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<Snipped quote by Source>


<Snipped quote by Memory>

He has Amnesia, came to meet up with pottentially people from his past that know him... to help him recover some memories?

And he.... uuuh.... @Interface


I'm about to leave... Good beer you got here! *Gets up, puts back sandglasses, and opens the door revealing some type of advanced cyberpunk city mixed with a pine forest on the other side*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I did mention that they existed.

<Snipped quote by Interface>

So you’re new to it too, huh?

Yessir! I'm a traveller myself so this should not be a surprise...
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Maybe you know what this place is by any chance?

*points the finger at my chest confused and takes off sunglasses revealing deep sapphire blue eyes and smiles friendly* Why... this is literally the first time i stumbled over this place, it seems to be some type of gathering spot for interdimensional travellers?
<Snipped quote by Interface>

I'm Prism... do I know you from somewhere?

No, not really, Just passing through...

<Snipped quote by Interface>


Name's Ben... say... how could you help us in any way that is not suspicious at all ey?

Why does an offer of help has to be suspicious? I guess some cautiousness is valid, but i was merely asking who you are looking for, perhaps i have seen them in passing...
<Snipped quote by Interface>


Name's Ben... say... how could you help us in any way that is not suspicious at all ey?


Hey feel, free to just call me Dyk *Smirks cockily then proceeds to drink from the beer*
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Who, er, are you?

Darryl, Darryl Jacksons... and you my good sirs?
@Memory@The Odeoron

Rude! *Says clearly at your whispering between each other*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Awkwardly closes the door*
I don’t recognize anyone here, to be honest with you.

Theme -->

Oh... hello strangers... *I salute while drinking some beer at a table alone in the corner of this tavern* Who are you seeking if i may be so bold?
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Your last goodbye, if you know what's good for you...

*You feel a tiny pop in your brain, almost as if something popped, perhaps a tiny blood vessel from the double encounters with me but after this you only feel a final sadistic mocking chuckle as i'm no longer felt even by you*
<Snipped quote by Interface>

You don’t know me nor the things I have been through. Leave now, never return.

@Blabbo@Stratocracy@Legend Begins

Ah Hah! Bubbay then! *Says with an over the top mocking and chuckling tone as i leave you all to ponder what just happened and i'm no longer felt, seen or for that matter, traceable as i left for larger in-betweens of the wider existence to find a spot for me to nest in*
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