Avatar of NekoMizu
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1646 (0.53 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. NekoMizu 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Are you kitten me?
8 yrs ago
Can't hear out of my left ear. lel
8 yrs ago
My mirror homies are trying to knock down the front door. Like angry avon ladies.
8 yrs ago
Neinlapeno ah ah ah
8 yrs ago
Hey diddle diddle I am a cat without a fiddle.


So it all began when I was born... *goes on a long speech about their life story from birth to present day*
And that's how I became who I am today. Good story?

My name is Mizu Neko. I am more-or-less a NEET, due to reasons I do not want to get into. So I have a lot of time to spare from my worthless life. :^) I try to draw, which after a few years of no improvement, I feel I might be improving very slightly. I guess I just needed to try more poses. I also feel I should try drawing more characters than the Mizu twins, but whatever, I'll get to it someday.

I also like to write and I feel like I am better at it than drawing, though not by much. I am working on a story called Neko no Shousetsu - Kiiro no Sekai, which basically means, "A cat's novel - The Yellow world". Which the second part doesn't really make sense. It isn't a yellow world. It's basically named that because the main character has yellow hair and the world itself is called KiiroSekai. It will have an alternate take from Neko's rival's point of view, which will be called Inu no Shousetsu - Kiiro no Sekai. I know if we went with the hair colour naming scheme, it'd be akai no sekai, meaning red world. But again, the world itself is called KiiroSekai.

I am planning other series as well, I am just trying to focus on KiiroSekai above all other stories, so Xero will have to wait, even though I had Xero in my mind much longer. I do not claim to be great at writing, in fact that's the whole reason I decided to start roleplaying in the first place.

Music I listen to is hardly varied. I either listen to weeaboo music or something edgy like Linkin Park. That's about it honestly. My favourite songs are: Basically anything from Kagerou Project, Irony by ClariS, and basically anything from Hybrid Theory or Meteora.

My favourite colour is yellow and my favourite food is orange chicken. I hate dogs and find them ugly and annoying similar to a baby. I don't have a problem with their owners (though a lot of them can be crazy) but dogs in general I just do not like. I have many fears and I am rather cowardly. Likewise, I am pretty emotional and I cry often.

I watch anime, I feel that I've hardly seen anything, but I guess I'm all right with how much I have. I'm starting to lose the whole feeling I used to have when watching anime. Not sure why, but it might have to do with a majority of its community being annoying rats. Other than that, I also try to keep up with 50+ series per season but then end up making it only a few because fuck that shit. If you wish to have my MAL account, here it is: https://myanimelist.net/animelist/NekoMizu My list of Chinese cartoons, enjoy mate. I've been getting more into manga than anime, which my list does not prove whatsoever. If you have any *new* manga you'd like to suggest, go ahead. I'd really appreciate that.

I play games, though not many. Not as much as I used to. I mainly just play Nintendo games like SSBM and Pokemon. I have a PS4 but have nothing to play on it, I bought PS3 games thinking they'd be playable, but nope. I also *sometimes, but rarely* play Runescape (OSRS) and my IGN: Sansational. My favourite game I'd have to say is Donkey Kong 64 (I wish they would bring the kongs back. Especially Chunky Kong)

In terms of language, the only thing I speak is English. I am learning how to speak Japanese, though I'm not good at it quite yet. I have taken Japanese classes for five years.

**I would prefer not to be called an Otaku, please.**

Currently watching:
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Dragon Ball Super
That one fall 2016 anime about girls and ping pong.

Most Recent Posts

@Shoryu Magami
All right, you just seemed undecided.
Also I vote for @Briza I guess.
@Shoryu Magami
I'll host the next one. If you do end up leaving for sure, I was gonna ask if I could take over or something.
@Shoryu Magami
Isn't Hetalia based on WWII? Though it's not a bunch of cute girls.
@Shoryu Magami
You think WWII is too touchy for Japan?
@Shoryu Magami
The closest to it in terms of anime is a show that's currently airing called "One Room" or whatever, but it doesn't have choices. It's basically just girls talking to themselves, which is pretty weird an uncomfortable.
@Shoryu Magami
What did we do to your beautiful thread?

Can you not tho
I found another person to commission. But it's gonna cost like 1200 points lel.
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