lives and souls and beings beyond anything that can even be understood yet you are all suddenly zoomed into the sphere where you see two absolutely brilliant beings of incomprehensible glory, yet strangely human and stylish looking working together with what looks like pure light, creating something together like loving brothers.

Then the light shatters and the scene ends as the whole vision comes crashing down like a panel of glass falling from a high window of an nigh infinite apartment, and you all find yourselves on the shores of some unknown beach outside Axis 98...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

There’s—agh, if only there were some other way!

Theme -->

*Pats you on the shoulder as i shake my head gently, then turn to the ether and begin ascending as a portal opens to the Enders and Hosts of Transcendence as i prepare to leave*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Looks between you two sadly*

Now now, Prism, you are not getting sad for an old goober like me now are you? *I chuckle sadly* And as for you Benjamin! You may still have a chance to continue on, tell the tale of where you come from!
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Gurnts and then looks at the Grandfather*
Wait... are you saying what i think you're saying Alioth?


Well lookit here! First time since you stopped calling me cube guy or dude ey? I'd say that's progress no Benjamin?
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

There’s nothing we can do to help?? Tip the scales toward order??

You're kidding right? *Drops a bead of cold sweat at your suggestion* My fath.... the crap-pile above us has no such concerns as order and chaos... nor light or dark... he's somehow both at the same time, and THEN some. All you can do is run away while you still can *Smiles sombrely with a visible mana-tear dropping from my left cheek*
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

O-okay! Are you going to be okay here?

Nope! Not even in the slightest! *I grin with an over the top stupid expression and a vibe of completely depressed self-abandon*

If he interferes, one of two things will definitely happen... All of creation will be lost, or all of creation will be lost and me and C'thon with it... though i share no sympathy for C'thon and if it means i go with him then that's fine by me!
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Are they—are they able to hold him off?

*Sighs shakingly* If he actually chooses to interfere with us again, i doubt there's anything any of us can do, even C'thon for that matter... I think it'll be safest for you to complete your quest here and get out as soon as possible after this turn of events!
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

That sounds like it's bad!?

Grrrr.... you haven't the slightest... last time he showed up, he messed us up both. I think if i have anything in common with C'thon is our hatred for him!! And by messed us up, i can only say about me, as i had to completely re-create everything... very little of my old work still stands as testimony! The Enders and Hosts of Transcendence are one of them. Robust bunch those children of mine... *I say that last part with audible pride in my voice*
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

What... what happened?

Don't know... in fact, this is probably the first time in... eternities, i had to deal with him again... If there's someone i hate more than C'thon then that would be my Fath *Realizes what i was about to say and stop myself* That would be HIM!
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

I—I didn't do that, did I?

*Waves you off exhausted trying to comfort you* Nah... No... That one can't be moved or drawn his attention on us by mere 3 dimensional creatures... in fact not even I and C'thon can.... he's a prick like that. *Continues heaving*
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