Avatar of Necolif
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    1. Necolif 10 yrs ago
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My name is Thomas, a writer who is in love with fiction and exploring how the mind works. That's about it!

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So, after not getting much interest on one of my ideas for an RP I thought I would just see if anyone wanted to do anything!

You can look to my introduction for some more details, but a TLDR is this

-I'm a writer with lots of writing under his belt
-I love to write almost anything (fantasy, horror, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi) but there are a few no go's (mystery, smut, historical, fan fiction (can also see the intro post for more details on what this extends to) and slice of life)
-Like I said before, NO SMUT. Under any context is this allowed. I know that is kind of a thing but I'm taken so that can't fly at the moment, maybe it'll change.

That's about it, I'd love to start RPing with all of you, and I wish the best!
Name's Thomas by the way, but you can call me Tom.
So, I've made a document to show everything that someone would need to get a grip of the story, and world, which will be linked https://goo.gl/szfM2X

For a TLDR: The world went to hell after a large war between everyone leaving it a radiation filled hell hole with mutants and anomalies alike, the goal depends on the writer but the general idea is to survive.

If there are any questions, feel free to leave a reply! If you're interested please PM me with a writing sample (sorry, just so I know what kind of writer you are) and anything you think I should know.

Gods bless you!
@Ellri I love the Star Wars series as a whole but was never my cup of tea for story telling, I don't know why, but I could never get into it. Sorry ;3;
@Ellri That is a tricky question, but I guess to put in a TLDR kind of answer. I would say that I wouldn't have a problem if the base of a world was used (I've done something like this with some buds where we used Skyrim as a base for a world after creating our own characters, and was really fun), so I guess I would say that it would be fine if it was based off of a world. Also using something as a base is also okay, inspiration is fine in my book. But, the second someone takes a character straight from the source, then it's not okay with me. I guess to some it up would be to say that, basing an RP off of something is fine, but using characters, stories, and other things in that nature, I wouldn't like to do. (This wasn't really TLDR..)
First things first, my name is Thomas, I'm eighteen years of age and live in a small town in Wisconsin. Most of my life I've spent writing and enjoying every bit of it. I've taken a bit of a hiatus from role-playing (outside of local D&D games and things like that) due to school work and mental illness issues, but that's a bit off topic. Like I said, I'm a writer in every sense of the word. I've made films, poetry, a few novels and novellas, a memoir or two, and all things in between. Most of my high school life was spent in a school made for the arts, and I chose writing as my major. I was taught all the basics and more by authors and English teachers alike. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to show that writing is my baby and I've been giving a wonderful opportunity to explore and get better at my art.

I'm going off what I've made for other sites like this one, and so I'm going to list what I like to write, and what I don't like to write. This a strict and may not be questioned (If I didn't list in bellow, I'm up for discussion but don't be surprised if I'm not down with it).

- Fantasy (more of a love)
- Science Fiction
- Realistic Fiction
- Horror
- Thriller
- Romance
- Post-Apocalypse

- Fan-Fiction (not judging, just not my thing, I like to create)
- Historical Fiction (love reading it, can't write it for crap)
- Mystery
- Western

Also, I thought I should add my rules for writing. I.E. what I expect of people and things that are OFF LIMITS for my writing, and my partners, unless I say so because it fits the story, character, etc.
- No sexual writing, I mean this as writing smut, or anything like that. In my own writing it's fine, but with someone else it feels intimate, and I'm taken.
- No rape, this should be obvious, I'm sensitive to the subject.
- No homophobia, transphobia, racism, pretty much no hate towards anyone, once again, obvious to why, being a part of the LGBT+ community and being a general decent human being is a must.
- Have a basic concept of the English. I mean this as make it as clean and professional as your writing ability can allow it. Bad writing and horrific grammar just makes me lose interest and such (pretty much read over your stuff before sending it my way).
- I prefer doing things over email.

This is all I can think about. I have a job so replying to things might be a bit hard and will be in burst when I have time, or are at home. General work time is from (all in US Central time), 8 AM to 4 PM. Sometimes I can reply if it's short or I have off.

Thank you for reading this, I hope to talk to you all in the future, and may whatever God, or Gods, you worship guide you in your future endeavors :).
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