Oz ate his meal like he hadn't eaten days - which was probably true actually. Between mouthfuls Oz blurted out a response to the situation. "From my few times meeting them - *scarf* - I haven't known the Order to actually lie about what they would do -*slurp*-. They have a thing for being dramatic but they generally -*crunch*- follow through with things." He downed the rest of his orange juice and finally paused to add more. "I believe they don't sleep actually. They're apparently ageless from what they've described. They may not even have to eat. I bet Rajaka still does though. He seems like the kind that would eat regardless. Heresay aside we don't have much more time. I have a hunch that a tear in the sky isn't what's going to end the world - I think it's what's on the other side of the tear that will. Opening a massive passage to the void would let in.. who knows what? I just know there's more on the other side and we really don't want to mess with them." Oz concluded.