MLP and Dr who cross over, and queen chrysalis would be the dr's assistant
It would be glorest.
Kaga said
Huh... that actually makes a ton of sense. Thank you.
Darog the Badger God said
I'd like some suggestions from y'all on a few things because I've finished a couple of movies, games and shows recently. - Anything thats an RPG, Action/Adventure and such. - Fantasy, Martial Arts, Anything that isn't a joke suggestion(The Room, Troll 2, Jack and Jill, etc) - Anime or not, something along the lines of the above.
Wayne said
Generic Universal Role Playing SystemAw shucks.
Wayne said
Is anyone here familiar with GURPS? I'm thinking of going over to a nearby tabletop gaming store and getting some GURPS books.
What's really gotten my attention is that it's supposed to be oriented towards realism and detail, or so I've heard. I haven't really been able to go anywhere with D&D or D20 Modern, so I'm thinking that GURPS might be a good system to try out.
Kaga said
Spam, I want you all to look closely at the gif in my signature.
Particularly, I want you to see how it is technically not a gif, and actually a jpg.
...Someone please explain to me how that's possible.
Mobliz said
I know this is a post that is few months old, but the asker's question was never fully answered.
From :
The jpg image format has no provision for animation, however, with a little JavaScript and a dash of creativity, we can easily make an "animated" jpg.
You should keep in mind that the animated jpg is not one image but a series of images that are displayed in the same place in the browser.
We start by preloading all the jpg images required in the "animation".
The second step is to use a function that changes the source of an image. Finally, we call this function repeatedly by employing the setTimeout() method.
'Animated' Jpg'
var c = 1;
/* Preloading images */
var image1 = new Image();
image1.src = "a1.jpg";
var image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "a2.jpg";
var image3 = new Image();
image3.src = "a3.jpg";
var image4 = new Image();
image4.src = "a4.jpg";
var image5 = new Image();
image5.src = "a5.jpg";
function disp_img(w)
if (c == 6)
c = 1;
var img_src = "a" + c + ".jpg";
document.ani.src = img_src;
t = setInterval("disp_img(c)", 1000);
The entire script is placed inside the HTML document HEAD section.
We start by initializing a global variable c that serves as a counter and is also a part of the image name. After preloading the images (an1.jpg, an2.jpg, an3.jpg, an4.jpg and an5.jpg), we define a function disp_img() that changes the source of images named ani. The function also checks the value of variable c, assigning it a value of 1 if its value exceeds 5. The variable is also incremented each time the function is called. The function is called after every 1 second (1000 milliseconds) with the setInterval() method.
You can customize the script and create .jpg slide-shows easily.
Joegreenbeen said
Apparently something is going to happen.