Name: Breyze
Race: Wind Fae
Fae Name: Dwuyxu Idkuwtuw (Breyze the Observer)
Tether: fan
Age: about 20
Height: 5'6
short light brown/ blonde hair , skinny build leggings long top / dress thing goes off one side , one shoulder bag full of notebooks and journals , ankle boots kinda baggy ish
quietly , watches and makes notes but does not move to help unless asked or made to
Knows a lot of random facts , enjoys watching drama unfold , is mindful of only her normin friend and no one else, ex. Will close door behind her even knowing ppl are behind
bow , arrows made of wind , the bow has a thicker front / shield thing , then behind is the bow part
Fighting style:
using artes and her bow, its used for defence and think enough to wack someone hard if needed otherwise keeps back and shots
Fae Artes:
High Artes:
Part of a lineage of famous storytellers in her human life , does not remeber any part of her human life, never really left the city of wind, but loves to write and take note of whats happening around her and the storys she hears.