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<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*The Demon Sword erupts with a dark aura with the same strength as Muramasa, increasing its range and area of effect*
*Slices through you, the blade erupting into a torrent Dark Power halfway through the slice*

*I myself erupt into a massive, flowing stream of glowing gray energy, shooting up, then back down, and I form next to you*
And announcing one stratagem makes it easy to predict how the next attack will attempt to play around it, making it even easier to avoid if you do it differently.
*Shoves my palm squarely through the center of your back, and out your abdomen*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Grabs your wrist*
I'm not finished yet.
*Runs a talon through your skull*

*It impacts my head as though it hit something unbelievably solid, and I clench my fist, releasing a burst of energy from my arm to release your grasp*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>
The Endless:
*the energy is quickly overcome by amaranthine, and forced out. The pressure around me is eleviated by outward pressing Amaranthine*

It seems I cannot take it 'easy' on you.

*amaranthine swirls in my hand,becoming so dense that it warps the fabric of this dimension around it*

You will meet your end here, Nemid.

*releases the energy toward the castle, enveloping everything in corrosive Amaranthine, narrowly avoiding the other combatants*

No where to run, If you can't hide.

*Watches, calmly*
Again, with attacking the castle. I don’t understand the obsession. I’m standing right here.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Xtra Mode!
*A large X extends outward from my navi mark and digs into my chest*
Beast Out: Falzar!
*Approaches you several times faster than before and cleaves you vertically in two with Muramasa's Wrath*

*The slash is performed effortlessly with no resistance, almost as though I wasn’t even standing there. After a pause longer than it needed to be, I reach up and grip the blade of Muramasa, squeezing hard and shattering it to bits*
Your reality loves blades so, but the area of impact they carry is small, and it is easy to maneuver myself around them.
*Pushes my index finger into your chest, knocking you away*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Melody, extension chip in, download. Life Aura—Turtle Haven!
*Layers of defense auras, barriers, and shields materialize around all of our allies*

Don’t bore me any longer, please. I can always go check on Isaac personally. If he’s still alive, he still needs a minute or so, wouldn’t you say?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

It's considered a last resort for a reason.
*The blade pulses faintly*

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Copy Ability: Demon Blade.
*A sword of Dark Power manifests in my hand*

If you pull it off before the pressure locks you in place, then by all means. It was an effective demonstration for him, so I’d be more than happy to continue with something that works.

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Copy Ability: Demon Blade.
*A sword of Dark Power manifests in my hand*

Even better.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Then my UnderShirt will come in quite handy. Rhythm, extension chip in, download: Gain Chip Upgrade. Muramasa, battlechip in, download!
*A patterned red and black blade materializes in my hand*
Chip Upgrade: Muramasa's Wrath!
*The black patterns in the blade glow firey crimson, radiating with the power of the cumulative damage I've taken multiplied by itself*

Oh, one of these tricks. Y’know, Sven tried the same thing. It was the last of his attacks when he tried to resist.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*The volley of attacks connect and I place a fist on the ground to steady myself*

*The intensity of the compression continues to rise without signs of stopping*
Soon, I’ll pinpoint each if your limits exactly.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*My torso digitizes and I'm knocked away*
Dark Recovery, darkchip in, download!
*My body begins to rebuild itself*
Sanctuary, battlechip in, download!
*The ground glows with shimmering white light, halving damage while standing on it*

*Disappears from in front of you*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>
The Endless:
Your offer is meaningless to me. The only reason I am heare is the threat you pose to existence. I cannot allow you to live, any longer.

*amaranthine energy flows from my hands*


*Is suddenly in your face, and along with the constant pressure everyone else is feeling, you feel as though massive amounts of energy begins burning through you from the bottom of your feet up, and I disappear*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Gradually tears away at the space, opening it up to Outside*

*Suddenly shows up next to you, delivering a single massive-power blow to the back of your neck in the same instant, then I am gone as quickly as I was there*

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*My torso digitizes and I'm knocked away*
Dark Recovery, darkchip in, download!
*My body begins to rebuild itself*
Sanctuary, battlechip in, download!
*The ground glows with shimmering white light, halving damage while standing on it*

*Shows back up in front of you, pointing at you, unleashing a volley of transparent blasts from my fingertip into you*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

That's outside my purview.
*Punches several more holes Outside*

*Appears next to X without warning, and for him the pressure stops and immediately inverts, exploding outward from him with multiuniverse-level intensity*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Places my hand on the wall*
Impressive. Very impressive.

Easy to talk smug when every breath you’ve taken since you’ve gotten here has been thanks to mercy. But you can clearly take more punishment than even this, so let’s turn up the heat.
*The compression quickly begins to increase in power by multi-universe intervals*
Maybe you can take it, but Isaac’s poor body probably already collapsed on itself*
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