(For those of you that don't know what a Ruler is, it is a servant who acts as a referee in the Grail War but does not actual take part in it)

Name: Joan of Arc
Master: The Holy Grail
Class: Ruler
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 159 cm
Weight 44 kg
Armament: Armor, Sword, Helmet, Flag
Likes: Order, Kindness, Honor
Dislikes: Cheaters, Liars, Chaos
Wish: None
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: A
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: A++
Class abilities:
Magic resistance: EX Magic has no effect on Joan of Arc. That being said, Joan of Arc Magic resistance does not cancel the magical attack but simple makes it as if Joan evaded it. Thus she cannot protect others with it. This magic resistance doesn't protect verse scarments of the church.
True Name Identification: B Can identity servants true name by passing a luck check. In addition can sense any servants within 10 kilometers and can overcome presence concealment.
God's Resolution: A Is given two command seal per servant in the war. In addition she can give each master an additional command seal.
Revelation: A This skill is the same as “Instinct” but also applies to all matters instead of just battle. As such it allows her to choose the best course of action.
Charisma: C By raising her flag, Joan can raise the morale of troops and unite them. It also allows other to believe in her Revelation skill.
Saint: B indicates being acknowledged as a saint. When summoned as a Servant, the ability of saint is selected one among "raising the effectiveness of sacraments", "automatic HP recovery", "1 Rank-Up to Charisma" and "production of a holy shroud is possible".
Noble Phantasms:
Luminosite Eternelle
"God is Here With Me"
Rank: A
Type: Anti unit (Self)
Range: 0
Maximum target: 10 person
When this Noble Phatasm is activated, Joan of Arc Battle Standard is shown and as a result it changes her magic resistance from avoidance to protection against all attacks including Noble Phantasms. This will result in her creating a light that cuts them off from their surroundings. Though as she takes on more damage, the flag will slowly start to tear as damage accumulates. It can also be used as a holy Lance and does bonus damage verse vampires, demons and other creatures that other weak verse holy weapons.
La Pucelle
"The Crimson Holy Virgin"
Rank: C (EX when going suicidal)
Type: Suicide Attack
Range: 1-2
Maximum target: 1
By stating the following line from her death poem “O Lord, I entrust this body to you” Joan of Arc is able to activate her Noble Phantasm. A subspecies of Reality Marble, her sword will make a conceptual crystallization weapon that represents Joan burning at the stake in an attack like Fashion. This Noble Phantasm sword becomes the Heroic Spirit of Joan of Arc herself and has a result after the battle it was used, Joan of Arc will be extinguished. When using the sword normally it is simply a C rank Noble Phantasm.