Celeste could sense his disappointment from not having known about the expedition, "after the AISE has finished construction of the area, you could participate in the next investigation mission." She offered and then added, "of course if that's what you want, it can be done." She had the faintest hint of a smile in her eyes before she turned on her heel towards the hallway, "and no, I don't believe anyone's here, I would have gotten an alert if anyone had entered besides you." the leader replied passively, the glint in her eyes had flickered back to their usual guarded appearance, the smile gone so quick it would be impossible to know if it had actually been there. To anyone else it would seem like their mind was playing games with them (sorry I had to :p ).
Meanwhile outside, Mya was growing more and more impatient and uneasy about who was watching her. She couldn't sense a thing, only the idle stillness of the air, how silent and eerie the scene was. Maybe they had left? No, she would have sensed that... Was it possible she could have missed it? Still, she would not risk going back to the rebellion at this time. She decided to wait out the day by the edge of the cliff, at least there she could watch the water and listen to the crash of the waves below .
(Sorry for replying so late ^_^' I got overwhelmed with my school work, I have a punch of projects and studying for finals to do!)